The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 62.1

Chapter 62: Working Overtime

Aresia quietly captured all the gryphons without a sound, and it was quite simple – because force was involved.

The purpose of capturing the gryphons was to capture them alive and minimize harm to them.

To ensure secrecy, Aresia didn’t want to cause too much commotion or expose herself. In the end, she directly administered medicine to the gryphons.

After seeing off Amos, Aresia, disguised as Isis, went to the sea and hunted several seventh-level sea creatures with paralysis toxins. She obtained their venom sacs and combined them with some magical plants to create a potent anesthetic overnight.

This anesthetic was truly powerful. Even a slight whiff of its scent could render an ordinary person into a deep sleep. Aresia handled it with extreme caution, preventing others from being affected by the strong odor.

With the potent anesthetic, Aresia sneaked into the Gryphon’s nest and anesthetized them one by one. She even collected their eggs and stored them in her spatial ring to avoid waking the other gryphons. It took a few hours to accomplish this.

Except for the Gryphon leader, for which Aresia had to estimate the dosage carefully to avoid waking it, she accidentally almost woke it up. But she quickly administered an extra dose, resulting in its paralysis. It would probably remain unconscious for at least ten to fifteen days. There were no other complications.

This didn’t require Amos and the others to keep it a secret. Additionally, the Gryphon pack was already in a state of anesthesia. So, if the truth were revealed, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Aresia wasn’t entirely clear on the details. She felt that it might affect Isis’s image, so she simply explained it briefly. Then she changed the topic, saying, “The number of gryphons has been counted. There are 171 adult gryphons, including the leader. There are thirty-two Gryphon cubs. Additionally, there are eighteen Gryphon eggs. In total, there are 221. As for their specific levels, we haven’t tallied them yet, but there are six seventh-level gryphons, including the leader.”

“My teacher asked me to bring the gryphons back to them. I’m wondering if I should keep them here for now. Shall we decide what to do with them before taking them away?” Aresia proposed.

Amos, listening to the conversation, could understand what Aresia meant. He looked around, as though afraid of being overheard. Satisfied that no one was nearby, he whispered, “You mean the gryphons are inside the spatial ring?!”

He knew that Aresia had a new spatial ring, but she hadn’t told him where it came from. Now, hearing that the gryphons were inside the ring, he couldn’t help but react strongly.

When Amos finally reacted, his voice suddenly rose, attracting the attention of Duru and the others who were arranging the flight of the magical beasts.

Amos quickly regained his composure.

Aresia nodded.

Amos couldn’t believe it and swallowed hard, stuttering, “All, all of them, are in there?”

Aresia nodded again.

Amos was taken aback and felt a chill down his spine. He couldn’t help but think that maybe he had become numb to these things.

He looked around, as though he expected someone to overhear them. Satisfied that no one was listening, he whispered, “Alright, I’ll get used to it.”

Aresia comforted him with a pat on the back. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”

The shock she brought him was indeed significant.

Amos tried to get used to the idea, but he couldn’t help feeling a bit uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he realized that this was not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it could be seen as a great accomplishment.

He wiped his face, disregarding his image, and let out a sigh. “Alright, I’ll do my best.”

Aresia turned the topic back to the Gryphon pack. “So, should I keep the gryphons here?”

Amos found her suggestion quite reasonable.

High-level magical beasts required special cages made from specific materials and needed to wear anti-magic rings. They had initially planned to order a batch directly from the alchemy workshop in the duke’s territory. However, due to the time constraint, they hadn’t been able to prepare enough cages and rings. It would be challenging to transport them back to Holy Lotean City without proper equipment.

They were kept inside Aresia’s spatial ring, ensuring that they couldn’t escape or harm anyone, and even the trouble of transportation seemed to have been avoided.

Amos had some concerns: “Have they been inside the ring all this time? Won’t they starve?”

Aresia patiently explained, “The storage space in the ring is static. Whatever enters it remains in the same state. So, there’s no need to worry.”

The storage space in the ring, even if it can hold living creatures, is fundamentally different from a dedicated space for living creatures. One is static, while the other functions like a normal space. This doesn’t affect the growth of the creatures.

Amos jokingly wondered if Aresia had forgotten to finish creating a beast space. Perhaps she had planned to give it to Amos for the gryphons, but due to a shortage of materials, she had put it off and hadn’t taken care of it yet.

Lost in thought for a moment, she suddenly realized that there were still plenty of materials left from the spatial materials she had found. Maybe she could use a little bit to create a beast space.

Upon hearing this, Amos immediately agreed, “Okay, let’s do that. When we bring back the Gryphon, we can decide what to do with it and hand it over to Father when we return.”

They wouldn’t need to go through the trouble of escorting it back; it would be much easier.

Satisfied, Amos thought that he should personally release the Gryphon to ensure its safety. He turned to Aresia and asked, “The Gryphon should be unconscious, right? Could you please release it here so that I can have a close encounter with a seventh-level magical beast?” His tone carried a hint of anticipation.

Aresia agreed with a nod.

Amos called out to his shocked companion, Duru. The two of them found a secluded banquet hall and closed the door, making sure no one could hear them. Then they nodded to Aresia.

Aresia released the unconscious Gryphon leader.

The enormous Gryphon entered the banquet hall silently.

The size of the golden Gryphon was even larger than similar creatures, with a body length exceeding five meters excluding its tail. Its golden fur, feathers, and wings were dazzling. Even in its unconscious state, the heavy sound of its breathing increased the heart rates of those present.

Amos, who had just been shocked by the strength of the peak seventh-level golden Gryphon, suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He let out a cry and quickly retracted his hand, activating the modifications on his armor to defend against the attack. It turned out that a Gryphon cub had sneakily pecked at him, dissatisfied with his behavior.

Although it couldn’t understand what Amos had been doing, their spiritual connection allowed Amos’s emotions to be transmitted to Andalucy. It seemed that the cub had become upset.

Amos was astonished by the strength of the seventh-level golden Gryphon. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and respect.

Amos quickly apologized in a low voice, trying to calm it down. Finally, after a while, it stopped being angry.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    lol the baby getting jealous


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