Close to You
Close To You Chapter 11

Luo Lin Yuan felt his behavior was childish after drinking every bottle. He looked at the three bottles he had drunk and stole a glance at Yu Han.

Yu Han was surrounded by a group of people but unexpectedly, he also looked towards him. When the two eyes met, Luo Lin Yuan didn’t look away but Yu Han appeared as if nothing had happened, not even a pause, and naturally turned to the girl who was talking to him.

Luo Lin Yuan’s mood was already ruined before leaving home today and now, he was even less interested in this group activity.

He looked down at his sneakers, clean and white; he never played basketball either.

It’s not because he didn’t want to but he can’t. His body couldn’t bear to carry his shoulders nor lift his hands, let alone playing basketball, he’s not even good at running in general.

His family also said they didn’t need him to win the Olympic championship. If he can’t exercise, then he can’t ba.

Luo Lin Yuan actually wants to play basketball. After all, this is a group activity.

He raised his hand to cover his forehead, somewhat blocking the sunshine, and slightly squinting towards the basketball court.

A group of older boys started the second half; Yu Han, as the defense, scored a lot of goals for Class Ten dutifully.

He saw Yu Han’s hair dyed with sunlight and he also saw beads of sweat sprinkling in the air. Luo Lin Yuan thought to himself that he didn’t have to be too envious of a group sport like basketball. Seeing these bodies colliding and sweat mixing, he wouldn’t do it even if it killed him.

Not only did he not envy but he also disliked it a little. Although he disliked it in his heart, he couldn’t move his eyes away. He didn’t even know when Xia Fu coaxed him to sit next to him.

Xia Fu reached out to get water from the plastic bag but was still a little angry, “You bought water for them but not for me?”

Luo Lin Yuan watched her reach for the water he had drunk on and hurriedly grabbed her with one hand, wanting her to change it.

As a result, Xia Fu slapped the back of his hand with hers, “What are you doing ya, I’m not yet done with you. Don’t make a move!”

Luo Lin Yuan: “No, I’ve drunk these bottles.”

Xia Fu looked at the three bottles in the plastic bag. “You drank them all?”

Luo Lin Yuan nodded calmly, “I wanted to try different flavors.”

Xia Fu: “I don’t mind.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “I mind.”

Xia Fu: “……”

At this time, there was an accident on the court. Yu Han and Li Yujie accidentally knocked against each other. In order to give Li Yujie a hand, Yu Han fell to the ground and scraped his arm.

Luo Lin Yuan instantly stood up and stared closely at the court. Xia Fu exclaimed next to him, and all the female spectators behind her got up, each of them was very distressed.

Li Yujie rushed forward to pull the person up, “I’m sorry, bro. You okay?”

Yu Han wiped his sweat and shook his head indifferently. “It’s alright. Just rinse it with water.”

Li Yujie looked up and shouted on his side, “Water!”

Luo Lin Yuan moved and trotted forward with a bottle, staring at the somewhat large scratch on Yu Han’s arm.

Li Yujie was a little surprised to see that it was Luo Lin Yuan who came but was also amused to see the water in his hand, “Xiao Yuan, are you trying to make Handsome Da[1]big, old, great Yu hurt more?”

Only then did Luo Lin Yuan find out that what he grabbed in panic turned out to be Coke. Luo Lin Yuan was very embarrassed. At this time, Xia Fu had already taken a bottle of water and walked over. She glanced exasperatedly at her silly boyfriend and smiled embarrassedly at Yu Han, “Here’s your water.”

Luo Lin Yuan’s eyebrows drooped. It wasn’t enough to take the Coke back to his side, he directly hid it behind his back to prevent it from coming out to shame him.

Yu Han took the water and simply rinsed his arm. Luo Lin Yuan wanted to go back to sit on his seat. After all, it didn’t make much sense for him to stand there. Who knew that Yu Han called out to stop him and stretched out his hand to him.

Luo Lin Yuan was baffled. Yu Han said, “Didn’t you bring me Coke? I happen to be thirsty.”

Xia Fu was just about to say that Luo Lin Yuan had drunk it and he minded this. She wanted Yu Han to drink the bottle she took earlier but before the words came out, she saw her boyfriend put the Coke he had drunk on the person’s hand. Yu Han opened it and drank a few mouthfuls and said warmly, “Thank you.”

Xia Fu: “……”

Luo Lin Yuan’s ears were a little red but his skin was already a bit red from the sun, making it hard to tell.

He didn’t even respond to Yu Han’s thanks. In the eyes of outsiders, he just highly nodded his chin coldly, turned, and left.

Xia Fu nodded to them hurriedly and went after Luo Lin Yuan.

Li Yujie originally wanted to tell Yu Han to go back to the court, they must’ve been annoyed by waiting, when he saw the person staring at the man and woman who left.

He patted Yu Han’s shoulder, “Xia Fu has white skin, good-looking, and has long legs ba.”

Yu Han knew that he was referring to the girl and nodded unconsciously.

Li Yujie was even more worried when he saw the person nodding. After all, she is his good brother’s woman and has to guard him. He reminded him a few words, “That’s Luo Lin Yuan’s girlfriend. Ah, you don’t know Luo Lin Yuan ba. That’s the silly kid who brought the Coke.”

Yu Han unscrewed the cap of the Coke and took another sip. “He’s indeed quite silly. They turned out to be a couple ah.”

Li Yujie: “Yes ah. They’ve been together for almost a month ba.

The couple being discussed were walking along the road with Luo Lin Yuan in front and Xia Fu at the back. Xia Fu kept asking, “Why did you give him the Coke?”

Luo Lin Yuan didn’t look back. He was looking at the map to find a nearby pharmacy. He didn’t care much when he heard the words. “He’s injured.”

Xia Fu: “It’s not about that ah! Didn’t you mind this? That’s the bottle of Coke you’ve drunk ah!”

Luo Lin Yuan stopped on his feet and suddenly turned his head a little, “I forgot.” He thought about it carefully and there seems to be no particularly disgusting feeling. After all, it was not him who had Yu Han’s saliva, but Yu Han had his…

Just thinking about it this way, Luo Lin Yuan’s whole person felt panicked.

Xia Fu walked up and wrapped her arms around his neck, “You only kissed me once and you even took a tissue to wipe your mouth after the kiss.”

Luo Lin Yuan looked at Xia Fu’s lips. He remembered the first time they kissed, he kissed the mouth full of lip gloss, but he couldn’t accept the tongues touching each other. Since then, he and Xia Fu never kissed again.

Xia Fu said seriously, “Since you’re not that repulsed, let’s try it again.”

Luo Lin Yuan leaned his head back with some resistance, “Where can you see that I don’t reject it anymore.”

Xia Fu stubbornly said, “I have nothing on my lips today, it won’t be the same as last time. Give me a chance ba.”

After that, she didn’t wait for Luo Lin Yuan to respond, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

At this time, a sharp whistle came from behind them. The two turned their heads only to see Fang Xiao, who substituted from the court, hehe-ed while holding his phone and waved at them. “Pay attention ah. What are you doing in public!”

Luo Lin Yuan pushed away Xia Fu at once and Fang Xiao turned back, “Xiao Yu ah, you see that. These lovers who don’t look at the occasion and show off should be put on a torch!”

Yu Han stood behind Fang Xiao and cooperated with a smile, “I saw it.”

Xia Fu also smiled shyly.

They were all smiling except for Luo Lin Yuan.

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1 big, old, great

Jie Jie[Translator]

Just an impatient Jie Jie who loves to read fiction and is crazy for 2d hensem men.

1 comment
  1. qyura has spoken 2 years ago

    Thank you for the chapter!


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