The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 45.2

Thus, regardless of gender or wealth, her accessories were remarkably intimidating.

Aresia prepared to craft a tail ring for the storage artifact, intending for it to be simple, just a plain circle—unobtrusive yet functional for everyday use.

She glanced over the bag of remaining materials provided by Aaron, the ones already arranged were placed together. She busied herself at the alchemy workstation.

White flames ignited in Aresia’s palm. Despite the intense heat, there was no sensation of warmth; it was the magical flame that could reduce a person to ash in an instant, yet to her, it was almost without temperature. Material after material was steadily fed into it.

The fire consumed impurities instantaneously, leaving behind pure extracts. The amalgamation of materials was transformed into a silver-white ring through the manipulation of magic power.

When the flames vanished, the suspended ring descended onto the alchemy workstation. Aresia extended her hand to pick up the newly formed ring and inspected it closely.

Despite being crafted moments ago with the high-temperature magical flames, the ring had no residual heat; instead, it exuded a typical icy chill of metal.

It was utterly ordinary in appearance, devoid of any patterns—a simple, unadorned circle. Aresia slipped it onto her left thumb; it fit perfectly, just as intended.

In reality, this ring itself was merely a regular decoration. It required further processes to become a genuine space ring.

Satisfied with the initial attempt, Aresia retrieved it, continuing to inscribe magical runes and circles. To craft a future space ring, sturdy defense and runes necessary for binding with the owner were being added. Having created space rings before, she was adept at it, having planned it for quite some time.

Working relentlessly until it was late, missing dinner, Aresia’s growling stomach only led her back to the dormitory after completing the final steps.

The inner design of this ring had undergone considerable changes; at first glance, it seemed almost unchanged. However, upon closer inspection, intricate inscriptions adorned the inside of the ring, the dense script covering it entirely, almost dizzying at a single glance.

Unfortunately, the Spatial Stones she received were insufficient. Aresia planned to make a semi-finished ring, but with the curfew approaching, she had to return to her dormitory to rest.

One morning, Aresia received a letter delivered by the school messenger, containing materials alongside it.

The materials included two Spatial Stones bought by the school and the rest, requested by Amos.

Spatial Stones were rare companions to high-level magical ores, scarcely found in today’s market. In the letter, the messenger mentioned not only purchasing two additional stones for the intended clients but also scouting potential sellers with collections of Spatial Stones, suggesting Aresia exercise patience.

Amos had entrusted Aresia to craft a magic wand he had long anticipated. He directly asked the school messenger to gather the necessary materials.

Receiving two Spatial Stones was a joy, especially with the help of the messenger. Aresia felt that the upcoming Spatial Ring might exceed her expectations due to the uncertain inner space.

Due to this news, Aresia’s mood remained uplifted throughout the day, evident not only in her demeanor but also in her exceptional performance.

On the contrary, Karina’s situation seemed a bit grim.

Karina, engrossed in magical training, managed decent scores in spellcasting exams, but a few written tests almost put her in jeopardy of failing.

Karina slumped on Aresia’s desk, sighing, “I’m barely staying afloat in class; I might end up failing soon.”

Aresia consoled her, patting her head, “Maybe focus a bit more on the textbooks? How about studying in the library during lunch?”

There were roughly two and a half hours during lunch break, considering time for eating and a short nap, giving them about an hour or so for study.

Karina looked up, surprised, “Aren’t you heading to the lab?”

Awaiting more Spatial Stones from the messenger and other tasks handled by the eight-armed mechanical arm, Aresia shrugged, “Not that urgent, might as well take a break for a bit.”

As for Amos’s wand, there wasn’t an immediate need to rush. Aresia planned to write a letter to Amos to confirm the specific enchantments for the wand, taking her time.

Exploring the library for information was their current plan; the royal library housed an extensive collection of valuable resources.

Karina grumbled, “I don’t understand why you’re always so serious in the lab; how do you manage perfect scores in every subject?”

Not just perfect scores, but maintaining them. How long could Aresia sustain this streak?

“Seriousness pays off. Remembered it all,” Aresia replied.

Karina laid her head on the table, her tone a mix of resentment and curiosity, “But during class, aren’t you doing something else? Can’t believe you’re so focused and attentive.”

In fact, the teachers probably knew the secret by now. Initially trying to conceal it, Aresia’s perfect scores had revealed the truth. Teachers often asked her to answer questions in class, and after numerous accurate responses, they eventually stopped.

Despite this, being not only academically accomplished but also a duke’s daughter, teachers refrained from reprimanding her, even considering leniency, seemingly turning a blind eye to certain actions.

Aresia chuckled softly in response.

For her, handling schoolwork effortlessly was the reward for her hard work.

“Shall we head to the library?”


The semester ended without failing any subjects, but Karina had to push through.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a review?” she muttered.

Despite being a review session, she skipped lunch and went straight from the class to the library with Aresia.

The subjects that nearly got her in trouble this time were Magic Language, Magic History, and Formation of Magic Patterns. All required strict memorization. There seemed to be no way around it except reading and memorizing. Without Aresia’s guidance, she might have failed several exams this time.

While Karina diligently studied nearby, Aresia wandered by the bookshelves, planning to borrow a book slowly.

When reaching for a book, she almost bumped into someone.

Aresia paused, swiftly withdrew her hand, and turned away.

The other person, looking surprised, nodded and greeted, “Good afternoon, Chief Rogest.”

In the Academy, some who is not familiar with Aresia calls her “chief”. Not everyone in the class called Aresia “chief,” some students calls her by her name, and surnames.

“Good afternoon too, Miss Wendy” Aresia replied.

Yes, the person who almost took the book was an upperclassman, a commoner and a magic enthusiast.

Wendy was a strikingly beautiful girl, meeting societal standards with grace. She exuded a refined and delicate air, her voice tender and gentle, resembling a polished pearl.

Yet, behind the apparent fragility, Aresia knew Wendy was a determined girl, not as delicate as she seemed.

Despite societal biases, Aresia acknowledged an appreciation for this type of person.

After exchanging greetings, Aresia intended to leave.

Wendy stopped her.

Seeing both reaching for the same book, she handed it to Aresia. “You were here first.”

Aresia was interested in the book so she didn’t decline, saying, “I’ll finish and return it. Do you mind waiting?”

Books tended to be in high demand.

Wendy nodded, smiling. “Let me know when you’re done. I’ll borrow it afterward.”

Aresia nodded and left with the book.

Wendy hesitated before turning away.

In a corner, a few people observed and whispered, “Is that Wendy trying to gain favor of our Chief?”

“It’s obvious. Anyone who wants favor in Rogest would come and gain favor, it’s like a play.”

“A commoner like her doesn’t fit in being friend with Chief Rogest at all.”

“She’s backed by prince Osweid family. Where did she get that support?”

“Quiet down. Gossiping about the nobility might invite trouble.”

They fell silent.

As Aresia returned to her seat, she thinks about the the incident. She was usually vigilant, but she didn’t notice when Wendy was beside her just now. The closeness she felt just now with Wendy, despite being on campus and there are also other students around her she felt so strange specially when they almost touch each other.

The sudden encounters and the intention to befriend her, made Aresia more wary. Was this girl sent from the imperial family here to gather information?

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago



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