After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 560

Chapter 560: An annoying woman

The next morning, Robb was awakened by the noise outside. The hotel’s accommodations was not bad. It was a high-end hotel on Bright Road. The only disadvantage was that there was no sound insulation glass in this era, and it was not big, only two floors. Once the street outside was noisy, he could not sleep at all.

He got up and opened the window. He saw a large group of people running towards the east of the city. While running, they shouted, “have a look. The new creation of the royal family, the sleigh, are about to be shipped to the front lines.”

Soon, Lilian and Suofa also came to knock on the door. When Robb opened the door, the two maids said in a low voice, “Godfather, your design for the Queen’s sleigh yesterday has been completed. The Royal blacksmith is so efficient. Shall we go to see the fun?”

“Of course.” Robb put on a black cloak and came to the east of the city with his two maids.

On the snow outside the east city gate, the queen was there to supervise the departure of the sleighs.

These sleighs were made in a hurry by all the Royal blacksmith and carpenters last night. Unexpectedly, two hundred of them were completed overnight. They were densely arranged on the snow plain outside the east city gate, which was quite spectacular. It could be seen how efficient they were when it comes to serving the war.

Since the sleights had just been forged and no one had used it, they had to fumble with them before they set out. They tried to drive the sleights. Some soldiers sat in the sleights and had horses and bulls to pull them, but they couldn’t run. The horses and bulls were not good at running on snow, so how could they pull the sleighs to run.

The queen thought of Robb’s words, “Your armies. It must be the werewolves. She called out the werewolf tribe. The werewolves turned into wolves, and then pulled the sleighs and ran fast on the snow.

Some soldiers couldn’t skillfully use the sleights. When they turned a corner, they rolled over in the snow. Then they got up awkwardly, brought the sleights back up and continued to move.

Seeing the sleights move on snow, the onlookers couldn’t help cheering, “What a great invention!”

“We will definitely have the upper hand in winter operations.”

“Kill the fake king Mondra in one go!”

The crowd cheered and the queen was also happy, but she still had a dignified face. She waved her hand and asked them to bring food

She didn’t turn around until she saw the army with sleighs disappear in the distance. She glanced at the crowd and intentionally or unintentionally, stopped at the position where Robb stood for a second, and then moved away.

“This woman knows our location! There are people in black cloaks everywhere in the crowd. How did she recognize us?”

“Obviously, there is an assassin more powerful than you staring at us. You didn’t notice his existence, but he informed the queen of our position.”

Suofa was startled. “Then last night, we…”

Robb shrugged and said, “don’t worry. I made sure that no one followed me last night, so no one could’ve followed me, no matter how powerful the assassin is.”

Suofa nodded and didn’t say anything. She thought to himself, [it seems that I’m not mature enough! Yesterday, I mocked the assassins sent by the queen. I didn’t expect that there are also masters hiding in the dark. I have to work harder to train myself.]

“Let’s go back. There’s no need to stay here anymore,” said Robb, turning around and walking to the train station.

When the three of them squeezed out of the crowd and disappeared in the distance, the queen looked in his direction again, but she still looked away in a second. No one knew that she was a little reluctant to have this damned man leave so soon! You stayed on Bright Road for a day and then left. Why don’t you stay here for a few more days. It’s fine to go shopping with me again.

It was spring in 1346!

Thousands of miles of mountain flowers were quite romantic, the Black Pine Mountains coruscate a thriving atmosphere, and Westwind Town began to enter the busy season, farmers are going to start planting this year’s beetroot.

Good news came from Bright Road. Madeleine returned. In this winter, she took advantage of the weakness of Mondra on the snow and used the sleights to transport the troops. She had completed several encirclements and suppressions of his army, and she had the upper hand in strategy.

Almost all the land in the west part of the Capital of Saints was recaptured, but the Capital of Saints was heavily guarded, and Madeleine was finally unable to break in.

Moreover, as soon as spring came, the soldiers were not in the mood to fight anymore. They wanted to go home and plant beetroot seeds. If they only cared about fighting outside, their families would die. This was also one of the flaws of the army recruitment system. Soldier are farmers, and farmers are soldiers. The army could not always maintain an aggressive aura.

Fortunately, it was the same with Mondra!

After Madeleine built the fortification with cement in several villages at the front line, she left behind a few troops to defend the recaptured land. The main troops temporarily returned to Bright Road. Anyway, she knew that the army under the leadership of Mondra also had to go farming, so she did not have time to take back the land that had been taken away by West Gran.

As for Robb, he continued to stay in Westwind Town, watching movies, supervising the others to make tanks, steam trains, and teaching Marian math. Life was comfortable and simple.

One morning…

With a whistle, the big train from Bright Road stopped at the train station in Westwind Town, which was also the opposite of the chapel.

From Robb’s seat, the passengers on the train could just be seen getting off one after another.

It had to be said that this scene was very beautiful. Robb liked to watch it very much, especially those who came to Westwind town for the first time. The confused expression on their faces was very interesting.

However, when Robb was appreciating the surprised looks of the townsmen from Bright Road, he unexpectedly saw a very annoying person.

Robb didn’t hate many people in this world. Lilian’s aunt was at least in the top three.

She was wearing a big dress that the nobles often wore, a hat and a flower hat. She was wearing jewelry, golden necklace and pearls.

Robb immediately looked away when he saw this disgusting woman. He didn’t expect that this woman was so insensible. After she got off the train, she walked straight to the place where Robb sat under the surprised eyes of several old townsmen.

She didn’t stop until she walked to the opposite of Robb’s stone table. Then she greeted him respectfully, “Hello, Godfather.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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