The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 61.2

Perhaps there was a reward involved. After all, they were seeking help from a mage, and they had to pay a considerable price for it.

Aresia pondered for a moment and said, “She don’t lack anything at the moment. Once we return to Holy Lotean, I’ll ask Father if we can select some items from the Duke’s treasury to give to the teacher.”

The Duke’s treasury contained items collected over generations, including rare magical materials like dragon blood and dragon bones. Amos had been longing for them for a long time.

Amos suggested, “Ask Isis when she have some free time. We can arrange everything on our side.”

In reality, they couldn’t wait to capture the gryphon.

They didn’t know how to prepare for this, so they decided to discuss it with others.

As for the confidentiality of the matter, Amos wasn’t too concerned. After all, Isis was an eighth-level mage. Who would dare to spread rumors without their permission? No one would risk provoking such a powerful being.

Once Amos brought this news back to the captain, Duru immediately acted according to his own thoughts. He ordered the guards to stop capturing the gryphons and sent a message to the five cities to cancel the request for reinforcements. He also sent someone to retrieve the messenger who had gone to Holy Lotean City.

Meanwhile, the mage they had hired returned to the city without any fuss.

The guards were instructed not to speak about anything and follow the orders. The mage, even though they were serving the Rogest family, had a more informal relationship with them. Especially the eight-level mage, who was like a guest to the duke. Captain Duru’s orders were not to be disobeyed. It would be troublesome if something happened to this mage, especially when they were in the presence of a newly promoted eighth-level mage. It was best not to keep them around.

To prevent any further questioning, Duru informed them that they would retreat and wait for reinforcements from Holy Lotean City. During this time, there might be gryphons running around the plains and even near the city. They were advised to return to the city and be stationed there. If there were any gryphons, they would handle them.

With that, the guards packed up their things as if they were preparing to return to the castle. However, they secretly flew around the plains, selecting a secluded location to continue monitoring the cliff where the gryphons resided.

They discussed various plans on how to coordinate with Isis and keep the other gryphons occupied while the mage focused on the Gryphon leader.

They debated for a while, trying to figure out how they could quickly get reinforcements from an eighth-level mage. They knew that it would be an astonishing sight, even for an eighth-level mage, to face a group of two hundred gryphons. After all, they were aiming to capture the gryphons alive, not to exterminate them. In this situation, Isis would be bound by the presence of the captured gryphons.

They finally discussed how to coordinate with Isis. While the other gryphons were being distracted, the mage would focus on the Gryphon leader.

They planned extensively, even creating several backup plans. However, nothing was set in stone. Every action they took seemed to be completely different from what they had planned.

The weather became a bit unstable, with the wind picking up and the sound of the tent flapping. The sky was covered in dark clouds, as if a storm was approaching.

When it was bright enough, Amos left the tent, preparing to observe the situation of the gryphons.

Gryphons had very sharp eyesight. To avoid being spotted by the Gryphon group, they set up their camp on a mountain peak far from the cliff. The distance between the two was considerable, and they needed telescopes or magical devices to monitor the situation.

Monitoring during the night was impossible, but when it was bright, they could clearly see any movement.

Strange enough, it was very quiet around the cliff today. The knight responsible for monitoring had been waiting for a long time but hadn’t seen any sign of the gryphons. He found it strange and reported it to Amos as soon as he arrived. Amos quickly took the telescope and looked for himself.

Gryphons were a peculiar creature, a combination of an eagle and a lion. They had many similarities in behavior as well. They preferred to build their nests on high mountain cliffs, far away from other magical creatures. They were protective of their offspring. However, unlike eagles, gryphons didn’t build nests directly on cliffs using straw or other materials. Instead, they dug suitable caves into the cliffs with their sharp claws and then built their nests. When they returned to their nests, they became nearly invisible to the human eye.

Even when it was bright, Amos couldn’t spot any gryphons. He wondered, “Are the gryphons sleeping or hiding?”

No one answered his question.

“Amos von Rogest?”

A voice called out his full name from behind, causing Amos to tense up. He almost drew his weapon.

The others reacted just as quickly as Amos did.

It was the first time someone had called Amos by his full name in this camp.

He turned around to see a figure covered in a mage’s robe, with only the tip of their nose visible. Although he had only seen them once, their appearance with the high-collared mage’s robe left a deep impression on him.

Amos immediately dropped his guard when he heard his name being called with respect.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Isis,” he replied, trying to convey both respect and formality.

Isis didn’t seem surprised by Amos’ response. She calmly stated, “The Gryphon pack has been taken care of. I will personally bring them back to the castle.”

Amos was shaken, unable to contain his excitement. “You’ve captured the gryphons? All of them?”

Amos realized that his question seemed unnecessary as the person in the mage’s robe gave him a look that said, “What a pointless question.” Nevertheless, she still respond, “Yes.”

It wasn’t just Amos; the others who understood what had happened were also unable to maintain their composure. The surprise and bewilderment on their faces were genuine and perhaps a bit foolish.

Aresia, disguised as Isis, didn’t stay to witness their reaction. After all, she had already dealt with the Gryphon pack and had been busy the entire night. Although she didn’t feel tired, she didn’t want to indulge their foolishness.

Amos didn’t have time to inquire about how she had quietly captured the gryphons or where she kept them. He assumed that all the gryphons had been captured, judging from the attitude of the person in front of him. It seemed that she had captured all of them alive.

What could be more miraculous than capturing all the gryphons without any casualties?

As for the details, Amos didn’t dare to ask Isis. Instead, he decided to ask Aresia when they returned.

After receiving the answer, Isis disappeared in an instant, leaving them in astonishment.

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