The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Obedient

“That’s right,” Jiang Youcheng patted Liu Shi’s arm. “Go to sleep quickly. Tomorrow, I need to get up early to cut some rattan. These days, I’ll make a few more rattan baskets.”

Jiang Youcheng was skilled at making baskets. During the off-season, he would make rattan baskets to exchange for some silver coins at the market in town. It wasn’t a significant income, but it helped with household expenses.

With recent changes at home and hardly any money left, it was crucial to earn more.

“Also, tomorrow morning, make a steamed egg custard for Xia and Jingyun. Both of them need some good nourishment,” Jiang Youcheng instructed.

“Alright,” Liu Shi nodded. “One and a half each. They’re both grown, and one serving might not be enough.”

However, they couldn’t afford to make more.

“Do what you can…” Jiang Youcheng’s voice trailed off as he began to snore.

Liu Shi also lay down.

In the western room, Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun lay on the same bed.

Back to back. Although she knew that the person beside her was her future husband, Jiang Mixia was not accustomed to lying on the same bed with someone she had just met. Despite feeling drowsy, she found it difficult to fall asleep.

Song Jingyun also couldn’t sleep. Firstly, his body had been in a coma for a long time, and secondly, he hadn’t fully accepted the idea of crossing over to this new reality.

The night was deep, and the faint light seeping through the window created an ethereal atmosphere, making everything seem unreal. However, the chorus of insects outside, the sensation of touching the thing called a quilt, all served as reminders that he was in a completely different world from his hometown.

After a long silence, Song Jingyun lightly nudged Jiang Mixia with his elbow and whispered, “Can I go back to my own world?”

“Most likely not,” Jiang Mixia responded.

Song Jingyun pondered for a while and asked quietly, “Since I crossed over after I died, if I die here now, can I go back?”

“If you’re not afraid of a permanent death, you can try,” she replied.

“Um…” Song Jingyun seemed to consider something, then dismissed the budding thought. He then asked, “You mentioned earlier that I’m a son-in-law, but what exactly is a son-in-law?”

“Here, when a man and woman marry, typically the woman moves to live with the man’s family. In cases where the man moves to the woman’s family, like in your situation, he is called a son-in-law,” Jiang Mixia patiently explained. “A son-in-law must serve his wife and her parents, obey their orders, otherwise, it would be considered not fulfilling his duty and could result in punishment.”

“What kind of punishment?” Song Jingyun’s voice grew softer.

“It varies depending on the situation. It could range from kneeling and being beaten with a paddle for minor offenses. For more serious matters…” Jiang Mixia paused. “It might result in being burned alive.”

“…” Song Jingyun fell silent.

After a long pause, Song Jingyun spoke softly, “I will obey you and your parents.”

His tone carried a hint of appeasement.

Jiang Mixia nodded. “Go to sleep soon; we have to get up early tomorrow.”


Song Jingyun turned over.

Jiang Mixia reached out and touched her nose.

It wasn’t her intention to scare him, but Song Jingyun’s situation was unique. He knew nothing about this world, and if he behaved too strangely, in a world that believed in spirits and gods, he might face a real threat to his life if seen as an outsider.

A little intimidation would instill caution and protect him.

Jiang Mixia closed her eyes.

The next day, as the rooster crowed three times, the faint light of dawn appeared in the east. Jiang Youcheng and Liu Shi were up and busy, and Jiang Mixia called for Song Jingyun to begin teaching him how to dress, brush his teeth with a willow twig, wash his face, and comb his hair.

The first few tasks proceeded smoothly, but when it came to the last task, Song Jingyun seemed a bit flustered.

The once orderly hair became a tangled mess.

For the first lesson, expectations couldn’t be too high.

Jiang Mixia took matters into her own hands and tied his hair into a bun for him.

“Thank you,” Song Jingyun felt a bit embarrassed.

“You’re welcome.”

Jiang Mixia took a comb and casually grabbed a polished wooden stick, using it to secure her own hair. “Alright, let’s go out. Dad and mom just called for breakfast, don’t keep them waiting.”

“Okay,” Song Jingyun followed Jiang Mixia outside.

He had been inside the house all along, feeling a sense of security. But now, as he had to open the door and step outside to face a world about which he knew nothing, Song Jingyun felt a bit anxious.

His palms were sweating, and he unconsciously grabbed Jiang Mixia’s sleeve.

This son-in-law was truly timid.

But despite his timidity, the sight of this son-in-law, resembling a young chick, sparked a surge of maternal affection within Jiang Mixia.

She patted his shoulder and spoke resolutely, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here, everything will be fine.”

With her around, everything would be fine.

Her voice was gentle, like a soft breeze in spring.

Feeling reassured, Song Jingyun let go of Jiang Mixia’s sleeve.

“Observe how I do things in daily life, and learn from me. You’ll gradually get used to interacting with others,” Jiang Mixia added.

“Okay,” Song Jingyun agreed, took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and followed Jiang Mixia into the courtyard.

Jiang Youcheng and Liu Shi were sitting at the small table, waiting. When they saw Song Jingyun following Jiang Mixia closely, they exchanged a glance.

It seemed like their son-in-law was quite attached to their daughter.

And he seemed to listen to her.

It had to be that way…

The couple exchanged a knowing look, not saying much, and invited Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun to sit down.

Liu Shi placed the steamed custard in front of them. “Here you go, I added a bit of sesame oil. Please, have some.”

The fresh and fragrant custard, a special treat just for them, was placed before the two.

Observing the affectionate elderly couple, Jiang Mixia scooped up a spoonful of custard and offered it to Liu Shi. “Mother, have some.”

Song Jingyun, already hungry, was about to lift the custard to eat when he recalled Jiang Mixia’s advice to observe and learn from her. After a moment of thought, he held the spoon and offered a bite to Jiang Youcheng.

“Father, have some.”

Jiang Youcheng was so startled that he stumbled, almost spilling the porridge from his bowl. After regaining his balance, he looked at Song Jingyun with a conflicted expression.

While it was natural for a daughter to show respect to her mother, it was also expected for a son-in-law to show respect to his father-in-law. But for the son-in-law to feed his father-in-law custard… it was a bit hard to accept.

Song Jingyun was taken aback.

Jiang Mixia fed her mother, and her mother smiled warmly. He fed his father, and his father was startled and moved away.

Was something wrong?

Song Jingyun felt a bit flustered. “I…”

Jiang Youcheng, seeing Song Jingyun looking bewildered, felt a bit embarrassed and quickly reassured him, “It’s okay. I know you’re being filial. It’s just that I don’t like custard. The smell of eggs bothers me. Please, don’t mind me. Go ahead and eat.”

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