Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character
Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character Ch 23.2

Chapter 23.2

Su Qian was about to get away to settle accounts with Jin Lie, when her shoulder was suddenly held, “Excuse me, ladies, I have something to say to Qianqian, I’ll leave first.”

Su Qian looked up and saw his sexy Adam’s apple on his neck, her gaze followed up his firm chin, and collided with his gaze.

The bottom of his dark eyes reflected her image, as if rippling with the utmost tenderness.

“What are you daydreaming about, are you hungry?”

“……A little.”

Jin Lie curled the corner of his mouth, “Let’s go eat, if you starve yourself thin, mom will blame me.”

“You two are really in a good relationship!”

“Ah Lie, you are lucky to be able to marry such an excellent wife as Su Qian.”

“When will you have a baby for us to see?”

“There’s no rush now, there will definitely be one in the future.” Jin Lie took Su Qian’s hand, “I wish all the aunties have fun.”

Su Qian was rescued in a daze, and for a moment she didn’t react, “What do you want to tell me?”

“Do you want to stay there all the time?” As soon as he walked out of everyone’s sight, he revealed his true form, and his sharp tongue started to work, “I see your face is about to laugh stiff.” He paused and added, “Like a zombie.”

Oh, he is affectionate with Little green plum, but he attacks her with sharp words. Su Qian was angry and shook off his hand.

“You have time to save me, why don’t you go accompany your Little green plum?!”

“Why does it sound particularly sour every time you say the three words Little green plum?”

Su Qian stiffened, and rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Because green plums are originally sour! Not only sour but also astringent!”

If she wasn’t lustful, she wouldn’t always covet other people’s husband’s beauty!

Jin Lie pretended not to understand her sarcasm. He curved his mouth in a half-smile, half-laugh, and signaled her to look across.

“There’s someone to accompany her, it’s enough for me to accompany you.”

Su Qian looked in the direction and saw a waiter walk up to Zhou Bingyan and hand her a black cane.

Not knowing what the waiter said, Zhou Bingyan refused the cane with an ugly expression, then glared over with fury in her eyes.

From a distance of about ten meters, Su Qian could almost see two flames shooting out of her eyes.

Su Qian was holding back her laughter so hard that her lips were trembling, “Did you ask someone to send the cane over?”

Jin Lie took it for granted, “She said she sprained her foot and couldn’t walk.”


It’s really like bamboo shoots’ mother opening the door to bamboo shoots, and the bamboo shoots has arrived home![1]可真是筍它媽給筍開門,筍到家了! (Kě zhēn shì sǔn tā mā gěi sǔn kāi mén, sǔn dào jiā le!) = It’s really like bamboo shoots’ mother opening the door to bamboo shoots, … Continue reading

Su Qian held Jin Lie’s arm, and waved at Zhou Bingyan with schadenfreude. The other party’s face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot, and she turned away with hatred.

“Hahaha…” Su Qian couldn’t help it, she buried her face in Jin Lie’s chest and laughed out loud, “Her expression just now was really too funny…”

She really wanted to see Zhou Bingyan walking with a cane!

The laughter spread out in front of his chest, and it felt like a spring breeze blowing into his heart. Jin Lie felt the vibration in front of him, and the tip of his nose was her unique white peach fragrance.

Her laughter was like dandelions spreading across the fields in spring, easily floating into his heart.

Jin Lie was infected, and couldn’t help but curled the corner of his lips, and his palm didn’t forget to gently pat her back.

“Are you happy?”

Su Qian rubbed away the tear at the corner of her eye with her little finger, and nodded, “Happy, happy.”

“Pretty good.” Jin Lie helped her stand up, with a playful look in his eyes, “Then let’s talk about you replying to Zhou Bingyan’s message for me.”


The corridor outside the banquet hall was sparsely populated and very quiet. The sky was dark, and a few stars dotted the night sky.

Su Qian stood by the window picking her nails. The wind rushed in and blew the hair next to her cheeks.

Jin Lie stood opposite her, his hands in his trouser pockets, waiting for her to explain with a calm face.

“It was that day when I went to the study room to borrow a book, I accidentally saw the message she sent.”

“Accidentally? You replied.”

“I said I accidentally saw it, I didn’t say I accidentally replied.”

Jin Lie almost laughed, “You are quite righteous.”

Su Qian’s eyes were darting around, “…I’m sorry.”

Actually, if she put herself in his shoes, she wouldn’t want others to mess with her personal items like her phone and computer. That day was really a coincidence, and what Zhou Bingyan sent was not a private matter.

Wait, if it was a private matter, Jin Lie would be done!

“Your computer settings are not very good, messages automatically pop up.”

“So you mean to blame me?”

Su Qian shook her head.

Jin Lie raised his eyebrows, “Then blame the computer?”

Su Qian didn’t mind apologizing when she did something wrong, but she would be upset if she was questioned in various ways after apologizing.

And it was even more annoying because the person who made her upset was being questioned.

“Your little childhood sweetheart complained to you, right? So you keep questioning me endlessly!”

Jin Lie replied, “I’m not asking you because of her…”

“If it wasn’t for her telling you, would you keep questioning me?!”

Jin Lie, who was trying to reason, was speechless, as if he had been led in circles. He rubbed his temples and softened his tone, “I just want you to know that you did something wrong in essence, regardless of who sent the message.”

Su Qian was confident: “If it wasn’t sent by her, I wouldn’t have replied! If she didn’t send a message, I wouldn’t reply, there wouldn’t be this incident today, who do you think is to blame?!”

Jin Lie: “…”

Su Qian was unyielding, and complained as she spoke, “Today is mom’s birthday, I’ve been accompanying her for so long and haven’t had a drop to drink. You actually mistreated me because of a word from your Little green plum, not letting me eat, and even scolded me. That’s too much!”

“Do you really think I can’t see that Zhou Bingyan likes you? You don’t let me get too close to irrelevant men, but you blatantly attract bees and butterflies. What’s wrong with me retaliating against your admirer?!” Su Qian turned her face away, “In five months, I don’t care who you flirt with.”

Jin Lie was both annoyed and amused, “I didn’t flirt with her.”

Su Qian twisted her neck and ignored him.

Her stomach suddenly growled twice. Her body stiffened, and a blush slowly spread to her ears.

Jin Lie chuckled lightly, and went to pull her hand, “Forget it, let’s go eat.”

Su Qian dodged him with a move, “What do you mean forget it, you’ve forgotten but I haven’t!”

Jin Lie saw through it, and he couldn’t blame her. In the end, it was all his fault.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been angry with you earlier. Shall we go eat?”

Su Qian was the best at stepping down. She nodded lightly and said, “Forget it, you go ahead, I need to touch up my makeup.”

Jin Lie had no choice, “Then hurry up.”


Su Qian went to the makeup room to freshen up, came out and walked through the corridor. When she passing by the balcony, her gaze inadvertently glanced and saw a familiar profile.

Jiang Zhan was standing by the window, and the curtains behind him fluttering. He lifted his eyes, and his gaze met with Su Qian’s.

His eyes darkened, and the corner of his mouth suddenly curved.

We meet again, Su Qian.



1 可真是筍它媽給筍開門,筍到家了! (Kě zhēn shì sǔn tā mā gěi sǔn kāi mén, sǔn dào jiā le!) = It’s really like bamboo shoots’ mother opening the door to bamboo shoots, and the bamboo shoots has arrived home!

This phrase is a play on words. 筍” (sǔn) usually refers to “bamboo shoots”, but it sounds similar to 损” (sǔn), which means “mean” or “sarcastic” in Chinese.

So, the phrase could be interpreted as “It’s really like the mean one’s mother opening the door for the mean one, and the mean one has arrived home!”. This phrase is used to describe someone being extremely mean or sarcastically insulting.


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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