My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 44
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Jiangzhou Antique Street.

Not only was this the largest cultural and antique market in Jiangzhou, but it was also the biggest second-hand flea market. Many tourists came here to admire the market and take photos.

Song Xueyan parked the car.

The two of them then got out and headed towards the Antique Street.

“Why are there so many people here?” Lin Feng wondered.

“Today’s crowd is relatively small; it gets busier during the weekends,” Song Xueyan replied calmly.

Lin Feng nodded repeatedly, curiously looking around.

“Isn’t this Antique Street? Why are people selling second-hand cameras, even pressure cookers? And why are there helmets for sale?” Lin Feng exclaimed in surprise.

This antique market seemed a bit different.

“Keep your phone safe; don’t let it get stolen,” Song Xueyan reminded. “Many of the things you see here have dubious origins. For example, those helmets – you can easily guess they’re stolen from someone’s electric scooter.”

“I understand.” Lin Feng nodded vigilantly.

Afterwards, he tightly gripped his phone, afraid it might be snatched away.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, the two arrived at the heart of Antique Street. Here, the true Antique Street unfolded, devoid of any street vendors, replaced instead by various antique shops.

“This place looks much more upscale,” Lin Feng smiled.

“Do you see that building up ahead? I plan to buy it; this will be the future office location for Jiangzhou Art and Calligraphy,” Song Xueyan explained.

Lin Feng nodded repeatedly.

Song Xueyan gave Lin Feng a sarcastic look.

There wasn’t much to say between her and Lin Feng; he didn’t understand antiques at all. If it weren’t for Xia Shiyu taking a day off, she would have discussed shop matters with Shiyu today.

“Let’s go, let’s do some treasure hunting,” Song Xueyan said casually.

Treasure hunting?!

Lin Feng’s eyes lit up instantly, and he curiously asked, “Yanyan, what treasures are we hunting for?”

“Just follow me.”

With that, Song Xueyan walked towards the direction of the street stalls, and Lin Feng obediently followed behind.

They arrived at a small antique stall, and Song Xueyan quietly released her cultivation. She had already reached the spiritual perception realm and could extend her spiritual perception externally. Her controlled perception infiltrated every antique on display.

By examining the internal materials and craftsmanship, Song Xueyan quickly determined that none of the items before them were genuine.

“Let’s go, to the next one,” Song Xueyan walked towards the next shop.

Lin Feng looked puzzled.

He wasn’t a cultivator and had no idea what Song Xueyan was doing.

At the next shop, Song Xueyan continued to extend her spiritual perception, observing every antique item on the stall. Finally, her gaze landed on a small blue-and-white porcelain.

“Boss, how much is this?”

“Five hundred.”

Song Xueyan directly took out her phone, scanned the code, and paid five hundred yuan. Then, she gave Lin Feng a meaningful look, and he understood, carefully holding the small blue-and-white porcelain in his hands.

They left the small stall.

Lowering his voice, Lin Feng asked hesitantly, “Yanyan, is this small blue-and-white porcelain real?”

“Fake,” Song Xueyan replied without hesitation.

“Fake!” Lin Feng was stunned. He couldn’t understand. If it was fake, why spend five hundred yuan on it? Even if it was a handicraft, it should only be worth a few dozen yuan.

“Although it’s fake, it’s an imitation of the blue-and-white porcelain from the Ming Dynasty during the Qing Dynasty. Once the price is released, it will at least multiply several times,” Song Xueyan explained calmly.

After hearing this, Lin Feng was at a loss for words. He was deeply impressed, and if he had to express his inner feelings, those two words were the most fitting.

“Let’s continue to the next one.”


And so, the two of them continued to sweep through the stalls. Whenever Song Xueyan thought something was valuable, she bought it without hesitation, leaving Lin Feng to carry it. As more and more items piled up, Lin Feng had to buy a sack to store them.

Meanwhile, at the Chu Family estate.

Liu Siming respectfully reported everything that happened at the Song Family villa, sitting in front is a white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man was none other than Chu Beitian, the captain of the special forces in the Linjiang Province and the direct superior of Murong Mengxi, the younger brother of Chu Nantian.

“You’re saying Xu Youcai went to the Song Family villa?”


Liu Siming nodded, feeling a fiery pain in his buttocks at the thought of Xu Youcai. After being blown away by the strong wind, he fell to the ground, creating a large pit.

“Since the Ability Division is involved, our Special Forces Bureau won’t intervene,” Chu Beitian said calmly.

“Understood.” Liu Siming nodded.

Suddenly, a figure appeared outside the door. Liu Siming looked over and saw that it was Chu Qiu, the Chu family’s eldest son.

Chu Qiu, at this moment, kept his head low, not daring to look at Chu Beitian.

“You can leave first,” Chu Beitian told Liú Sīmíng, who nodded and left.

In the room, only Chu Qiu and Chu Beitian remained.

Chu Qiu weakly asked, “Granduncle, did you summon me…”

“Xiao Qiu, I’ve already learned about the incident where the Song Family’s son-in-law threatened your grandfather with a one percent stake.”

“Granduncle, you know!” Chu Qiū’s eyes brightened. It seemed that Granduncle was going to help him vent his anger.

“Do you know why your grandfather let go of the Song family?” Chu Beitian said in a deep voice.

“I know. It’s because Lin Feng wants to investigate the accounts, and our Chu International accounts are not clean, easily exposing us to scrutiny,” Chu Qiu gritted his teeth and said.

“Since you know that Chu International’s accounts are not clean, don’t cause trouble for your grandfather. A few days ago, there was a transfer of five million to your account. Shouldn’t you explain that to me?”

Five million!

Chu Qiu raised an eyebrow, realizing the situation was not good. It seemed like his hiring of the assassin had been discovered.


Chu Qiu knelt directly on the ground, lowering his head and pleading, “Granduncle , I was wrong. I was confused at that time…”

“Confused? A five million overseas transfer. Do you know how to cover up this false account? Now, everyone is watching Chu family in Jiangzhou. Do you know how many eyes are on the Chu family?” Chu Beitian coldly snorted.

“GrandUncle, I know I was wrong. I’ll use my own money to cover it…” Chu Qiu said with a bitter face.

“The money was originally transferred from your account. What will you use to cover it? I’m telling you now, cut off contact with those assassins immediately. Don’t cause trouble for me again.” Chu Beitian’s face was stern. If it weren’t for him supporting Chu Qiu behind the scenes, Chu Qiu would have been in big trouble already.

Hiring assassins alone could be a capital offense.

“Lin Feng’s investigation has alerted our Chu family. Your grandfather is now dealing with the account issues. You also need to cover the hole created by the overseas transfer.”

“GrandUncle, how do I cover it?”

“Later, ask your grandfather for a sum of money. Tell others it’s for buying a car. Regarding the five million overseas transfer, say it’s a down payment for the car, and prepare a fake invoice. The scrutiny is tight right now; don’t let anyone find any problems, or even I won’t be able to protect you.”

Chu Qiu immediately felt relieved and nodded with joy, “Rest assured, GrandUncle, I promise to handle this matter well.”

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