The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Changing Course

“I just got back before noon,” Jiang Chunshe replied. “I heard from my mother about the incident where Xia was hit by the wedding canopy, so I came to see how they are doing. When I returned from town, I bought some tofu. I bought too much, and we already have some at home. I brought it here for you, Uncle and Aunt.”

“Just coming to see how they are, and you’re bringing stuff? Take it back and eat it at your place,” Liu Shi hurriedly refused.

It was almost like a non-vegetarian dish. The piece of tofu Jiang Chunshe brought must have weighed two or three catties and cost quite a few coins.

“It’s hot out, and this stuff won’t keep. I bought too much, and it’ll go bad if we don’t finish it at home,” Jiang Chunshe insisted, entering the kitchen and placing the tofu in a wooden basin, covering it with a bamboo basket.

Now, Jiang Youcheng and Liu Shi had no choice but to accept. They brought out a stool, poured a bowl of tea, and chatted with Jiang Chunshe in the yard.

“I can see Xia is doing much better now,” Jiang Chunshe said, noticing Xia’s bright eyes and the machete in her hand as she worked on the bamboo strips. Just as his parents had said, she had fully recovered from her previous intellectual disability, and he was genuinely happy about it.

“It’s probably the Bodhisattva’s blessing. What they call, ‘turning a misfortune into a blessing,’ right?” Jiang Youcheng chuckled.

“Isn’t that fortunate? I can see Xia is blessed, and her good fortune is yet to come.” Jiang Chunshe glanced at the bamboo strips covering the ground and the almost finished basket nearby. “Uncle, are you planning to stop making reed baskets and switch to making bamboo baskets?”

“Xia suggested making some bamboo baskets and crates. They earn more than reed baskets, so we’re planning to give it a try and see if we can make more money,” Jiang Youcheng replied honestly.

“Trying it out is a good idea. If it works, it’ll be a great opportunity.”

After a pause, Jiang Chunshe continued, “Speaking of trying new things, I also want to take a different path.”

“A different path? You don’t plan to continue learning carpentry?” Jiang Youcheng was surprised.

“No,” nodded Jiang Chunshe.

“I’ve been with my master for so many years, but he never really teaches properly. He just makes me do the laborious work of lifting and sawing wood. If I try to help with carving and polishing, he scolds me for not doing real work. It’s clear he’s just using me as cheap labor,” explained Jiang Chunshe. “A couple of days ago, I couldn’t bear it and argued with him, asking him to either teach me some skills, pay me for my work, or return the filial gifts from these years. He got angry and kicked me out.”

“He’s shameless, isn’t he? You’re honest and hardworking. You’ve given him considerable filial gifts every year, and he won’t even teach you some skills. Isn’t he afraid of bad karma?” Jiang Youcheng expressed his indignation and then patted Jiang Chunshe on the back. “In my opinion, it’s better to be away from such a person. It’s better to do something on your own than to keep laboring for someone like that.”

“That’s right. It’s better than working for nothing,” Jiang Chunshe grinned, but there was a hint of bitterness in his smile.

At twenty years old, he had spent a significant amount of time learning a craft, but with no tangible results. Despite his lengthy tenure, he had only learned basic tasks such as sawing wood, planing boards, and varnishing. He could assemble simple items like stools and tables, but he lacked the experience to measure rooms and estimate materials, making him unfit for the role of a true carpenter. No one outside would hire a half-baked craftsman like him.

Earning a living was not going to be easy.

“Alright, don’t worry too much. After coming back, settle down for a couple of days. We’re about to start planting cotton, so you can help out in the fields,” Jiang Youcheng observed Jiang Chunshe’s low spirits and comforted him. “Take your time and see if there’s a suitable opportunity. You’re honest and not foolish. I believe you’ll succeed, for sure.”

“Okay,” Jiang Chunshe nodded with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Chunshe offered to help saw some bamboo, but Jiang Youcheng and Liu Shi stopped him, insisting that he should return home to tend to his own affairs.

Although the main branch of the family lived a relatively comfortable life and owned more land, they still worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk. There was no room for idleness.

Jiang Youcheng even kept a nearly finished bamboo basket he had woven. “I’ve just finished weaving this bamboo basket. Take it home and use it. It’ll also help me test if the weaving is sturdy enough.”

Unable to refuse, Jiang Chunshe accepted the bamboo basket. “Alright then, I’ll head back. Uncle, if there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

Seeing Jiang Chunshe off, Jiang Mixia asked, “Can the elder brother carve things out of wood? Like little cats or dogs?”

“I can, but they might not be as good as the ones you find outside,” Jiang Chunshe replied. “Do you want one? I can carve a few for you—cats, dogs, or rabbits. Whatever you like.”

“Anything will do. It doesn’t have to be intricate, just one will be enough,” Jiang Mixia said.

Seeing her response, Jiang Chunshe chuckled. “You’re not asking for much. Alright, if I have some free time, I’ll carve one for you and bring it over when it’s done.”

“Thank you, big brother,” Jiang Mixia thanked him with a smile.

“No need to thank me,” Jiang Chunshe said, ruffling Jiang Mixia’s hair like he used to when she was younger.

After Jiang Chunshe left, the family continued their work.

Sawing bamboo, splitting bamboo strips, weaving bamboo baskets and crates— the four of them worked together in a coordinated manner.

They remained busy until the sun began to set, at which point Liu Shi went to prepare dinner.

She made sweet potato and cornmeal flatbread, cornmeal porridge, and a cold wild vegetable salad. Additionally, she sliced the tofu Jiang Chunshe had brought, fried it, and sprinkled it with salt before serving.

The pan-fried tofu exuded a delightful salty fragrance, mixed with the natural aroma of the tofu, making it incredibly delicious.

“Pan-fried tofu is really tasty,” Song Jingyun noted.

After dinner, night fell. The weather was clear, and the bright moonlight illuminated the courtyard. Jiang Youcheng prepared to use this light to finish weaving the bamboo basket.

Meanwhile, Jiang Mixia, Song Jingyun, and Liu Shi planned to split the remaining bamboo pieces. With this done, they could go and cut new bamboo the next day.

Although the trio had become quite skilled, working by the dim moonlight slowed them down considerably compared to daytime.

By the time Jiang Youcheng finished weaving the bamboo basket, it was already late into the night.

“Let’s go to sleep quickly; otherwise, we won’t wake up early tomorrow,” Liu Shi urged Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun as she tidied up.

Jiang Mixia yawned and nodded, then went to the water tank to fetch water, calling for Song Jingyun to come and wash up.

“You two go to sleep first; I’ll finish splitting these,” Song Jingyun said without lifting his head.

With just a few bamboo pieces left at his feet, Liu Shi and Jiang Mixia ceased urging him and went back to their rooms after tidying up.

Exhausted, Jiang Mixia lay down and soon fell asleep. She was awakened by the hooting of an owl outside.

Beside her, there was nothing.

Song Jingyun wasn’t in bed.

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