After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 611

Chapter 611: The crystallization of cutting-edge science and technology

The old boatman led the large group of people through the transmission portal. Then they found themselves in an inland city.

They had never heard of building a ship in an inland city, so they were confused.

Not far away, in the courtyard of the chapel, a lazy priest waved at them and said with a smile, “welcome to Westwind Holy city. My disciple has told me that you are here to build a ship, right?”

“Ah, respected priest.” the old boatman came over and said, “Robb asked us to build a ship, but this… This is an inland city. How can we build ship boat here?”

“Why can’t an inland city build a ship?” Robb smiled and said, “we can send it to the seaside through the transmission portal after we make it.”

The old boatman was speechless

“The reason why we have to make it here is very simple. The first reason is that there is a complete industrial system here. There are mining caves, refining factories, a large number of craftsmen, and all kinds of parts and machines ready-made. Only in this way can we catch up with time. The second reason is that the technology is confidential!” Robb said

Hearing what he said, the old boatman understood!

There were many people in Lost City, and there were also spies. Last time, he had designed a row of cruise ships, and it was inconvenient to build them with canvas. But there was no need to worry too much here. How could the enemy go to an inland city to steal the ship?

After a short time, Elsie came. He was ordered to take the boatman to have a simple tour of Westwind Holy city. He immediately saw the huge iron refining furnace, the big steam train, the steam bus… All kinds of things that dazzled him. After overturning his common sense, he took them to the dwarf village.

The steam tank that was being processed here shocked the boatman again. Even this kind of big iron car could run, why couldn’t the big iron ship run? No one knew better than the boatman that the sea could carry a huge steel object that was bigger than land.

“Then let’s start to work!” the old boatman was excited at once. “I want to design a big ship made of steel, hahaha.”

In the following days, the ship building work began.

The boatman and the dwarven craftsmen came to Robb to get a few BUFFs and then started to work. There was a “steam engine” as the heart in the steel body, a high chimney on it, and a huge water wheel on both sides of the ship

The boatman soon found that they seemed to only play the role of design, and the specific forging parts were all done by the dwarves.

The dwarves didn’t need to know the knowledge of a ship. They just needed to make parts according to the drawings and requirements. They didn’t care about the design at all. Anyway, they could make whatever parts the boatman required and combine them together.

In fact, the boatman didn’t know much about the steam engine, the wheels, the transmission system, and even how the water wheel was rotating.

His common sense of ship building had been overturned

They seemed to understand that ship building was no longer only the work of the boatman, but also the whole industrial system.

Time flew. Two months passed in a twinkling of an eye.

It was almost summer now! It was time for the summer harvest.

Robb’s daily avatar and simultaneous operation in two places were really tiring. He wanted to end this kind of hard days as soon as possible. Of course, the biggest comfort in these days was that Madeleine played with him every day, and the cute Madeleine accompanied him. It was worth it if he worked harder.

The fake rabbit princess continued to hold a social ball in Lost City and promised all kinds of privileges to the Church of Darkness, which made the senior leaders of the Church of Darkness excited inexplicably.

It was hot in June.

On that day, a messenger arranged by him came to Lost City and brought a piece of exciting news to everyone. “The army of Big Tang will arrive in five days.”

Everyone was waiting for the news!

The people of the Church of Darkness wanted to wait for the news to come and spread the teachings in the Tang kingdom.

The people of Norma were also waiting for the news and preparing to launch a surprise attack.

And the people on Robb’s side were a little impatient.

In a valley beside Westwind Holy city, a huge steel ship had been built. The ship was thirty meters long. To be honest, it was not very big.

Nowadays, the sailboats with three sails were often over thirty meters long. For example, the warship that had just come into the sea not long ago was thirty-two meters long, a little longer than this newly built steel warship.

However, although the length was nearly the same, their weight was completely different. This ship was almost made of full steel, heavy, and its defensive power was not on the same level as a wooden ship.

Under the command of Robb, the boatman applied wood texture paint on the steel warship. If they didn’t remove the paint, no one would know it was made of steel.

There were more than thirty short cannons on the ship, which were used for physical output.

In addition, they also added a lot of messy magic items to carry out magic output.

The main weapon on the bow of the ship was actually Thunder’s roar of the desert kingdom. The making technique of this kind of magic item had been captured and imitated by the queen’s experts, and the first imitation had been installed on this latest warship as its main weapon.

On both sides of the ship, besides the short cannons, there was also the “Katyusha” invented by Robb Smith, and a large number of defensive magic runes were drawn on the ship.

It could be said that it was the most advanced technology crystal of the land!

The boatman were also deeply touched by their own work. However, the problem now was how to bring it to Lost City

Next was the time to witness a miracle.

The queen saw through the crystal ball that Robb Smith opened a transmission portal to Westwind Holy city at the seaside of her ship building factory in Lost City. The man lazily got up from his stone stool, walked to the ship which was more than thirty meters long, and lifted it up with one hand.

Then he lifted the huge ship and walked to the transmission portal. He stuffed the large ship into the small transmission portal.

Strangely enough, it was stuffed in!

The Queen almost overturned her table.

In the blink of an eye, the giant ship appeared in the dock of the ship building factory in Lost City. It floated on the water like an ordinary wooden ship. The only difference was that there were no sails on it, and there was only a tall chimney, which made it look a little out of place with the wooden ships beside it.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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