The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 48.2

It wasn’t that surprising that some participants drew mission targets that were appropriate for their level. Those were relatively common tasks, and the range of targets wasn’t a secret. They didn’t need to investigate those.

For targets like the one Aresia drew, they were rare cases.

The fifty teams entered through the entrance of the trial grounds and immediately scattered to find their prey.

“What about us?”

Jorgus pointed to a nearby hill on the map that seemed suitable for Colaklara Grass and asked for the others’ opinions.

They discussed among themselves.

With the trap on the map, they couldn’t be sure.

The relevant information about this magical plant was well-known to Aresia.

Although Aresia didn’t hold much hope, Jorgus’ chosen direction did indeed match the growth pattern of Colaklara Grass. While Colaklara Grass was a slow-growing magical plant with a narrow range, its value was relatively high. The probability of it being transplanted into this trial ground was high. Since it was transplanted, the teachers should have placed it in a location closer to the entrance.

In other words, they should choose a more reserved and concealed location.

When they arrived at the spot chosen by Jorgus and searched carefully, they did find the Colaklara Grass.

While it wasn’t a complete success, Aresia found two relatively rare magical plants on that hill. Although they were only level one magical plants, they brought them four points of bonus.

Karina was in charge of collecting this time. She had already been assigned to the magic plant course at the school’s botanical garden to familiarize herself with these magical plants and learn how to take care of and collect them. The combat course did not include these plants, so Aresia was providing training for her.

Considering that collecting a magical plant added one point to their score and they would hand over the obtained mission items to the school, there was no need to worry about the other teams. Karina dug up one plant and took it with them.

They continued towards another location where Colaklara Grass might be found. On the way, they encountered another trial team. There wasn’t any conflict since this was only a level one trial. After completing the mission, there wouldn’t be any inter-team competition. It was relatively peaceful.

However, on their way, they encountered a group of level two magical beasts – Arrowhogs. Although these beasts didn’t use magic, they were powerful and each individual weighed around five hundred pounds. Their backs were covered in sharp thorns, making them dangerous. They were a gregarious species, with at least a dozen of them in the vicinity. Weaker professionals generally avoided provoking them.

Aresia and the others were about to go around them when they realized that another trial team’s objective was the Arrowhogs. Their plan had a flaw, as it unintentionally drew the attention of the Arrowhogs towards them. The team was immediately chased by the group of Arrowhogs, just like a rabbit being chased by a hunting pack. They ran in panic towards Aresia and the others.

The group of people who had distanced themselves turned around and were shocked by the situation. They hadn’t anticipated that they would be chased by the Arrowhogs. This trial team was immediately surrounded by the Arrowhogs and had no choice but to sound the distress flare for help. They had no other options.

The team led by Jorgus, on the other hand, had Aresia and Karina, who were clearly from the magic department. It was commonly known that the magic department wasn’t particularly strong in terms of physical stamina and speed. This may have been why the warriors didn’t know that this team was intentionally leading the Arrowhogs towards them. They thought it was just a coincidence and not a deliberate act.

Furthermore, they were hiding their faces, so they didn’t need to fear being recognized. With mages monitoring the area, they wouldn’t be able to record the scene without being noticed. Even if Jorgus and the others investigated later, they wouldn’t find anything.

The reason they dared to do this was mainly because Jorgus and Aresia were the combined chiefs of their respective departments. They were acting as the catalyst for the trouble that had arisen. As long as they didn’t know who was behind it, they had no choice but to change the team members.

Aresia heard their plan as they were discussing it.

Karina, who was next to her, was breathing heavily. Without hesitation, Aresia drew her wand from her waist and cast a levitation spell, causing them to float.

As the group of people around them stared in astonishment, Aresia took Jorgus and the other six people and floated ten meters into the air.

The people on the ground looked back in surprise, and immediately panicked. They started running away.

Vic shouted as he ran, “Don’t follow us! Run in a different direction!”

Chasing after them would only put them in danger!

As a result, some people either didn’t hear or chose not to listen and continued chasing after them. As the group of Arrowhogs got closer and closer, Jorgus and the others disappeared from view.

“Damn it!”

The group of people who were chasing after them were shocked when they lost sight of them.

If they continued chasing after them, they would be in danger. It was better for them to run away.

Squinting her eyes, Aresia glanced at the group of people who plotted at them as they continued running without stopping. They were being chased by the group of Arrowhogs.

“They’re worth five points each. How many should we hunt?”

The score for magical beasts and plants was one for level one, five for level two, and ten for level three. They didn’t have to worry about hunting more than they needed.

The Arrowhogs were faster than the magic department students, and if they continued running, the Arrowhogs would catch up to them sooner or later. If that happened, they didn’t have any other options left except to activate the distress flare and call for help.

Jorgus team however, had Aresia and Karina, who were clearly from the magic department. The magic department was known for not having great physical stamina or speed. The warriors probably thought that they couldn’t handle it.

It would be a shame to let this group go without hunting a few of them. Jorgus and the others were surprised to hear this from Aresia and immediately became interested.

Without hesitation, Sade shot an arrow at one of the Arrowhogs, and Karina wiped off her sweat and chanted an incantation with her magic wand, casting a fireball. Meanwhile, Jorgus and the other three warriors, although they were melee fighters and not fully prepared, saw that Vic had taken out a rope and attached two round stones to the ends. They quickly fashioned a slingshot and threw it at the nearest Arrowhogs. The slingshot entangled the legs of the running Arrowhogs, causing them to trip and fall heavily.

While the other Arrowhogs ran away, Sade continued shooting arrows at several fallen Arrowhogs, and Karina’s fireball landed on their backs, burning and severing some of the thorns. Floating in the air, Jorgus, Vic, and Rony were put down by Aresia. The three melee fighters quickly finished off the injured Arrowhogs.

Aresia landed on the ground, and the Mage Eye, including the one floating in the air, nodded at her. All three, including Aresia, put away their weapons, and the fallen Arrowhogs, they checked their harvest.

On the other end of the Mage Eye, the teachers responsible for monitoring were silent. One person swallowed nervously and asked in a disbelieving tone, “Was that a levitation spell?”

Others agreed with this person’s statement. After all, they didn’t believe that a low-level mage could cast an advanced spell like levitation, let alone a spell with a group effect. It must have been a magic item. The Duke’s daughter wouldn’t lack such items.

Someone carefully recalled the scene and said uncertainly, “She did take out something resembling a stick from her waist. It should be a magic item.”

Others pondered the situation and became more convinced of this explanation. They couldn’t believe that a low-level mage could cast levitation, especially not a group levitation spell. It had to be a magic item. Perhaps it was a precious magic item from the Duke’s collection.

Others considered the scene carefully and agreed with this conclusion. They became more convinced that Aresia had used a magic item. Otherwise, how could a low-level mage cast a levitation spell, let alone a group levitation spell? They couldn’t believe it.

They didn’t want to deduct points for the use of alchemical tools, but they had no other explanation. They reluctantly decided to deduct a few points.

If they didn’t take any action, they would attract the wrath of Duke Rogest.

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