The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 49.1

Chapter 49: Invitation from the Duchess

When Aresia turned around, the four Arrowhogs were already dead.

Three of the Arrowhogs were killed by Jorgus and the others with their slingshots, while one was shot in the leg by Sade’s arrow and fell down first. It was slightly apart from the other three.

The four of them began to handle their respective kills.

The size of the Arrowhogs was huge, making it inconvenient to carry them away. They only needed to remove the distinctive parts for marking, and the remaining bodies were handed over to the soldiers who came to assist in the trial. After the trial ended, although they wouldn’t be able to take them back, they would receive a portion of the money as a reward for hunting the beasts.

Karina couldn’t help but feel a bit nauseous at the sight of blood, so she stood a bit further away from Aresia, waiting.

Recalling the dangerous scene just now, Karina cursed the Arrowhogs while curiously asking Aresia, “Aresia, the levitation spell earlier, was it a fixed spell on this magic wand?”

In fact, it wasn’t. The levitation spell earlier was cast by Aresia herself, not a fixed spell on the magic wand but Aresia nodded in agreement.

The expression in Karina’s eyes changed as she held the magic wand she had put away on her waist. “This magic wand is really amazing. A level five fixed spell? I can’t even fix a low-level spell on it, let alone an active spell.”

The voices of their party were not low, and several of the youngsters who were handling the Arrowhog carcasses pricked up their ears.

Aresia touched the bag containing her magic wand on her waist and explained, “In theory, any level of magic can be fixed and stored in a magic wand. The higher the level of the magic, the more precious the material required for the medium and the more magic power it needs. This magic wand of mine can fix a level six spell.”

Although Aresia’s magic wand was made by herself, the materials used were genuine, and it could indeed fix a level six spell. Aresia’s original intention in making this magic wand was to facilitate cleaning the courtyard, not to fix such high-level magic.

Moreover, fixing a high-level spell didn’t reduce its own power. If the magic power of the wand itself was insufficient, unless the user was of that level of mage, they wouldn’t be able to replenish enough magic power to the wand in one go. It would take a long time to fully recharge. The advantage was that it wasn’t a consumable like a magic scroll; it could be used repeatedly.

Fortunately, the teachers who were monitoring weren’t able to hear their conversation. The drawback of the Mage Eye’s surveillance was that it transmitted images but not sound. Those who were not close enough wouldn’t be able to hear anything.

Although Aresia didn’t explain in detail, the others understood what they were discussing. The idea that a seemingly ordinary stick-like magic wand could cast a level six spell astonished them.

“If I remember correctly, this magic wand was made by you, right? It’s really amazing,” someone said in awe.

Aresia didn’t deny it and gave a slight smile.

Due to the misunderstanding caused by Aresia’s unintentional misleading, Karina’s eyes widened in surprise. “If it was fixed by you, a level five levitation spell with a group effect. This fixed spell is truly amazing. You are so powerful.”

Aresia denied it and shrugged. She patted Karina’s shoulder and said, “Don’t overthink it. The levitation spell wasn’t fixed by me.”

These words made Karina quickly come up with other possibilities. “Then who fixed it? It must have been a very talented teacher.”

Aresia didn’t deny it, but she did’t talk about it.

“I’m sorry guys, but I think we’ve been deducted for using magic wand.” Aresia’s thought about the things that they can’t use during the trials and magic items like her wand is one of those. “A teacher who’s monitoring us probably saw it.” She added.

“It’s okay, if not for you we probably ended up using the signal flare or worst in a sorry state.” “It’s those people’s fault for leading the the arrowhogs to us.” Karina chimed in.

“Yeah! Don’t worry, although we’ve been deducted we can still earn points, besides we already have points from the magical plants we collected and this arrowhogs we killed.” Someone said.

Killing a level two magical beast earned five points, so four of them were worth twenty points. The deduction for using a magic item wasn’t fixed; it could be adjusted based on the situation. As long as it didn’t exceed twenty points, they wouldn’t be at a loss.

However, the person who caused the annoyance earlier left them feeling itchy for knowing who they are.

“They’re so malicious. I hope I never find out who they are!”

“We won’t let them get away with it! After the trial ends, we’ll report this to the school. If the teachers don’t punish them, we’ll make sure they know their place.”

The two young girls in their group, being noble ladies who couldn’t carry heavy burdens, were out of breath after running a few steps and had no way to avoid danger. Yet, someone deliberately attracted a group of level two magical beasts to chase after them. If they had been completely unprepared, wouldn’t they have been killed?

They couldn’t rely on magic signal flares for help. It would take some time for rescue to arrive, and during that time, who knew what would happen? There were no rules against it.

If this were a senior-level trial with a team combat element, they would have to bear this misfortune. However, this was a freshman trial, and there wasn’t any team combat environment. The teachers had repeatedly emphasized the importance of teamwork, but someone deliberately caused trouble, evading responsibility for their own personal gain. They needed to be taught a lesson.

Aresia nodded in agreement. They had to teach the culprits a lesson.

If they didn’t escape the chasing herd of Arrowhogs. Aresia realized that these beast wouldn’t give up easily.

Arrowhogs were vindictive creatures. If you provoked one, it would seek revenge relentlessly. They had a strong sense of smell and remembered the scent of those who had offended them. It was difficult to shake them off.

Even though they had just encountered another group that was chased by the Arrowhogs, they couldn’t be sure if others would be willing to help.

“If they go deeper into the forest, others may not come fast to their rescue. It won’t be easy to find a scapegoat like what they did us.”

Vic cut off an ear from the Arrowhog and pulled out a few thorns. He then cut a piece of tender meat and wrapped it in a leaf. Excited and eager to try, he asked the others, “Should we chase them?”

Although they had already run far away, the footprints left by the herd of Arrowhogs were clearly visible. Following the footprints, they could find the herd.

But they didn’t want to continue the chase. Not only was the herd of Arrowhogs dangerous, but it was also a group that wasn’t easy to deal with. It would be risky for them.

Moreover, their task was not yet complete, and they couldn’t afford to waste time on the chase. It would be a loss.

Vic was unwilling, “Should we just let them go?”

Jorgus reassured him, “There are plenty of opportunities for revenge. Let’s focus on the task for now.”

Vic persisted, “But they hid their faces. We don’t know who they are. How can we get revenge?”

Jorgus remained calm, “Although they hid their faces, I remember the physical characteristics of each of them. Based on that, I can make a rough guess about their professions. We’ll find them after the trial ends.”

The team consisted of six members, and some were warriors. Even if their faces were hidden, it was difficult to conceal their height, body shape, and the weapons they held. With these characteristics, it would be easier to find them among the fifty-odd teams. Only a few teams would remain after excluding those with magic-based professions.

Before they could continue discussing this topic, Sade pointed to the distance and exclaimed, “Look, it’s a signal flare!”

Everyone turned their heads and saw a red flash rising slowly in the sky. It was accompanied by a red smoke that spread out, making it very conspicuous.

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