Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Invincible Iron Fist – Xia Haoran

Afterward, Chen Luo continuously employed this method to attract zombies. Although it was a bit strenuous, it was safe compared to direct confrontation, which often resulted in significant casualties.

However, this method soon encountered difficulties because the members’ supernatural powers were quickly depleted. Upon reaching level two, they could use their abilities about ten times or so, and it wasn’t enough to instantly kill zombies unless they hit vital points.

Out of the sixty people, they had only managed to kill a little over four hundred zombies, and they were already gasping for breath, unable to use their abilities anymore. Special Ability users were particularly drained.

The team had no choice but to rely on Chen Luo now.

Members like Su Dazhu and others had to be extremely cautious when killing zombies, especially given the higher zombie density in this area.

Chen Luo took out his long-unused iron rod. With the boost from Mi Li and his level advantage, facing level one zombies was like a grandparent disciplining their grandchildren.

However, Chen Luo didn’t choose to confront them head-on. He single-handedly killed over four hundred zombies, while the rest, primarily assisted by Su Dazhu and Mi Li, managed to eliminate others.

After energetically swinging the rod a few hundred times, even Chen Luo felt breathless. The number of zombies had reached a point where it could exhaust even him.

Everyone was left in awe, especially newcomers like Wang Chao and Liu Qi. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that one person had killed over half of the zombies in the agricultural market?

Chen Luo waved his hand and said, “Don’t stand around, quickly gather the supplies we can take with us.”

Everyone nodded enthusiastically; having a leader like this made them all quite happy. Yang Xuan drove the heavy truck into the market. There were several large trucks and many small ones scattered around.

While collecting crystals from the zombies, the group also searched for truck keys. Most of the trucks’ keys were found.

Chen Luo went to the cold storage. Compared to the one where he kept the pork and beef, this one was smaller. He planned to take out some pork and beef just in case the cold storage lost power. Even if it did, if they found meat that hadn’t spoiled, they would be delighted and wouldn’t question it too much.

He thought of taking out around ten tons of it, which was about 20,000 pounds. With a kick, Chen Luo forcefully opened the cold storage door.

A loud bang echoed through the air. Chen Luo entered the cold storage, but to his surprise, it still had some cold air left. He wondered, hadn’t it been disconnected from power for a while now? Could it be running on a backup diesel generator?

However, in the absence of people, a diesel generator cannot run for such a long time.

“Who is it?”

A trembling voice came from the next room. Without bothering to check for supplies, Chen Luo left the cold storage and hurried to the adjacent room, where he saw a woman with sleepy eyes and a pale face through the window.

Taking a quick glance, Chen Luo realized that this room was an engine room, housing two high-power diesel generators.

It wasn’t hard for Chen Luo to guess what had happened. The woman he saw was likely responsible for maintaining the diesel generators, ensuring the normal operation of the cold storage.

Chen Luo smiled and said, “You’re saved.”

After some conversation, it became clear that Chen Luo’s guess was correct. The woman’s name was Yang Lan, and she had worked in this cold storage before the apocalypse. Another employee had not turned into a zombie but died at the hands of zombies. Yang Lan had hidden in this room, surviving on frozen vegetables brought from the cold storage.

Yang Lan was disappointed to learn that the apocalypse had not ended. She weakly asked, “Young man, can you take me home? My house is…”

It was a dozen kilometers away, still in a bustling area.

Chen Luo shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t have the ability to do that. I can only say that if there’s a chance in the future, I can take you there to see, but not now.”

“You’ve saved so many supplies, I can take you back to my gathering point.”

Considering the substantial amount of supplies saved, Chen Luo was willing to fulfill this relatively easy request. However, it was indeed very dangerous.

“I really can’t.”

Yang Lan reluctantly nodded, realizing she was asking for something difficult.

The backup diesel generator had run out of fuel, and if Chen Luo had come even a few days later, all the goods in the cold storage would have spoiled.

Chen Luo was full of smiles. Although there were not many goods in the cold storage, there were still 80 tons of beef and 50 tons of lamb. As for vegetables, there were only some carrots, green beans, and lettuce. It was a small cold storage, and it wasn’t filled to capacity.

The beef and lamb were packed in individual boxes, almost all of them weighing 50 pounds per box. Chen Luo had no use for this amount, but he could openly reward his team members, avoiding any deception with good intentions.

Chen Luo called two girls over, took Yang Lan to the car. After spending so many days hiding in the engine room, Yang Lan’s body was already very weak.

Despite having no special abilities, she could work in logistics.

When other members learned that there was so much beef and lamb, they were overjoyed. They could eat it every day and still not finish it in a year.

Members with ice-based abilities immediately used their powers to freeze the beef and lamb to preserve them.

With the assistance of ice-based members, these beef and lamb would not spoil in the short term. However, if stored for an extended period, it would affect the taste, and they wouldn’t compare to being placed in Chen Luo’s unique ability space.

The supplies in the agricultural market were not limited to this. In the wholesale market, there were thousands of cases of beer and beverages, dried shrimp, and cured meat. There were also canned goods and packaged chicken feet, chicken legs, whole chickens, and whole ducks. Various grains and seasonings were also abundant.

It could be said that the resources in this agricultural market were quite rich. In the previous world, at this time, gathering points with power would come and take a look, but because of the existence of the physically-enhanced zombies, no one succeeded. When they eventually succeeded, there was no more beef and lamb left.

The morning weather had already become quite hot, but everyone was enthusiastically moving the supplies quickly. It wasn’t difficult to imagine that there would be a hearty meal when they returned.

After continuously working for two hours, they finally loaded all the supplies onto the vehicles. Even with all of Chen Luo’s original vehicles, it wasn’t enough to transport all the supplies in one trip.

They headed back fully loaded.

Just as Chen Luo’s group was leaving the entrance of the agricultural market, another convoy arrived. The people in the vehicles were astonished when they saw the numerous zombie corpses inside the market and the supplies loaded onto some of Chen Luo’s vehicles. It wasn’t hard to guess what had happened.

A middle-aged man stretched out his hand to stop the lead vehicle in Chen Luo’s convoy. Chen Luo remained calm and said, “Don’t block the way.”

The middle-aged man looked somewhat embarrassed and was about to say something when a motorcycle approached. A young man with dark but spirited skin got off the motorcycle.

Chen Luo’s pupils contracted. It was him, Xia Haoran. Xia Haoran, who was known as “Iron Fist Invincible” in the future, unexpectedly crossed paths with Chen Luo here.

Xia Haoran hadn’t come to find Chen Luo but to talk to the middle-aged man who had blocked the way. He pleaded, “Brother Long, I heard you caught a live chicken. Could you give it to me? My mother is on the verge of collapsing, and before we leave, she wants to have a bowl of chicken soup.”

“It would be even better if we could find someone who knows how to make chicken soup. I’d sell my life for that,” Xia Haoran added earnestly.

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