After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 609

Chapter 609: The elephant challenged the dog suddenly

After Robb finished his words, Madeleine opened her mouth wide. She really didn’t expect that she would do that.

The queen took a deep look at Robb and said calmly, “Robb, you’re a smart smart man. You think fast.”

Robb said, “I’m flattered. I just did some trivial work. It must be far worse than your Majesty’s foresight.”

He was only in his fake identity now, so he could only say that. If he was now in the identity of the lazy priest, he would definitely say in a strange tone, “my trick is not as good as yours even by 1/10000. You are an expert in this field.”

In fact, Robb didn’t like to play tricks, especially this kind of political struggle between humans. He didn’t want to get involved at all. If he didn’t want to help Madeleine, he wouldn’t even say a word.

The queen said, “the man’s proposal is very good, but he ignored an important point.”

“What?” Madeleine said, “why should I ignore such an excellent strategy?”

The queen said crossly, “what that ignores is the relationship between us and the Church of Darkness. Although we are not as inseparable as it seems, we are still in a cooperative relationship at present. We need to scare the Church of Darkness, and at the same time, we need to rely on the power of the Church of Darkness, so we can’t completely break up.”

Robb pursed his lips and wanted to say, “politics is really annoying.”.

But he managed to hold it back.

The queen continued, “once the plan he put forward is used, the Church of Darkness will definitely find out know the plan of Norma, but deliberately did not inform them. They might even say that our plan is to bury the ambushed soldiers and wait to attack the Church of Darkness after it is seriously incapacitated.”

Number 2 cut in, “yes, once the Church of Darkness falls out with us, there will be many disadvantages. They may mobilize all the dark believers to oppose us, and then West Gran will immediately fall into internal strife. Then the original expedition planned to solve the matter of Mondra will have to be delayed.”

Madeleine had no choice but to keep silent.

Robb said, “that is to say, we have to make sure Norma fails to prevent too many civilians from being hurt, and also not let the people of the Church of Darkness find out… That’s too difficult.”

The queen sighed, “yes, it’s very difficult.”

If she was an iron hearted and ruthless politician, it wouldn’t be difficult for her to pretend that she didn’t know anything. She just needed to let the troops of Norma bombard the city, and then there would be a magnificent battle, which would make the city a decadent place. In this way, the Church of Darkness would definitely be greatly damaged, and it would never be able to affect West Gran in the future.

After all, there wouldn’t be many troops that would land in the city. After the city was completely destroyed, the queen would pretend to send an emergency army to recapture the city and send army to drive the army of Mondra back to the sea.

But if they did so, the people in the city would become miserable, and there was a small number of troops that belonged to the queen. These loyal subordinates would also be sacrificed. By then, many people would die in the city.

Mondra might be able to bear such a loss, but the queen, who loved her people as much as her children, could never bear it.

However, if her army reacted quickly and launched an attack immediately after the army of Norma attacked the senior members of the Church of Darkness, it would seem fake. At that time, the Church of Darkness would definitely fight her.

Robb said, “in other words, if you want to act as if you are in a hurry to fight, you have to win.”

The queen replied, “yes.”

Robb said “It’s not easy to put on an act. Our flight messengers in Lost City have been bribed by Jonah. There must be some soldiers who have been bribed in the army here as well. If we order the soldiers to act on the spot in advance, we can’t get through them in a minute. But if we don’t tell the soldiers in advance how to fight this battle, they will definitely be confused by the sudden attack of the enemy and lose their morale, then they will really accept the battle in a hurry.”

Madeleine was a general who had led soldiers to fight for many years. She knew the situation on the battlefield best and felt it was unreliable when she heard this. “The war must be under full preparation and have an absolute advantage. Only in this way can we have the confidence to win. If we accept the battle hastily, we will lose tens of soldiers.”

The Queen’s face darkened. She had always been smart, but she couldn’t do anything about this either.

After thinking about it for a while, she sighed and said, “well, if you can’t think of a way, you’d better inform the Church of Darkness that that princess is a fake and that Jonah is a traitor. Protecting the people in the city is more important than fighting against the Church of Darkness.”

This was indeed a good idea, but for Robb, it was not!

In this way, the mission of the fake rabbit princess would fail. Her father and the caravan would all be killed by Norma. They were from Big Tang. To Robb, they were no different from his family. How could he just watch them die?

Robb said, “Your Majesty, it’s not impossible to win the battle in a hurry.”

“What?” the queen, Madeleine and number 2 looked at him curiously.

Robb said, “for example, when an elephant was sleeping, a dog suddenly ran to attack the elephant and bit its bottom hard. The elephant woke up in sleep and responded hastily. Do you think it can defeat the dog?”

The three beside him said together, “nonsense. Even if the elephant is in a hurry to fight, it won’t take much effort to deal with a dog.”

Robb said, “that’s right! The troops sent by Norma to launch a surprise attack on West Gran were only transported by sea. They had to disguise as their army to welcome the princess, and the scale of their army can’t be too large. I estimate that there are at most a dozen ships, and this fighting capacity is only the fighting capacity of a dog. As long as we prepare an elephant, no matter how wild it is, we can fight back in a hasty battle.”

The queen said, “you mean that I will transfer my army to Lost City in advance? Isn’t that going to arouse the enemy’s vigilance? And it will also arouse the suspicion of the Church of Darkness.”

“No, no, no, the army will certainly arouse vigilance. What I mean is…” Robb said. “A decisive force doesn’t need to look very powerful. It just needs to be placed in Lost City unremarkably. When Norma’s army comes, it will fight the battle hastily.”

The queen, Madeleine and number 2 asked almost at the same time, “what are you talking about?”

Robb pointed to the direction of the ship factory and said, “the new warship!”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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