After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 620

Chapter 620: Something is wrong

When the physical cannonballs hit the ship, it was like it was just tickled. After a sound of collision, they were all bounced away by the steel body of the ship, and the ship was completely unharmed.

The magic created by the magic items was a little more threatening, but Westwind ship also had a powerful magic defense array, which was drawn with the support of metal materials and had stronger resistance. Several magic barriers were activated. The fireball and the ice arrows collided with the barriers, constantly impacting the defense array.

Fortunately, the magic items of Norma were not their specialty, especially without the powerful magic items like the powerful Katyusha. Therefore, their magic attacks were not enough to beat them, and the magic array could hold on for a while.

If these arrays were drawn by Robb, he would not care at all. However, these magic defensive arrays were drawn by elven magicians. Robb knew that they could not hold on for too long, so he quickly grabbed a small speaker and shouted, “you can’t stay getting attacked like this. Speed up and pass through all of them! Try to avoid the magicians of the enemy to reduce the pressure on the magic defensive arrays.”

The crew had witnessed the powerful power of the ship when they accelerated and steered sharply just now. Now they were full of confidence.

As soon as Robb’s order came, the crew immediately began to operate with all their strength.

The speed of the two big water wheels had risen to the limit.

The bow of the boat rose through the waves and rushed out.

In fact, the second round of fireballs launched by the enemy ship was a little more advanced. However, the ship suddenly accelerated, and the speed exceeded the opponent’s expectations. More than a dozen fireballs missed and hit the sea behind the stern.

“Damn it! The ship suddenly sped up.” the Commander of Norma couldn’t help cursing.

Jonah was also startled. With some doubt, he said, “how could a ship made of steel run so fast all of a sudden? It’s abnormal.”

“Maybe it’s magic,” the commander said. “After all, it’s a warship of the Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom likes to do some strange magic the most.”

Jonah agreed with his conjecture and said, “but it takes a lot of magic to push such a large ship to run so fast all of a sudden with magic. How long does it take to fill up with magic before it can suddenly increase its speed like that? I don’t believe that they can keep such a speed for too long.”

In fact, the commander had the same thought in his mind. Magic power was human force after all, and sometimes manpower was poor! No matter how powerful a magician was, there was no infinite magic power that could be used.

Pushing such a huge steel warship and running at such a fast speed on the sea, the magic power consumed must be a lot. It was impossible for the Kingdom of Gran to keep the warship running at such a high speed all the time.

“Go after him! Go all out!” the commander ordered loudly. “Go after him!”

The eight warships also ran with full power and chased after them desperately.

However, no matter how fully sped up these warships were, they were only sailboats. Their speed was not comparable to a steam ship at full power. As soon as they chased, the two sides were already quite far away. Then, Westwind ship suddenly made a horizontal turn in front of them.

By this time, Westwind ship had already readied their second wave of attacks!

The main gun of the warship rotated its barrel and fired towards Norma’s warships that were chasing after them!

Thor’s Roar spurted out in an incomparably thick lightning. The terrifying VAILLANT tore the sky and accurately hit Norma’s warship that was chasing in the front.

In order not to hurt the rabbit folk who were kept in the bottom cabin, they intentionally raised its shooting speed and passed through the tall ship building on the ship. How could the magic defensive array on the ship resist Thor’s roar? In an instant, the magic defensive array was penetrated, and a huge hole was made on the ship building, which could be seen through from the side.

Then, the cannons and magic items on the side also fired, and the solid cannonballs and the magic fire attacks came together.

The magic defense array on the ship had been broken by Thor’s Roar, so there was no magic array to resist the second wave of attacks. In an instant, the whole ship was on fire.

“Damn it! Damn it!” the commander was so angry that he jumped his feet. “We can’t win with attacks.”

Jonah said awkwardly, “it seems so.”

“We still have to get aboard their ship. But how did this their ship run so fast?”

“Their magic can’t last long. We can catch up if we wait a little longer.”

The people of Norma could do nothing but comfort themselves. They cheered themselves up and shouted that they could catch up with them soon. Then they chased after them as hard as they could. The remaining seven ships continued to chase after Westwind ship and fired fiercely. Cannonballs and magic continued to strike at Westwind ship.

However, it was not easy to hit the warship which was hundreds of miles away. In addition, Westwind was a short ship. The ship building was very small and its speed was fast. It was not easy to hit with cannonballs and magic. And even after being hit, the cannonballs bounce away from the steel plate, and the magic was counteracted by the defense magic array. There was really nothing to do against it.

The two sides chased after each other and attacked each other repeatedly.

Norma wanted to strike Lost City, but they couldn’t fight at all, and even in artillery, they were not a match at all. After a while, the commander suddenly found that something was wrong. Why were there only four ships left? The other ships were either on fire or had lost their fighting capacity because of the attacks of their opponents. Now they could only help rescue the drowning crew of the ships.

“Something is wrong! We have to retreat now.” the commander suddenly woke up.

Looking at the situation, Jonah couldn’t help sweating. “Commander, if we retreat now, all my years of undercover work in Lost City will be in vain. Our kingdom has prepared for many years!”

Of course, the commander also knew that this action had been brewing since a few years ago, pretending to say that he had committed a crime, pretending to kill his family, exiling him from the kingdom, letting him come to Lost City, and then using the power of countless spies to help him get his identity and position in the city and sneak into the Church of Darkness

Norma and the Church of Light had done a lot in this great plot. But now, it has been messed up like this by a mere ship. They were really unwilling, very unwilling to let it go like this.

However, what could they do?


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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