The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 51.1

Chapter 51: Unexpected Discovery

Aresia’s report caught Headmaster Albert’s attention. As he listened, his face turned dark with anger. If Aresia’s report was true, it meant that not only was someone sabotaging the trials, but it also reflected poorly on the integrity of the school’s teachers. This was something that could damage the school’s reputation.

Headmaster Albert, known for his fairness and strictness, would not tolerate anyone tarnishing the school’s name. He immediately promised Aresia that he would thoroughly investigate the matter and ensure that those involved would face severe punishment. He would not allow such teachers to remain at the school. However, he also requested that Aresia keep this matter confidential.

“Of course, I won’t say anything,” Aresia assured him.

After receiving Headmaster Albert’s commitment, Aresia took her leave and returned to her class.

Although they were a bit late, the class had already started. Alvin had already learned about Aresia’s visit to the Headmaster and waited for her to come back before allowing her to enter the classroom.

This class was not about any specific content but rather a reminder to stay safe during the holidays and avoid engaging in dangerous activities. Alvin warned them, “As adventurers, you should not take unnecessary risks. You are still newcomers and have just begun to grasp magic. The wilderness is not a trial ground that has been cleared for your safety. It is full of unknown dangers. What you lack is the ability to protect yourselves. Stay away from dangerous situations.”

Alvin’s stern face and serious tone startled the students, and they obediently responded.

Aresia knew a bit of the background. Although Alvin had only taught at the Royal Academy for a couple of years, he had previously studied there. Rumor had it that a close friend of his had been persuaded to go on an adventure during the summer break, but luck was not on his side, and he never returned.

And this kind of casualties will always happen after a while. Especially in the warrior department. a while, especially in the warrior department. The world was filled with dangers, and Alvin wanted to ensure that his students wouldn’t attempt risky adventures. He believed that at least in his class, they should refrain from such actions. They are different from the warriors and have no ability to protect themselves.

After giving the safety instructions, Alvin announced, “During the break, the teachers have arranged in-class tests to check whether you have reviewed your lessons. Don’t think you can relax too much during the holidays. Be prepared for the tests.”

Hearing the word “test,” the students felt a shadow cast over their vacation.

But that wasn’t all. Alvin immediately assigned summer homework.

It wasn’t just his subject; there were assignments for all subjects.

The students had hoped for some kind of new benefit when they saw other teachers assigning summer homework, but Alvin shattered their hopes.

Not only was there a considerable amount of homework, but it also covered a wide range of tasks. From basic copying and memorization to specific readings with written reflections, Alvin’s assignments were quite demanding. It was evident that he wanted to prevent them from engaging in adventurous activities during the summer break.

Receiving the list of homework, the class felt a sense of gloom.

Aresia and Karina left the classroom, and as they walked, they discussed where to meet up.

“Let’s go to the field; they should be there. We should be able to catch up.”

After the speech in the auditorium ended, Aresia hurried to find Headmaster Albert and discuss the matter. Karina, on the other hand, stayed behind to inform the others that they had been targeted. They then encountered the group who deliberately lead the beast to them and they instigated a fight between them. The troublemaker group agreed to fight in the arena with Jorgus and the others.

Normally, the arena was not accessible to students without permission. If they wanted to use it, they had to apply to the teachers. However, if the reasons were not strong enough or if one party refused, the application would be rejected. But in Jorgus’s case, the school knew about their circumstances and was well aware of who was involved. They turned a blind eye to Jorgus’s request to use the arena, as long as the rules of the arena were followed.

Aresia and Karina arrived a bit late, and the fight had already been going on for a while.

Jorgus had applied for a team battle, with six members on the other side and four on the his side. To make up for his team that had been targeted, they added two more members. It was a six against six battle.

The six on the other side were already beaten up. They were in a sorry state, having experienced the humiliation of being chased around like prey by a herd of boars. None of them are Jorgus’s opponent, let alone six of them. The situation was not six against six, let alone six against twelve.

Unfortunately, even if they begged for mercy or surrendered, Jorgus insisted on an immediate fight. This went against the rules as they had agreed on an arranged battle with a set time limit. However, since the teachers had allowed them to fight without intervening, there was no reason to stop their agreement. Moreover, the six individuals who were beaten up were too afraid to back out, as it involved Aresia, and they knew they were at fault.

Realizing this, the six individuals regretted their decision. Provoking a fight with Jorgus and Duke’s daughter was definitely not a wise choice. When they saw Aresia and the others, they were already at their wits’ end and couldn’t turn back. Fortunately, they were relieved that the other side didn’t cause any serious harm. But the fact that they continued to harass others after this incident was truly despicable.

As they were beaten up, the six individuals were at their wit’s end. Aresia directly approached them.

When Aresia arrived, the six individuals…

Fell to the ground and didn’t dare to move.

They only move when they were released.

Although they had injuries on their bodies that seemed serious, Jorgus and the others were sensible enough to know their limits. They quickly asked for a priest or drank some magic potion, and soon their injuries began to heal.

Karina felt relieved as she clapped her hands in satisDepartment.

After the fight, Jorgus and the others approached Aresia and Karina, asking, “It’s almost time for lunch. Shall we eat together?”

After going through two adventures, their relationship had become more harmonious.


After finishing lunch, they returned to their dormitories to pack their belongings. Karina will take the luggage back home today and will go to Duke’s Mansion tomorrow, while Aresia stayed at the school for a while. She will finish tidying up the laboratory and tomorrow she will go home with Jorgus and the others.

Meanwhile, at the dormitories, servants were sent to help pack and transport the belongings. Aresia made sure to greet them before leaving, and they took care of packing the room. Since they were so diligent, Aresia’s room was quickly filled. Eventually, they had to bring in more servants to handle the remaining items.

Aresia saw that everything was in order and bid them farewell before heading to the laboratory.

In the laboratory, the octopus-like mechanical arms were diligently working. After some slight adjustments, they were finally put into operation.

Aresia worked through the night, determined to finish the remaining tasks on the production line.

Since it was a nighttime activity, there was no curfew around the dormitories. Even if they didn’t return to the dormitories, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Aresia worked tirelessly in the laboratory until the early hours of the morning, completing the production line.

At this point, she realized that she was feeling tired. Although she didn’t feel fatigued, the lack of a high level of compatibility with this body made her physical fatigue apparent.

But she had prepared for this.

She drank a bottle of a refreshing and invigorating magic potion, and instantly, her energy was restored.

After freshening up, changing into a new set of clothes, and putting away the items she had taken with her, Aresia left the laboratory.

In the laboratory building, they had to register before entering. The guard responsible for registration had remembered Aresia’s name and face since her first visit, but he hadn’t seen her recently.

Aresia registered and entered the Headmaster’s office.

Most students were away from the school during the break. The school didn’t allow guardians to enter the school during breakfast hours, even if they paid rent. It was a matter of school policy. But Aresia had made preparations in advance.

At this point, the school was almost empty, as most of the students had left for the break. The cafeteria was also deserted, with only a few scattered individuals. Aresia arrived early, and there were even fewer people than before.

She bought breakfast and ate it slowly, taking her time. It had been a while since she had a peaceful moment. Jorgus and the others came to have breakfast.

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