Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey
Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey Chapter 126

Chapter 126: The Experiment of the Three Clan Elders

Hua Nan was initially a bit reserved, but Sanlang, Silang, and Wulang were around the same age as him, and Sanlang was lively.

In no time, the few of them became good friends with this newly joined companion.

Even when traveling, the group was not bored. They occasionally exchanged a few words, and the atmosphere remained cheerful.

It wasn’t until late afternoon that the group finally stopped to rest.

The Shen family’s team had been continuously adding new members, and the few tents Shen Yu’an initially brought were no longer enough to accommodate everyone.

Xiao Zhang Shi had always been sleeping alone in the carriage. Only occasionally, when they stopped, Shen Yun would help her down for a walk.

In the evening, Hua Ling expressed a desire to sleep in the same tent as Shen Yu’an.

However, the tent Shen Yu’an was staying in already accommodated Bai Miaqing and Song Xiao Ni. If Hua Ling were to be added, it would definitely be cramped.

Shen Yu’an had no choice but to secretly swap one of the tents for a larger one when getting the tents. It wouldn’t be very noticeable, and it wouldn’t be a problem to accommodate one more person.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Hua Mei and Hua Ji, after leaving together, had been discreetly trying to gather information about Fei Yanchen.

However, they were skillfully evaded by Hua Ji without drawing attention.

Unexpectedly, Hua Mei directly asked, “Chief, do you think that man could be my husband?”

Hua Ji suddenly stopped and looked at Hua Mei, warning her, “The man you’re talking about already has his own lover. It’s better for you not to interfere.”

Hua Mei was taken aback. She didn’t expect Hua Ji to say such things to her.

She smiled softly and said, “Since that young man already has someone he loves, Hua Mei naturally wouldn’t do anything inappropriate.”

Hua Ji nodded in satisfaction and said, “Hmm, I know you are sensible. Now that everything is settled, you can go back.”

Hua Mei smiled faintly. She had no intention of leaving. She hadn’t even clarified the identity of that young man yet, and she wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to meet him.

She said, “I’m traveling with the Chief, and I still haven’t given Ling’er her gift as promised.”

Hua Ji lowered his head and glanced. Indeed, Hua Mei was holding a bundle in her hands, presumably the gift she mentioned for Ling’er.

He reached out his hand and said, “No need to make another trip. Just give it to me.”

Without paying attention, Hua Mei handed the bundle over to Hua Ji’s hand.

After Hua Ji finished speaking, he immediately walked away, holding the bundle in his hand.

Hua Mei, who remained in place, watched Hua Ji’s departing figure, but her mind was focused on the handsome young man she had seen in the morning.

Only such a man could be worthy of Hua Mei’s status.

Hmph, that man, she was determined to have him.

She didn’t continue following Hua Ji. Just because he didn’t want to reveal anything didn’t mean she couldn’t find out the identity of that man.

Three living individuals had arrived here, so surely others in the clan would have information about them.

But before that, she needed to deliver the ‘thing’ she had brought back to the Clans’ Third Elder.

Hua Mei called the few people who had accompanied her on this trip, and they pulled out the individuals they had hidden before returning to the village.

The group avoided the other villagers and entered the forbidden area.

“Boom! Boom!”

Hua Mei knocked on the wooden door of the secret room belonging to the Third Elder.

The Third Elder opened the door with a gloomy expression and saw the unconscious individuals being held behind the group. Their faces instantly brightened.

In a hoarse and aged voice, the eldersspoke, “Come in.”

Hua Mei glanced at the individuals being dragged along like ragged cloths and instructed the accompanying people, “Bring them inside.”

Soon, the unconscious individuals were dragged into the secret room of the Third Elder.

Except for Hua Mei, the others retreated from the room.

As the door closed, the dimness swallowed the last bit of light, making it impossible to see the expressions on the faces of the people inside.

Hua Mei spoke up, asking, “How is the research going, Third Elder?”

In a gloomy voice, the Third Elder replied, “Hmph, experimenting with monkeys and wild boars all day long. How can there be any significant progress?”

“The day before yesterday, we caught a boy who had mistakenly entered, and that woman, Hua Yun, actually took him away!”

“But fortunately, there has been some progress. I found a few remaining pages of previous Gu species. Several Gu species have already succeeded; we just need to find people for the experiments.”

Hua Yun’s eyes shimmered as she curiously asked, “What are kind of Gu species?”

The gaze of the Third Elder pierced through the darkness and landed on Hua Mei. He asked, “Why, do you want them too?”

Hua Mei smiled and said, “Of course, with such valuable things, the Third Elder alone cannot fully utilize their potential.”

Her voice carried a seductive tone as she continued, “Together, we can bring back the past glory.”

The Third Elder snorted coldly in the direction of the voice, but he didn’t refute Hua Mei either.

After all, he was quite satisfied with Hua Mei.

Nowadays, there are very few people in the clan who share the same ambition as him, and Hua Mei happens to be the most talented among them.

The Third Elder looked at the unconscious individuals on the ground and sneered, “Since you want to know, stay here and witness it together with me.”

Just two days ago, one person was taken away, and today these few arrived just in time, providing an opportunity to test the gu species he had developed.


The Third Elder controlled the Gu creatures they had created to crawl into the bodies of the individuals brought by Hua Mei.

Hua Mei looked at the appearance of these people with great satisfaction.

A smile appeared on the wrinkled face of the Third Elder, and he shouted in excitement several times.

It succeeded! They all succeeded!

His grand plan was one step closer!

Taking the opportunity, Hua Mei asked, “I heard that a few outsiders arrived while we were away. Does the Third Elder know their identities?”

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