My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 43
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Lin Feng looked up at the second floor of the villa.

But the second floor was empty.

“Weird, why do I feel like someone is watching me?” Lin Feng furrowed his brow and mumbled, then he walked back into the Song family villa.

Inside the villa, Song Tianqing had already finished breakfast and was getting ready for work. Su Yue, worried that Lin Feng’s breakfast would get cold, so she reheated it.

Song Xueyan was still in bed.

Lin Feng suspected that Song Xueyan had already woken up and witnessed everything that happened outside the villa just now.

As he was thinking, Song Xueyan had already come downstairs.

Su Yue, seeing her daughter coming downstairs, frowned, “Yanyan, why are you sleeping in again? You’ve taken over the company now; you should set an example.”

“If the boss sleeps in and arrives late, how can the employees be motivated?!”

“Mom, I got it.” Song Xueyan felt a headache coming on. Ever since she started taking over the company, getting to sleep had become a luxury.

Su Yue then glanced at Lin Feng beside her, “Little Feng, blame Aunt Su for spoiling this girl since she was young.”

“It’s okay, Aunt Su. I think Yanyan is wonderful. Marrying her is my blessing.” Lin Feng quickly smiled.

Hearing this, a slight smile appeared on Song Xueyan’s lips.

Su Yue, on the side, couldn’t be happier. Her biggest worry was that Lin Feng wouldn’t like her daughter. Now, it seemed like the two of them were getting along well.

“Little Feng, Yanyan, hurry up and finish your breakfast.”


They both nodded and quickly finished the remaining breakfast.

“Yanyan, I’m heading to work now. You should visit the art and calligraphy company today.”

“I know, Dad.” Song Xueyan nodded.

Song Tianqing, holding his briefcase, walked towards the villa’s entrance.

The security guard at the gate brought the car over.

After the crisis in the Song family was resolved, Song Tianqing had been dealing with the aftermath of the company these days, seeking new business partners. In simpler terms, he was socializing and networking every day.

After Song Tianqing left, Lin Feng and Song Xueyan finished their breakfast. While wiping her mouth with a tissue, Song Xueyan said to Lin Feng, “Come with me to the art and calligraphy company later.”


Lin Feng agreed without hesitation.

Yesterday, he and Song Xueyan had already agreed that once news of the Celestial Chart spread, Lin Feng would likely become a target for opposing forces. Staying close to Song Xueyan would provide him with more security.

Song Xueyan now had a spiritual perception cultivation level, making her a genius-level existence in the entire Great Xia. She could handle most unexpected situations.

The two of them walked out of the Song family villa.

Song Xueyan personally drove, while Lin Feng tactfully took the back seat.

“Lin Feng, we’re heading to a subsidiary of the Song Group, Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy Company.”

“Okay.” Lin Feng nodded.

Through the rearview mirror, Song Xueyan had been observing Lin Feng. She noticed that when she mentioned Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy Company, he didn’t show any unusual reaction. This made Song Xueyan furrow her brows.

“Doesn’t he know that Shiyu is the CEO of Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy Company?”

In fact, Song Xueyan had her own thoughts for today.

She already knew that Lin Feng was acquainted with her good friend Xia Shiyu. Their relationship seemed more than just friend, as Song Xueyan could often catch the scent of Shiyu’s perfume on Lin Feng.

Song Xueyan was thinking of having them meet today.

She was curious about what kind of scene it would be if the two of them met – would they pretend not to know each other, or would they introduce each other with smiles?

As she thought about it, Song Xueyan became more and more curious.

Meanwhile, at Xia Shiyu’s home.

Shiyu got up early, prepared medicine for her mother, named Xia Dongmei.

Xia Dongmei had divorced her ex-husband when Shiyu was very young. Later, due to a car accident, Xia Dongmei became a vegetative patient and had been bedridden for four years.

Four years ago, Xia Shiyu had just started her sophomore year in college. Now, four years later, she has graduated and working as CEO.

Today, Shiyu was very happy. Last night, her mother had massaged her to sleep, and it was the most peaceful sleep she had had in a long time. In her dreams, Shiyu secretly shed tears.


Shiyu decided to take a day off to accompany her mother. Her mother had been bedridden for four years and had never seen the outside world. Shiyu planned to take her mother around to see the changes in Jiangzhou over the past four years.

So, Shiyu called Song Xueyan and asked for a day off. Song Xueyan knew that Xia Dongmei had woken up and was also very happy. She agreed to Shiyu’s request for a day off.

Shi Yu and Song Xueyan were college classmates and also roommates. They had a close relationship, often having meals and attending classes together. Over time, they became best friends.

In their sophomore year, when Song Xueyan learned that Shiyu’s mother had become a vegetable, she had her father register an art and calligraphy company and hired Shi Yu as an intern CEO.

Shiyu knew that Song Xueyan was helping her, so she didn’t refuse. Her mother’s hospitalization required a considerable amount of medical expenses, and the only way Shiyu could show gratitude was by working hard to manage the art and calligraphy company.

During the recent crisis in the Song family, only Shiyu’s Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy Company had been struggling and endured for the longest time and not gave in. However, the main reason was that the Chu family had no interest in the art and calligraphy field, and Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy Company was relatively small in the entire antique market, posing no threat.

Moreover, the companies in the Song family that were originally involved in real estate had all been acquired by Chu International. Trying to touch the real estate business again was practically impossible for the Song family.

The only remaining asset for the Song family now is the Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy Company. Therefore, both Song Tianqing and Song Xueyan unanimously believe in transitioning the Song family’s business into the field of art and antiques.

In Jiangzhou City, the leading figure in the antique industry is the Murong family.

Murong Mengxi is currently Song Xueyan’s immediate superior. When Song Xueyan shared the idea of the Song family transitioning into antiques with Murong Mengxi, she did not refuse.

She only told Song Xueyan that if the Song family entered the antique world, the Murong Group would turn a blind eye.

The Murong Group holds a prominent position in the antique world, not just in Jiangzhou but throughout the entire Great Xia. In the city of Jiangzhou, the Murong Group’s heritage is even deeper than that of the Chu International Group.

As for why Chu International is the top enterprise in Jiangzhou, there are mainly two reasons: Chu Beitian, the captain of the special operations bureau in Linjiang Province, and their involvement in the real estate industry.

The real estate industry sees rapid appreciation, causing Chu International’s market value to soar. On the other hand, the Murong Group has many cultural relics and rarely sells to the public, resulting in a relatively lower market value despite its undeniable heritage.

“Lin Feng, let’s go to the art and calligraphy company first and later check out the antique street. I want to buy a store there,” Song Xueyan shared her plan.

Lin Feng was gazing out the window, lost in thought. Hearing Song Xueyan speak, he quickly snapped back to reality.

“Sure, I’ll follow your arrangement.”

“What did I just say?” Song Xueyan asked coldly.


Lin Feng scratched his head awkwardly. He had been lost in his thoughts and had no idea what Song Xueyan had just said.

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