In figure skating, I can’t be that kind of cannon fodder vase!
In figure skating, I can’t be that kind of cannon fodder vase! Chapter 7

The first person to notice the change in Ling Ran’s homepage was a blogger named [MingShi is real]. She is an avid CP fan of Zhong Ming and Gu Shi. What she hates the most is the one in the program team who can’t do anything but with his beauty, he still is a waste vase used for the photoshoot.

[MingShi is real] actually watched the live broadcast that day.

But after a brief surprise, her hatred for Ling Ran became even deeper.

What do you mean? Are you just pretending to play with our brother, or do you want to take this opportunity to suppress our brother? Do you want to slap our brother in the face?

Besides, it doesn’t matter if you dance well. Even if you dance well, do you still want to wear our brother’s performance clothes?


[MingShi is real] just hated Ling Ran before. But after the live broadcast, she completely turned into Ling Ran’s antifan.

Especially among the small group of CP fans, there are secret rumours that Zhong Ming was aggrieved by the live broadcast and even planned to quit the variety show.

Everything! It’s all Ling Ran’s fault!

[MingShi is real] was so angry that she not only insulted Ling Ran more than 100 times in the hot search super chat, but also stared at his account updates every day, just waiting for Ling Ran to get angry at her.

It’s a pity that Ling Ran was not online for half a month.

She had no place to vent her anger.

On this day, after reading the fanfic written by the writer in the group, [MingShi is True] opened the social platform and planned to look for sugar again.

Unexpectedly, he saw a reminder that Ling Ran was online.

She rushed over and found that Ling Ran had not posted any updates, but had deleted his trainee certification and previous blog posts.

She immediately thought of the gossip a while ago, and immediately went to the super chat broadcast to promote it.

[Ling Ran’s profile has been changed!]

[Ultimate joy! Ling Ran was kicked off the show!]

The response to this was also very enthusiastic.

[Thank God, the program team finally behaved…]

[This can be regarded as giving our brother a sigh of relief.]

[Ah ah ah, the best news today!]

It was the prime time for surfing the internet in the evening. Zhong Ming and Gu Shi had so many fans that they suddenly put Ling Ran on the hot search list again.

But it was just a hot search, and it didn’t attract much attention.

The person involved, Ling Ran, was even less informed.

If he goes online, he will remember that [MingShi is real] is the fanatical CP fan who led and killed the original owner in the original book.

Unfortunately, Ling Ran was too busy to go online.

He is fully preparing for the Chinese Figure Skating Club League in the near future.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the sky was completely dark outside the row of large windows.

Under the dome supported by silver steel bars, there is a dazzling white ice rink.

After practising for a day, everyone else who was exhausted had already left the ice, leaving only two figures, one big and one small, in the entire ice rink.

The little one’s forehead was covered with sweat. After a dozen 2A jumps, he was panting so hard that his two pointed tiger teeth were exposed.

Ever since Zhang Jin told ‘Little Tiger’ Qiao Shi that he was going to send him to participate in club competitions, the little guy was like a chicken, evolving on the ice every day as soon as the training started.

Just after dinner in the evening, he came back to practice again.

Qiao Shi wiped his sweat and looked at the young man not far away.

“Brother Ran, aren’t you leaving yet?”

Because they trained together every day, Little Tiger had already become familiar with Ling Ran, and even called him brother.

Another figure wearing silver training clothes on the ice seemed to be immersed in his own world.

Ling Ran had already cut his hair short and dyed it black.

The black hair like the crow’s feathers made his fair face look like jade, with clear eyebrows and handsome eyes, a straight nose and thin lips.

Under the bright, high-voltage lights of the ice rink, he looked as beautiful as an elf.

He twirled on the ice, his legs constantly changing and alternating, and the joy of being given new life by nature naturally flowed from his brisk pace on the ice.

Immediately afterwards, the slender and flexible figure waved his hands and strolled quickly with his feet.

It’s like a newborn elf seeing the beauty of the human world for the first time.

Admiration, curiosity, yearning, recurrence.

Ling Ran jumped in mid-air like a butterfly, spinning, lowering his upper body to be parallel to the ice, and transforming into a spinning posture with one leg raised high to his side.

One foot lifted and spinning into circles is like snow flowers blooming on the ice.

The flexibility far beyond that of ordinary people made Ling Ran’s raised toes stretch straight, higher than his hips.

The white fingers are slender, changing and flying, and the arms are swaying like vines.

This is the elf thanking nature for its gift and the beauty of life.

The joy of rebirth is vividly displayed on the spinning figure.

Qiao Shi, who was still jumping, couldn’t move his eyes away and exclaimed “Wow”.

The figure gliding on the ice squatted down and stood up again. The moment he stood upright, his right foot hit hard.

A crisp “swish!” was heard.

The ice splashing under the blade seemed to be cheering for him.

Qiao Shi opened his eyes wide, feeling that Brother Ran was surprising him every day.

Ling Ran finally finished his day’s training, and large beads of sweat rolled down his fair face.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was time for Xue Linyuan to pick him up for physical training.

However, the close-fitting training clothes were cold and sticky with sweat, so he planned to take a shower and change clothes before leaving.

Qiao Shi quickly handed him the towel in his hand.

As soon as Ling Ran lowered his head, he saw Little Tiger smiling like a gem, “Brother Ran, this is a new towel, no one has used it!”

Ling Ran thanked him and reached out to take it.

Little Tiger took the opportunity to besiege him, “Brother Ran, why do you do the sideways swallow-style spin better than others?”

Yes, Ling Ran’s choice just now was very precise, first a butterfly jump and then spinning around.

Butterfly means a literal butterfly.

The movement of jumping into a rotating position like a butterfly flapping its wings is called a butterfly jump.

The next sideways swallow-style rotation is not difficult to do, and it is one of the basic postures of rotation.

It is considered a skill that professional athletes must master, and very few people don’t know it.

But why does Brother Ran look better when he does it than others?

Qiao Shi couldn’t explain why. It just feels like the seemingly ordinary rotation suddenly seems to have a soul, making the viewer feel a kind of purified delight and satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

Ling Ran wiped his face.

“Maybe it’s because of the posture.”

He gestured slightly, “The right leg must be raised high, parallel to the ice surface. It must be lifted flat and high. It must be stable when rotating. And it must be kept straight.”

Talking about his favourite figure skating, he smiled more, “For men’s singles, the wide open and close movements will look better.”

Qiao Shi said “oh oh” twice as if he understood, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

It’s dazzling in some people’s eyes.

Ever since Zhang Jin was rejected by Ling Ran, he has been holding his breath and insisting on bringing out Qiao Shi, his most outstanding disciple, to overpower Ling Ran, so that Ling Ran regrets his poor judgement for choosing Xue Linyuan, a coward who can’t do shit.

But he didn’t expect that within a few days, Qiao Shi, a shallow-eyed boy, would be coaxed to follow him and call him “Brother Ran” every day.

This is why Zhang Jin is not angry but furious.

All his old face has been lost.

Especially now, he and Xue Linyuan came to pick up their disciples from the ice rink.

“I heard that Ling Ran is also going to sign up for this club league. Does he plan to participate in the public group competition?”

Xue Linyuan hummed embarrassedly, he was unsure.

“What a coincidence, our Qiao Shi is also going to participate in this competition. But he is participating in the elite group, so we shouldn’t be able to compete. But we can buy tickets together when the time comes.”

Xue Linyuan waved his hand.

“No, no, the eldest son of the Huo family has said that he will arrange a private jet and nanny car to send Ling Ran there.”

Is this the point?

He was clearly talking about the elite group, the elite group, not the public group!

Zhang Jin almost laughed out of anger.

His show-off was like a punch into cotton.

He was even a little envious.

This year’s club league is still held in the three northeastern provinces. The distance is long, and the club only reimburses economy-class tickets. Xue Linyuan was lucky enough to get on the Huo family’s private jet!

If Ling Ran had promised himself at that time, would he also have been treated like this?

Zhang Jin felt like he had gained a hundred pounds of lemons.

Think about it again, someone from the Huo family comes to deliver nutritious meals to Ling Ran every day, and they also bring Xue Linyuan’s share, including pot-wrapped meat, sliced ​​meat, chicken stewed with mushrooms, and Xue Linyuan’s face is shiny after eating.

Sour, so sore that my teeth are about to fall.

“We are encouraging Qiao Shi. He will definitely come back with a medal.”

Xue Linyuan also heard this sentence.

He looked into the field, thinking that maybe Ling Ran could come back with a ranking.

Forget it, this seedling of ours has just started to grow, so don’t try to encourage it to grow.

After this period of getting along, Xue Linyuan completely changed his mind.

Ling Ran has good talent and works hard enough, so he will definitely achieve results in the future. The most important thing is that he doesn’t have the arrogance of a young master from an aristocratic family. They get along very well and feel comfortable together. Even after these two months, even if he failed to achieve results in the competition, he thought he would be willing to continue to lead Ling Ran.

Seeing Ling Ran falling on the ice, he quickly went to help him up.

“Are we still going to do physical training tonight? How about we take a day off?”

Ling Ran nodded, then shook his head.

Xue Linyuan smiled happily, “You are so stubborn, kid.”

Ling Ran, who has a mental age of 25:…

He lowered his slender eyelashes. He didn’t really want to talk to Xue Linyuan.

The master and apprentice walked to the physical training room together.

Zhang Jin hit Qiao Shi on the shoulder.

“You must bring me a medal this time!”

Even if you don’t steam the steamed buns, you still have to fight for your reputation!

Little Tiger grinned, “Okay!”

Zhang Jin looked at the back of the young man walking away. Humph, so what if he was talented? It doesn’t matter if you have money, you haven’t missed the best age yet, you are as good as a child in figure skating, and now you are still practising simple and basic tricks, Ling Ran. It’s hard to say what will happen in the future!

Ling Ran didn’t know that such a case had just happened at the ice rink, and Xue Linyuan didn’t pay attention to it at all and wouldn’t mention it.

The two of them walked out and discussed tonight’s training plan.

“Or squat with weights, jump with weights, and do a hundred jumps in the air?”

Ling Ran nodded calmly.

Xue Linyuan’s teeth ached when he saw him. Was Ling Ran really tough?

But the disciple was already nervous, and there was no reason for him, the coach, to hold him back.

After spending another hour in the training room, Ling Ran returned to Huo’s house exhausted.

He took a rapid shower, and the first thing he did after opening his phone that he hadn’t touched all day was to open the chat box with Huo Wenze.

The dialogue box still stayed on the interface where he asked Huo Wenze when he could help him find a choreographer and a designer for costume.

He was not famous, Xue Linyuan had just retired and started as a coach, and his contacts were not wide enough. Those who had long-term cooperation with the club were not interested in him. After much deliberation, Ling Ran went to Huo Wenze, who had a wide network of contacts.

Ling Ran also transferred money to Huo Wenze.

Well, a lot of money, a lot of zeros.

Huo Wenze readily agreed, but did not accept the transfer. He said he would send Mr. Huo his contact information when he comes to see him tonight.

Ling Ran poured himself a glass of water and opened the door ajar.

He stood close to the wall, pulled his toes with his backhand, straightened one calf against the wall, and then leaned against the wall with all his strength so that the back of his head rested on the raised calf.

It’s very similar to Biellmann’s extremely stretched posture, and the ligaments in both legs feel painful to the viewer.

Of course, Ling Ran was in pain too.

The moment he put the buffer on his calf, he could even hear the sizzling sound from the place where the upper and lower limbs were connected being pulled apart by strong force, which was reminiscent of the ancient torture of dismembering the body by five horses.

There was a reason why Ling Ran was so cruel to himself.

The flexibility of this body is good.

However, flexibility will deteriorate with age, especially for men. As they get older, their limbs will become stiffer. He must practise regularly to ensure that his body’s flexibility is always in optimal condition.

Only by being ruthless to yourself can you reach a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Ling Ran understood this truth long ago.

Otherwise, how could he have practised those standard jumps and steps that can be recorded as teaching videos? Was it not the result of blood and sweat drop by drop?

Ling Ran gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his body from being stretched.

The dim and warm bedroom light shone on his face.

The young man’s face was slightly pale, but his eyes were so radiant that they were frighteningly bright. His expression of gritting his teeth in pain showed his unwillingness to admit defeat.

Huo Wenze, who was about to knock on the door and come in, was startled.

The look in Ling Ran’s eyes at this moment reminded him of his comrades during training in the army.

Ling Ran?

A pampered and indulged young master who is just sitting there and doing nothing?

Huo Wenze even suspected that he had seen it wrong.

His impression of Ling Ran was not very good. Even though Ling Ran gradually began to show a sharpness and calmness that was inconsistent with the rumours, he just felt that Ling Ran might have grown up and become more sensible.

After all, it is still a flower growing in a greenhouse and cannot withstand any wind or rain.

Practising figure skating may just be for a spur of the moment, and maybe you will come back from the club after a while because you can’t bear the hardship.

But he would not say these words explicitly.

“This is the contact information you want. I have already asked someone to arrange the connection. The choreographer is Augusto, who has choreographed programs for world champions such as Victor and Takeshita Shun. For the costume, a famous designer, Alberto, is hired.”

Ling Ran stretched against the wall, almost gasping in pain.

But he still thanked him very politely, “Thank you, Brother Wenze.”

Such a famous person cannot be hired with money alone. Especially since these two are both Italians. Italians are romantic and lazy at heart, and they really may not be willing to travel such a long way for a little money.

Later, when he wanted to transfer more money to Huo Wenze, Ling Ran began to seriously calculate his wealth.

Huo Wenze, however, was slightly startled by the young man’s tense breath. He responded calmly and turned around to go to Mr. Huo’s bedroom.

Mr. Huo is also surprised. Ling Ran used to be able to do anything for three minutes, but now he can do it for almost a month.

He sighed, “Maybe it can really happen, Wenze, what do you think?”

Huo Wenze smiled and said nothing.

Maybe he should go watch Ling Ran’s game.

In front of Huo Wenze’s eyes, there was an unyielding look on the young man’s face as he clung to the wall.

No matter how others doubted it in their hearts or openly, Ling Ran truly felt that through hard training day after day, he seemed to have regained some of his previous feelings.

His jumps became more and more stable, his rotations became faster and faster, and his steps became more and more smooth and natural.

Huo Wenze was very efficient in his work. It didn’t take long for the choreographer and costume designer to fly thousands of miles away on the Huo family’s private jet.

And there is only one month left before the club league starts.

End of the Chapter 7.

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