Release the Female Lead, Leave Her to Me
Release the Female Lead Ch. 65

Chapter 65: You Want to Sleep With Me Again

The Ye Wenxin before her eyes was younger and more good-looking.

There was already a Long Qing’er that upset this inner sect senior sister, and the popular Ye Wenxin naturally also became this petty and narrow-minded senior sister’s attack target.

“Senior sister, it’s not that we don’t want to ditch this person. Ye Wenxin is quite famous in our outer sect, and she’s nothing short of a little slut.” Seeing the inner sect senior sister taking the iniative to mention the topic of Ye Wenxin, the outer sect disciples immediately started gossiping.

In everyone’s eyes, Ye Wenxin had tamed this group of little brothers with her looks and did not have any real skills at all.

As for the outer sect disciples who were aware of Ye Wenxin’s torture methods dared not to say much, for fear that if they did, they would be tortured for several hours by Ye Wenxin again.

Their voices were rather loud, as if afraid that Ye Wenxin in the distance would not hear.

“Big Sister, want us to rough ‘em up?” Listening to them talk about Ye Wenxin in such a derogatory manner made the little brothers very angry.

“You guys finished memorizing your books?” Ye Wenxin took the water from Skinny’s hand and asked faintly.

The guys wore sheepish expressions. At first, they wanted to skip the afternoon class and concentrate on the manuals Ye Wenxin gave them, but who knew this time that the inner sect disciples had sent out their genuine elites, which made them want to stay.

“You guys are currently no match for them, so behave and don’t seek trouble. Let them say what they want, just remember the faces of those who spoke rubbish. Every time you see them in the future, give them a beating.” Ye Wenxin’s tone was gentle, as if she was not the ‘little slut’ those people were referring to.

“Yes, Big Sister.” Since Ye Wenxin was not angry, the guys relented but showed no intention of leaving.

“Don’t hang around here. You should also go observe some lessons. Those senior brothers and sisters have good skills, but whatever you do, don’t approach the senior sister in red,” Ye Wenxin added after some thought, offering a gentle reminder.

Unlike Gu Xiangsi’s androphobia, Long Qing’er held disgust towards men, if her little brothers sought her out, it would be equal to throwing their lives away.

“Wh…” As Skinny was about to inquire the reason from his Big Sister, he heard someone scream “Ah!” When he looked, an outer sect disciple was kicked ten meters away before passing out immediately.

“Heavens, one kick disabled the Dantian1.”

“As expected of Senior Sister Long Qing’er, a proud child of heaven…”

The crowd watching took a sharp intake of breath, and a number of disciples who initially approached Long Qing’er because of her beauty instinctively took several steps back, seemingly afraid of being sent flying by Long Qing’er too.

But even if she did, no matter if it were the other inner disciples or the elder, they all feigned ignorance.

Long Qing’er’s unruly behavior was well-known in this Azure Wings Sect.

Skinny‘s whole body trembled at the scene, once again in awe of Ye Wenxin’s uncanny foresight.

“Big…Big Sister, you’re too clever, thankfully I didn’t just send myself to death.” Skinny was glad to have saved his own skin. He bypassed Long Qing’er, who seemed unwelcoming, and went to the other senior brothers and sisters to ask questions.

Perhaps it was also because of Long Qing’er’s display, even the inner sect senior sister who had been arrogant just now became more disciplined. She obediently taught basic sword techniques to the outer disciples.

Whether in the Azure Wings Sect or other immortal sects, reverence towards the strong was an unchanging law. Immortal sects provided basic cultivation and learning methods, but obtaining advanced ones required one’s own effort through training, purchasing, or acquiring them from secret realms.

As for the usual curriculum, it was also taught by senior disciples to junior disciples until they became inner disciples and had the opportunity to find their master. It was fair in theory, but for those who worked hard yet lacked talent, it could be quite cruel.

Senior brothers were surrounded by junior sisters, while senior sisters were surrounded by junior brothers. Ye Wenxin yawned while observing a similarly bored expression on Long Qing’er’s face.

Perhaps Long Qing’er did not come to chat with Ye Wenxin out of worry that being too close might cause trouble for Ye Wenxin. So, the two of them stood there, far apart, looking bored together.

“Boss, stop standing, the outer sect elder has left.” The little brothers squeezed through the crowd of people and returned, reporting the situation they surveilled to Ye Wenxin.

“I asked you guys to go learn, not stare at the outer sect elder.” Ye Wenxin was both amused and extremely embarrassed. She thought if she took in little brothers next time, although loyalty was important, she must also test their IQ.

These little brothers were stupidly loyal and seeming to have no understanding of what Ye Wenxin truly wanted them to learn.

“Of course, we should pull Big Sister in to learn together.”

“Right, Big Sister also needs to make progress.”

The guys immediately persuaded Ye Wenxin, considering their words cautiously, afraid of upsetting her.

“Forget it, let’s go listen together. I also want to know what they can teach.” Ye Wenxin felt warmth in her heart. Most of the people she encountered here were like warm little suns, preventing the darkness in her heart from growing.

Seeing the little brothers’ expectant eyes, she also joined them and approached an inner sect senior brother.

However, as soon as the senior brother saw Ye Wenxin, he fell silent, displaying obvious deliberate hostility towards her.

“Why has this senior brother stopped talking?”

“Maybe he’s tired.”

“It’s fine, let’s go find someone else.”

Ye Wenxin was helpless, but this time she actively made her own choice and walked towards Senior Brother Yin, whom she had just been acquainted with.

Senior Brother Yin was surrounded by female disciples. He was good-looking, witty and humorous. At another glance, Ye Wenxin noticed Baili Mu was among this group of disciples as well. It was not hard to imagine how popular Senior Brother Yin was.

When Ye Wenxin walked up, Senior Brother Yin also stopped but shot a smile at Ye Wenxin.

That smile carried goodwill, as if he knew Ye Wenxin well.

Seeing this smile, Ye Wenxin finally recalled exactly where she had met this Senior Brother Yin.

Senior Brother Yin’s full name was Yin Rongxuan, one of the Alchemy Workshop’s first batch of disciples. Despite Ye Wenxin’s notoriety in the outer sect, in the Alchemy Workshop, she was absolutely respected.

However, as the Alchemy Workshop was a highly confidential matter for the Azure Wings Sect, Ye Wenxin’s fame was only known by a small portion of people. Many were unaware that Ye Wenxin had previously served as Ling Jue’s alchemy assistant, and even substituted for Ling Jue in teaching classes.

“Next, let’s talk about refining Qi…” Yin Rongxuan continued to impart knowledge, and because Ye Wenxin was present, he seemed to teach even more content, as if those basic principles were being explained for her benefit.

“Junior Sister Wenxin, do you have any other questions?” Halfway through, Yin Rongxuan even actively asked Ye Wenxin if she understood.

“Huh? Oh, I understood,” Ye Wenxin lied. She was not listening to Yin Rongxuan’s nonsense at all and was already thinking of what food she should eat for dinner tonight.

Not knowing if Yin Rongxuan had noticed her distraction, Ye Wenxin felt somewhat worried that her image would worsen. But when she raised her head, she saw all the female disciples present were glaring at her.

The way Yin Rongxuan was stirring up resentment made Ye Wenxin begin to question whether she was lucky or unlucky.

“Well, let’s give it a try since we’ve talked so much already,” Yin Rongxuan even extended an olive branch, completely disregarding what others might think.

“How about you try it with someone else?” Ye Wenxin hurriedly declined, but Yin Rongxuan was unwilling to let her off the hook.

“Junior Sister Wenxin, don’t be afraid. Everyone has a first time,” Yin Rongxuan said in such a manner. He was like a graceful nobleman, a dragon and phoenix among men. However, for some reason, Ye Wenxin did not feel her face flush or her heart race, nor did she feel any nervousness.

Upon reflection, she had encountered many heroes and talented individuals in the Martial World, but it seemed she had never felt any fondness for anyone.

Naturally, a naive little cabbage2 like this would not stir any ripples in her heart.

“I’d rather not,” Ye Wenxin continued to refuse, and Yin Rongxuan looked a bit embarrassed, seeming unwilling to give up.

“Well, aren’t you playing hard to get.” Such an invitation naturally drew the attention of others, even the inner sect senior sister who was unfriendly towards Ye Wenxin approached, her remark implying just how shameless Ye Wenxin was.

Ye Wenxin suddenly felt speechless. In this life, she did not want to get involved in these love affairs, but because of her Iceborn Constitution, she naturally attracted people.

“Senior Sister, what do you mean by that?” The little brothers’ faces also turned ugly, thinking that this senior sister had a problem with her head.

The senior brother who was clearly pursuing Ye Wenxin was now suddenly portrayed as someone being played by her, as if she was toying with him. They stood in front of Ye Wenxin, worried that this inner sect senior sister might do something even more excessive.

“It’s exactly as it appears on the surface. Do you guys even understand how to respect your senior sister? Seems like the outer sect elder haven’t disciplined you properly,” the inner sect senior sister taunted, drawing her long sword with a cold gaze. “Then I’ll teach you a lesson on behalf of your elder.”

The little brothers’ faces changed, but as cultivators in the Qi Refining stage, they were no match for this inner sect senior sister. With just a few moves, the outcome was clear.

“A bunch of rubbish still dare to act recklessly in front of me, Shen Sihui. It’s your turn next, junior sister.” The inner sect senior sister named Shen Sihui looked towards Ye Wenxin, clearly intending to give her a lesson.

Ye Wenxin remained in place, staring at Shen Sihui icily. She was ready with her silver needles. Just one needle and she could render Shen Sihui into a state worse than death.

However, just as she was about to teach Shen Sihui a lesson, someone else appeared before Shen Sihui even faster, delivering a harsh slap.

Shen Sihui was left bewildered, but upon recognizing her attacker, she did not know how to react. The one who had slapped her was Long Qing’er.

“Senior Sister Long… You’ve seen it too, it’s this little slu—” Shen Sihui had not finished her sentence when Long Qing’er delivered another slap, even harder this time, sending Shen Sihui toppling to the ground.

“Apologies to you, junior brothers. You’ve suffered unjustly. Here, these are third-grade Healing Pills. They’ll help you recover quickly. As for Senior Sister Shen, for unjustly assaulting fellow disciples, are you prepared to face the consequences?” Long Qing’er’s voice was cold, her eyes filled with chilling resolve.

If it were not for the fact that Long Qing’er remembered her current identity, she felt she would not have hesitated to kill Shen Sihui in front of her.

No one spoke as Long Qing’er unconsciously exuded a powerful aura, reminding Ye Wenxin of her best friend Long Qingyue.

It had to be said that when it came to putting on a show, Long Qing’er scored full marks.

Upon hearing Long Qing’er’s words, Shen Sihui’s face turned deathly pale. She desperately pleaded for mercy but could not break free from Long Qing’er’s grasp.

“Senior Sister Long, please forgive me… Ah…”

And in the next moment, Long Qing’er destroyed her Dantian. Shen Sihui collapsed to the ground, weakened, as if she had not yet realized what had happened.

The fear expressed by the crowd became even more apparent, and it was only now that Ye Wenxin truly understood the terror that was Long Qing’er. But when that stunning face turned to look at Ye Wenxin, the icy coldness in her eyes melted.

“This junior sister has already been quite frightened. I have no more spare medicine on hand. How about this, after class, come with me to my room, and I’ll give you something as compensation.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present gasped in shock. They thought Ye Wenxin had lucked out, but in Ye Wenxin’s mind, there was only one thought:

‘Long Qing’er, you want to sleep with me again!’

  1. – “Dantian” refers to the energy center or core within the body where spiritual energy, also known as qi or mana, is cultivated and stored. It’s often depicted as a focal point for martial artists and cultivators to gather and refine their energy, crucial for their cultivation and strength improvement. ↩︎
  2. – A Chinese slang to refer to someone who is innocent, inexperienced, or naive. It’s often used humorously or affectionately. ↩︎


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