Who Says Old Two-Dimensional People Can’t get Married!
Who Says Old Two-Dimensional People Can’t get Married! Chapter 7.2

Chapter 7: The Seventh Dimension 2/2

After exchanging greetings, they fell into silence. After a while, they both laughed.

Song Fuzhi asked the previous question, “Is your last name Shi as in time, or Shi as in stone?”

“Time,” Shi Zhang replied.

After this answer, Shi Zhang chuckled and shook his head. “Meeting the son of Professor Wang on a blind date, honestly, it’s a bit nervous.”

Song Fuzhi asked, “Did my mom mention it to you?”

“I had dinner with high school classmates, including Professor Wang. We talked about our emotional states, and Professor Wang mentioned her son not having a girlfriend. Since everyone knows I’m single too, she jokingly suggested we give it a try. After dinner, Professor Wang asked me again, and I thought it was worth a try, so I agreed.”

In just one question, Shi Zhang explained everything in detail, neither humble nor overbearing, sitting upright with a slightly formal posture, like a diligent elementary school student making a serious statement.

“Thank you, Mr. Shi, for taking the time to come.” Song Fuzhi nodded lightly.

Perhaps influenced by the professor’s detailed way of speaking, Song Fuzhi’s self-introduction was also very formal: “I’m thirty-two this year, teaching math at the affiliated high school. I have a two-bedroom apartment, a car, and some savings. I’ve been on blind dates before but haven’t met the right one.”

It was Shi Zhang’s turn, and he followed Song Fuzhi’s format: “I’m thirty-four, a professor at the university. I live in a three-bedroom apartment, have a car, and have savings. I haven’t been on blind dates before; this is my first time.”

He paused for a moment and smiled gently. “So if there’s anything I do wrong, please bear with me, Mr. Song.”

Song Fuzhi casually asked, “Professor Shi, what’s your main research?”


It wasn’t a very common subject, but Song Fuzhi thought about it and felt it suited Shi Zhang’s temperament.

Plants are quiet, and people are gentle.

Suddenly, he guessed that the faint fragrance on Shi Zhang might not be perfume.

Shi Zhang might have thought his previous answer was too general and added, “I specialize in plant taxonomy and genetics, usually doing experiments and teaching.”

“Mr. Song, what grade do you teach?”

“I’m the head teacher of the first grade and also teach another class. If nothing unexpected happens, I’ll be the head teacher for the other class in senior year.”

Both of them strictly adhered to the rules, asking and answering in a question-and-answer manner, as if solving a math problem.

Adults clearly understand that in the initial stages of blind dating, you need to set the conditions straight. What you have, what I have, what you want, what I want—clear calculations. If these align, then we can proceed to the next step.

It seemed like they had only been chatting for a short while, but when Song Fuzhi glanced at the watch, an entire hour had passed, and their coffee was long gone.

Shi Zhang noticed Song Fuzhi checking the time and calmly said, “It’s getting late; we…”

Rarely deviating from the norm, Song Fuzhi seized the opportunity. “How about having lunch together?”

Shi Zhang seemed momentarily surprised but nodded with a smile and said, “Sure.”

“I know a good Jiangnan cuisine place nearby. Would you like that, Professor Song?” Song Fuzhi suggested.

Song Fuzhi said, “Sure,” and signaled to the waiter, “Check, please. Thank you.”

Although Song Fuzhi had a strong taste preference, enjoying spicy Sichuan cuisine and insisting on authentic hot pot, he didn’t object to Shi Zhang’s suggestion. Since the other party proposed it, he naturally wouldn’t argue.

The restaurant was elegantly decorated with small bridges, flowing water, and pavilions. The owner seemed familiar with Shi Zhang, greeting him warmly, “Oh, Old Shi, bringing a friend this time?”

Shi Zhang smiled and replied, “Find us a nice spot, please.”

The owner didn’t need him to say it; he directly led them to the most private room with water curtains and orchids as dividers, creating a secluded paradise.

“Do you come here often?” Song Fuzhi asked.

“Occasionally,” Shi Zhang said. “It’s quiet here.”

Looking at the decor and atmosphere, Song Fuzhi could tell this wasn’t a cheap restaurant. However, when he saw the menu, he was still surprised by the prices. Unless it was a treat for friends, Song Fuzhi almost never went to such high-end establishments on his own.

It seemed that there was still a significant income gap between high school teachers and university professors.

Shi Zhang lowered his head to peruse the menu, his gaze behind the glasses focused. The whole package of his temperament was harmonious, and if he had to be summarized in one word, it would be refined.

Suddenly, Shi Zhang lifted his eyelids, and his ink-black eyes looked at Song Fuzhi, asking if he had any dietary restrictions or preferences.

Coming back to his senses, Song Fuzhi replied, “No restrictions. Professor Shi is a regular here; you choose.”

The lunch proceeded smoothly, with both of them engaging in safe and light conversations, akin to the mild taste of the Longjing shrimp dish.

This was normal for two adults who had just met; how deep could their conversations go? They were undoubtedly maintaining a certain distance.

Midway through the meal, Song Fuzhi’s phone, placed on the table, started vibrating rapidly with messages. It was unmistakably Luo Liuli, the chatterbox.

Luo Liuli tended to split one sentence into multiple messages, sending them separately. Each of her messages could fill several pages.

“Have you finished? I can’t wait for you. I’m going to the store!”

“I heard that the limited edition Metal Build is almost sold out! Ahh!”

“How much longer are you going to take? How’s the performance of the male guest this time?”

“I’m going to the store now; let’s meet there!”

Song Fuzhi had made plans with Luo Liuli to go to the Gundam model shop in the afternoon, but the scene was apparently more bustling than he had anticipated, and Luo Liuli wanted to get there early to secure her purchase.

Song Fuzhi replied, “Still having lunch. You go ahead.”

Luo Liuli said, “I won’t say more. See you at the store.”

Song Fuzhi noticed that Shi Zhang had glanced at his phone when it vibrated. He instinctively tilted the screen slightly towards himself, unconsciously concealing it, afraid that Shi Professor might accidentally see their outrageous banter.

After replying to Luo Liuli, Song Fuzhi put down his phone and resumed the interrupted conversation with Shi Zhang.

Shi Zhang naturally continued the conversation, but his heart was beating heavily, and his breathing became a bit constrained. He had just seen Song Fuzhi’s lock screen display a series of WeChat notifications, and when Song Fuzhi unlocked the phone to read the messages, a smile bloomed on his face.

A pure smile, brief and fleeting, but Shi Zhang captured every bit of it.

Perhaps Song Fuzhi didn’t know how charming he looked when he smiled.

Originally handsome, when he smiled, the corners of his eyes slightly curved, and the coldness on his body transformed into a mature, lazy, and casual smile—a smile that could enchant. Shi Zhang keenly sensed that Song Fuzhi subconsciously tilted the phone screen, a defensive action.

Suppressing his emotions, Shi Zhang squinted his eyes, feeling a heavy weight on his chest and his breathing becoming labored.

When Song Fuzhi smiles at someone, who is the other person?

Shi Zhang couldn’t help but associate it with the guy who sent flowers to Song Fuzhi at the café last time, but quickly felt that it wasn’t him.

Song Fuzhi has so many contacts on WeChat, and Shi Zhang isn’t even among them.

Emotions swelled in Shi Zhang’s heart, but on the surface, he still maintained that gentle and indifferent appearance, chatting with Song Fuzhi about whatever came to mind.

After finishing the meal, the two stood up to pay the bill. Shi Zhang followed behind Song Fuzhi, unabashedly staring at his back, his gaze deep.

Shi Zhang was uncertain about whether this would be their last meeting. He had heard from Teacher Wang that her son was very selective, and his previous blind dates never progressed beyond the first meeting. Shi Zhang was afraid he might become one of those.

Perhaps he should ask for Song Fuzhi’s WeChat before leaving. Shi Zhang tightly held his phone in his pocket, his knuckles turning white.

Ever since witnessing Song Fuzhi not giving a second glance to the guy who sent roses, Shi Zhang knew that Song Fuzhi didn’t like clingy people and didn’t appreciate intrusive pursuits.

Song Fuzhi needed personal space—a suitable distance—but Shi Zhang didn’t want to leave him any space at all.

Shi Zhang knew that as long as he had the opportunity to advance an inch, he would inevitably greedily want to occupy everything.

The veins on his neck throbbed, and after resisting for a moment, Shi Zhang finally let go of his phone, just smiling and saying, “Put it on my tab.”

Song Fuzhi had already put his cards on the table, and the boss’s gaze circled between them, smilingly returning the card to Song Fuzhi. “Sir, please bear with me this time; Professor Shi will cover it. It’s more convenient.”

Song Fuzhi didn’t refuse and took the card, glancing at Shi Zhang. “Next time, it’s my treat.”

His tone was calm, sounding unlike mere courtesy.

Shi Zhang and he silently locked eyes, and suddenly Shi Zhang felt his breathing become incredibly light for a moment.

Song Fuzhi had promised him a next time.

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