Close to You
Close To You Chapter 43

Thank you so much for the ko-fi, Wuming Wo! ♡♡♡

I’ll do my best till the end ♡ ~(‘▽^人)

Luo Lin Yuan almost thought that his Father had found a bodyguard for himself, and was startled.

He froze in place, somewhat baffled, “Why do I need you to take me home?”

Yu Han stretched out his hand and asked for his school bag, wanting to help him carry it. Luo Lin Yuan quickly turned his body aside, avoided Yu Han’s hand, and protected his school bag. At the same time, he stared at Yu Han vigilantly, “What are you doing, you’re so strange like this.”

Fang Xiao walked over, reached out, and put his hand on Luo Lin Yuan’s shoulder. Just as he was about to speak, his hand was shrugged off by Luo Lin Yuan.

Luo Lin Yuan said with some disgust, “It’s so darn hot, you’re sweating, don’t be near me.”

Fang Xiao glared at him, “Give some face in front of outsiders!”

Luo Lin Yuan snorted and ignored him.

Fang Xiao: “Classmate Yu, Xiao Yuanyuan is still going to my home to play games, how about you come along.”

Yu Han looked at Fang Xiao’s hand and shook his head, “I’m here to pick up Luo Lin Yuan for tutoring.”

Luo Lin Yuan wrinkled his nose, a little dissatisfied for calling his full name, feeling so unfamiliar. But if Yu Han followed Fang Xiao and called him Xiao Yuanyuan, the picture would be too scary.

He looked at Yu Han: “What tutoring?”

Yu Han raised his hand and lifted the school bag on his (LLY) shoulder, “Uncle Luo’s assistant looked for me at noon and asked me to go to your house for two hours of tutoring from Monday to Friday, and I agreed.”

When Fang Xiao heard this, he was surprised, “My god, Uncle Luo is being hard on you ah. You have to tutor from Monday to Friday, then you won’t be able to come out and play anymore?”

With that said, he felt something was amiss again because Luo Lin Yuan looked like he didn’t know, Fang Xiao asked, “Didn’t your Dad ask you before making the decision?”

How could Luo Lin Yuan know that Luo Ting helped like this, and had to pay[1]to have something at the cost of [one’s reputation, etc] for his help, which wasn’t too worth it bah.

From Monday to Friday, after school and even study?

Probably seeing Luo Lin Yuan’s hesitation and reluctance on his face, Yu Han sighed and glanced at his watch, “Then you should discuss it with your Father bah, the matter is not considered settled. After the discussion, you can contact me again.”

After speaking, Yu Han turned around to leave, but Luo Lin Yuan stopped the person, “Wait a minute.”

Luo Lin Yuan said to Fang Xiao, “You go find Li Yujie and the others, I won’t go today.”

Fang Xiao clicked his tongue and said, “You’re really going to get tutored, huh?”

Luo Lin Yuan waved his hand, “Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

After sending Fang Xiao away, Luo Lin Yuan went to Yu Han’s side, “Are you free to actually tutor me?” He remembered that Yu Han seemed to have a part-time job after school, so his schedule was quite tight.

Yu Han: “There was originally a part-time job at a convenience store.”

There was originally one? Then, it’s gone now?

Could it be that at noon, Yu Han had already talked to his Father’s secretary,[2]I double-checked, it’s really secretary here not assistant XD so he had already quit his job at the convenience store? It turned out that he didn’t expect him to be unwilling here?

Luo Lin Yuan simply couldn’t stop halfway. If he hadn’t told Luo Ting about Yu Han, Luo Ting wouldn’t have approached Yu Han about tutoring. The conditions must’ve been so good that Yu Han directly quit his job at the convenience store.

If he makes trouble about tutoring now, wouldn’t Yu Han have to look for a new job again?

Seeing his complexion changing and quite tangled, Yu Han seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, “It’s okay, even if I don’t give you tutoring, I can still find another job.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “What other jobs can you find?”

Even if he has no social experience, he can guess that a high school student can’t go to work all day or an hourly job. Apart from a place like a bar, where else can he find a job?

Yu Han thought for a while, “A big brother I met in the bar owns a restaurant and said I could help as a waiter, but the nature of the job is a bit special, and the working hours conflict with my schedule, so I’m still considering it.”

“Special nature of work?” Luo Lin Yuan inevitably ran off course, “What the heck! Is it some kind of indecent restaurant?”

Yu Han frowned and thought for a while, “It doesn’t count. It seems to say that it requires role-playing or something… I didn’t ask in detail.”

Luo Lin Yuan almost jumped up, “No, no, not allowed to go!”

It was as if he saw a miserable young man who was forced by life to go astray and finally embarked on the road of no return in life.

Then, the beginning of this road of no return was all because of him!

Luo Lin Yuan was so frightened by his imagination that his face turned white, “You must not go, isn’t it just tutoring? I’ll make up for it!

Yu Han probably also guessed what he was thinking, and couldn’t help laughing, “Don’t let your imaginations run wild. Go back to properly discuss it with your Father before you make a decision bah.”

Luo Lin Yuan was extremely embarrassed, but he and Yu Han are still considered friends now, how can he turn a blind eye to his friend’s difficulties.

At this time, the two of them had already reached the school gate, and Yu Han waved his hand at him, “I’ll go first, bye.”

When Luo Lin Yuan returned to his senses, he had already grasped Yu Han’s hand. Yu Han looked at the two clasped hands, there was no expression on his face. It was very natural as if he wasn’t surprised that Luo Lin Yuan would do such an act.

It was this kind of non-surprise that made Luo Lin Yuan feel a little ashamed. It was as if he often touches people, and Yu Han was used to it.

Luo Lin Yuan didn’t let go, but said squirming, “Then you go home with me, go home and talk.”

Yu Han was unmoved, “I still have things to do.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “What if I have tutoring from today?!”

After speaking, he pulled Yu Han towards his car and slandered Luo Ting as he walked, “My Dad is the kind of feudalistic patriarch. He doesn’t allow me to object to what he said, so to say ah, even if I object, it will definitely be useless!”

As he talked, Luo Lin Yuan almost believed himself, “So you’d better come and tutor me.”

Along the way, Luo Lin Yuan never let go and Yu Han didn’t throw it away.

Young boys, stepping on reflections and fallen leaves, the wind rolled up the petals and softly fell on the side of sneakers, and on the canvas shoes, one after another, one jumping off, and the other steady.

Fate seems to have been forged from that time, or it started a long time ago, but from that moment on, from that pair of clenched hands, different sizes, different skin colors, and clasped hands pulling along, everything has become different.


1 to have something at the cost of [one’s reputation, etc]
2 I double-checked, it’s really secretary here not assistant XD

Jie Jie[Translator]

Just an impatient Jie Jie who loves to read fiction and is crazy for 2d hensem men.

1 comment
  1. qyura has spoken 2 years ago

    Thank you for the chapter!


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