Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey
Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey Chapter 130

Chapter 130: The Person in the Picture is Fei Yanchen

The Shen family set off on their journey south once again.

As they traveled, they encountered more and more people. Although they looked a bit dirty, they were still presentable overall.

Heading further south meant they had access to more water sources and wild vegetables and plants that could satisfy their hunger.

If they were lucky enough to come from the mountains, they could even pick wild fruits or hunt wild chickens and rabbits to fill their stomachs.

As the time approached dusk (around 5 PM), the Shen family finally caught sight of the city gate from afar.

Outside the city gate was a wide official road, allowing them to have a clear view of the situation in front of the gate from a distance.

At this moment, the city gate was wide open, with two rows of guards standing at the gate, while outside, a long queue of people was waiting to enter the city.

Some of the guards held what appeared to be paper-like objects and carefully inspected each person who entered.

Shen Yu’an glanced at Fei Yanchen’s face, subconsciously, upon seeing the situation over there. Not finding any flaws, she finally felt relieved.

Fei Yanchen sensed Shen Yu’an’s gaze and smiled at her.

At the same time, he wondered about the meaning behind Shen Yu’an’s earlier glance.

He always felt as if Shen Yu’an had seen through his identity, but he couldn’t figure out how she could possibly know about his true identity.

Shen Dalang looked at the scene at the city gate and said happily, “That must be Huashan County. It seems they’re allowing the incoming refugees into the city.”

Grandpa Shen sighed and said, “Yes, as long as we can enter the city.”

Everyone quickened their pace towards the city gate.

As they approached closer, Shen Yu’an spoke up as a reminder, “Remember, from now on, Ah Chen will be Shen Yan, my fourth uncle. Keep this relationship in mind and don’t forget.”

The others didn’t understand why Shen Yu’an was so insistent on giving Fei Yanchen a new identity.

Just as Erlang was about to ask, they had already reached the back of the line outside the city gate, so he closed his mouth and patiently waited in line.

They arrived neither early nor late, and after they arrived, more people gradually lined up behind them.

There were only about thirty people in front of them. The guards were saying something, and after a while, it was their turn.

A guard stood in front of the Shen family and loudly said, “Halt, search.”

The Shen family obediently stood still and waited for the inspection.

While waiting for them to be searched, Grandpa Shen, who was walking at the front, asked, “Dear officials, may I inquire about the current situation in the city? Will there be arrangements for us to settle down?”

Another official standing nearby explained, “You arrived early. If you wish to settle in Huashan County, someone will guide you to register and allocate a village for you after entering the city gate. If you don’t intend to settle here, you can continue walking out through another city gate.”

“So, it’s fortunate that you arrived when you did. If you had come later and there was no place left in Huashan County, you would have had to continue further,” the official replied.

Shen Patriarch nodded and expressed his gratitude, saying, “Thank you, sir.”

The official who provided the answer responded with an air of indifference, “Hmm.”

On the other side, several other officials were noticeably different from the rest. They held portraits and examined the Shen family closely.

The Shen family had long become accustomed to this, as they had encountered it twice before on their journey.

However, they still couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the unwavering determination of the imperial court in finding people.

The officials who held the portraits to find people had long lost any ripples in their hearts, as there was no one among these individuals they were looking for.

So much time had passed that the person they were seeking might have already died, causing their searches to become somewhat slack.

One of the officials turned the portrait in his hand and faced it towards the Shen family.

He said, “A reward of a hundred gold coins will be given to anyone who provides information about this person. If you have any news, please report it to the authorities.”

The wind blew, causing the portrait to flutter and then descend.

A familiar face appeared on the portrait in front of the Shen family.

As they looked at the face that bore an 80% resemblance to Fei Yanchen before his disguise, everyone’s eyes widened in shock.

What was going on?

This, this, this!!!

Isn’t this Fei Yanchen?!!!

The gazes of the entire group involuntarily shifted between Fei Yanchen’s face and the portrait.

The officials keenly noticed their unease and sternly asked, “Have you seen this person before?”

In an instant, countless thoughts raced through everyone’s minds.

Should they hand Fei Yanchen over and claim the reward, or pretend not to know anything?

They could feel the piercing gazes of the officials, and beads of cold sweat formed on their foreheads.

Suddenly, Grandma Shen slapped her thigh and exclaimed, “Oh my goodness! Son, look at this person in the portrait! How handsome he is! I used to think you were the most handsome.”

After speaking, she turned towards Fei Yanchen, who was closest to her, and noticed that his face did resemble her eldest son.

Fei Yanchen could see the trembling of her mouth when she faced him, clearly startled by the resemblance.

Although they dared not show their true intentions, Fei Yanchen smiled at Grandma Shen and supported her trembling body, trying to conceal her fear.

Grandma Shen’s exclamation snapped the others back to their senses.

Watching her exaggerated performance, the rest of the group instantly joined in the act.

Song Shi chimed in, “Indeed, I never knew there could be such a handsome person in this world. I always thought our children were the best-looking.”

Shen Yu’an also smiled and said, “Absolutely, but I still think Fourth Uncle is the most handsome of all.”

The officials were bewildered by the behavior of this family. They had initially thought they recognized the person in the portrait, but it turned out they were just a bunch of ignorant people.

The officials rolled their eyes, dismissing them disdainfully, “Just a bunch of peasants! There are plenty of people in this world who are more attractive than your family members. Now, get lost!”

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