The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Delivering Meals

With a contented smile, he then closed his eyes.

I can only feel at ease when wife is holding me.

Song Jingyun didn’t have a fever again that night.

However, the next morning, he still felt a bit of headache, body aches, and a sore throat, along with a heavy nasal voice.

Following Doctor Yang’s prescription, Jiang Mixia brewed medicine for Song Jingyun three times a day.

Song Jingyun diligently took the medicine as prescribed, feeling a sense of incomplete satisfaction each time he drank it.

Each time Jiang Mixia saw Song Jingyun sipping the dark brown, pungent traditional Chinese medicine, she looked at her husband in disbelief.

Truly, a unique taste!

After three days of medication, Song Jingyun’s condition improved significantly. He not only regained his lively spirit but also his hearty appetite.

Even Song Jingyun began to pitifully negotiate with Jiang Mixia, asking when they could visit the county town again or venture into the mountains.

A trip to the county town was for the sake of buying delicious food, while the mountain visit was to satisfy his craving for wild game.

Seeing this, Jiang Mixia felt thoroughly relieved.

Under the guidance of Song Jingyun and Jiang Youcheng, the apprentices in the bamboo weaving workshop could now independently complete their assigned tasks and maintain high quality.

With the apprentices capable of handling tasks, Jiang Youcheng’s workload lightened considerably. He only needed to manage various miscellaneous matters in and around the workshop, assign tasks to the apprentices based on orders, and daily track the quantity and quality of their work. He also began planning to gradually build up a certain number of apprentices.

Meanwhile, Song Jingyun occasionally provided guidance on techniques to the apprentices and assisted Jiang Mixia by creating samples for new products, which the others would then replicate.

It could be said that at this point, the entire bamboo weaving workshop had somewhat entered the right track.

With everyone performing their designated roles and following established procedures, the atmosphere was much more relaxed compared to the previous chaotic period.

On the pottery side, Jiang Mixia discussed the matter of tea canisters with Zhu Yongwu.

Although the production of canned finished tea leaves at the tea garden wasn’t entirely confirmed yet, Jiang Mixia was quite hopeful. Once confirmed, the need for tea canisters would arise immediately.

On the pottery side, preparation was essential; they needed to be ready to respond immediately to any demands. This led Jiang Mixia and Zhu Yongwu to focus on two key aspects.

First, they discussed the designs and colors to be painted on the canisters.

Jiang Mixia took responsibility for this, planning to create colored designs, which could then be replicated on the pottery bodies.

Secondly, with the current business from Mr. Zhao and the expected growth in the future, along with the potential demand for tea canisters from the tea garden, the pottery workshop faced a shortage of manpower.

Zhu Yongwu needed to quickly recruit a certain number of apprentices and laborers to prepare for the future of the pottery workshop.

If necessary, they might even need to build one or two additional kilns.

This matter fell within Zhu Yongwu’s area of expertise, so Jiang Mixia thought it was best to leave it to him.

Zhu Yongwu was enthusiastic about this and prepared to discuss the recruitment of apprentices and laborers with Jiang Zhengxin in the village.

It was important for the local villagers to learn the craft. This approach not only maintained a close relationship with the village but also ensured that the pottery workshop was valued by the villagers.

In any case, this was a form of development that relied on the village while giving back to the village. The village ensured individual development while benefiting from it—a mutually beneficial arrangement.

If they couldn’t find suitable candidates within the village, they would then consider individuals from outside.

As Zhu Yongwu contemplated this matter, he also pondered how to broach the subject when he met with Jiang Zhengxin later.

Suddenly, a crisp voice of Zhu Guangtai sounded from the neighboring courtyard, “Aunt Xing is here! What delicious food did you make today? I can smell meat. Did you stew some meat?”

Since Jiang Chunyu started learning pottery with Zhu Yongwu, Jiang Xiaoxing frequently brought lunch to the pottery workshop.

Firstly, this was because Jiang Chunyu was diligently working there and often forgot to come home for meals. Secondly, if he forgot, it meant that Zhu Yongwu must have been too busy to remember. Jiang Guangtai, being so young, couldn’t afford to miss meals.

Moreover, since Jiang Chunyu was learning from Zhu Yongwu and Zhu Yongwu hadn’t taken any apprenticeship fees or gifts, Jiang Youfu and Yang shi discussed it and decided that since they had a large household, they could afford to make extra food during meal times and have Jiang Xiaoxing deliver it to the pottery workshop.

As for Zhu Yongwu, initially, he considered Jiang Youfu’s family’s generosity and warmth as simple neighborly gestures. However, it gradually became apparent that Jiang Youfu’s family seemed to have taken charge of their meals. Considering his limited culinary skills and the somewhat rough nature of his cooking, Zhu Yongwu discussed with Jiang Youfu and agreed to pay a monthly fee for the meals.

As a result, Jiang Xiaoxing began delivering meals to the pottery workshop as part of her regular duties.

Observing Zhu Guangtai eagerly sniffing the air, Jiang Xiaoxing suppressed a smile and said, “Your nose is quite sensitive. I stewed pork belly for you today, and it turned out really delicious.”

While speaking, she began unpacking the food container.

A bowl filled to the brim with braised pork belly, accompanied by potatoes and green beans stewed in the pork broth, along with a side of stir-fried vegetables and a generous serving of white rice.

“Smells so good,” Zhu Guangtai said, swallowing. It was lunchtime, and as a growing boy, seeing all this delicious food made him hungry, and his stomach began to growl.

“I can tell it’s your cooking, sister.” Jiang Chunyu leaned in and sniffed the aroma. “Braised pork belly. You always make the best.”

“If it’s delicious, both of you should eat more,” Jiang Xiaoxing said as she handed them chopsticks. She looked around and asked, “Where’s Brother Yongwu? Isn’t he at the pottery workshop?”

“He’s inside. Sixth Sister just came to discuss something with him, but she just left. I think he’s busy, so I’ll go call him for lunch.” Jiang Chunyu hurried off to find Zhu Yongwu, not even glancing at the delicious braised pork.

“Alright, enjoy your meal. When I come to deliver dinner, I’ll collect the bowls and plates,” Jiang Xiaoxing packed up the food container and then reminded Zhu Guangtai, “Remember to tell your dad that I’ll hang the washed clothes and bed linens in the yard this afternoon.”

“Okay, I’ll tell him later,” Zhu Guangtai said as he escorted Jiang Xiaoxing out.

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