The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Reciprocating Kindness

After Jiang Xiaoxing had left, Zhu Yongwu and Jiang Chunyu returned to the courtyard to have their meal together.

The fragrant braised pork belly melted in their mouths, rich but not greasy, truly delicious.

The three of them enjoyed their meal, feeling thoroughly satisfied.

In the afternoon, Zhu Yongwu went to find Jiang Zhengxin.

The following day, news about the pottery workshop recruiting apprentices and laborers spread throughout every corner of the Jiang family village.

Since the establishment of the pottery workshop, everyone in the village had been witness to its business. Therefore, they had a clear understanding of its future development.

Learning pottery and ceramics was just as promising for ensuring a livelihood as apprenticing at the bamboo weaving workshop.

Many people were eager to give it a try, and the pottery workshop had quite a long queue of interested individuals.

While waiting, they chatted and discussed whether to work as laborers or to become apprentices.

Meanwhile, Jiang Zhengxin was in the town, chatting with the villagers and catching up with them.

As they conversed, Jiang Zhengxin noticed Jiang Datou heading their way.

“Here comes Datou,” Jiang Zhengxin said with a smile.

Jiang Datou’s family was going through difficult times, a fact that Jiang Zhengxin was well aware of. He understood that Jiang Datou was trying to find ways to make a living. However, the situation at Jiang Datou’s home wasn’t suitable for someone to work as an apprentice or laborer for an extended period.

The village had also provided assistance to Jiang Datou’s family. Jiang Zhengxin hoped that the entire village would follow the principles of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, aiding families in need. However, he also emphasized the importance of gratitude and not taking others’ assistance for granted, as well as not overstepping boundaries.

Thus, Jiang Zhengxin couldn’t help but feel a bit apprehensive.

He was afraid of hearing that Jiang Datou, in a state of confusion, was considering seeking a livelihood at the pottery workshop.

“Uncle, I have something to discuss with you,” Jiang Datou said with a warm smile. “Shall we talk over there for a moment?”

“Sure,” Jiang Zhengxin followed Jiang Datou to a large soapberry tree nearby. “What is it?”

“Well, I do have something,” Jiang Datou said somewhat embarrassedly. “As the wheat harvest is approaching, my family still has some surplus grain. I thought of donating a few bags to the ancestral hall. The village chief can decide how to use it, whether to give it to families in need or exchange it for money to keep at the ancestral hall.”

Jiang Datou’s family wanted to donate surplus grain to the ancestral hall?

Jiang Zhengxin was initially surprised, and then he spoke with gravity, “Good lad, I understand your intentions. But your family is also going through tough times. Doing good deeds is important, but one must ensure their own livelihood is in order. If you can’t manage your own affairs and only think about helping others, that doesn’t qualify as doing good. It’s neglecting your own responsibilities.”

“I know Uncle cares about my family, but don’t worry, our family has been doing better recently,” Jiang Datou said. Then, with some excitement, he continued, “Just last month, I took my wife to the county town to buy medicine. While we were there, I also had her see the doctor. After the examination, the doctor said she’s much better now. As long as nothing major happens, and she drinks a couple more doses of the medicine, she’ll be almost as good as anyone else.”

“During this time, my wife has been handling everything at home, so I don’t have to worry as much. I’ve been helping out with some odd jobs in the fields, and I don’t have to tend to the vegetable garden anymore. I even have time to go to the mountains to gather firewood to sell in town,” Jiang Datou shared.

“I don’t know if it’s because my wife’s health has improved, but she’s been happier lately. She says she feels lighter, more energetic, and she’s eating more than before. She doesn’t even need to drink as much of the medicinal soup,” he continued.

“The doctor mentioned that my wife’s illness had worsened due to worry, but now that my mother’s condition is also improving, my wife is naturally happier. The doctor even suggested that with proper care, she might be able to get out of bed and move around a bit in the future. Although she won’t be able to do heavy work, she’ll be able to take care of herself,” Jiang Datou added.

Jiang Zhengxin nodded in agreement. He had heard about Jiang Datou’s wife’s improved health around the village, but he hadn’t realized the extent of her recovery. This meant that both of them could work and wouldn’t need to spend money on medicinal soups. It was indeed a positive turn of events.

It was no wonder Jiang Datou wanted to donate surplus grain, feeling grateful for the village’s support and wanting to give back now that his family’s situation had improved.

Thinking for a moment, Jiang Zhengxin suggested, “You can donate 30% of the grain, as you suggested. This way, you can express your gratitude while still retaining some for your family’s needs.”

In reality, Jiang Datou’s family had only just started to see an improvement in their situation, and they needed to ensure they were prepared for any uncertainties.

After considering for a while, Jiang Datou nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll do as you say. I’ll go home and get the grain.”

“I’ll come with you,” Jiang Zhengxin responded. It was important for everyone in the village to see that the younger generation of the Jiang family was reciprocating kindness.

The process of recruiting apprentices and laborers for the pottery workshop went smoothly.

Considering the limited business at the pottery workshop and Zhu Yongwu’s inexperience in mentoring apprentices, they started with two apprentices and one laborer for miscellaneous tasks. They planned to recruit more apprentices once Zhu Yongwu became more skilled and the current apprentices were well-trained.

Meanwhile, at Jiang Mixia’s end, due to the demand from Zhao’s for a set of teacups and tea bowls from the pottery workshop, she had to purchase new glazes and pigments and create new designs. As the products were for a folk pottery workshop, the pricing was limited, and the level of intricacy in the craftsmanship was not comparable to that of official kilns. Moreover, Zhu Yongwu also had limited skills in drawing and coloring.

When creating the designs, Jiang Mixia used simple lines and bold strokes, aiming to achieve a balance between roughness and delicacy through color combinations.

She continued to draw patterns for wooden puppets for Qiu’s and sent them over. The carpenters had become familiar with her drawing style and the essence she wanted to convey through the wooden puppets. As a result, they no longer needed to rely on clay models for carving, making things easier for Jiang Mixia. She could now focus solely on creating patterns without the need to labor over clay models.

Overall, things became much easier for Jiang Mixia. However, Jiang Maihua felt a bit disheartened. Since Jiang Mixia no longer worked with clay, she couldn’t play with it anymore or ask Song Jingyun for clay animals in a legitimate manner.

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