The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 42.1

Chapter 42: First Adventure

“Is this a gryphon?”

Several individuals, not having encountered high-level magical beasts, let alone gryphon, couldn’t resist crowding around.

The gryphon cub wasn’t particularly striking but it is oddly cute, drawing little attention. Yet, there was a faintly dispersing magical array on its forehead.

Apart from a bunch of hair, the cub was identical to its parent.

Amos, on the verge of boasting about his beloved pet, chuckled, “Indeed, a golden gryphon. It is just born four days ago, a healthy little lad.”

His fatherly smile left Aresia speechless. She glanced at Karina, who was fixedly watching Amos but seemed cool by the fact that Amos had shattered his prestigious image, instead mirroring a similar smile.

This had fascinated her, its seems she is deeply inlove to her brother and cannot be saved.

“It’s really small and its eyes haven’t been opened yet.”

An adult gryphon could reach three meters in length, while the curled-up cub lay in Amos’s hands, hardly resembling what they’d grow into.

Regarding the care of gryphon cubs, Amos lacked knowledge, so he studies a lot of stuff about gryphon.

Hearing this, he said, “It will take atleast a month before the eyes can really open.”

“What does it eat?”

“Fresh strips of meat, finely cut. Don’t worry; it already has teeth. It eats quite a lot in one sitting.”

Initially asleep, the cub was disturbed by the surrounding crowd. Nestled in a bird’s nest specially crafted by Amos, it shook slightly, raising its head with half-open eyes, emitting a series of chirps.

“Look, it’s hungry again. I just fed it before I came here.”

Proficiently, Amos took a prepared strip of meat and began feeding it.

Indeed, the cub had a hearty appetite; a caterpillar-sized strip was quickly devoured. Only after a few more did it stop its plea for food, yet its beak remained open.

Amos fetched some water and added a nutrient solution, obtained from a beast merchant, meant to accelerate the cub’s growth.

Soon, the satisfied cub fell asleep again.

As the group observed Amos caring for the gryphon cub, blinking in astonishment, they couldn’t contain their curiosity any longer.

“Amos, if its okay. Can we ask? Is this a contracted Beast Companion?”

The person speaking was the assassin, Vic, a lean and agile youth who seemed quite clever. He closed the distance between them with ease.

Amos glanced at him. Initially, he had intended to keep this little secret from Aresia until the gryphon cub arrived. Even though he knew Aresia and her future teammates would be sharing the incantation for the Beast Companion contract, he hadn’t planned on revealing it so soon.

Amos admired this; in their line of work, especially for knights like them, trust among teammates was crucial. Building trust wasn’t instantaneous. Aresia, his future teammate, received his trust first before expecting it in return, a form of fair exchange.

Upon hearing Vic’s question, Amos nodded and proudly proclaimed, “Yes, Andalucy is my Beast Companion, and indeed, my combat companion.”

Observing his response, Vic and the others exchanged glances. Vic queried further, “What does it feel like to sign a Beast Companion contract?”

However, Amos sidestepped the inquiry with a vague response, “You’ll know when you find your own Beast Companion.”

Understanding the spiritual connection and absolute trust between those who signed the contract was challenging. The sensation was remarkably unique and addicting. Amos, even now, at the moment of contract initiation, felt a resonating voice deep within his spirit, a voice of youthful wonder.

He turned to Aresia. Despite her lack of intention to select a Beast Companion, he attempted to persuade her otherwise, “Aresia, you should really choose a magical beast egg to nurture. In Holy Lotean City, there are several high-level magical beast eggs available. It would be a missed opportunity if you overlooked this.”

Aresia shook her head firmly, “Raising a Beast Companion is too costly and time-consuming. I don’t have the luxury to take care of it right now.”

Finishing his attempt, he turned to Karina and the others, “But perhaps you guys could consider choosing one—a magical beast egg. Starting with a hatchling might suit you better than fully-grown magical beasts.”

The group pondered his words.

Amos nodded approvingly. In the Legion, several individuals already possessed Beast Companions, and some were magical beasts. Although obedient and affectionate, like Andalucy, magical beasts were introduced into battle earlier. However, their shortcomings were evident. The contract couldn’t entirely suppress their wild nature.

Outside their contract holder, they could display aggression. Even with the contract holder, while they wouldn’t attack, signs of reluctance or passive resistance were visible. Transforming them into obedient beings demanded significant effort. The Legion was swarming with frustrated contract holders unable to manage their beast. Amos, observing this scene, felt increasingly fortunate to have chosen a magical beast egg.

While cubs were challenging to tend to, at least they were obedient—for now.

Unknown to Amos, maintaining a cub’s obedience was temporary. It would become a headache once they grew a little older.

Amos brought the gryphon cub not just because he didn’t trust anyone else to care for it but mainly for Aresia to see and inquire.

“I’m a bit skeptical about the nutrition the beast merchant provided. Can you help me check them?”

Amos had received a nutrient solution for the gryphon cub, often used to water magical beast eggs provided by Aresia. The cub was growing healthy and significantly larger. When he praised the nutrient solution Aresia provided, he noted it to be particularly effective.

However, the nutrient solution from the beast merchant left him uneasy. The cub didn’t like the taste, and diluting it to remove the flavor made feeding difficult. Moreover, the merchant’s intentions were questionable. They sold the nutrient solution for cubs, but their care for the cubs was uncertain. Amos couldn’t be sure if the solution had any inhibiting effects on growth. This wasn’t the result he wanted.

Aresia took the nutrient solution Amos brought and, after sniffing it, remarked decisively.

“It really didn’t smell good. In addition to the medicinal smell , there was also a very fishy smell similar to offal.

She also added. ” There is nothing bad in it, but it is not nutritious either, and the effect of this is not as good as giving your gryphon some more meat. You can just continue to use the one I gave you.”     

Amos cursed in a low voice: “I knew they were deceiving me.” 

The trend for Beast Companions had stirred up a frenzy. Beast merchants swarmed in like sharks scenting blood, unveiling new things related to magical beasts. However, the time window was short-lived, and not everything that glittered was truly valuable merchandise.

Due to Amos’s cooperation, the others were curious about Beast Companions, and mingled. They surrounded Amos, inquiring about recent rumors. Amos didn’t hold back; he shared what he knew willingly, and those uninterested tactfully refrained from pressing further.

As the conversation meandered, it circled back to the topic of Beast Companion contracts—their professions, and what magical beasts would suit them best.

This question, in reality, had no straightforward answer. Aresia knew more than anyone, having a deep understanding of the needs of magical beasts for professionals.

Others harbored doubts. Magical beasts were going to be a specialized course in schools, and Aresia’s performance will probably stood out. Additionally, the pet contracts originated from the Duke’s household, suggesting Rogest had done substantial research. Aresia, undoubtedly, was knowledgeable, which made her uniquely adept in this field.

While they might have an idea about which Beast Companion to choose, obtaining the magical beast itself wasn’t easy.

The ideal beast companion was a high-level magical beast, but the higher the level, the costlier. It wasn’t easy to acquire one.

The likes of Jorgus had resources. Although their backgrounds weren’t aristocratic, they had a certain foundation. Jorgus, a wealthy merchant, and Vic’s parents, skilled professionals of high rank, were striving to find suitable Beast Companions.

That’s not the case for Karina. Despite her family’s current dire situation. Even if they are not and she had the means. It is impossible for her parents to spend so much money on her Beast Companions—having the wealth, they were more inclined to prepare pets for themselves or Karina’s brother.

So acquiring an excellent Beast Companion was indeed challenging for her.

At this moment, Aresia comforted Karina, patting her shoulder, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you find a suitable magical beast egg that suits you.”

In her optimistic manner, Karina quickly cheered up, “No problem. Once I register as an adventurer, I’ll capture a fitting magical beast!”

As these words were spoken, even Amos, who usually minded his sister’s friends, seemed to view her differently.

The profession of an adventurer wasn’t common. It usually wasn’t for ordinary people but for professionals; a noble sibling becoming an adventurer was exceedingly rare.

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