After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 585

Chapter 585: I want you to be the military adviser of the monster army

Hearing the report from scouts, the abyssal archdemon could not help frowning. “Draw the city and I’ll have a look.”

The harpies quickly drew on the ground with their claws. However, their drawing skills were really bad, and it was obvious that there was no art cell in them. When their eagle claws drew something, they were trembling. Perhaps this was the legendary “chicken claw madness”. The picture came out, crooked, twisting, messy, and simply impossible to read.

In fact, the demon king who had been beaten by Robb had been to the Capital of Saints. If the pattern drawn by the harpy was more beautiful, perhaps the demon king could recognize that it was a copy of the Capital of Saints. However, it was not until the harpy skillfully drew a child’s sketch that ghosts could recognize her.

When the abyssal archdemon saw this picture, he wanted to hit someone, but his son had already rushed out, beating several harpies violently and kicking them out of the hole.

“Although the drawing is a little messy, it can still be seen that this city is very big,” the abyssal archdemon pointed at the city in the picture and a mountain drawn by the side of the city. “From this comparison, it can be seen that there is really a big city built between Westwind town and Bright Road.”

His son came up and said, “as far as I know, humans won’t build such a big city for no reason. Every city they build has a certain strategic meaning.”

“That’s right!” the abyssal archdemon said, “A railway has been built between Bright Road and Westwind town. But even if they use this railway to transport the soldiers, it will take about seventeen hours to transport them from here to there. Humans probably think that it is still not safe, so they have built a huge city in the middle of the two cities. From this scale, it seems that it is at least a capital city. Perhaps the queen intends to move the capital here.”

“Move the capital?” his son was stunned. “Why does she want to move the capital all of a sudden?”

“It’s not easy,” said the abyssal archdemon. “As the capital, Bright Road is obviously not suitable. It is located in the east of the whole Kingdom of Gran. As long as Mondra sends out its troops, it can easily reach the outside of the city wall of Bright Road. Which country’s capital will be so easily be reached to the city wall by the enemy?”

“Oh, I see!”

The abyssal archdemon continued, “therefore, the queen will move to Gondor, leaving an important pass, Bright Road in the East, and Westwind Town in the West. In this way, both sides are protected by important military places, so that no enemy can easily reach the city.”

“You really deserve to be my father.” his son immediately flattered, “my father knows the military arrangements of these humans so well, but I don’t have such experience.”

The abyssal archdemon shook his head and sighed, “it’s not your fault. After all, our monster race has always lived in the underground world. It’s normal for us to be ignorant in such a situation and lack control over the overall situation.”

Listening to the father and son’s nonsense, Robb couldn’t help laughing in his heart. This was probably the result of high school text analysis. The author didn’t think too much, and the teachers analyzed a lot of messy details. I was shooting a movie in a fake city, but you said the queen was going to move to another city and even evolve it into a big strategy.

The abyssal archdemon turned to Robb and said, “Mr. Goblin, do you mean that we should attack Gondor now? As a newly built strategic base, I’m afraid it’s not easy to attack it.”

Robb put his hands behind his back, pretending to be a Chinese master. Suddenly, he thought that it was not popular for western people to be so arrogant, and even demons couldn’t understand it. He had to give up and say, “yes, it’s not easy to attack this city, but it’s better to attack now than when it’s completed and the human army all settle in, isn’t it?”

What he said was reasonable. The abyssal archdemon thought carefully and found that it was true?

If a city hadn’t been completely built, it would be much easier to attack.

Robb continued, “moreover, attacking this city will also form the effect of ‘encirclement and reinforcement’.

“Encirclement and reinforcement?” even though the demons had high intelligence, they had never heard of this kind of Eastern tactic. They could not help but feel a little confused.

Robb said, “think about it. Is Gondor very close to Westwind town? If you attack Gondor, will Westwind town come to rescue it?”

The abyssal archdemon thought for a while and said, “then they must come to save it.”

Robb said, “that’s right. The defending side always has an advantage, so it’s difficult for you to attack Westwind town. However, when you attack Gondor, Westwind town will send reinforcements, and these reinforcements can only fight with your army outside Gondor. In this way, the solid urban defense work will not be useful, and humans can only fight with you on the field. Are you afraid of humans?”

The abyssal archdemon thought carefully and said, “yes! This is very clear. The defending side always occupied the advantageous position. If the garrison of Westwind town could be led out and fight in the wild, the other side would have no advantageous position. On the contrary, us demons are better at fighting in all kinds of complicated terrain.”

Robb said, “that’s how it works!”

“That’s right!” the abyssal archdemon gave Robb a thumbs up and said, “Goblin, you are not only excellent in combat, but also first-class in wisdom. I feel that you are really the pride of our demon race. Do you want to join hands with us to attack Gondor? I want you to be a military adviser of our monster army.”

Only ghosts are interested in being your military adviser!

Robb didn’t want to say yes, but he suddenly thought that it seemed to be an opportunity. When they were shooting the movie, if the monsters rushed and fought randomly, the scene they shot would not be good, but if he were to be “military adviser” and command the monsters to attack the city, and help them set formations. Waves after waves, waves after waves of attack, the camera could clearly shoot the movie. This would be one hundred times better than the unilaterally command of the human side.

“Oh, I’m interested in it.”

The abyssal archdemon was overjoyed. [if I can use this powerful goblin, I will make a huge profit.]

Robb pretended to say, “but I don’t like to live with other stupid demons, so I can’t live here. We’ll make an appointment to attack the city. I’ll help you when it’s time.”

“Of course, no problem.” the abyssal archdemon was actually worried that Robb was too powerful. If he insisted on staying, he would be difficult to deal with. But he offered to leave and only come to help during the battle, which was for the best.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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