Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother
Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother Chapter 66.1


[Help, this is too flirtatious, who can resist it?!]

[I’m willing, I’m willing, I’m willing! Sister, I can do it! Even if Feng Zong appears now, I will still scream to the whole world!]

[Wife, wife, take me with you, let me sit in the back! (Sprint) (Run) (Wag tail) (Beat other dogs) (Bruised and wagging tail]

[Sister, put on some pants, this is not a deserted area!]

Seeing Sheng Xia reaching out to her, her long and slender legs straddling the jet ski, exuding a cool and flirtatious vibe, Le Chuxin’s heart couldn’t help but beat faster.

Her face slightly flushed, she completely forgot how resistant she was to thrilling activities at this moment, as if she was enchanted, subconsciously reaching out her hand. Then she felt Sheng Xia grab her hand and gently pull her to the back.

“Are you ready?”

Sheng Xia’s voice sounded in front of her with a smile. Only then did Le Chuxin react, but it was too late to get off. She instinctively hugged Sheng Xia’s waist tightly, closed her eyes, and mumbled in agreement.

Expecting to be scared and scream when she heard the sound of the jet ski starting, she was surprised to find it very gentle, only hearing the sound of the wind and the waves.

Le Chuxin opened her eyes in surprise and found that their speed was not even as fast as the speedboat next to them.

Sheng Xia also didn’t do any of the thrilling tricks she did before, just drove as smoothly as driving on land, so she didn’t make her nervous enough to have an stress reaction.

Feeling a sudden sense of calm in her heart, she pursed her lips and tentatively looked around at the scenery.

The clear sea in the distance gradually surged and fluctuated with their advance, occasionally splashing waves hitting her face and feet, turning into a refreshing coolness with the sea breeze.

In this almost merging with the sea shock, her mind went blank, and she couldn’t think of anything.

It seemed that she was gradually getting used to it, Sheng Xia gradually increased the speed of the jet ski, but this time Le Chuxin did not close her eyes.

Although her heart was still beating fast, she just hugged Sheng Xia tightly, then opened her eyes wide, watching the waves chasing at her feet, the roaring sea breeze hitting her face, and the sky and sea were exceptionally blue.

Her mood, as if with all this, became carefree and free.

Hearing Sheng Xia asking her what kind of pattern she wanted to draw, Le Chuxin, who had unknowingly adapted to the high-speed excitement, gathered up the courage and replied loudly, “I want a flower!”

Then she hugged Sheng Xia tightly, and she really felt the jet ski spinning on the sea, using the splashing white waves to draw a blooming flower for herself.

Even though the splashing mist made it impossible for her to open her eyes, Le Chuxin still smiled happily.

It seemed like she hadn’t laughed so freely in a long time, without having to think about anything, without having to worry about others.

In this moment, time belonged only to her.

Perhaps realizing this, until she returned to the beach and stopped, her heart was still beating rapidly.

But this time she didn’t feel any lingering fear. Instead, she felt a bit reluctant. How could it end so soon?

However, before she could continue to reminisce, she saw Bai Jing, who had been waiting on the beach without knowing when, rushing over excitedly, “Ah ah ah Xiaxia, you’re biased! I want to, I want to, quickly take me for a ride, I also want to play like this!”

So next, Sheng Xia took Bai Jing and Tao Rou for another thrilling sea trip.

Unlike Le Chuxin, who needed to gradually adapt, they even asked for a faster speed, experiencing the thrilling speed on the sea.

Only Sheng Lanqiu refused to ride the jet ski, using the excuse of resting and sunbathing to lie on a lounge chair.

She watched Sheng Xia take the limelight from afar, knowing that the focus of the camera was on her at this moment. She could imagine how the viewers would discuss Sheng Xia, her eyes couldn’t help but darken.

She could feel that although the others didn’t show it on the surface, they actually had some aversion towards her, and she also didn’t think much of them. She just didn’t expect the theme of this issue to turn out like this, putting herself in a more unfavorable position.

But it was too late to regret participating in the program. Sheng Lanqiu took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and calmly thought about how to turn the situation around.

—Now she could only hope that Shi Yulun and Shi Yue over there wouldn’t hold her back.

After playing with the jet ski, it was not early, and the setting sun dyed the sea surface a crimson color.

The evening breeze was particularly cool, and Bai Jing took the initiative to suggest having a barbecue. There happened to be barbecue tools and a small bar in the villa, so everyone went to buy ingredients nearby, changed into long sleeves and pants, and had a barbecue on the terrace.

Because Tao Rou had previously appeared as a bartender and learned a little about mixing drinks, she also mixed a drink for each of them, making this gathering more ceremonial.

“Wow, Tao Rou, I didn’t expect you to have this skill. It’s almost as good as my home’s bartender.” Bai Jing held her drink and looked at it, couldn’t help but whistle, “I remember Xiao Xu learned how to cook to play a chef. How about you guys, do you bring your own skills to the filming?”

Tao Rou took a sip of her cocktail, always appearing aloof and serious. At this moment, she leaned back on the chair and looked very relaxed. “Acting naturally requires serious treatment. Only when you deeply understand the character can you portray her well and gain the audience’s approval.”

“On this point, Xiao Xu, as a member of the new generation, has done very well.” She turned her head to look at Sheng Xia, “Xiao Xu is also very serious on the set and has improved a lot.”

Although they didn’t mention anyone else and didn’t have this kind of consciousness of being serious, Sheng Lanqiu always felt that Tao Rou was implying something. She couldn’t help but tighten her grip on the glass, her eyes flash slightly.

Sheng Xia propped up her chin. “He said thanks to you and Brother Yin taking care of him, everyone in the crew is very friendly to him, and he has indeed learned a lot this time.”

“You guys are so into it, I feel embarrassed.” She smiled and handed over her empty glass, her eyes shining, “Tao Rou, I want another one~”

Tao Rou took it with some amusement. “Cocktails still have alcohol content, so drink less.”

“I didn’t feel embarrassed at all.” Bai Jing took a bite of the skewer and rolled her eyes at Sheng Xia, “But now that you have your own island, do you still need to work so hard?”

“That’s true, I also think so.” Sheng Xia nodded in agreement, and her lips turned slightly red after being stained with wine, “Only after you have worked hard and earnestly, will you realize that lying down is really the happiest.”

Bai Jing: “…That’s not what I meant.”

【Hahaha, Teacher Sheng’s famous saying is back! How do you know lying down is happy if you don’t work hard (dog’s head)?】

【Sheng Xia always shows her attitude of lying down and being lazy, and she doesn’t even feel ashamed. Although I know she’s because she has money and doesn’t worry, I still relax and am not as anxious as before.】

【Everyone has the right to choose how to live. Others work so hard to internalize, and success should be rewarded. Since I can’t have success, then I’ll have happiness.】

Le Chuxin is not good at drinking, so she only tasted a little, then put it down and started to admire the dazzling colors in the glass.

Upon hearing this, she couldn’t help but raise her head and ask curiously, “But Bai Jing, since you’re already so rich, why are you still working so hard?”

Bai Jing glanced at her. “Because I like being a host. Aren’t you still not giving up on dancing because you like it?”

It’s Le Chuxin’s persistence that even though she needs to take care of her family and appears gentle and weak, she has never thought of giving up being a dance performer. Bai Jing, with her proud and sometimes difficult personality, can barely tolerate her.

Of course, after getting along, their relationship is different from the first two season.

Le Chuxin was stunned for a moment, seeming to think of something, and suddenly held the glass with a hesitant expression.

Perhaps it was because she had experienced the freedom and joy of the afternoon, or perhaps she had already regarded them as friends, plus the slight tipsiness from drinking a little cocktail just now, she, who always concealed her feelings, now actually felt a bit inclined to confide.

“If, I mean if—” Her cheeks were slightly red, gently turning the glass, she hesitated, “If you think if I give up my career and focus on taking care of my family…”

“Not good, what are you thinking?” Bai Jing interrupted her directly without thinking, glaring at her, “Don’t you care a lot about your dance career? Why would you want to give it up now?”

Le Chuxin was choked by her, and Tao Rou also looked disapproving, hesitating to explain, “It’s not exactly giving up, I’ve just been thinking… which is more important, family or career.”

“Don’t look at me marrying Yin Su and having Ya Ya, but I’ve never felt secure. Sometimes I even feel a bit inferior in front of him, thinking that his career is definitely more important than mine.”

Since she had already said this, Le Chuxin simply confessed everything under the slight tipsiness, “Every time he goes out to shoot, it takes a long time. He might not stay for a few days when he comes back, so he needs me to take care of the family even more. So over the years, although I said I didn’t want to give up my career, I actually rejected many opportunities for advancement.”

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