After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 569

Chapter 569: From the bottom of your heart, come and cry for help!

Robb and the queen hadn’t reached an agreement yet, so they couldn’t hang up.

He answered the phone in front of the queen, “Hello, Xuelu. Why are you calling me?”

Hearing the name, the queen frowned.

Xuelu’s voice came from this ‘Mobile Phone’, “Do you miss me?”

“No!” Robb stopped the queen immediately, which relieved her.

“Well, let’s get straight to the point,” Robb said, “I know you don’t like to talk shamelessly on the phone. You must have something important to tell me.”

“Oh, you’ve found out,” Xuelu said with a smile. “Here’s the thing. The three of us are now in the Capital of Saints…”

Hearing the four words “Capital of Saints”, the Queen’s face became a little serious. It was the lair of Mondra, an important city that she wanted to destroy but couldn’t get rid of. Many nights, she dreamed that one day she would be able to lead an army to attack the Capital of Saints, tear that villain Mondra into pieces, and complete the great cause of unifying the kingdom.

Robb’s voice brought the queen back to reality from her fantasy. “Xuelu, you already in the Capital of Saints? How are you moving so fast?”

“Thanks to you, my swift wind is very effective. Well, to be honest, the three of us saved an old friend that you didn’t expect.”

Robb pretended to close his eyes and meditate. A few minutes later, he suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, “The berserker, Baron Perseus.”

Xuelu: “…”


After a few seconds, Xuelu said crossly, “it’s so boring to talk to a smart man. You guessed it immediately.”

Robb, “I don’t know many people in East Gran. If you met an old friend there, it can only be Baron Perseus. But I don’t think it’s a big deal for you to save Baron Perseus. It should be a trivial matter in your adventure. There’s no need to call me specially, so… Let me calculate what happened.”

After saying that, Robb pretended to be a stick and raised his head. He closed his eyes, pinched his fingers and shook his head as if he was divining. A few seconds later, he lowered his head and said, “ah, God has given me instructions…”

“Stop!” the queen, who was sitting opposite to the crystal ball, couldn’t help but slap the table. “You don’t believe in God, don’t play tricks here. Do you need to ask God about this? If God can explain it clearly, then I am also a God.”

She said with a dark face “It’s obvious that Baron Perseus was dissatisfied with Mondra because he saw the video we had spread. He might have protested and was chased by the people of Mondra. Coincidentally, they met the group of Xuelu, so they saved Baron Perseus. And then, since its the base camp of Mondra, how can you save people so easily? The pursuers will come soon. They are here for help. I guess they are surrounded by enemies and have no choice but to hide in a dark place and call you for help. “

Robb: “…”

On the other side of the phone, Xuelu heard the Queen’s words and burst into laughter. “Sure enough, it’s more annoying to talk to two smart people than to talk to one.”

“And you are still in the mood to laugh?” the queen said, “from the bottom of your heart, come and cry for help!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the cry of Xuelu on the other side of the phone, “help!”

Robb shook his head and said, “two women making a scene! What the hell?”

“And you are still in the mood to speak here?” the queen said, “if you slow down, your favorite little lover will be over.”

“She’s not my favorite.” Robb said, “I like the woman who doesn’t want to cause me trouble the most.”

He muttered discontentedly and looked up at the cemetery behind the chapel. Sure enough, there was a new transmission portal beside the cemetery. It was obvious that it was Xuelu who had just thrown it out. Theoretically speaking, as long as they passed through this transmission portal, they would be able to return to Westwind town. And once the person who released the transmission portal entered, the transmission portal would close, which could perfectly shake off the pursuers. Therefore, they were not in danger.

However, it was obvious that they didn’t want to come back. They hadn’t finished the task of killing the archbishop and didn’t want to go back home in this way.

Robb really didn’t want to get involved in their business, but a small idea suddenly came to his mind. Eh? If I can’t shoot the movie in Bright Road, I can go to the Capital of Saints. It was also a prosperous capital city. It would be no problem to use it.

Thinking of this, Robb decided to stretch his muscles and bones. He waved his hand in the air and took something from the air. A “camera” for shooting a movie flew into his hand. Then, Robb’s body flashed and passed through the transmission portal.

The queen thought for a while and seemed to think of something.

Robb passed through the transmission portal and saw a dilapidated brick house. This house had not inhabited for a long time. It was dirty and small, and there were spider webs everywhere. There were four of them hiding in four corners of the room. They were Xuelu, Gorda, Jike and Baron Perseus, who they hadn’t seen for a long time.

Seeing Robb come over, Baron Perseus shouted excitedly, “Hi, My father!”

It turned out that when he left Westwind town and met Robb for the last time, Elsie hadn’t arrived at Westwind Town, and the name of Godfather hadn’t been made yet, so the name Baron Perseus called him was quite old-fashioned. However, after he said that, he remembered what Xuelu and others had told him these two days, so he quickly changed his words, “ah, it’s Godfather now. You are the leader and father of Westwind town.”

Robb smiled at him and said, “Mr. Perseus, long time no see.”

“Yes, it’s been a long time!” Baron Perseus sighed, “we haven’t seen each other for a whole 500 years.”

“What’s wrong? Did you rebel?” Robb asked.

Embarrassment was written all over Baron Perseus’s face. “I had a conflict with Yingsi, because I wanted to persuade him not to follow Mondra anymore, but he won’t listen to me.”

Robb shrugged and said, “it’s normal that he won’t listen to me. If I were you, I wouldn’t give up the position of Duke that I’ve already got. If I went to another force to be a position that is definitely not as great as a duke, and might be put on shoes because of old hatred… Well, don’t stare at me. It’s human nature, although I don’t think it’s right.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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