Transmigrated as the Villain’s Sickly Younger Sister
Transmigrated as the Villain’s Sickly Younger Sister Chapter 34

It was just the two of them, and of course, she didn’t mind.

Although Ming Ge and the others were fun, eating with Qin Si alone… thinking about it, seemed like an experience she had never had before.

Walking in the evening breeze, Qin Si remained silent.

Lu Nian wanted to talk to him, but she also knew that her previous joke was a bit too much, so she felt too embarrassed to speak up.

But halfway there, Lu Nian finally asked, “Where are we going?”

Qin Si replied, “Just eat somewhere nearby.”

It was a Japanese restaurant near Xifeng Road.

Lu Nian had been to this place before and honestly felt it was a bit expensive. She was a bit worried about Qin Si’s wallet.

Should she pay…

“Do you come here often?” She wanted to ask, but felt it wasn’t appropriate.

After all, she knew nothing about Qin Si’s financial situation.

Qin Si replied coldly, “I used to work here.”

“In that case…” Lu Nian’s heart moved. She had brought her card with her today, and the balance inside was definitely enough.

The boy looked at her with his beautiful, indifferent phoenix eyes. “You don’t need to pay.”

Lu Nian: “…”

Alright then.

Actually, for her, it didn’t matter what they ate, whether it was street food or a fancy restaurant.

She cared about who she was eating with. Eating street food could also save him some money.

After all, there would be expenses during their four years of university.

Lu Nian knew that Qin Si would be very, very rich in the future, but for now, he was just an eighteen-year-old boy who had just graduated from high school.

For the time being, she wanted to help him save a little and make his university life more comfortable.

Their private room was at the end of the corridor, the innermost one, with a courtyard outside, making the environment particularly quiet.

“What do you want to eat?” Lu Nian looked at the menu.

“You order.”

Lu Nian said confidently, “Then I can’t be polite. Don’t be polite with me.”

Qin Si: “…”

He said, “It’s to repay your dinner.”

And he didn’t have any favorite foods, except for overly sweet ones.

After all, he had lived through a life of endless hunger since childhood, so even when he grew up, his requirements for food and clothing were very low.

As long as he could sustain his daily needs without inconvenience, it was enough.

Lu Nian knew this, so she pursed her lips, feeling suddenly uncomfortable.

So, she didn’t insist anymore and ordered an appropriate amount for both of them.

Qin Si looked at the dishes she ordered and directly crossed off the sake.

“I want to drink!” Lu Nian protested.

Qin Si clearly had no intention of discussing this matter with her.

“Can’t I order it for you to drink?” Lu Nian pleaded pitifully.

He didn’t look at her, coldly saying, “I don’t drink.”

He remembered Lu Nian when she was drunk… he had no way to deal with her.

A heart of stone indeed.

Lu Nian sat up straight, “Then can I have this instead? This one has a low alcohol content, I’ll just have a small cup, really, just a little, I promise not to get drunk.”

She usually had no chance to drink these at home.

Finally getting out once, she still couldn’t forget the peach wine she had at Ming Ge’s place.

With her watery big eyes, she looked at him pleadingly, and his hand holding the pen froze in place.

There was no way.

He chose the plum wine with a low alcohol content.

Lu Nian watched him order the food, her eyes shining like a little puppy.

He said, “Half a cup.”

Lu Nian was not satisfied, “But this cup is so small, two cups?”

He glanced at her, and Lu Nian looked back at him, looking pitiful.

He looked away, “One cup.”

Lu Nian wanted to negotiate further, but looking at his expression, she decided to keep her words to herself.

Alright, a cup is a cup, no matter how small.

Lu Nian finally felt happy and waited eagerly for the dishes to arrive.

Soon, the dishes came one after another, accompanied by occasional sounds of doors opening and the occasional clinking of dishes and plates.

The environment here was very quiet, and the soundproofing of the private room was excellent.

Qin Si was very quiet during the meal. He was already a man of few words, so naturally, he didn’t have anything extra to say now.

It seemed… this was the second time she had gone out to eat alone with a boy.

Lu Nian remembered the first time, which was a long time ago, when she had dinner with her “life-saving benefactor,” Lin Junrun, at a café.

That was the first time.

But it felt completely different from now.

Back then, she had eaten absentmindedly, just wanting to finish quickly.

And Lin Junrun talked a lot, especially during meals.

He pulled out her chair, poured her drinks, fetched chopsticks for her— he was very attentive.

Of course, Qin Si couldn’t do these things.

Lu Nian thought.

Their meal was like a business transaction. They ate quietly, without anything else.

Indeed, business as usual.

But the food was really good.

She ate without much interest, her gaze falling on the handsome face of the boy opposite her, who didn’t look at her and remained silent throughout the meal.

During the meal, Qin Si received a phone call.

Lu Nian caught a glimpse of the caller ID, which showed “Bar.”

It wasn’t Ming Ge’s number.

Lu Nian sat up straight, instantly reminded of that woman from that day.

Lu Nian didn’t intend to eavesdrop on other people’s phone calls, but sitting so close, unable to hear the other end of the conversation, naturally, she would hear his responses.

“You finished the college entrance exam today, right? Come over quickly to celebrate. I’ve prepared several boxes of good wine. We won’t return until we’re drunk tonight.” The phone call came from Ming Ge’s rough voice.

It was quite noisy, so he should be in the bar, using the bar’s phone directly.

Qin Si said, “If you want to drink, go drink by yourself.”

Ming Ge obviously knew he didn’t drink alcohol.

Qin Si had tasted the bitterness of it before, and now, except when necessary, he hardly drank at all.

It was just that he wanted to use this as an excuse to drink and have fun, dragging Xiao Qu and Huang Mao to get drunk, then taking the opportunity to ask him to put this expense under business expenses.

Pretty indifferent.

Lu Nian thought.

Huang Mao was standing next to Ming Ge, delivering drinks to customers.

He complained, “Damn, why are there so many people tonight? Did a few tour groups come in?”

Their bar was a Qing Bar, and tonight, right after the college entrance exam, many graduates who had just left high school naturally came here to release their stress and have fun.

“Do you have something to do?” Qin Si asked.

If there was nothing else, he didn’t want to listen to him idle talk.

“Where are you now? At your place?” Ming Ge raised his voice, “We have to celebrate.”

He replied succinctly, “I’m outside.”

Lu Nian could hear it.

He was probably being asked where he was and what he was doing.

Just out to eat with her, and he couldn’t say anything.

Couldn’t he say it? Going out to eat with her was not something embarrassing.

Lu Nian suddenly felt very angry, with inexplicable emotions.

Their seats were directly opposite each other, quite close.

She had been sitting for a long time and felt her legs getting a little numb, so she changed her position, sitting cross-legged and stretching her legs out.

That’s quite a carefree posture.

As a young lady, Lu Nian would never dare to do this at home during meals, afraid of being seen by Zhang Qiuping, who would then nag incessantly or tell Lu Zhihong, leading to a scolding about maintaining proper decorum.

But now, she didn’t care at all.

The plum wine she had just drunk seemed to be a bit intoxicating.

Not drunk, but her cheeks were already starting to flush.

The young man’s expression suddenly froze.

“Sorry,” Lu Nian dragged out her voice, propping up her chin and smiling, “Did I kick you just now?”

The girl’s calves were very slender. Because she had just adjusted her sitting position, her left sock had accidentally slipped down a bit, almost off.

The intertwining of black socks and white skin was particularly striking.

In the soft and indistinct light, the exposed left ankle was delicate and seemed fragile, as if made of jade.

Qin Si, “…”

“What’s wrong?” Ming Ge suddenly heard no sound from the other end.

After a long time, “…Nothing.”

“Why are you acting so weird? Are you sick?” Ming Ge asked.

Lu Nian retracted her left leg and “accidentally” stretched her right leg forward.

The space here was not large, the environment was quiet, and it felt especially private.

She could hear the faint sound of water dripping in the courtyard outside.

The girl’s cheeks were rosy. She played with the small wine cup in her hand, her delicate and snowy fingers almost the same color as the porcelain.

Tilted her head, she smiled at him, looking particularly pure when she lifted her gaze to meet his.

The silence on the phone was too long.

Ming Ge was puzzled, “What are you doing? Are you coming tonight or not?”

Did someone kidnap him? Why did it sound so eerie?

He hung up the phone directly.

Lu Nian was boredly fiddling with the small wine cup in front of her.

“Is the call over?” Her lips curled up in a sweet smile, and her black hair fell on her snow-white cheeks.

When she looked up at him, she seemed especially innocent.

She had always been like this, inexperienced in the ways of the world, fragile, in need of protection.

It was him who had ulterior motives, filthy and despicable.

The young man couldn’t say a word.

He had never been so tormented before.

The young man’s fingers holding the chopsticks were clean and slender, but the joints were somewhat pale.

But Lu Nian kept talking to him.

She asked, “Are you having a good chat?”

The young man had a pair of clear and pretty phoenix eyes, which were usually cold and aloof when looking at people.

At this moment, the corners of his eyes were slightly red, and his mind was still in that unclear state.

“Yes,” he forced out, blurting it out.

Lu Nian became even more upset.

She felt that just kicking him was too light.

She was so angry that she wanted to kick him again, but fortunately, she managed to control herself with all her might.

The meal finally came to an end.

“We won’t be able to meet like this in the future,” Lu Nian muttered, “After all, you’re going to study far away.”

He sat with lowered eyes, his clear and handsome face in shadow, his expression unclear.

“I still have a year,” Lu Nian said, “I’ve been taking English classes recently, and I should take the exam during the summer vacation.”

To get the scores required for studying abroad.

“But even if I don’t go abroad, I’ll stay in Ancheng,” she grumbled, “Dad won’t agree to let me go too far.”

Unlike Qin Si, who will fly higher and higher in the future, with his abilities, he will eventually be able to soar freely, with the sky as his limit.

He listened quietly, without saying a word.

The night breeze was cool, and Lu Nian’s cheeks, slightly flushed from the alcohol, felt very comfortable being blown.

The two walked along the street together.

The whole city had already sunk into the night, with neon lights flickering in the distance.

The night sky was a deep blue, the air in Ancheng was very good, the moon hung high in the sky, pedestrians flowed like a tide, and the streets were bustling with traffic.

Lu Nian suddenly asked, “Do you like Ancheng?”

Standing in the night breeze, the young man said indifferently, “What is there for me to like?”

Qin Si had never stayed at the orphanage in Ancheng.

After being adopted, he was brought to this city, where he encountered endless torment.

They grew up together in this city, but for Qin Si, his memories of this city began with nightmare-like recollections.

Childhood experiences have a huge impact on a person’s life.

Lu Nian looked into the distance. “Yes, so it’s good to leave and forget everything here.”

And then start a new life.

His mood seemed to sour, and it had been like this since dinner.

Lu Nian’s phone suddenly vibrated.

She checked the time and realized it was almost nine o’clock.

“Nian Nian, where are you now?” It was Lu Yang’s voice on the other end.

Lu Nian sneakily glanced at Qin Si.

The young man stood not far away, his tall figure almost blending into the night.

For some reason, she didn’t want to call Lu Yang “brother” in that hypocritical tone in front of Qin Si.

She gave Lu Yang her address.

She approached Qin Si. “I’m going back now. I had a great time tonight.”

The girl’s slender figure disappeared from view.

Much later, he left too.

Even if he couldn’t be close.

He couldn’t imagine life without her.

The young man’s figure still seemed a bit frail, but straight, as he walked the streets.

After who knew how long, the residual warmth on his face finally dissipated completely.

Lu Yang asked, “Did you have fun tonight?”

Lu Nian said, “Yes, I did.”

“What did you eat?”

“I just had a little something.” Lu Nian said, “Thanks for your help, brother.”

Lu Yang modestly said, “Of course, you can always come to me if you need anything. After all, I am your brother.”

She just felt exhausted and slumped into the back seat.

People are indeed selfish, speaking in lofty terms, sounding particularly nice, but when she thought that in a few months Qin Si would leave and she would never see him again, her heart felt heavy.

That would be best for him.

Lu Nian comforted herself all the way.

The college entrance examination ended that night.

Zhao Tingyuan was out with Su Qingyou, and they didn’t return home until nearly midnight.

“You’re not asleep yet?” He was startled by the flickering lights in the living room.

It turned out to be Zhao Yayuan, sitting cross-legged in front of the TV, holding a game controller, his handsome face half-lit.

“Don’t stay up late playing games.” Zhao Tingyuan helplessly turned on the main light.

Without turning around, Zhao Yayuan asked, “Where did you go with that Su something?”

“Su Qingyou.” Zhao Tingyuan unbuttoned his shirt.

It was too hot outside, so he planned to go in and take a shower. “Qingyou plans to apply to my school.”

“Do you like her?” Zhao Yayuan asked directly.

Zhao Tingyuan did not deny it.

Zhao Yayuan threw the game controller. “Boring.”

That woman from the Su family, he had never liked her, and every time she looked at him, her eyes were strange.

The relationship in the Zhao family was actually quite delicate.

The eldest son had a good reputation outside, gentle and courteous, while the youngest son was wayward and domineering, also notorious.

But it was clear to outsiders, and also known, that the one favored in the Zhao family was the youngest son.

Although rumors had it that the relationship between the two brothers had always been good, the Zhao family’s business had been growing over the years, and who knew what the future held.

Zhao Tingyuan smiled, “You study hard now and don’t think about these things.”

Zhao Yayuan looked at him as if he were an idiot. “Do you still think I’m three years old? I’ll be eighteen next year.”

Zhao Tingyuan ignored his words.

“Brother knows that many girls are chasing after you.” Zhao Tingyuan said, “Mom called me last time and told me to tell you to behave yourself a bit.”

Zhao Yayuan, “?”

“So nervous?” Zhao Tingyuan laughed, “Afraid Nian Nian will find out?”

Zhao Yayuan, “…”

If this weren’t his own brother.

“Are you going to Nanqiao this year?” Zhao Tingyuan asked.

Every summer, during the summer vacation, Zhao Yayuan would deliberately go to Nanqiao for a week to half a month, saying he was going back to accompany his grandmother.

This was something everyone in the Zhao family knew.

Zhao Yayuan’s gaze had returned to the TV screen, his long fingers holding the game controller, casually saying, “Of course.”

This year, he would naturally go again.

He needed to make some preparations in advance, after all, he had already made an appointment with Lu Nian.

After graduating next year, he would take her to Nanqiao.

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