The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 63.2

She handed the bone brush to the clone, who dipped it into the bucket of potion until it was sufficiently soaked. Some of the potion stuck to the brush, while some dripped off.

The clone began to brush the remaining potion onto the protruding pentagram on the platform. Though their thinking was simplified, the clone didn’t require much skill for this task.

Aresia, on the other hand, took another potion and used a bone brush with a brush-like pattern to brush the pentagram.

Once the potion was applied to the entire area and absorbed into the base, the next step required meticulous work. The entire platform needed to be covered with magical patterns and runes. The clone helped with the drawing process while Aresia was nearby to assist with dipping the brush in potion or replacing the bone brush when necessary.

Aresia didn’t have much to do in this aspect. She had brought a magical pen that had been used before, but the ink had been replaced. She helped complete a portion of the magical writings, but due to the nature of the pen tip, its assistance was limited.

Aresia estimated that this project would take about half a month.

Once the potion was applied and the absorption was complete, Aresia began to draw the magical patterns on the base of the teleportation array. Just as she started, Charlie approached with a troubled expression.

He had already tried to find craftsmen, but the castle’s craftsmen were currently busy with the Mage Tower and the alchemy workshop. There were no available personnel. However, Charlie had initially come to inform them about the situation. He had managed to bring some craftsmen from nearby and had also recruited additional craftsmen from the city.

The craftsmen measured the data around the platform and asked for specific details. They began working on the stone, but they would have to wait until the stone was ready before they could continue.

Charlie’s intention was to let them finish their work in the Mage Tower before coming here to work on the steps, fence, and pillars. He didn’t want to disturb their work. Aresia agreed to this, as delaying the construction wouldn’t affect the teleportation array.

Charlie didn’t want to disturb Aresia and approached hesitantly.

He explained, “Frank said he heard about the teleportation array and wanted to know if he could help.”

Aresia pondered for a moment before responding, “What is Frank’s relationship with the Mage Guild? Do you trust him?”

Charlie hesitated for a moment but soon understood Aresia’s concerns. He thought for a moment and answered, “I haven’t heard anything about a close relationship between Frank and the Mage Guild. If there is one, given Frank’s strength, he should be a member of the Elder Council or hold the position of leader or honorary leader. However, I’m not aware of any position he holds within the Mage Guild. I think the relationship between Frank and the Mage Guild isn’t particularly close. Nevertheless, if Isis doesn’t trust him or doesn’t want to involve him, we don’t have to.”

In reality, Charlie didn’t want to get involved in this matter, especially if it meant disturbing Isis. What if he angered her? It wouldn’t be easy to get along with her.

It seemed that they had a certain level of trust, and signing a magical contract was indeed a good solution.

Aresia pondered for a moment before saying, “Wait for a moment. I’ll ask my teacher.”

Charlie stayed in that spot while Aresia controlled the clone to approach Isis. After a while, the clone returned, and Charlie approached a bit more. Then Aresia signaled for him to come closer.

She nodded and said, “I’ve asked my Teacher. He doesn’t need to sign a magical contract but must ensure that he won’t reveal anything he has seen here. If Frank is willing, he can come along.”

Charlie understood her intentions and felt relieved. It seemed that Frank was here to learn from them.

Indeed, it seemed like Frank had this intention. A mage who excelled in this field would naturally want to study a teleportation array that they were unfamiliar with.

Aresia wasn’t concerned about that. Her aim was to hide the teleportation array from the Mage Guild, not from them.

The only known long-distance teleportation array was the one controlled by the Mage Guild for sending messages. Aresia’s teleportation array would devalue theirs. The Mage Guild was aware of this, so it would be difficult for them to take any action.

From her previous memories, she knew that this mage had been the chief mage advisor to the Rogest clan until the end. Until now, she didn’t realize that the Mage Guild had any connection with him.

Charlie nodded and replied, “Yes, I will convey it to him.”

Charlie walked away, not planning to return anytime soon. He guessed that the mage would need some time to consider whether or not to grant this request.

Aresia was too absorbed in continuing to draw the teleportation array.

Aresia didn’t pay much attention and continued her work.

In the afternoon, a familiar figure appeared in the square.

Amos had returned.

He had come back after hearing that Aresia had left the laboratory. The last time they met was when they returned with the captured gryphons in the dead of night.

This time, he returned after hearing the news of Aresia’s arrival.

At this point, Aresia realized that she couldn’t continue working and controlled her clone to engage in conversation with Amos.

Amos first glanced at Aresia from head to toe, making sure she hadn’t lost weight and appeared tired before approaching her.

“I heard you were taking a break in the laboratory.”

In reality, there was no break. It was all thanks to the magical potions that kept Aresia awake. She blinked her eyes, pretending to be surprised.

Amos didn’t come back just to report; he had important news for Aresia.

“Father sent me a message. He will be arriving soon.”

Aresia blinked her eyes, surprised. “Father is coming to the territory? Why? Isn’t he supposed to stay in the legion?”

Amos sighed. “Who knows? He’s just curious about what his child has been up to.”

Of course, the appearance of an eighth-level mage was a matter of great importance.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Here comes trouble


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