The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife
The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife Chapter 243 – Confession

While Sui Li’er watched the world automatically repair itself, Chen Ling opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and softly said: “I will never let you get hurt again.”

“I will never leave you.”

“No one will be allowed to harm you.”

“Hmm?” There were still tears in Sui Li’er’s eyes, but her face displayed a genuinely happy smile. She gazed at Chen Ling with joy.

Chen Ling found himself captivated by her teary silver eyes.

He didn’t want to wait any longer. He didn’t want to be passive anymore. He just wanted to protect her openly, touch her openly, embrace her openly, kiss her openly, and love her.

From this day forward, the person in front of him was Chen Ling’s woman.

Even if he had to spend a thousand years in this world, becoming a broken god or whatever else, it didn’t matter as long as she was with him.

With her around, everything was beautiful…

Even if he went on interdimensional journeys, he wouldn’t want to go without her.

No one could stop him – not Lin Moyu, not the Master God, not even his own father!

After taking a deep breath, Chen Ling looked at Sui Li’er and spoke.

“I like you.”


Sui Li’er’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. The smile on her face instantly turned into surprise.

(What did Lord God just say?)

Chen Ling’s eyes gazed at Sui Li’er tenderly, and he leaned in gently.

Sui Li’er: ???

( What is he… going to do… a kiss….)

Sui Li’er’s face immediately turned red.

( Did he just confess his feelings? He said he likes me? )

( After the confession, is he going to kiss me? )

( Or did I hear it wrong ? )

Sui Li’er’s heart was pounding wildly like a bouncing ball.

She stared blankly as Chen Ling got closer and closer, her heart beating faster and faster.

Then, Chen Ling suddenly closed his own eyes and gently kissed her slightly moist red lips.



Me and Lord God are in love!?

〚 Ding~ Sui Li’er, emotional anomaly, +10 trillion points! 〛

Her little head went completely blank!

Then Chen Ling gently pulled away, softly saying: “I said I like you, you dummy.”

However, Sui Li’er couldn’t hear anything…

Her mind was still completely blank, her gaze vacant.

Chen Ling couldn’t help but smile and cast a 〚 Still Mind Spell 〛 on her.


Sui Li’er: ???

( What just happened? )

Chen Ling chuckled and pinched her little face, speaking loudly: “I said I like you, you dummy!”



Just as Sui Li’er had been calmed down by the spell, she immediately heated up again!

〚 Ding~ Sui Li’er’s emotions are abnormal, points +100 trillion!〛

“Did you really say it?” She stammered, overwhelmed with excitement.

“I… I also… I also like…” At this moment, her heart was pounding so fast that she could hardly breathe, and her voice trembled to the point of incoherence.

( I also like you! )

“I also like… Mmm…” Before she could finish her sentence, Chen Ling sealed her lips with his.


With a soft sigh and a tilt of her head, she fainted happily into Chen Ling’s arms.

Chen Ling: ???

He quickly checked Sui Li’er’s physical condition:

〚 Target Sui Li’er: Due to emotional ups and downs and excessive mental energy consumption, has fallen unconscious.〛

“Well…” Chen Ling laughed and kissed her red lips again.

Smooth and tender~

He couldn’t resist giving her another peck~

〚 Ding~ Announcement to all! Class 3-A divine intern, Chen Ling, violated the rules by falling in love with a mortal. Please break up immediately, or face a daily deduction of 100,000 points! 〛

What had to come, came.

At this point, Chen Ling had already come to terms with it.

He couldn’t help but comment, “Why are they so stingy? They should deduct more.”

Meanwhile, in the Magic and Sword Dimension, Chen Ling’s good friend, Mo Suyan, heard the announcement and couldn’t help but exclaim, “I can’t believe it! Chen Ling!?”

He looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression, as if feeling abandoned by the world…

We promised to stay single forever as best friends…

And now, I’m the only one left single?

You, damn it… Why hasn’t my artwork arrived yet?!

You little punk, you really are in love!

Neglecting your duties! Losing your ambition!

I am so angry! Madness!

〚 Ding~ Warning! Year 3, Class A divine personnel, Mo Suyan, emotional instability, danger level: D. Mentors, please pay attention and guide him to avoid losing control.〛

Lin Moyu: ???

Why are you here to join in the fun?


Watching the world, which had almost been completely restored and seemed as if nothing had happened, Lin Moyu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Turning to the dean, she said, “I’m sorry, Dean. It’s all my fault for not keeping an eye on him.”

“Yes, yes…”

The dean nodded faintly, his eyes always fixed on the dimensional mirror showing Chen Ling and Sui Li’er.


Lin Moyu felt a bit anxious. What did those “yes, yes” mean? Was he disappointed in me? Am I going to lose my job?

She looked at the other mentors around her and realized that none of them cared about what she had said. They were all staring at the dimensional mirror in front of them.

Some of them even had familiar smiles on their faces, which was… the auntie’s smile?

Lin Moyu: ???

What are you guys doing?

Nobody paid any attention to her, and everyone was focused on Chen Ling and Sui Li’er.

Although Sui Li’er was in a deep sleep, Chen Ling wouldn’t let her off easily. From time to time, he lowered his head to give her a kiss, as if one kiss was not enough.

After a while, Chen Ling raised his head and looked at the world, which had already been completely restored.

With a thought.


〚 Time Stop released! 〛

The world returned to normal, and it seemed as if nothing had ever happened.

The pressure that had enveloped everyone and the fear that had covered the entire world instantly disappeared.

Everyone: ???

What’s going on?

Did I get reincarnated? Is this a new world?

〚 Ding~ 97 Dark mages are ecstatic! Points +26 billion! 〛

At this moment, those dark mages looked at the scoreboard in front of them.

It read, 〚 Current points: -116 trillion… 〛

Although the world was not destroyed, but… what does this score mean?

Vacation, here I come! Wuhuu!

〚 Ding~ Points +26 billion…~〛

Points are increasing casually~ After all, there are more than 100 trillion in negative~

The Dark mages were celebrating.

Mi Jiu climbed up from the ground, looking at the sky in disbelief. The world was back to normal?

Chen Ling didn’t destroy the world!

That’s great!

However, she once again revised her perception of Chen Ling’s strength. With a single thought, the world had collapsed in an instant…

What a terrifying power, truly worthy of a god!

Her admiration for him soared to an unprecedented level.

And just at that moment, her communicator suddenly rang. It was the Twelve Star Leaders chat group:

〚 The world was restored? What’s going on? 〛

〚 Who stopped him? 〛

〚 Did he die? Or did he change his mind about destroying the world? 〛

〚 I’m going to the Flame Blue Secret Realm immediately! I must find that person! 〛

〚 Jiu’er? Are you okay? 〛

Chen Tianming was still concerned about Mi Jiu.

〚 I’m fine… I’m going too! 〛

After saying that, Mi Jiu also flew towards the Flame Blue Secret Realm.

Because her master had said before that he didn’t want others to know his identity. She had to go and provide cover for him.

At this point, the people in the world had already resumed their activities.

But they still had lingering fears, and no one knew who had been speaking just now and what he had done. The fear of death had not completely dissipated, and no one dared to speak loudly.

Who was that just now!?

Could it be the dark mage targeted by the recent extermination order? But didn’t the Dawn bell already ring?

Chen Ling was slowly walking towards the group of boys, carrying Sui Li’er with him.

No one could see Sui Li’er, but they could see Chen Ling. They had regained their ability to move, but no one dared to move.

Chen Ling had returned to his normal appearance, but in their eyes, he was still the demon from before.

Every step he took was light, but the entire place remained silent, and his footsteps could be clearly heard.

“Dung~ Dung~ Dung~”

It felt like he was stepping on the tip of their hearts, and they didn’t dare to move!

Even the instructors present were no exception. They were filled with confusion and fear.

Did a Curse Master really have this kind of power!?

Then he’s not a Curse Master, is he…

Is he a Forbidden Curse Master?

It seems even scarier than that!

This included the previously arrogant Luo Shifang. He was trembling all over at this moment because Chen Ling was looking at him!

In his heart: Is this guy a human or what!?

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