Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey
Farm Girl’s Space: Picking Up a Major Villain during the Runaway Journey Chapter 209

Chapter 209: The First Paper Mill

Several individuals sat inside the room, discussing this matter for a long time without any outsiders present. They continued until night fell and it grew late. It was only then that they reluctantly shifted away from the topic and departed separately.

Shen Yu’an and Ji Xun were taken to guest rooms.

After the two had left, Xin Rui looked at Qi Wenzhen and Qi Wenqin, the two brothers who had something to say. She also got up and left.

Inside the room,

At this moment, only Qi Wenzhen and Qi Wenqin remained.

They exchanged a glance, their hearts unable to calm down for a long time.

They had just heard Shen Yu’an discuss her plans and ideas. They also realized the immense convenience that would come to underprivileged students if more affordable paper were to be available.

They were equally astonished by Shen Yu’an’s intelligence.

A woman who should have been confined to the inner chambers had, out of concern for her father and brothers, devised a new papermaking method due to the repeated reduction in the use of paper caused by its high price.

Furthermore, according to what Shen Yu’an had said, the paper produced using her method was not of lower quality compared to what was currently sold outside, and it would be more cost-effective.

Qi Wenzhen’s paternal generation had been no more than ordinary wealthy local gentry.

His current achievements were the result of starting from scratch, and he had encountered many underprivileged students, as Shen Yu’an described.

He understood well the significance of what Shen Yu’an had described coming to fruition and how sensational it would be.

Thus, he had eagerly proposed the idea of collaborating with Shen Yu’an.

By this time, it was already nighttime, and the group had discussed the matter thoroughly. However, there wasn’t enough time to formalize the agreement at the government office.

Neither Shen Yu’an nor Ji Xun had anticipated that this matter would be resolved so smoothly.

There was no need for them to go to great lengths to coincidentally encounter people from the general’s residence.

On the following day, according to the terms they had agreed upon, Shen Yu’an and Qi Wenzhen went to the government office to sign the agreement.

Holding the freshly obtained contract, Shen Yu’an was filled with excitement, eager to immediately start something significant here.

With the matter concluded, Shen Yu’an and Ji Xun didn’t linger any longer. They headed straight back to Longxian Village.

They had already discussed it and agreed that the first paper mill would be located near Longxian Village, as Shen Yu’an had requested.

She only needed the general’s residence to play the role of the hidden force, allowing her to “borrow the tiger’s might” before her wings fully developed.

The decision to build the first mill near Longxian Village was reached unanimously by the Shen family members after discussions.

As for Qi Yiran, who was confined in the ancestral hall for self-reflection, before she could be released to seek revenge on Shen Yu’an, she had already departed.

On that evening, Qi Wenzhen and Qi Wenqin had discussed matters with Shen Yu’an in a way that avoided the people in the general’s residence. Even the maids and servants who initially heard about Shen Yu’an’s papermaking plans were instructed not to speak until the workshop was officially operational.

Thus, only Qi Wenzhen, Qi Wenqin, and Xin Rui from the general’s residence knew about this matter. Even Lady Wen remained unaware for the time being.

Back in Longxian Village, Shen Yu’an plunged headfirst into the task of building the workshop.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was early March. The paper mill had been constructed, and it was almost time to hire workers and commence production.

The villagers of Longxian Village only knew about the new family that had arrived and had fervently started building a workshop whose purpose wasn’t immediately clear.

However, when the Shen family built something, they still employed people from Longxian Village.

They didn’t care about what the Shen family was up to. When they saw the Shen family hiring workers, they simply signed up. The prospect of making money without having to go to the town was something everyone envied but couldn’t achieve.

As March began, whispers about the purpose of the Shen family’s workshop started to circulate.

“Oh my, the Shen family can actually make paper? That’s something even more precious than food.”

“I heard that this papermaking method was devised by their young lady. It’s quite impressive how clever these young ladies from their family are.”

“The Shen family is about to turn their fortunes around. In the past, our children couldn’t even afford to buy paper, but now the Shen family has become those paper-making folks. They’re surely on their way to becoming well-off city dwellers.”

“Oh dear, why don’t I have a daughter like that? It’s truly something to envy!”

The crowd was filled with envy, their words laced with sourness.

Aunt Pan mingled within the crowd, listening to the words of envy and jealousy while pursing her lips.

After their losses at the Shen family’s place – two taels of silver, a chicken, and over a dozen eggs – she had returned home only to find her husband blaming her for everything, subjecting her to a beating and berating.

Recalling the pain of those beatings, Aunt Pan still felt it in her body.

Misfortune seemed to follow her family as strange incidents continued to occur.

First, Pan Hou broke his leg when he went out, then her husband, for some inexplicable reason, suffered a sudden stroke, leaving him bedridden and immobile.

There were also several instances when she woke up in the middle of the night to find several venomous scorpions crawling by her bed, frightening her so much that she spent several sleepless nights.

Aunt Pan also felt envious of how well the Shen family was doing and let out a few spiteful words.

Everyone in the village was well aware of the unpleasant history between Aunt Pan and the Shen family.

Upon hearing her malign the Shen family, she was scolded and ran away with a humiliated expression.

The remaining people continued discussing, when suddenly, a woman exclaimed in astonishment, “If the papermaking method was indeed thought up by the Shen family’s young lady, then whoever marries her would basically gain a workshop that earns silver every day!”

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she regretted it and quickly covered her mouth.

Oh my, she just can’t keep her mouth shut.

Such a good opportunity should be kept as secret as possible, yet she blurted it out.

Ever since the Shen family arranged a marriage proposal for their children after the New Year, there had been no further developments.

Those boys seemed to be interested in this aspect.

On the other hand, that Shen family girl remained unresponsive.

Even when matchmakers went to the Shen family to propose marriage on Shen Yu’an’s behalf, they were all politely turned down.

The woman regretted saying those words. After all, her silly son would now have so many more rivals.

No, she needed to hurry back and talk to her foolish son, urging him to be more attentive towards Miss Shen.

However, deceiving Shen Yu’an into becoming a daughter-in-law was still too difficult.

What most concerned the villagers was when the workshop would begin operations, when they would hire people, and if they could send their family members there.


Amidst the villagers’ anticipation, the paper mill began to hire workers.

Shen Yu’an wasn’t just hiring male employees; she also recruited quite a few women.

As soon as this news spread, those who heard it were shocked and constantly went to the Shen family to confirm its authenticity.

Seeing the continuous stream of inquirers, Shen Yu’an had no choice but to clearly tell them that the news was indeed true!

The people, especially the women who were assigned disadvantaged roles in this era, looked at Shen Yu’an standing in front of them speaking and felt a fiery passion in their hearts.

Because Shen Yu’an told them that women could also earn money through their own hands and efforts, that they weren’t merely products dependent on men.

Shen Yu’an’s forward-looking statement astonished everyone, and it couldn’t be denied that her words had ignited thoughts in them that they had never had before.

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