After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 646

Chapter 646: A spy who stole the technology

The Kingdom of Norma felt helpless and exhausted about this.

That annoying strange ship had actually made all their ships run away in a sorry state. How could they win this battle? Now, there was only one such ship in West Gran. If two, three, or even four formed a troop, the kingdom of Norma could hardly imagine it.

Of course, only one warship was not enough to attract the attention of the enemies. West Gran did not have enough forces to carry out the landing operation on Norma. No matter how powerful the warship was at sea, it could not go ashore or cause a real heavy blow to the kingdom of Norma. It only made them feel a little uncomfortable.

The information was sent back to Robb by the newly established Intelligence Department of Westwind Holy city.

Along with the information, Robb also received a spy tied up with a rope and the corpse of a dwarf craftsman.

Elsie and the assassin leader escorted the spy here, followed by the dwarf leader and a large group of angry craftsmen.

The assassin leader introduced, “Godfather, we have already interrogated this spy with the hanging fan. He is from East Gran and his purpose is to steal our steam engine making technique. He killed a dwarf craftsman and grabbed the drawing in his hand. When he was about to take the drawing away, he was caught on the spot by our intelligence officers. It’s clear and can’t be denied.”

Robb pursed his lips and threw a resurrection technique on the dwarf craftsmen first. The poor dwarf craftsmen quickly sat up from the ground and then screamed, “ah, I was dead?”

The dwarf craftsmen beside him rushed forward and hugged him tightly. “Bro, you have really died once. Fortunately, the master blacksmith knows the resurrection technique.”

The dwarf craftsman touched his heart and found that there was a big hole poked out by a dagger on his thick leather jacket. He could not help but sweat. “It was dangerous. Fortunately, I’m in Westwind holy city. If I was in another place, I would have really died.”

The dwarf leader stood out and said, “it’s all because of that damn spy. We’ll chop him into pieces later.”

The dwarves then turned his attention to the spy.

Robb looked at the spy carefully. It was not long after Christmas, and the temperature was still very low. He was thrown on the snow, and his hair and beard were stained white. His face looked gray as he was tortured by the fan. This man killed the dwarf craftsmen, and he deserved it. He asked, “I heard that you came from the East Gran?”

The spy nodded weakly, “yes!”

“Is it really true that you came from East Gran?” Robb said with a smile. “The whole East Gran is pretty much only the Capital of Saints now, fearing that the queen would beat him. Yet he is still in the mood to steal my steam engine making technique? Even if I have taught him, does he have enough industrial power to produce it?”

The spy’s eyes flashed a little, but it immediately returned to normal. “I’m really from East Gran. Although our king is at a disadvantage now, as long as we steal the technology of the steam engine, we can immediately create weapons to fight back against West Gran.”

“Nonsense!” Robb said, “this man is not telling the truth. Give him another round of the ceiling fan in fifth gear.”

The assassin leader immediately smiled and said, “well, I like to put people on the ceiling fan the most anyway. I’ll let them taste the bitterness I experienced in the past.”

The dwarves also came to help. A few minutes later, a fan was hung on the tree. This fan was deliberately made into a very horrible shape by the craftsmen. There were many spikes on it, which made people scared.

Obviously, the technology tree in this world had gone astray. The hanging fan, which was usually used for drying, had completely become an instrument of torture. Not only in terms of functions, but also in terms of appearance.

As soon as the spy saw the ceiling fan, he was frightened and shouted, “no! Don’t hang me up! No! What I said is true…”

His struggle didn’t work. In the end, the spy was hung up. Then the assassin looder shook the rod in person. It was not gear four or gear five at all. Its speed had exceeded the speed of an ordinary household fan, which was at least six.

The spy was spun crazily. After a while, the assassin leader got tired. The angry craftsmen came over and took over.

“I… I admit…” the spy screamed, “I’m not from East Gran. I’m from the Church of Darkness. I’m here to steal the technology of the steam engine and want to copy the steel warship.”

“Sure enough, it’s not East Gran.”

Robb had been in Westwind town for more than two years, and he had taken out a lot of strange things. However, East Gran had never thought of imitating or plagiarizing them. It could be seen that Mondra was short-sighted. He was not keen on improving technology, but only knew to play some outdated schemes.

Robb didn’t believe that he would come here to steal the steam engine. What’s more, with the power of the queen now, even if he had a steam engine, he couldn’t do anything. His industrial ability didn’t allow him to do anything.

However, it was not impossible for the Church of Darkness to do such a thing.

Robb shook his head and said, “in fact, I’m not really hiding it. It’s not bad to spread it to the whole world. But, you guys really are bad people. Killing and robbing just for the design drawing makes me feel uncomfortable. You have to pay for what you’ve done…”

“Kill him!” the dwarf shouted beside him, “Life for murder.”

Robb nodded in agreement.

Although the dwarf craftsman had been resurrected by him, his resurrection was not normal, and it was not a normal phenomenon in the world. He should respect the common law that murder should receive death.

“We’ll set up a good day to have him hanged, so that everyone will see the end of this man.”

As soon as Robb finished his words, a dwarf craftsman suddenly ran over in a hurry and shouted, “bad news! Bad news!”

“What’s wrong?” the dwarf leader turned around and asked.

The dwarf craftsman roared anxiously, “the two senior craftsmen who know the most about the steam engine technology and design and production of the water wheel in our factory are missing. We found traces of fighting in their house. The furniture in the room is askew, and the table was smashed by an axe head. It seems that someone forcefully grabbed them. We don’t know how long they have been taken away.”

The spy, who had been sentenced to death, burst into laughter. “Hahaha! Hahaha! I did not come alone. We want the drawing, we want the craftsmen. God of Darkness, your faithful believers are willing to sacrifice their lives for you.”

After saying that, he gritted his teeth hard. The poison hidden in his teeth took effect, and he spat out black blood and dropped down to the ground.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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