The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 42.2

Karina’s mood seemed lifted, and others voiced their support. There was a sense of camaraderie among them. Amos had cast a different light on Karina.

The carriage moved toward the city gates, heading to the outskirts, toward the remote countryside. Holy Lotean lay on a flat plain with surrounding woods. The edges of these woods were periodically cleared, creating stretches of wilderness. In this world rampant with magical beasts, villages of such scale were rare. Most clung tightly to the safety of the city, making remote areas almost devoid of human presence.

This remote area, which was once desolate, now housed several people dressed as adventurers nearby.

This destination was suggested by Amos. The Gryphon Legion stationed there and knew the surroundings well. Amos often led patrols, familiar with suitable hunting grounds.

The carriage passed by people on the side of the road, continuing its journey.

“Many magical beasts outside the city have been reduced in numbers. Even those a bit farther can’t be spotted. Safety has significantly increased, since you need to go further in the wild.”

Nearby, there was a significant scale of capturing magical beasts. Although the usual target was to capture higher-level beasts alive, the lower-level ones weren’t spared from difficulty. Unlike the higher-level captures, these lower-level magical beasts weren’t captured but were rather brought back as food, killed in the process.

This world had its regular wildlife. As the population of wild magical beasts increased, the ordinary animals in the wild either faced extinction or evolved into magical beasts. The few remaining ordinary animals were either kept by certain tribes or were livestock raised by humans. However, the meat of these ordinary animals didn’t suffice for professionals; they favored magic-infused beast meat for nutrition. Each professional needed a considerable amount of magical beast meat for their physical well-being. Despite being costly, some professionals resorted to lower-level magical beast meat for its quantity over taste.

With a batch of higher-level magical beasts captured and brought to Holy Lotean City, the demand for magical beast meat within the city soared. Many tasks for purchasing magical beast meat emerged, offering substantial prices, leading to the unfortunate plight of the beasts outside the city.

Amos joked, “Within a hundred miles outside Holy Lotean City, I’m afraid even a first-level magical beast can’t be found.”

First-level magical beasts, though possessing special powers and enhanced bodies, were no match for ordinary people in combat. They excelled in reproduction, with rodents nearly omnipresent. However, their existence was threatened as they were hunted ruthlessly due to the increased capturing of magical beasts.

Observing the roadside conditions, Aresia realized their current setting wasn’t appropriate. Their carriage drew too much attention, and the countryside atmosphere wasn’t conducive to their purpose.

Prepared beforehand by Amos, the carriage finally halted near a dense forest. Amos was the first to leap off the carriage and offered a helping hand to Aresia, but she had already disembarked gracefully. He decided to offer his hand to the next person who will disembark and it’s no other than Karina whose face became flushed red in no time.

“From here, we proceed on foot.”

Amos carefully retrieved a gryphon cub from a nest and tucked it into his chest. A slight alteration had been made to his armor to secure the cub without causing harm.

“Whether we can find a suitable prey today, depends on your luck.”

In this countryside setting, finding magical beasts was difficult, and finding those suitable for the trial team’s needs was even more so. Amos brought the gryphon cub, using it as bait for a particular purpose.

Lower-level magical beasts feared the aura of higher-level ones. If a lone cub of a high-level magical beast was found, it was usually killed, following a rule of the magical beast world.

The horse-shaped magical beasts didn’t need any handling. The coachmen stayed with the carriage. Each took their belongings and started the journey on foot. The forest paths weren’t suitable for horses, and even Jorgus’s horses stayed behind with the carriage.

The previously wild route had become challenging. Upon entering the woods, the surroundings darkened, thick with wild grass and shrubs. A proper path was impossible to find, making progress increasingly difficult.

Despite the struggle, the warriors were accustomed to such terrains. Although the road became harder, their impact wasn’t diminished. However, for Aresia and Karina, being nobles, it was quite a suffering experience.

Karina was inexperienced in traversing these mountainous paths. She followed Aresia, struggling step by step. The ground was uneven, causing her to stumble frequently. Mosquitoes swarmed around, and without any preventive measures from Aresia, she would have been covered in bites.

As they progressed, the path grew more challenging, and the fatigue settled in. Their legs felt heavier with every step, as if weighed down by lead.

Biting her lip, her face reddened, sweat soaked her well-groomed hair, presenting a disheveled appearance. Despite being reliant on her physical strength, she was, after all, a noblewoman not accustomed to such rigorous activities. Her body wasn’t trained, possibly carrying injuries. Walking in such a difficult terrain was a torment, no less than for Karina.

Despite Aresia’s silent suffering and discomfort, she endured. Her resilience was strong, allowing her to persevere through her physical discomfort.

The expressions on the faces of the two kids weren’t missed by anyone, especially Amos, who led the way. He was Aresia’s brother, and his demeanor held a slight touch of amusement when his consistently delicate sister rested. At these times, he would firmly instruct her, emphasizing the importance of taking breaks instead of pushing through the trials and ending up even more exhausted.

As a result, both kids, one more stubborn than the other, trudged on, visibly fatigued, halfway through the journey.

It was Jorgus who stopped first, suggesting, “We’ve been on the carriage all morning, walked quite a distance since, and its almost noon. Shouldn’t we find a place to rest and grab a bite?”

Amos nodded silently, “If I remember correctly, there’s a river nearby, a bit wider. Let’s rest by its side.”

Apart from the two kids, the other five were seasoned in wilderness survival, knowing where to find water sources and which areas were safer for camping. Soon, they found a suitable spot to settle.

The river in these woods was shallow but fairly wide, roughly seven to eight meters across. Despite its breadth, it wasn’t more than a meter deep, and the riverbed’s stones were visible, hosting a variety of fish.

The swift flow of the stream carried a cool breeze along the banks, making it a refreshing spot. Jorgus inspected the area, ensuring it was safe, instructing the two kids to clear up a bit.

At this moment, Amos wasn’t just a bystander. His purpose was to provide a safety net for them. He knew the dangers lurking in these woods, and the heap of magical artifacts and scrolls his sister carried ensured their safety.

Aside from avoiding their mother’s nagging, Amos had his reasons for being here. Sitting on a nearby rock, he amused a recently awakened gryphon cub, observing the hustle of the others, including the kids, by the stream.

He looked at the two girls, washing their faces by the stream.

“They’re stronger than I thought.”

Jorgus, while busy collecting firewood nearby, glanced uncertainly, unsure if Amos was addressing anyone in particular. Seeing no reaction from Amos, he responded, “Yes, I’m quite surprised too. Even I, to Miss Aresia, suggested a simpler method for them to train with magical beasts, but Miss Aresia insisted on coming to the wilderness herself. And not a single complaint along the way has completely changed my initial impression of her.”

Jorgus remembered their first encounter vividly, a moment when he bought a spotted horse and attempted to train it on the school’s field. In a fleeting glance, amidst the turning of the horse, he caught sight of a young girl in a simple dress, her long golden hair draped over her shoulders, walking through dappled shadows as though wrapped in starlight.

Radiant yet somehow surreal.

Their paths crossed again, and Jorgus realized early on that this person of the magic department had an unusual habit of overlooking classes, often gazing lazily out of the windows to observe the activities on the field below.

It wasn’t just her dazzling presence that left an impression, it was something more.

The moment they colided an aroma distinct from perfume or flowers, an aroma from a complex potion that wasn’t unpleasant, rather oddly calming and serene.

And here she is, possessing a fragile exterior but showing no fear of hardship. Their journey, considered challenging by many, was endured without complaints. It wasn’t just the absence of complaints. She also have the ability to comfort the exhausted Karina, although she herself is also exhausted.

 With a strangely calm demeanor that added a layer of complexity to her personalities, makes her truly quite unique.

  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago


  2. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    I’m glad Karina is getting her moment to shie. Focus is on MC sure but my girl is IN THE BACK XD


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