The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Unbearable!

“Yeah, are you still asking for money by serving flies at your place?”

The crowd continued to argue and someone happened to notice a fly buzzing around the area, eventually landing on the edge of the large pot of tofu pudding.

The sticky texture of the tofu pudding trapped the fly’s legs, and after a struggle, the fly ended up plunging into the pot.

The thought of unknowingly swallowing flies with their food made someone feel nauseous. After a few retches, they couldn’t hold it in anymore.


Chaos ensued.

A pungent smell filled the air.

Amidst the commotion, people pinched their noses and recoiled in disgust, trying to escape the stench.

Involuntarily, Zhang Dabao took a couple of steps back, but his foot caught on a low stool lying beneath him.

With a “plop,” Zhang Dabao tumbled into the pot of tofu pudding…

Although the tofu pudding wasn’t scalding hot, there was a fire burning underneath the makeshift stove to keep it warm. The pot’s edges and bottom had retained a considerable amount of heat.

The sound of his screams echoed through the event space, temporarily drowning out the music from the stage.

Sun Ergou, feeling embarrassed in front of Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun, found himself in a difficult situation. Despite his reputation for theft and bullying, he felt humiliated being mistreated by Zhang Dabao without a word in response, feeling like a complete coward.

“Why did you intervene over those six coins earlier?” Jiang Mixia voiced her curiosity.

“That person was being unfair. The price is the price, whether someone can hear well or not. It’s just not right to take advantage like that,” Sun Ergou replied indignantly. “It’s too deceitful.”

“You’re not deceitful usually?” Jiang Mixia raised an eyebrow.

“I may be ruthless openly. Whether it’s stealing, robbing, or fighting, I admit to it. I don’t hide those actions. I don’t engage in sneaky, dishonest behavior and deny it…” Sun Ergou argued.

Jiang Mixia fell silent, finding it hard to praise his supposed honesty.

Seeing Jiang Mixia’s displeasure, Sun Zhuzi quickly whispered an explanation, “Sister Xia, in reality, Ergou doesn’t want to steal or rob. He just doesn’t have a choice…”

“Ergou’s mother passed away shortly after giving birth to him, and his father remarried. His stepmother never liked him, always abusing him. If she wasn’t hitting him, she was shouting at him. If she was upset, she wouldn’t even feed him. Ergou grew up relying on the kindness of the village for meals.”

“Later, his stepmother thought it was humiliating that Ergou was eating at various houses in the village. She accused him of trying to ruin her reputation and convinced everyone not to feed him. His father even beat him several times.”

“With everyone in the village farming and not having much to spare, Ergou struggled to find enough to eat. He resorted to stealing apples from trees, persimmons from forests, asking for a piece of bread from children, and occasionally sneaking eggs from others.”

“We know it’s wrong, but Ergou was truly hungry. He bullies others because he’s been bullied since he was young. If he doesn’t fight back, he becomes an easy target for others…”

While Sun Zhuzi spoke with compassion, Sun Ergou’s expression darkened. As a former bully, he held onto his pride.

Listening to Sun Zhuzi lay bare his vulnerabilities was like having his last shred of dignity ripped away, leaving him exposed before those he once considered adversaries, now almost like elder siblings – Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun.

It all made sense now.

No wonder Sun Ergou had developed such a hardened demeanor.

Jiang Mixia nodded thoughtfully after hearing Sun Zhuzi’s account.

On the other hand, Song Jingyun was moved to tears and sniffles, his voice choked with emotion. “Wife, Wife, this is just too heartbreaking…”

“How can there be such heartless parents in this world, neglecting a child’s well-being like this, letting them go hungry? Who could bear such cruelty!”

For Song Jingyun, it was absolutely unbearable!

“Wife, Ergou is so pitiful, barely having enough to eat. Shouldn’t we help him? We have plenty of food at home, one more person won’t be a problem.”

“What do you think, Wife…”

Jiang Mixia hesitated, contemplating the situation. Seeing someone in need stirred her compassionate nature, making her a truly kind-hearted individual.

In the current situation, despite Sun Ergou’s history of wrongdoing, such as stealing and bullying, there was a genuine aversion towards underhanded tactics. This complexity hinted that his heart wasn’t entirely malicious; rather, his upbringing and environment had shaped him into the person he was today.

Overall, there was potential for improvement, a chance to grow positively.

The crucial point was that a kind-hearted offer was made…

After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Mixia spoke up, “Have you heard of the bamboo weaving workshop in our Jiang family village?”

“I have,” Sun Ergou nodded. “It’s run by Sister Xia.”

“That workshop has grown considerably and requires more hands. How about you join me there? You can stay overnight to watch over things and do miscellaneous tasks during the day. As for meals…”

“For now, you can eat at home, and we’ll deduct the cost from your wages,” Jiang Mixia suggested.

“Are you saying I can work at the workshop?” Sun Ergou looked at Jiang Mixia in disbelief.

“Why, not interested?” Jiang Mixia countered.

“No, no,” Sun Ergou shook his head vigorously.

Absolutely, how could he not be willing? It was more than willing; it was eagerly embraced.

A place to sleep, meaningful work, and regular meals…

No more scavenging for scraps, no more stealing from others, no more snatching food from children, no more bullying to maintain a tough image, and even a promise of wages, according to Jiang Mixia’s plan.

It was like a dream come true!


Scratching his head, Sun Ergou looked at Jiang Mixia and asked, “But, with my bad reputation, can you really trust me to work for you?”

“Don’t say that.” Sun Zhuzi nudged Sun Ergou urgently. “If Sister Xia is willing to hire you, it’s because she believes in you and doesn’t care about your reputation. Why doubt it?”

“Sun Zhuzi is right. No need to question it,” Song Jingyun nodded in agreement.

The truth was his wife’s kind-hearted nature, always ready to help others.

Sun Ergou remained silent, touched by the support and trust being shown towards him.

It’s getting late, and Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun are getting ready to take Sun Ergou back home without delaying lunch.

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