Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey
Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Joining Hands to Stand at a Higher Place

Upon hearing Hua Mei’s question about those few outsiders, the expressions on the face of the Third Elder turned gloomy.

“Why are you asking about them.,” Third Elder responded.

Hua Mei immediately sensed the displeasure in the tone of the elder’s voice.

Hua Mei continued, “I was just curious about when our Clan Leader got to know these outsiders. Do the Third Elder know?”

The Third elder replied indifferently, “They’re nothing but a group of curious youngsters who happened to stumble in. It’s not worth them personally coming to take them back.”

Hua Mei’s eyes darted around as she said, “So, they are the ones the clan leader took away from here.”

The Third elder then criticized Hua Ji and Hua Yun verbally, while Hua Mei listened silently without responding.

Before leaving, Hua Mei asked the Third elder for the method of refining the Infatuation Gu.

The Third elder raised their heads and looked at this beauty who was among the best in the clan. He asked, “You still need the Infatuation Gu? Are there any youngsters in the clan that you can’t handle?”

Hua Mei just smiled and didn’t answer the elder’s question.

The elder furrowed his brow and asked, “Could it be a man from outside the clan?”

A bright smile crept up on Hua Mei’s lips as she confidently said, “There is no man in the world that Hua Mei cannot conquer. Wanting this Infatuation Gu is merely a way to add some excitement to life.”

“After all, who wouldn’t enjoy a man who obeys their every word?”

With the method of refining the Infatuation Gu in hand, Hua Mei left the elder’s Gu room and headed towards her own chamber not far away.

She needed to refine an Infatuation Gu that would belong solely to her.

Thinking about Fei Yanchen’s extraordinary and unrealistically handsome face, and remembering how he obediently followed her every command after being affected by her Infatuation Gu, Hua Mei couldn’t help but blush and feel her heart pounding uncontrollably.

She knew about the incident with the predecessor who had fallen in love with the Crown Prince a hundred years ago.

However, she looked down upon that predecessor in her heart. How could they have been discovered after placing the Gu worms in the body of the Crown Prince’s consort?

It would have been better to kill the person early on and keep the Crown Prince under control.

Once she administered the Infatuation Gu to that man, she would simply eliminate the woman to prevent any future troubles.

To ensure that the Infatuation Gu would exert its maximum effect, Hua Mei directly nourished the Gu with her own blood.

However, what Hua Mei didn’t know was that when she left with Hua Ji in the morning, Shen Yu’an and her group had already departed.

Several days later, when Hua Mei went to find Fei Yanchen with the Infatuation Gu she had refined, she learned that they had already left and she had no idea where they had gone. This news infuriated her to the point where her face contorted in anger.

Meanwhile, Shen Yu’an and her group, whom she had been keeping an eye on, had left several days ago.

Hua Ling, who was following Shen Yu’an, curiously asked, “Sister Yu’an, where are we going? When will we be able to meet the others? I want to go to the town and take a look.”

She had been in this vast forest since birth and had never set foot outside of it.

Now that she finally had the chance to venture out, they were constantly on the move, and apart from the people she knew now, she hadn’t seen anyone else.

Shen Yu’an glanced at the seemingly endless forest and had no idea when they would be able to leave.

Since they entered the forest, it had been nearly half a month, and they had also consulted the topographic map. However, the map was relatively crude and didn’t indicate the exact size of the forest.

Shen Yu’an could only say, “We need to find a place in the south where we can settle. This is my first time in this forest, and I don’t know how long it will take.”

Hua Ling pouted and said, “Hmm, alright.”

Then she ran over to Bai Miaqing and spun around her, saying, “Sister Miaqing, tell me more about the outside world.”

Bai Miaqing looked indulgently at her and smiled, “Alright, in our place…”

As Bai Miaqing spoke, Hua Ling listened attentively, showing great enthusiasm.

Yu’an watched as Hua Ling, that little girl, finally stopped pestering her and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Mainly because that girl had an inexhaustible amount of energy. She was like a walking version of “One Hundred Thousand Whys” from ancient times.

Shen Yu’an’s throat was dry from answering her endless questions, but she kept on eagerly asking.

She glanced at Hua Nan, who was walking with Sanlang and Silang, and suddenly felt that compared to Hua Ling, he was much more steady.

Since leaving that village, Shen Yu’an had been studying Gu techniques during these days.

And Hua Nan was like a walking encyclopedia of Gu techniques.

If she didn’t understand something, she could simply ask him directly.

After multiple experiments, Shen Yu’an also figured out why her spiritual power had caused the Gu insects on Hua Nan and Hua Ling to become excited.

To cultivate a companion Gu, one had to nourish it with fresh blood for years, until it completely merged with the body.

Shen Yu’an’s spiritual power, in the eyes of these Gu worm, was also a nourishing “food.”

However, now that she had a companion Gu in her own body, using her spiritual power no longer caused the Gu insect on Hua Nan and Hua Ling to become restless.

This discovery made her quite happy, as otherwise, every time she used her spiritual power, there would be a bunch of jingling bells ringing.

Following the methods described in the book, Shen Yu’an also successfully refined her first Gu insects: the Truth-Telling Gu.

Hua Ling told her that ordinary Gu insects could be removed from a person’s body, and they didn’t cause much harm to the body.

Shen Yu’an had always wanted to test how her first refined Gu insects would perform, but everyone here was part of their own group.

Without ensuring complete safety, she didn’t dare to treat them as guinea pigs.

After Fei Yanchen agreed to teach Sanlang and the others martial arts, he became a strict teacher. Every night during their rest time, he would gather the boys who wanted to learn martial arts and Shen Yu’an, along with a few other girls, to practice the fundamentals.

Bai Miaqing and Song Xiao Ni, recalling their past experiences, were also enthusiastic about refining their martial skills. Seeing them all practicing, Hua Ling eagerly joined in as well.

Fei Yanchen had sparred with Shen Yu’an and noticed that she had good skills and every move was deadly, different from the martial arts he had seen before.

However, Shen Yu’an didn’t have any inner strength in her body, so Fei Yanchen let her join the training as well.

Although she couldn’t become as powerful as him, it might increase her ability to defend herself.

Fei Yanchen gazed deeply at Shen Yu’an, his eyes revealing an unnoticed depth of affection.

By his side, there would undoubtedly be great dangers in the future.

He knew that for Shen Yu’an to have a safe and peaceful life, it would be better if he stayed away from her.

But he didn’t want to easily let her go, so he could only make her stronger and stand together with him at a higher place.

As Shen Yu’an was thinking about when she could find someone to test the Truth-Telling Gu, she was unaware that she had already been targeted by a wolf.

Her small body suddenly trembled, and she raised her head to look at the distant road.

Ah, she suddenly felt a bit cold. It seemed that the weather was indeed turning cooler.

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