The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 101

Chapter 101: The Other Way Around

“However, creating such an item isn’t an easy task. I need to think it over carefully and have the workshop master craftsmen study it thoroughly. If we manage to make it, I’ll bring it for you to see,” Jiang Mixia stated.

“Alright,” the shopkeeper Sun nodded repeatedly.

In the ordinary course of business, when the buyer requests a better product upon delivery, the seller would often feel uncomfortable, even inclined to be stern. However, Jiang Mixia remained cheerful and willing to produce an improved product. Her humble manner of speaking made people feel genuinely comfortable, as if basking in the warmth of spring.

There was a valid reason why Jiang Mixia’s bamboo weaving workshop was thriving!

After leaving Zheng’s shop, Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyan visited the vicinity of Qiu’s place.

Fang Shi and Jiang Maihua had moved from their home to the county, where they now resided with Jiang Chunchi. Their courtyard was located in a small alley near Qiu’s place.

It was a square courtyard with a total of four rooms.

In addition to Jiang Chunchi and Fang Shi, another young couple lived in the courtyard with their two children.

The husband, Song Deshui, was also a worker at Qiu’s place, similar to Jiang Chunchi, but he was involved in customer service and delivery, not skilled craftsmanship. His wife, Wan Shi, looked after their son, Song Jin, who was eight, and their daughter, Song Qiao, who was six.

The Song family also hailed from a farming background. Through their family’s connection, Song Deshui secured a job recommendation at Qiu’s place, where he proved himself to be honest and reliable, earning a good reputation.

Upon learning that Jiang Chunchi intended to rent the courtyard to accommodate his wife and daughter, Song Deshui proposed the idea of co-renting the courtyard with Jiang Chunchi, allowing both families to live together.

Settling down in the county town as rural folks wasn’t an easy task. Living together would provide familiarity and mutual support, especially since they were unfamiliar with the area.

Jiang Chunchi found the idea fitting as well.

With the two families living together, the house was now nearly tidied up and had a more homely appearance.

Jiang Maihua was overjoyed to see Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyan. She eagerly asked to be picked up, hugged, and kissed, and then insisted on introducing them to her children, Song Jin and Song Qiao, boasting, “My aunt and uncle are amazing. They can do everything!”

Now over three years old, Jiang Maihua’s speech had improved significantly since the previous year, although she still retained her childish lisp and unclear pronunciation, which amused the adults.

“Alright, you’re showing off again,” Fang Shi chuckled, inviting Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyan to the main room.

As guests arrived, Wan Shi led Song Jin and Song Qiao to briefly greet them before returning to their own room.

Jiang Mixia had brought plenty of pastries for the children, and after giving them to Song Jin and Song Qiao, Jiang Maihua, being a child, soon became engrossed in playing with her young cousins and didn’t return.

In the main room, the laughter of Jiang Maihua and the Song siblings could be heard clearly.

Evidently, the two families got along well.

Jiang Mixia looked around and remarked, “When I came here before, the house was somewhat old and messy inside. But now, thanks to my sister-in-law’s efforts, it looks so much better. It’s almost as good as home.”

“It was all tidied up together with Wan Shi. There was a lot of miscellaneous work, so it took us half a month,” Fang Shi smiled. “How’s everything at home? Is the workshop and porcelain kiln business doing well? Are Uncle and Aunt in good health?”

“Everything’s fine,” Jiang Mixia replied with a smile. “My parents have been thinking about you, and since I was delivering goods today, they asked me to bring some things over.”

“There are bowls, plates, pots from the porcelain kiln, as well as bamboo baskets, bamboo trays, bamboo sifters, and also some tea leaves from the tea garden. We have plenty at home, and they are good for regular use. So, I brought some for you as well…”

Initially, when Fang Shi had helped move the items, she had seen the numerous goods, but upon closer inspection, she realized that Jiang Mixia and her husband had indeed brought a substantial amount, ranging from various items to tea leaves and fabric.

Fang Shi felt somewhat embarrassed, “As an elder sister-in-law, I should be the one taking care of you…”

“Don’t be so polite, Sister-in-law. When I was younger, my elder brother often helped our family. Now that I’m able to assist, shouldn’t I do the same in return?”

In the past, when Jiang Mixia was intellectually disabled, Jiang Youcheng would take her to seek medical treatment every year. When the family faced financial difficulties, and there was too much work in the fields, they received help from the main household.

At the time, Fang Shi also helped Liu Shi with sewing and delivered vegetables to the family.

Kindness was met with kindness.

Seeing Jiang Mixia’s response, Fang Shi stopped saying polite words and simply handed over a handkerchief she had recently embroidered.

Fang Shi was skilled at sewing, but in the town, she wasn’t as occupied as she was back home. She decided to learn embroidery to supplement the household income and alleviate any financial strain in town. Though she was adept at sewing, she was still new to embroidery. She sought the help of a skilled embroiderer through Jiang Chunchi to learn from the basics.

“This handkerchief is just practice. The design isn’t that great. Xia, please don’t dislike it,” Fang Shi said, offering the handkerchief to Jiang Mixia.

Jiang Mixia accepted and examined it. It was evident that it was the work of a novice, but since Fang Shi had a good foundation, the stitches were quite neat. Additionally, the handkerchief was clearly embroidered specifically for Jiang Mixia, with the character “Xia” embroidered in one corner. The thought behind the gift was what truly mattered.

After expressing her gratitude, Jiang Mixia chatted with Fang Shi for a while and then took her leave as the day was drawing to a close.

Over the next few days, Jiang Mixia pondered the matter of the fans as mentioned by the shopkeeper Sun. She wanted something lightweight, portable, and foldable like a folding fan…

After spending a long time sketching on paper with charcoal, she still couldn’t figure it out and could only sigh in frustration. It seemed that combining effectiveness with portability was proving to be quite a challenge.

Furrowing her brow, Jiang Mixia sighed, feeling perplexed.

“Wife,” Song Jingyan burst into the room, handing Jiang Mixia a straw hat with excitement.

“What’s that for?” Jiang Mixia asked, looking somewhat surprised.

“The villages of Dayangshu and Sunjiazhuang are having a joint event. They’ve set up a stage for opera performances. Our parents want us to go and take a look, and maybe buy some things on our way back,” Song Jingyan replied honestly.

In this region, it was a custom for neighboring villages to hold joint events on specific days each year. On these occasions, relatives and friends from each village would visit one another’s homes for socializing and feasting.

During these events, each household would host their relatives and friends, leading to a bustling atmosphere. Sensing the opportunity, small vendors would also take advantage of the occasion, knowing that people from various villages would attend, and they would bring their goods to sell.

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