The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 44.2

She nodded in agreement with her mother’s words, adding, “Indeed, she’s grown quite a lot, and Mom, you might not know this, but Karina not only possesses magical abilities but has a rare affinity for spatial magic.”

“Oh? She has an affinity for spatial magic?”

The two paused their eating, turning to Aresia.

An affinity for spatial magic was indeed a rare gift, one hardly found in the entire empire.

Aresia told the story about Karina re-tested her magic, and found different results this time.

“The teacher responsible for the testing is still teaching and his term will end this year. We plan to let his term end so that it will not affect the students his teaching. We plan to report him after his term ends.”

Grysenna furrowed her brow, she felt that her daughter was a little too soft. A mere noble mage with a title didn’t need such caution.

Amos sighed, expressing, “I’ve heard that the results from the magic stone tests aren’t always accurate. I have never seen anyone or known anyone misjudged their magic gifts, this is the first time. A regrettable mistake.”

Regarding Karina’s rare magical gift, if it were determined during the previous test, it would have attracted the emperor’s attention and perhaps led to direct enrollment in the Imperial Mage Corps. The resources available there were extraordinary, unlike here, where she wasn’t getting the attention she deserved, likely due to the local environment.

“I wonder if there was a mistake like this before.” Grysenna raised a relevant question.

“It’s not too late; Karina is resilient. Though a bit delayed, she’s recovering. A mage’s learning period is quite lengthy, isn’t it?” Amos nodded, recalling Karina’s determined nature, her persistence despite setbacks.

Grysenna sought a more practical solution, suggesting, “There is no teacher who can teach and guide her about spatial magic right? I can help, I can contact the imperial mages and inquire about a spatial magic expert in the palace.”

Aresia intervened, suggesting they refrain from that for now. They had found a beginner’s spell for spatial magic that Karina was currently studying. They should wait for the next term before considering other options.

“It would be better for the imperial family to not know about this for the time being.”

Aresia considered asking the school Headmaster, Albert, for recommendations. She was hesitant to involve the Emperor’s mages directly, fearing Karina might be swiftly taken away for training, leading them on divergent paths.

It was challenging to maintain friendships in such circumstances.

Grysenna realized her inquiry might not have been appropriate and turned to Amos, “Ask your father in the military if he knows any spatial magic experts to introduce to Karina.”

Amos nodded, affirming, “I’ll ask father.”

Spatial magic experts were exceedingly rare. Regardless of Karina’s potential, she was worth nurturing. Soliciting support, especially from the Emperor’s side, could end up benefiting someone else. According to Aresia’s views Karina’s gift should be formidable.

Moving on from Karina, they discussed other teammates.

Aresia had little insight into Vic and the others. Although investigations had been made, they lacked detailed information. Still, she trusts her comrades.

Grysenna, perhaps teasingly, mentioned Jorgus, “How about Jorgus? I heard he’s the Chief of the Warriors now? Quite an impressive fellow?”

Aresia knew the Duchess was particularly interested due to recent rumors, a matter of inquiring for clarification.

Agreeing, Amos nodded, “Indeed, he’s impressive, talented, and has a commanding presence. He has been groomed quite well. The Academy for Warriors doesn’t just offer professional courses; they have specialized training for future military leaders. It’s a highly selective course, with only exceptional talents recommended by teachers. If he trained well, he will definitely become a good leader in the future”

Amos found Jorgus intriguing. Although younger, he is almost the same height as him. He is calm, reliable and exuded confidence and that’s what his father likes about his warriors. At the time of entry, he already displayed outstanding swordsmanship, even as a knight.

Furthermore, when Jorgus reach his age, his capabilities will definitely not under his.

The Duchess wasn’t particularly concerned about mere talent or ability but was interested in something else. “How does he look? Handsome?”

Let’s make it clear once again. Our dear Duchess Rogest is a face fanatic, and a strict one at that.

Amos nodded at the mention of Jorgus, “Very handsome, tall too. Physically, he’s not inferior to me. Doesn’t look much like a kid, though his face is a tad youthful, lacking maturity.”

Grysenna was intrigued, “How about inviting your teammates over during the next break? Let Mother meet them.”

Aresia agreed, “I’ll ask them about that.”

Aresia finally speak, since it was Amos who always reply to the Duchess questions.

The upcoming break coincided with the end-of-term trials, an ideal time for school holidays and inviting guests for convenience.

Amos, just realizing, found Grysenna’s interest in Jorgus peculiar. “Why is Mother asking about him? Is it because of the school rumors you became curious about Jorgus?”

Amos knew that the Duchess was angry last night, but he assumed that it was because he let Aresia go on beast hunting. He is unaware that it was also because of the rumors circulating about Aresia since no one informed him.

Despite Aresia’s pink rumors, Amos heard about it. Although it had just reached the Duchess, his elder brother despite being in the military, often caught wind of rumors. Moreover, Amos being a good big brother, he subtly inquired about Aresia’s activities in school.

As for the rumor, he was skeptical. He was initially a victim of gossip upon entering school, rumors circulated about him switching girlfriends frequently, despite not having any girl friends.

He knew Aresia actually admired the Emperor’s Sixth son, but he is actually surprise that there is no rumors about Aresia and Prince Osweid. What surprised him is the rumors that his sister likes someone and he has not heard the name of the person involved.

From observing last night, Amos didn’t found something special between Aresia and Jorgus, they act just like normal teammates. He hurriedly said, “Mother, don’t believe these unreliable rumors. Aresia is obedient at school, busy in the lab, not socializing or dating.”

Grysenna shot a disapproving look, infuriated. “What are you talking about? I just want to get to know Aresia’s friends. Why can’t they visit?”

Truthfully, Grysenna was rather hoping the rumors were true.

It was a subtle mention by the Aresia before about the Emperor’s Sixth son, and given the proper match, it could be a good marriage prospect. But she is afraid that the marriage might indanger her daughter’s life, since Prince Osweid is still a Prince and have a capability to compete for the throne. Just thinking about the bloodshed everytime the throne changed makes her worried if Aresia was to be wed to the prince.

Grysenna felt that if Aresia really liked this Jorgus boy, and if this commoner boy is exceptional, good enough and worthy of her Aresia, then it is not impossible.

Grysenna was concerned about someone from the Emperor’s side running to inform about a possible marriage between Aresia and one of the Emperor’s heirs.

In the past, she is not worried about this. After all the power of the Duke’s palace before was not to great. But due to the latest discovery of the Beast Companion Contract, Duke Rogest power has considerably rise up, added the latest achievement of Aresia herself, it might attract a possible marriage proposal.

It wasn’t easy for the Emperor to find a suitable match for Amos since he doesn’t have a candidate that can match Amos.

But the Emperor had several of his heirs, including Osweid. If the Emperor genuinely wanted one of them to marry Aresia, it meant he was focusing on his endgame, regardless of the heir’s background.

Grysenna didn’t believe the Duke’s household could shield Aresia from the dirty politics, and she didn’t want her daughter to encounter those dirty things, that’s why although she doesn’t like the romurs atfirst, she decided to let the rumor as it is. At least everyone will know that Aresia has someone in mind, so if they outright reject the Emperor’s marriage proposal, it will only look like they were just too indulgent with their children.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    This mom is very smart. I’m glad


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