In figure skating, I can’t be that kind of cannon fodder vase!
In figure skating, I can’t be that kind of cannon fodder vase! Chapter 8

Ling Ran always knew that many people didn’t think highly of him.

But no one has ever had such contempt and boredom written on their faces as Augusto and Alberto.

The two of them probably thought that Ling Ran couldn’t understand them, and they talked in Italian very unscrupulously.

“If the Huo family hadn’t come to invite me in person…”

“Me too…for the sake of…face…”

“Come on, man! Get this job done, that huge sum of money! Let’s go have a beer!”

Xue Linyuan couldn’t understand the chirping of the two foreigners, but he could also feel their impatience.

But after all, this is a top-notch choreographer and a costume designer in the world. To choreograph and design for Ling Ran is really a bit of a downgrade. And he is obviously angry but dares not speak out. What should I do? Just hold it in.

Let’s see when Ling Ran gets results, and a lot of choreographers and designers are rushing to come. There’s no way if they want to change their faces and get close to each other then!

Xue Linyuan only dared to spit in his heart.

After all, he knew that his disciple was only one pyramid away from world-class standards, well, from the top of the tower to the bottom.

Ling Ran leaned on the railing of the ice rink and listened for a while. He knew a little about Italian because of his previous training abroad, but he only knew a little bit about it.

Hearing this was boring, he simply held the board with his hand, slid back, and continued to practise the basic skills of his spinning and jumping footwork.

Ling Ran has already told Xue Linyuan his thoughts. He believes that with the translator hired by the Huo family, Xue Linyuan will be able to express what he wants clearly to these two people.

The competition was just a month away and his success rate for perfect jumps wasn’t very high yet.

Time is too tight.

It’s better to seize the time and practice.

Ling Ran first practised the steps of knotting, twisting, bracketing, external hooks, internal hooks, and three turns.

He has practised non-turning footwork very well in the past two months and has almost picked it up, so he doesn’t want to waste any more time.

What’s more, what will be used in the final program arrangement has not been decided yet, and it will not be too late to practise continuously after it is decided.

After chaining the steps together, Ling Ran took a deep breath, leaned back, bent his waist, and extended out his outstretched arms, as if he was lifting something.

This is a low-waist bow step.

Then he straightened up, skated backwards, and drew an arc shaped like a number 3 on the ice clockwise.

What he followed was the most difficult backwards inside edge three-step turn.

It is a light-turning type of footwork.

Well done.

Just when everyone thought he was satisfied with this…

Yes, why are you not satisfied?

This is the most difficult three-step turning method among the four steps.

Everyone knows how to do the third turn, but there are only a few people who can do such a beautiful third turn!

Augusto raised his eyes inadvertently and fixed his gaze.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ran shifted his body weight from the front half to the back half of the skate and evenly distributed it onto his two feet while gliding.

The toes of the left and right feet are facing outwards, the skates are steadily kept in a straight line, and the waist is straight.

This is a big one-character slide with great momentum.

The young man’s face is young and delicate, and his cold face has an elf-like arrogance. This is the posture of a lord patrolling the forest.

Could it be… Augusto widened his eyes slightly.

He saw Ling Ran maintaining a straight posture, taking off from the outer edge of the left back, and leaping into the air.

His hands were placed on his shoulders, and his legs were naturally twirled into twists mid-air.

One lap, two laps, three laps!

Land safely!

This is a perfect back-inside triple jump, 3S.

Many people can jump the triple jump, which is very difficult, but there are definitely a few who can jump with simple footwork that is so clean and beautiful that people can’t take their eyes away.

In particular, after his right foot landed firmly, Ling Ran’s left foot did not land immediately. The raised toe drew a perfect arc straight in the air before lightly touching the ice.

What does this mean? It means that he still has some energy left.

The body’s coordination and centre of gravity are also well controlled.

The connection of the whole movement is very smooth and even has a dancing rhythm.

Augusto’s eyes lit up immediately.

He likes to choreograph but is only willing to choreograph programs for some well-known athletes.

The reason is that some athletes are preoccupied with thinking about how to get higher technical points, and are ultimately unwilling to work on the affinity and articulation of the program. Even the basic movement requirements are lacking.

When jumping, they start twisting their body before their feet even leave the ice; as soon as they land, they would put their left foot down immediately, for fear that they would lose their footing. Like a monkey trick.

It will only waste his hard work!

Can technology be as important as art?

Isn’t there another name for figure skating, ‘Ice Dancing’?

What dancing will be there if everyone can only jump up and down? What’s more, it’s not pretty enough!

But he didn’t see any of these bad habits in this fifteen-year-old boy from China.

Augusto suddenly felt that arranging a program for a young man who had never participated in any competition and was just starting would not be so unbearable if it was Ling.

Standing next to him is Alberto, a talented fashion designer. Costume Design is actually his side business.

Alberto does not have deep knowledge of figure skating, but he considers himself an artist, and an artist must love all beautiful things.

Ling’s movements are so smooth and beautiful!

At this moment, he was just as unable to look away as Augusto.

Xue Linyuan was still struggling to express what he meant to the translator, but suddenly he found that the two foreigners who were still looking impatient just now were silent and looked straight ahead somewhere.

He followed the gazes of the two men.

He saw the young man on the ice rink practising various jumps seriously.

The leap was high and far, and the movement of descending on the ice was even more light.

No matter how you look at it, it looks good.

At the end of another triple jump with footwork and jumping, Augusto couldn’t help but praise, “Perfect!”

Seeing Xue Linyuan looking at him, he immediately cut to the common language again, “Perfect!”

What else did Xue Linyuan not understand? It was clearly Ling Ran who had impressed these two arrogant foreigners with his own strength.

A feeling of pride arose in his heart.

Several people were pointing at the young man training at the edge of the ice rink, discussing the best plan they could give.

Zhang Jin led Qiao Shi and looked at them with eager eyes.

But those were not resources that the club could hire. The Huo family had to provide the people, effort, and money themselves, and he couldn’t say it wasn’t.

He gritted his teeth and asked someone to bring the costume that had been prepared for Qiao Shi.

“You should try it on the ice too!”

Zhang Jin turned on the music and pushed Qiao Shi.

A light piano music resounded throughout the audience.

Qiao Shi got on the ice and danced happily on the ice, making jumps such as 2A at his fingertips.

Zhang Jin glanced proudly at the two well-established foreigners with his peripheral vision without leaving any trace.

I thought I would get their admiring looks.

But I didn’t expect that those few people were still discussing Ling Ran’s program and costume design enthusiastically, as if they didn’t hear or see them at all.

Ling Ran was just practising the 3F jump on the ice when he took off. One of the pivots was unstable and he fell heavily on the ice.

Zhang Jin suppressed his blush to stop laughing.

Tsk, Ling Ran can’t even do a triple jump now, so what if he has a good performance? Can he get high scores with technical scores? He can’t go to the elite group, he still has to compete in the public group.

He watched for a while and saw Ling Ran falling several times before walking away with satisfaction.

Ling Ran had completed more than half of his daily basic training tasks and was about to get off the ice to take a drink of water when he saw the smile on Xue Linyuan’s face getting bigger and bigger.

He pressed the blade a few times and slid in front of the three people.

“Ling, look! Doesn’t this outfit suit you particularly well?”

Alberto, who was responsible for costume design, excitedly took out the sketch paper he had just drawn.

It was a piece of costume outlined in deep and light green. The colour was bold and bright as if it was embellished with spring.

“I can’t wait to see what you look like in it!”

Alberto stared at Ling Ran’s perfect and childish oriental face in fascination. A steady stream of inspiration burst out from his mind. He felt that he had also been favoured by the muse in the distant country of China.

Ling is his muse!

“I’ll go back to design now!”

He grabbed the manuscript and ran outside.

Augusto shrugged his shoulders, quite understanding of his friend’s strange temper.

He opened the choreography program in his notebook and began to talk about his inspiration.

For the short program, Augusto actually had several finished products in his hand. Ling Ran picked one of them at a glance, which was considered exclusive.

Free skating is usually tailored based on the athletes’ own strengths, but it is obviously too late to rearrange it now.

Fortunately, Augusto already had a set of semi-finished products in hand before Augusto arrived, so he could make modifications and make adjustments.

Of course, if he hadn’t seen Ling Ran’s performance today, he might have made up a random one on the spot, and he might not have generously presented the program he was still conceiving at the bottom of the box.

The programs arranged by world-class masters are naturally perfect.

However, Xue Linyuan believed that the double jump at the climax of the dance, that is, a double jump of 3 seconds followed by 2 tones, was a bit difficult for Ling Ran, and he wanted to change it to something simpler.

Augusto was very insistent.

“Ling, this is the culmination of the entire music!”

He looked at Ling Ran eagerly, “In fact, this is already the lowest level and simplest arrangement! Without this combo, it would not be a complete program! With it, you will get first place!”

As soon as the word “first” came out of Augusto’s mouth, Xue Linyuan was keenly aware that there seemed to be something different about Ling Ran.

But before he could tell the difference. Ling Ran replied in somewhat fluent Italian, “I will definitely learn this move.”

Now the choreographer left with satisfaction.

Xue Linyuan, who was left behind to accompany Ling Ran as he tried to choreograph his moves, was so worried that his face turned pale.

He strongly disapproved of Ling Ran’s double jump.

Xue Linyuan’s reasons for disapproval are also sufficient.

Ling Ran’s training intensity was very high, and he was literally testing his body’s bottom line on a daily basis.

But even so, time is too tight. Among Ling Ran’s triple jumps, only for the Salchow triple jump that he first practised, the 3S jump, the success rate is higher.

The success rate for several other triple jumps is no more than 30 per cent.

It doesn’t exceed 30% during practice. What about the competition field?

It will only be lower in a stressful arena!

Are you going to do a double jump now? 3S 2T?

After dancing a Salchow triple jump, without even taking a breath, he immediately followed it up with a double triple jump from the back and outside.

Doesn’t that mean that you haven’t even learned to walk yet and you want to start to run?

Not to mention the success rate during the show, if the training intensity is increased, it may have irreversible effects on Ling Ran’s body.

You must know that the violent impact of falling ice after jumping high can easily cause serious damage to the joints that have not grown up set, affecting their development.

Therefore, young players in the youth group generally rarely do quadruple jumps.

It’s not just that the quadruple jump is very difficult.

Ling Ran is only fifteen years old and has a promising future. He cannot burn out his career early just because of one competition.

Xue Lin, an athlete who had to retire early due to injuries, has a lot of expectations, but he never wants Ling Ran to be one of them.

But Ling Ran was still very persistent.

A few days ago, he accidentally bumped into someone from the provincial team coming to contact Xue Linyuan, obviously intending to recruit Xue Linyuan.

Ling Ran’s technical level is still far from the first tier of his peers. If he doesn’t work hard and get a good ranking in this competition, the provincial team may not really think highly of him.

If he fails to get a ranking and fails to enter the provincial team, not only will Mr Huo not allow him to continue practising figure skating, but maybe even Xue Linyuan will leave him.

How could he accept this?

Ling Ran felt that he was actually fighting against the odds.

He has been skating on the ice for more than ten years. Figure skating is his life, the meaning of his existence and proving himself.

Before he won a world championship gold medal for himself and China, there was no way he would give up figure skating under any circumstances.

“I will perform a double jump according to Augusto’s arrangement.” Ling Ran frowned slightly, “This is the best arrangement.”

Of course, Xue Linyuan knew that this was the best arrangement!

The climax of the entire piece needs an introduction to ignite emotions.

This is the highlight of the entire arrangement.

And 3A 2T is actually a relatively simple arrangement in a combo.

After all, Salchow’s S jump uses the right rear outer blade to land on the ice and then hits the ice from the outside, which is the same for the T jump. It also uses the right rear outer blade to take off. If there is no need to change the blade, it will be much easier.

Not to mention that the T jump is an ice jump. When taking off, you can use the blade teeth of your left foot to hit the ice to gain some strength.

“Are you sure you can do it?”

Xue Linyuan was going crazy.

Ling Ran shook his head and told the truth, “The success rate cannot be guaranteed.” After all, his new body was immature and unfamiliar, and he was not yet very comfortable using it.

Xue Linyuan’s eyes were filled with despair.

“Let me give it a try.”

The broken hair on Ling Ran’s forehead fell down. Due to sweating, the raven-black hair stuck to his fair skin. He lowered his eyes and looked somewhat well-behaved and quiet.

What well-behaved! What Quiet!

It’s all to pretend!

Seeing Ling Ran’s expression, Xue Linyuan knew that he couldn’t persuade him anymore.

How could he not know that Ling Ran was in a tough situation?

In fact, he had no intention of staying in the club forever. His former teammates who had trained together had helped him get the opportunity to coach the provincial team. This was also the underlying reason why he rejected Ling Ran a month ago.

But who would have thought that Ling Ran was such a good seedling that he wouldn’t want to let go of him after he took charge of him?

Xue Linyuan believed from the bottom of his heart more than anyone else that Ling Ran would be able to practice well.

Ling Ran is very talented and willing to endure hardships. He is obviously at the most playful age of fifteen, but he is so self-disciplined that he even puts himself to shame.

Now it seems that his desire to win and lose the game is also frighteningly high.

Xue Linyuan thinks this is a good thing.

If you want to be the world’s top athlete, how can you not have a strong desire to win and lose?

From this point of view, it was himself, the coach, who was holding his disciple back.

“Okay, let’s give it a try.”

Xue Linyuan relaxed, but not completely, “But you are not allowed to practice secretly behind my back. If you accidentally fall hard and hurt your muscles and bones, that is no joke.”

Ling Ran, who had already planned to practice secretly by himself if Xue Linyuan refused, and then secretly appeared on the show, suddenly raised his long eyelashes, his eyes were bright, filled with the broken shadows of white woven lamps.

“Hmph, the disciple dares to go higher, how can the coach let him not go higher?”

“Isn’t it just a fight?”

Xue Linyuan stretched out his hand.

Ling Ran looked at him motionless.

Xue Linyuan just remembered and was about to explain that this was his favourite cheering move.

But before he could finish speaking, Ling Ran made a fist with his right hand and lightly hit his palm.

Xue Linyuan laughed out loud, “Are we talking about being in harmony with each other?”

Ling Ran, who had done this action countless times before going on stage, curled his lips and smiled.

The young man’s face is fair, and his soft contours are still full of collagen, giving him a bit of childishness, but his calm and delicate eyebrows already have the shadow of youthful handsomeness.

Xue Linyuan looked at him and muttered, “You’re only fifteen, and you’re so good-looking. If you go to the competition in the future, you’ll be able to take advantage!” As he said this, he thought that they also had an advantage of this, and he laughed again.

When Ling Ran heard Xue Linyuan say such words several times before, he frowned and took a deep breath.

What he just said was true.

The country of China has a vast territory and is full of talent. He is actually not sure about the club league.

Maybe he will succeed, maybe he won’t.

But who knows?

An athlete spends more than 90% of his life preparing for competition, but the results of preparation are not guaranteed. Maybe he will never be able to stand on that narrow podium, maybe he won’t even be able to touch the edge of the podium.

Before the end of the game, no one can guarantee that they will be the final winner.

But this is also the charm of competitive sports.

Athletes take up the challenges day after day and year after year, not only against their opponents but also against themselves.

Training and preparing for competition are the only shortcuts that all athletes can take to get closer to their dreams.

It is also their greatest confidence when they enter the much-anticipated arena.

In the blink of an eye, it’s half a month again.

Not long after autumn has just begun, the temperature in the Northeast has already dropped. The seventh season of The China Figure Skating Clubs League finally kicked off in the rustling autumn wind.

Ling Ran finally boarded the Huo family’s private jet.

Getting ready to go to the first game after receiving the new body.

Target: Yuannanxing Ice Rink, H City, H Province.

End of the Chapter 8.

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