Who Says Old Two-Dimensional People Can’t get Married!
Who Says Old Two-Dimensional People Can’t get Married! Chapter 3.2

Chapter 3: Three-dimensional 2/2

Luo Lüli dared to speak frankly:

“You just like Octopus teacher’s type Simple, I know a few young cosplayers who might know Octopus; just introduce you to a blind date, saving you the trouble of looking for a substitute meal everywhere.”

Song Fuzhi wanted her to stop quickly. Not to mention whether the other person was single or not, this was simply nonsense.

To put it bluntly, Octopus Teacher wasn’t even considered an idol in Song Fuzhi’s eyes. Song Fuzhi himself didn’t think he could be considered a fan of Octopus Teacher.

He just enjoyed watching him solve puzzles. Octopus Teacher was no different from a paper man, essentially in a different dimension from Song Fuzhi.

Moreover, could you really mix the standards for 2D hobbies and 3D partner selection?

He could easily fantasize about being locked in a room with a handsome paper man, but if he encountered such a control freak in the real world, he would probably break that person’s jaw directly.

Song Fuzhi was a practical adult; he wasn’t so oblivious.

The streets were decorated with lights and festive colors for the spring festival. After celebrating the New Year with his parents, Song Fuzhi brought home a pile of food and started the new year alone.

The winter vacation was entering the final countdown, and middle school was about to start. Song Fuzhi is cherished every day.

One day, Song Fuzhi woke up early and decided to have a bowl of wonton. When he arrived at his usual place, he discovered that the storefront had changed. The wonton shop had been replaced by a coffee shop.

Standing at the entrance for a while, Song Fuzhi felt a bit empty.

The coffee shop was decorated in a fresh style, with white walls, wooden windows, and a terrace full of lush green plants. It looked like it had good business, with many people inside.

Since he was already here and the shop looked nice, he thought he might as well try it. Song Fuzhi decided.

The girl at the counter asked for Song Fuzhi’s surname, drew a few strokes on the cup, and smiled at him. “Please wait a moment.”

The place was crowded with people waiting for their coffee, most of them couples holding roses.

It was only then that Song Fuzhi realized it was Valentine’s Day today.

After a while, a staff member held a cup of coffee, read the label on the cup, and said, “Mr. S., your coffee, sir.”

Song Fuzhi was momentarily confused but realized they were probably calling him by the initials of his surname. He thought the place was quite trendy.

Upon closer thought, it was likely for convenience that they only wrote the initials of the customer’s name.

He reached for the cup, and at the same time, his fingertips touched someone else’s.


“My apologies.”

Both of them retracted their hands.

When Song Fuzhi looked up, he made eye contact with a stranger.

Time seemed to freeze for an instant.

This person was slightly taller than Song Fuzhi, with thin lenses covering her gentle eyes. He looked like a figure sketched with a fine brush—an ancient scholar with clear features.

The man had neat clothes, exuding an academic temperament. Song Fuzhi’s gaze lingered on him a bit longer.

The man’s gaze also fell on him, with a very serious expression.

Song Fuzhi realized this, and a subtle tingling sensation ran down his spine.

“Sorry, Mr. Song, this is your coffee. Thank you for your patience.”

Hearing the server call him, Song Fuzhi calmly returned his attention, reaching out to take the coffee.

“Xiaoxia, how many times have I told you not to just write the customer’s initials?” The server complained in a low voice.

The girl at the cash register raised her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, it’s so busy; I wrote quickly. I’ll fix it right away.”

“Apologies, Mr. Shi, for your coffee. Thank you for waiting.”

The server switched to a smile and handed the other cup of coffee to the man beside Song Fuzhi.

Was his last name Shi, or was it Shi? This question flashed by.

The coffee shop was full of people, and looking around, there were no empty seats.

Song Fuzhi decided to take his coffee to go, and conveniently, a couple stood up, freeing up a small round table.

As he walked over, he found that Mr. Shi had also walked towards the empty table.

Their eyes lightly touched again. Song Fuzhi politely asked, “Mind if I join?”

Mr. Shi seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying, “Not at all.” The two of them pulled out the wooden chairs and sat down across from each other.

The small table was against the wall, with some books on the shelf. Song Fuzhi hadn’t sat down to read a book in a long time, so he randomly picked one. The book was still very new, showing that not many people had flipped through it.

Mr. Shi, on the other side, opened his laptop and occasionally wrote something on the spread-out notebook. It seemed like he was working.

Other tables were filled with laughter and chatter, with the coffee machine making sizzling sounds. Only their area was quiet; each person was doing their own thing, one reading a book and the other working, without any conversation.

Sunlight streamed through the window, and a coffee fragrance filled the air. Song Fuzhi, unknowingly, read half of the book. He enjoyed the serene atmosphere.

“Fuzhi ge.”

A young voice sounded in his ear, and Song Fuzhi raised his head, finding it to be Qiao Xuyang.

Somehow, he had found this coffee shop.

Holding a bunch of roses, Qiao Xuyang bent down like a gentleman, gazing attentively at Song Fuzhi with a smile and a hint of cunning on his face. “You said last time that there was someone by your side. Was that a lie? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be spending Valentine’s Day alone.”

Song Fuzhi’s expression immediately turned cold.

Qiao Xuyang crouched down beside him, like a fluffy little golden retriever. Looking up, round, bright eyes sparkled, a gentle and warm smile on his face as he spoke straightforwardly, “Ge, I’ve been rejected by you many times, but I like you. Can you give me a chance? Let me pursue you once.”

Qiao Xuyang was handsome and knew how to exude charm. There was never anyone he couldn’t win over, except for Song Fuzhi.

He refused to accept it; he had to gnaw this bone to the end.

Song Fuzhi’s expression cooled down. He put the book back on the shelf, took the coffee, and stood up, walking away with firm steps.

Qiao Xuyang sighed, stood up to follow, and seemed to brush against something. Then, a hand stopped him.

“You knocked over my notebook.”

The gentlemanly tone of the man sitting across from him, pointing to the ground

“Sorry, sorry.”

Qiao Xuyang bent down to pick it up, holding roses, and looked a bit clumsy. The man across from him was faster, picking up the notebook himself.

“Sorry, Mr. Shi, your coffee; sorry for the wait.”

The server switched to a smile, handing the other cup of coffee to the man beside Song Fuzhi.

His last name was Shi, or was it Shi? This question flashed by.

The man politely said, “It’s okay.”

Just delaying for a while, when Qiao Xuyang stood up again, Song Fuzhi’s figure had already disappeared into the lively crowd on the street.

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