Start by Spending One Billion [Entertainment Industry]
Start by Spending One Billion [Entertainment Industry] Chapter 6

Chapter 6

It turns out that Yan Hui’s ability to attract a large number of book fans in “Starlight” is not without reason. Even though he was somewhat surprised to see Sheng Quan, he quickly suppressed this emotion and focused all his attention on the audition in the shortest possible time.

This was the first time Sheng Quan had seen the audition process for an actor.

At the moment when Yan Hui began to perform, his demeanor suddenly changed.

His gentle smile became sharp and assertive, and his originally soft eyes instantly became cold.

He walked with large strides, seemingly moving forward, but actually observing his surroundings covertly. Not a single movement escaped his sight. He was like a sharp wind, always spirited and never faltering, cutting through all evil.

Just and resolutely chilling.

Sheng Quan’s eyes lit up, and her body, which had been leaning against the chair, straightened as she leaned forward to watch carefully.

Having read the original novel, she felt as if she were seeing the character “Qin Heng” from the book in person—youthful, just, and containing a softness that made people feel reliable at first glance.

Before Sheng Quan could speak, Wan Bao beside her was already expressing his immense surprise and admiration loudly, “Excellent!!!”

He seemed like a promoter, his words of praise flowing out spontaneously, “You acted so well! This is the exact temperament I’m looking for! This is the feeling I want.”

Wan Bao was genuinely surprised.

Although this role was “sold” out, which director hasn’t dreamed of the scenario where an investor sends someone, and they turn out to be incredibly talented rather than just decorative, even though they all know the likelihood of this dream coming true is close to zero.

People, for the most part, tend to treat themselves better. Wan Bao had seen many actors tirelessly honing their acting skills when they had no connections, but once they had a way out, the situation changed.

So the consensus became “investors sending people equals sending beautiful waste, or even not beautiful and still waste.” Dreams like “the other party spending money to send someone talented” could only remain dreams.

But now, the dream came true!

Wan Bao was ecstatic, okay?

And with Sheng Quan, the big investor, right there, praising the role that Sheng Quan had brought in was like praising the taste of the big investor. Director Wan, who had received 10 million in investment, praised it without any pressure.

Sheng Quan didn’t think Wan Bao was just flattering her because Yan Hui really portrayed the temperament and gaze of Qin Heng well.

Being a big fan of “The Road of Life,” Sheng Quan almost wanted to ask Yan Hui to perform a scene from the book right then and there.

Sheng Quan quickly calmed down.

After all, she wasn’t the keyboard warrior from her past life who only needed to talk to get things done without any real responsibility…

—She was now a big investor who could make things happen just by talking~

Sheng Quan flipped through the book to the chapter she had read several times before. “Chapter Seven, the scene where Qin Heng saves Su Zhi, can you perform it?”

She didn’t know the rules of auditions or the professional terms, but it didn’t matter, because now she was the biggest.

Sure enough, everyone in the room had no objections to Sheng Quan’s words. Wan Bao waved his hand, giving a signal, and someone immediately brought the original book to Yan Hui.

Yan Hui didn’t refuse. “Please give me a minute.”

After quickly skimming through it, he set the book aside and entered the state again. As soon as the first line of dialogue came out, Wan Bao knew that Yan Hui must have read the original work many times and had practiced it in real life or in his mind countless times.

This scene in the book was about a character being abducted by human traffickers. When the police passed by and asked questions, the traffickers responded smoothly without any flaws. Everyone, including passersby, believed the traffickers. When they passed by, police officer Qin Heng suddenly made a move and subdued the trafficker.

Although it seemed like an ordinary plot, it was described in the book with a sense of security. Qin Heng’s character was established in this scene, but words and performances were different. It was very difficult to express the meticulous sharpness and vigorous sense of security portrayed in the original work through acting.

But Yan Hui did it, giving it his all without holding back.

Even without actors to play against, he performed the fight scene solidly. Sheng Quan didn’t know about others, but she was truly immersed in that scene.

In the end, Yan Hui lay heavily on the ground, truly falling down without any discounts. He still maintained the state of the performance, veins popping on his forehead, hands tightly gripping the “trafficker” with all his strength, his eyes still searching for “Su Zhi” to ensure her safety.

This portrayal was too touching.

The sense of security overflowed.

Sheng Quan was deeply moved, not only by Yan Hui’s acting skills but also by his visible efforts to seize the opportunity.

If it were in her past life, she would definitely cultivate such a subordinate well. But now…

Sheng Quan stood up, walked over, squatted down, and extended her hand to Yan Hui, who was still lying on the ground panting slightly from exerting his full strength in a short period of time.

“Congratulations, this role is yours.”

Even though there was a premonition from the way people looked at him and their reactions, when Yan Hui heard these words, his first reaction was: a sense of unreality.

Clearly, he had made a lot of effort and preparation, but the thought that crossed his mind was: Did I get this role just like that?

Without considering popularity or background, was he chosen like this?

Yan Hui was stunned, looking at the hand extended to him. The owner of the hand was smiling at him warmly, with undisguised appreciation in her eyes.

He hesitated, slowly reached out his hand, and just as he was about to grasp it, he suddenly remembered that he had “fought” just now and his hand was dirty. Subconsciously trying to pull back, Sheng Quan reached out directly, grasping his hand with a standard gesture.

Because he had just rolled on the ground, Yan Hui looked somewhat embarrassed as he raised his head and met the bright smile of the girl in front of him.

“Teacher Yan, you’re excellent in every aspect. I’m officially inviting you. I hope you can join Starlight.”

“Signing with Starlight Entertainment? I’ve never heard of this company. It’s not another one of those wild companies like Huafan that traps people, right?? Yan Hui, you have to stay calm! If you really want to sign, you must first make sure the contract is solid and doesn’t have any traps! You haven’t signed yet, have you? Send me the contract, I’ll take a good look at it for you!”

“Don’t listen to those people who say things like ‘opportunity knocks only once’ and ‘you only have a little time to consider.’ This kind of major decision must be made calmly and slowly. The more they rush you to sign, the more beneficial it is for them and the worse it is for you! If your uncle needs money, I can help out here. Don’t rush to find a solution when you’re in a hurry!”

Yan Hui was on the phone, listening to his lawyer friend on the other end getting excited, almost as if he wanted to fly over right now to press him to stay calm, feeling a bit amused:

“You know my personality. I won’t act impulsively. I haven’t signed yet. They gave me three days to consider, and I called you to help me look at the contract.”

His friend, who had already stood up, finally relaxed and sat back down. “That’s good. With your tepid personality, how could you sign on the spot? Okay, send it over to me, I’ll take a good look at it for you. I’m still quite good at reviewing contracts. I’ll be able to do it while I’m slacking off during the meeting later. Why are there so many meetings every day? It’s driving me crazy.”

Yan Hui sent the contract over, and after about twenty minutes, as he was contemplating and pondering, the prompt tone of his phone’s messaging app buzzed loudly, and he took out his phone to open it. As expected, it was from his lawyer friend:

【Oh my god!】

【I just finished reading it, and the terms of this contract are too fair and normal】

【Is the owner of this Starlight company a newcomer who hasn’t learned how to exploit others yet?】

【I can’t find any problems with it, no matter how I look at it】

【Could it be that I’m not experienced enough?】

【Just wait, after the meeting, I’ll ask our director to help take a look. He’s an old fox of a thousand years. No one can fool him easily. He’ll definitely see something】

【Wait for me, I’ll call you later to discuss】

Yan Hui found himself surprisingly unsurprised by this outcome.

Perhaps it was because of the admiring look in Sheng Quan’s eyes when she looked at him, or perhaps it was because she straightforwardly said, “I think you’re very capable, so I want to promote you to make money for me. It’s a win-win for both of us.”

Yan Hui had been denied too many times, but from the first meeting until now, every time they met, Sheng Quan’s gaze was pure admiration.

She even recommended him to the crew, only revealing her intention to sign him after he got this role, and gave him three days to consider. Yan Hui could tell that Sheng Quan was confident he would sign.

This confidence stemmed from their open communication and contract negotiation.

After a while, the phone rang as expected.

His friend was still excited, but in a happy way this time. “Our director also said that this contract is quite fair, with no ambiguity. The termination conditions are not too harsh, and the salary is even higher. It didn’t leave any pitfalls. It’s rare to see such a fair contract in this industry.”

“Is the boss new to the industry? If the company’s resources aren’t too bad, I suggest you sign. It’s better to have a company than to struggle on your own, and you’ll still get paid. How great.”

There was another layer that his friend didn’t mention, but Yan Hui understood.

Once he signed this contract, the predicament he faced would be instantly relieved. Whether it was salary, promised benefits, it seemed tailor-made for the current Yan Hui.

This contract was obviously prepared long ago. Yan Hui couldn’t help but think of the first meeting with Sheng Quan when she intended to sign him.

His friend continued to chatter, “If the contract is too good to be true, it’s definitely not a good thing. But the conditions of this contract are too good, so I’m a bit unsure. Do you think the company boss has ulterior motives? Is the boss male or female? Could they have taken a liking to you? Want to sign you for some ulterior motive? I remember there was someone who wanted to take advantage of you before. You didn’t agree, so they set up obstacles for you. Don’t let it be the same situation again.”

Yan Hui blurted out before he could even think, “She’s not that kind of person.”

Friend: “How do you know? What if?”

“I’ve already decided to sign. Don’t worry.” Yan Hui couldn’t come up with any clear evidence, but that didn’t stop him from firmly trusting his judgment. His voice was always gentle, and at this moment, when he talked about Sheng Quan, it softened even more. “Miss Sheng is very kind, and she’s not very old… You can tell she wants to do a good job in her career. She’s not someone who judges by appearances.”

Sheng Quan, who doesn’t judge by appearances, was very busy.

In order to express her respect for the male lead, Zhou Zhi, who was wearing a white shirt and filming a scene in the rain, and to acknowledge his muscular physique that was almost visible, she quietly took off her sunglasses as she passed by.

After standing still and carefully observing for two minutes, the big investor commented, “His physique is quite realistic, not bad.”

Beside her, Yu Xiangwan, who was jotting down something, glanced at Zhou Zhi, who was being directed to be drenched in water like a golden retriever, and said, “If you like…”

“Stop!” Sheng Quan knew what this guy wanted to say without even listening: “My appreciation is very pure, the green kind. Don’t always think in strange directions.”

“Yes.” Yu Xiangwan agreed immediately, then continued writing and drawing in his notebook.

The next day, Sheng Quan saw various newly installed fitness equipment and several main actors already wearing gym clothes and working out diligently in the crew.

Sheng Quan: “?”

She looked directly at Yu Xiangwan who was following her.

Yu, the producer, explained, “Because there are more than six actors who need to show their physique in the drama, for filming needs, after discussing with Director Wan, I bought some fitness equipment and hired a trainer. It’s expected that within a month and a half at the latest, they will achieve the desired results.”

Sheng Quan reluctantly believed his explanation, even though Yu Xiangwan had placed the fitness equipment directly opposite her temporary room.

Yes, Sheng Quan was also staying on the crew. On the night she said she wanted to stay at the crew for a few days, Yu Xiangwan, who had just arrived at the crew, quickly arranged a room for her. It was clean and tidy, and there was even a bouquet of flowers inside, with a scent she liked.

It must be said that although the reason why Yu Xiangwan placed the fitness equipment opposite her room was intriguing, Sheng Quan’s mood was still very pleasant every day when she pulled open the curtains and saw several very good-looking main actors working out seriously.

And then she appreciated Yan Hui even more.

Lin Aike and Zhou Zhi sometimes couldn’t help but feel tempted and wanted to slack off during their workouts, but Yan Hui never missed a session, and even took the

initiative to practice by himself.

When Yan Hui wasn’t filming, he always gave off a soft impression, but when he was focused on something, he really resembled ‘Qin Heng,’ with a kind of resilience and transparency like Little Baiyang.

As Sheng Quan watched, she couldn’t help but snap several pictures without hesitation.

When Yan Hui heard the sound, he turned around and saw Sheng Quan taking pictures of him. Sheng Quan was open about it, even smiling at him and praising him without hesitation: “I feel like you’re getting more and more handsome.”

Yan Hui’s cheeks turned slightly red, feeling a little embarrassed as he lowered his head and smiled.

He was always gentle, his gaze containing softness. Even though he knew Sheng Quan was taking photos, he still tolerated her snapping away without any complaints.

Seeing the host indulging in beauty, the system started to get anxious: 【Host, there are only twenty-six days left. Yan Hui is still completely unknown to the public. You’ve already spent a lot of time.】

Sheng Quan opened the group chat on her phone, still calm: 【By the way, 006, do you know what my first job was in my past life, out of the three I changed?】

006 really didn’t know.

Sheng Quan: 【Promotion planning.】

【Promotion is my old profession.】

—Her fingers flew as she sent the photos she just took to the newly opened group chat: “Sisters! Does he look enough like Brother Qin?”

This group was the reader group of the original novel “The Road of Life”. Although the novel wasn’t extremely popular, there were quite a few die-hard fans, and the group had a few hundred members.

Just like various reader groups Sheng Quan joined in her past life, everyone chatted about everything under the sun. She fit right in without any pressure, feeling as comfortable as being back in her happy hometown.

The girls in the group were chatting lively when suddenly a handsome guy’s picture popped up, and they immediately politely expressed their opinions.

【Damn! He’s really cool!】

【Look at those chest muscles, so well-defined】

【He really gives off Qin Heng vibes, especially when he looks over】

【My god, he’s like a living action figure! Look at those long legs!】

【@ShengQuanInControl, why are you secretly taking pictures of my husband! I’ll sue you for assault!】

Sheng Quan guessed they would react like this and continued messaging: 【You guys think he looks like him too, right? Then I’ll feel reassured letting him play the role】

The girls burst into laughter, thinking Sheng Quan was just joking around: 【Let him play! Let him play! Don’t let him stop until he’s done eighty shows!】

【By the way, who is this handsome guy? I’ve never seen him before】

Sheng Quan: 【His name is Yan Hui, the one I mentioned before, the one I met at the pancake stall. I just signed him, and now he’s playing Brother Qin in the crew. So excited~】

Everyone in the group knew that the actor originally cast as Qin Heng in “The Road of Life” had dropped out, but they didn’t know the specific reasons, as neither the original novel nor the crew had much fame. They only knew about the dropout from the official announcement by the crew.

This sentence was also taken as a joke because Sheng Quan followed up with: 【I’ve invested ten million in the crew. I don’t believe we can’t make Brother Qin out of him】

Ten million?

Hahahaha, even fools could tell she was just joking around.

Immediately, someone posted a picture of a newly debuted idol: 【What a coincidence, I just signed one too. He gets two million a month, look at his looks】

Sheng Quan: 【Isn’t yours too expensive? Mine only gets five thousand a month. Aren’t artists paid based on their appearance fees, and salaries are just for show?】

The girl with the idol photo was happy in real life, typing on her keyboard, and joking around: 【Not expensive at all, no matter how much you pay, it’s worth it if you’re good-looking!】

Sheng Quan: 【I see, I just entered the industry and learned something】

Others didn’t want to be left behind and posted various handsome pictures, some even posted anime characters:

【I signed one last month, he’s okay, just a bit young】

【Look at mine, he’s a thousand years old this year, quite mature】

【A thousand years is still too young, look at mine, he’s ten thousand years old】

【What’s yours? Look at mine, it’s a newly signed tardigrade, too bad he died within 24 hours of signing】

The style gradually deviated, and soon the topic naturally shifted from “tardigrades” to “why mosquitoes aren’t extinct yet” and then to “what’s everyone having for dinner tonight”.

Until evening, a group member discovered that the official blog had posted an announcement and immediately screenshot it and shared it in the group.

【The best Qin Heng, the best you @YanHui】

There were also some comments from fans of the original book under the official blog, all asking who this was, why they had never seen him before, and hoping his acting skills were good.

But the group members were puzzled.



【Isn’t this the guy from this morning??】

Immediately, some detective-like group members searched ‘ShengQuanInControl’s’ history of messages, and when they saw it, they were even more shocked, quickly screenshotting and sharing it in the group.

Sheng Quan’s historical messages were picked out and arranged into key sentences, and it looked like this after being arranged—

Five days ago, Sheng Quan: 【Oh my god! I just went to buy pancakes and saw a handsome guy who looks like Brother Qin! I want him to act!!】

Group members: What handsome guy? Send a picture to see, no picture no truth, let’s see this handsome guy together~

Three days ago, Sheng Quan: 【I’m going to invest in the crew of “The Road of Life” and sign the handsome guy from the pancake stall to play Brother Qin. Let’s see who dares to ruin the original story】

Group members: Let’s go together, let’s crowdfund and invest as investors! Each person contributes fifty cents, and we’ll buy the pancake stall!

Today, Sheng Quan: 【I’ve invested ten million in the crew and signed the handsome guy from the pancake stall to play Qin Heng】

That night, the rumored handsome guy from the pancake stall was officially announced to play Qin Heng.

The group started madly @ing Sheng Quan. Sheng Quan, who was comfortably soaking in a bath with a face mask on (Yu Xiangwan even got her a big bathtub), listened to the incessant buzzing of her phone, picked it up, and smiled.

Sheng Quan: 【That’s right, didn’t I tell you guys this afternoon?】

After a few seconds of silence, the group exploded.

Everyone was joking around, asking if she was serious?!

1 comment
  1. Anazu Salted Fish has spoken 4 months ago

    lmao she doing what we would alright, thats so fun


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