The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife
The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife Chapter 241 – Real God

In the eyes resembling a pitch-black void, there appeared a faint ripple.

For a brief moment, Chen Ling’s consciousness momentarily returned, and the darkness in his eyes dissipated slightly, but it quickly filled his eyes again.

Sui Li’er saw that look and felt the confusion in Chen Ling’s eyes.

But Chen Ling did not stop on his path of destruction.

Meanwhile, the countdown to destruction continued.

〚 Countdown 5… 〛

“Don’t… Don’t…”

As time drew closer, Sui Li’er became increasingly anxious, her voice trembling uncontrollably. The color of her hair changed from blue to a saddened pink.

What should I do…?

Can you please not leave?

Sui Li’er’s tears flowed incessantly, but she didn’t cry out. The wrenching pain in her heart left her breathless. Even though they had only spent a short time together, all the little moments and memories with Chen Ling flashed rapidly through her mind.

But she really depended on him, really liked him.

She liked this god who was always teasing her for no reason, a bit childish at times. This god who always played tricks on her, a bit mischievous.

She liked his head pats and hugs.

Liked his smile, liked how he looked when he slept.

Liked how he secretly used the “Still Mind Spell.”

Wait a minute… The Still Mind Spell!?

Sui Li’er suddenly remembered something!

Hope seemed to ignite once more.

She immediately activated the magic energy within her body, and golden runes formed around her.

〚 Destruction Countdown, 4 〛

Familiar energy fluctuations gradually appeared, but the next second…


The spell failed to release!

Sui Li’er: ???

It failed!?


Because of Chen Ling, the entire world couldn’t use magic…

She didn’t know this.

〚 Destruction Countdown… 3!〛


Sui Li’er frantically attempted again.


I like you… I really like you, can’t you stay with me?

“I like you! Chen Ling! Wu… Hubby!”

“I don’t want this! Ah!”

Repeated failures caused Sui Li’er’s emotions to gradually spiral out of control. She screamed loudly in madness, her small hands releasing Chen Ling and her fists pounding on his chest frantically. She hoped to wake him up, struggling with all her might.

Please wake up!

Even her little feet in his embrace kicked wildly.

But then, her little feet accidentally…


Little Chen Ling received a jolt!



A glimmer of light flashed in Chen Ling’s eyes once again. His consciousness had a moment of clarity…

Just at that moment, the system’s voice happened to chime in:

〚 Ding~ Sui Sui’s despair and breakdown, points -10 trillion! 〛


Chen Ling felt a sudden pain there! His spirit shook!

What the heck!?

10 trillion!

Wow, that’s quite a huge deal!

Meanwhile, Sui Li’er in Chen Ling’s arms continued to struggle frantically while crying out: “Don’t leave! Deceiver, you said you wouldn’t leave! Sob…”

“Deceiver… Lord God is a deceiver… Sob~”

“I don’t like you anymore! I liked you! Sob… I’ll never like you again!”

“I won’t find you in my next life… Sob, deceiver… Don’t go, please…”

Sui Li’er cried out incoherently in despair.

〚 Destruction Countdown…2 〛

〚 Ding~ Sui Sui’s emotional breakdown, points -10 trillion!〛

While crying out, she kicked her little feet incessantly. Kicking little Chen Ling “bang bang bang~”.

Every time Chen Ling’s consciousness was about to lose control again, Sui Li’er would kick him awake.

The black mist in his eyes gradually dissipated with Sui Li’er’s efforts. With each kick, it faded a bit.

“Bang bang bang~”


All the black mist in his eyes rapidly dispersed!

〚 Destruction Countdown…1 〛


A voice from the communicator entered Sui Li’er’s ears. She desperately looked up at the sky, gazing at the world on the brink of destruction, and let out the most agonizing scream in history.

Her throat split directly, and her vocal cords tore apart on the spot. Hoarse and unpleasant, a few drops of blood sprayed from her mouth, splattering on Chen Ling’s face.

〚 Destruction Countdown…0 〛


The world began to collapse from the palm of Chen Ling’s raised hand…

〚 Ding~ Sui Sui’s collapse and despair, points -100 trillion! 〛

Chen Ling’s eyes suddenly lit up!

At this moment, he finally regained his consciousness.

He lowered his raised arm and grabbed Sui Li’er’s petite body, lifting her high up. Otherwise, her little feet would keep kicking little Chen Ling.

Even though he was a god, he couldn’t withstand Sui Li’er’s attacks on that place. With a pained expression on his face, he endured the intense pain and first repaired little Chen Ling!

Meanwhile, Sui Li’er continued to wail in agony, her and hands and feet still struggling frantically.

Chen Ling took a deep breath, and the darkness on his body disappeared instantly. A holy light flashed, a light that could illuminate the entire world.

Several pairs of holy wings that could protect the world suddenly spread open behind him. Shedding a few feathers and points of light.

〚 Time Stop 〛

The voice contained endless power, and blue energy instantly swept through. The entire world stopped running at this moment, including the collapsing space.

The entire world turned blue.

〚 Warning! Warning! Magic and Technology Plane No. 390, dimension anomaly!〛

Everyone in the main god realm: ???

“Time stop?”

“What the heck!?”

“Does the Divine System have this function?”

“Temporal freeze… Isn’t this an ability only angels possess?”

“No, wait… 1… 2, 3… 16 wings? Is he a 16-winged angel?”

“A hybrid of a demon and an angel!?”

The 16-winged angel represents god.

Everyone looked at Chen Ling in the dimension mirror with confusion.

Without a doubt, the entire dimension where Chen Ling was located had been frozen by him.

The students in the God Vocational Academy didn’t actually possess god-level power; they were at most demigods. Only after rigorous assessment and graduation did the master god bestow upon them true divine power.

The academy’s dean opened his mouth to say something but was left speechless with shock.

Internally: Chen Xing! Why did you send your son, who has already become a god, to the God Academy? Are you crazy? Your son is really good at pretending! Everyone was deceived by him!

Because he was Chen Xing’s son, the dean had secretly observed him when he enrolled and found that his strength was indeed average, not at god level. Now the dean felt like he had been fooled by the father-son duo. This guy came just to cause trouble!

In reality, Chen Ling just wanted to lay low; he had no need to expose his true strength. As he always said; keep it low-key…

Lin Moyu’s mind was nearly blank. Chen Ling was already a real god… A 16-winged angel? Higher rank than herself?

It’s worth noting that not all beings with god-level power are gods who manage worlds. Divine interns and real gods are two different things. Divine personnel/interns have Divine Systems but it is a profession that requires reaching god-level power, while real gods simply possess god-level power without a specific profession.

Chen Ling was supposed to be a real god but was forced to become a divine intern.

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