After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 616

Chapter 616: Go Westwind!

Under the command of Robb, the crew moved everywhere. It was a completely strange warship. They were not familiar with everything on it and thought it would be difficult to understand it, but soon they found that many places on the ship were the same as the earlier warships.

Because the two ships were made by the same craftsman.

The design ideas were the same. Except for the most crucial power system and the sails of the spar, the other parts were similar.

The design of the corridor, cabin, helm and so on were similar.

It didn’t take them much time to find their position.

However, the sailors who had been transferred by Robb to work on the steam engine were at a loss.

Robb handed them an iron shovel and said, “lift the coal nearby and pour it into the furnace. Do you understand?”

In fact, the furnace had already been heated up secretly, because the steel warship had already been secretly prepared to set out, but it didn’t run with all its strength before. A few sailors added some coal into it, and Robb also secretly threw a fire wall to control the power inside. In a flash, the power of the steam engine was full.

“Woo, woo, woo!”

The whistle was loud!

A large cloud of thick smoke spurted out from the tall chimney

“Well, look at the fire in the furnace. When it’s almost gone, just add more coal. Do you understand?” Robb said to the other sailors.

“That’s all?”

“Yes, that’s it. Just control the fire.”

Robb came out and ran to the deck.

At this time, the situation at the dock was very serious. The several warships sent out by the Church of Darkness to fight in a hurry were all flattened. There was no longer anything on the sea that could contend against Norma’s fleet. There were only a lot of messy broken boats and fishing boats trembling in the distance.

The army of Norma began to dock and sent troops to land.

The sailboat they were driving was very similar to the Spanish sailboat of his original world. A ship could carry at most three hundred or four hundred sailors, one hundred of whom were necessary to drive the sailboat, and the rest were soldiers for landing on the battleship. There were more than 200 soldiers on each ship, and with eleven warships, added up to three thousand.

Under the cover of the gunfire of the warships, these three thousand troops rushed into Lost City. Perhaps they could occupy the city.

This city was located in the southwest corner of the continent. It was difficult for the army of West Gran to get this city back in such a short time. Then the Church of Light might open up a branch here, and the following squads would continuously transport soldiers to the two sides of Mondra. West Gran would be attacked from the back and front.

Just as they were about to land, a strange warship came out of the queen’s ship factory.

The commander of the raid on the warship of Norma couldn’t help but look over. What he saw it was a strange ship without a spar or a sail. It was rowing against the water wheels on both sides of the ship, blowing black smoke as it came towards them from afar.

The commander was suddenly shocked. He pointed at the strange ship and asked, “what kind of strange ship is that?”

Jonah Gilbert walked out of the room and looked at them. He said, “that was a broken ship pulled back by the warship a few days ago. It was said that there was an accident, so its sails and spars were broken. It was parked in the queen’s ship factory and was waiting for maintenance. Why did it come out all of a sudden? It’s strange.”

“How did it move without a spar or a sail?”

“The water wheels?”

“What’s that strange thing? How could it move?”

“Don’t worry about such a trifle. Just sink it,” said Jonah, laughing. “Aim at that strange ship and sink it.”

As soon as he finished speaking!

“Boom!” the strange ship was the first to shoot. A huge lightning as thick as a bathtub shot out from the bow of the ship.

“Ferk, is that Thunder’s Roar from the desert kingdom?”.

The huge thunder light hit precisely on a warship of Norma. The huge three sailed warship was not defenseless. There were many magic arrays drawn on it, and some magicians used defensive magic on it. However, the power of Thor’s Roar was not something ordinary magic array and defensive magic could withstand.

With a loud sound, the defenses of the ship was cut through, and the magic defensive arrays were all broken. A huge hole was opened on the side of the ship, and several side cannons were destroyed. The rest of the artillery soldiers were burned black and were down on the ground. The ship shook violently, and dozens of soldiers on the deck accidentally fell into the sea.

“Damn it!”

“It turns out that West Gran has mastered Thunder’s Roar,”

“Fight back! Fight back!”

The crew of the several warships roared

The Commander’s face darkened. “They actually have such a ship.”

However, Jonah said, “don’t worry. It’s just a warship. We have eleven warships. Even if one of them is slightly damaged, it won’t affect our overall fighting capacity. Just send a few more ships to attack it randomly, and soon we can deal with that broken ship.”

The commander thought it over and agreed. He didn’t need to worry about a broken ship.

He asked the adjutant to wave the flag, and two three ships came up to the strange ship, while the other ships continued to approach the shore, preparing to make a forced landing.

At this time, Robb had already stood at the head of the huge steel ship. He had just taught the crew a few words casually. As for the other positions, they could explore by themselves. There was no need to teach them everything all the time. All he needed to do was to let the two groups of people who were in charge of the steam machine and water turbines learn how to use them.

He decided to climb to the bow of the ship. The view here was broad and it was convenient for him to watch the battle.

The only regret was that he needed a beautiful woman to play with him.

At this time, Madeleine came out of the cabin and shouted, “Mr. Robb, come to the cabin. Your position is too dangerous.”

Robb smiled and said, “Oh, it’s just the right time. Come and help me with my pose.”

“What pose?” Madeleine was confused.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the short cannons on the opposite warship fired. Dozens of solid iron cannonballs roared towards their warship. Madeleine was shocked. She took out a shield from the cabin and pounced on Robb.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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