I Lived with the Villain in the 70s
I Lived with the Villain in the 70s Chapter 43

After dinner, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang joined hands and went out to watch the fireworks.

If you didn’t watch the fireworks on New Year’s Eve, you will always feel that there’s not much flavor in your New Year.

So, even if you go through a long and troublesome process, you still have to take a look.

The commune imported a large batch of fireworks and arranged for them to be set off in the nearby garden tonight.

When Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang arrived at the place hand in hand, there were already many villagers chatting and playing there, and the whole Shangyan Village was filled with the joyful smell of New Year.

Women gathered around to chat, men gathered around to smoke, and children ran and played in the garden.

The commune workers were setting up fireworks. Some small fireworks with a relatively high safety factor were held in their hands for playing, and the workers were handing them out to the children.

Lin Xiaoyue saw a few sparkling fairy wand-like fireworks in the hands of children, and she was itching to play with them…

Although she did not say anything, Yan Yang could see the desire in Lin Xiaoyue’s eyes.

For such a small wish, as a husband, he must satisfy her.

Yan Yang squeezed Lin Xiaoyue’s shoulder and said, “Wait for me here, I’ll go get you some.”

“Sure.” Lin Xiaoyue agreed quickly.

Yan Yang quickly ran away and came to the commune workers and spoke to them, “The fireworks that the children are holding, can you give me a few?”

“That’s for the children to play with. There are not many left.” The commune worker replied to Yan Yang, looking as if he did not want to give any.

“I’ll buy a few.” Yan Yang’s tone sank, not bothering to talk to him.

At this point, the commune worker who was busy, raised his eyes to look at him. He instantly recognized Yan Yang. “Aren’t you that fool?”

Yan Yang’s eyebrows twisted…

He occupied this body for more than half a month and spent his days either hiding in a small, isolated room or going out in disguise to do business.

This was the first time he used his real identity as Yan Yang and came to other people to have a chat.

Others will recognize him as a fool, so it’s normal…

But Yan Yang always felt upset. He didn’t want to pretend to be a fool anymore.

“Go away, I’m busy here!”

Even though the commune worker recognized Yan Yang, he didn’t have any intention of giving fireworks for free.

Yan Yang sneered.

“I said, I’ll buy a few.”

Yan Yang said clearly, word by word, “What? Your commune can earn money, but you still want to refuse? “

“Hey, I’m busy here. If you want to play, go play with the kids over there! ” The commune worker replied to Yan Yang in an unpleasant manner.

Just when Yan Yang was upset and ready to grab it directly, someone handed him a handful of fireworks.

“For you to play.”

The voice coming from his ears was gentle and sweet and soft.

Turning his head, Yan Yang saw Bai Xiaochun, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Bai Xiaochun was also one of the workers of the commune and had the right to allocate the fireworks brought for the welfare of the villagers this time.

Yan Yang only glanced at her. His eyes fell on the fireworks in her hand and took them, “Thank you.”

However, he fished it out of his pocket. He pulled out 5 yuan to return to her hand, “No, I don’t want to take advantage of you. Count it as if I bought this from you.”

5 yuan was more than enough.

In this era, although fireworks were expensive and rare, some small fireworks were far less than 5 yuan.

However, he used 5 yuan to buy this handful of fireworks, which has another meaning. It was like he gave Lin Xiaoyue a gift worth 5 yuan.

Lin Xiaoyue deserves a gift at this price or even a higher price.

So this money is worth nothing.

Bai Xiaochun was embarrassed to accept this money. She was eager to return it to Yan Yang. “No need to give me money. This was originally used to benefit the folks. Everyone is taking it for free. I can’t charge you either. “

“Forget it, take it to plug people’s mouths. Lest some people just say that adults and fools can’t play! “

When Yan Yang said this, his eyes stared at the commune worker beside Bai Xiaochun, who had rejected him before.

The commune worker looked up at Yan Yang. His face was slightly reddened. There was a trace of amazement in his eyes…

He suddenly felt, ‘Yan Yang does not seem to be stupid. The way he talks… It doesn’t feel like a fool anymore…

Not to mention that the commune worker who found out, Bai Xiaochun, also found out.

When she saw Yan Yang in such a normal state, she knew that the other Yan Yang must have come out.

She asked with concern, “I’d like to talk to you for a second.”

Yan Yang looked back at Lin Xiaoyue, who was waiting not far away, “My wife is waiting for me. I’m not available.”

He did not want to waste time on Bai Xiaochun.

Now, the woman in his heart is Lin Xiaoyue, and it can only be Lin Xiaoyue.

In his eyes, Bai Xiaochun had no weight in his heart. At most, she could be considered as an ordinary friend. There’s not much different from the friends he usually hangs with to do business at night.

Yan Yang was not going to waste too much energy on ordinary friends because his time was very valuable.

“Then you can come back to me later when you are free. I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Bai Xiaochun said it to him, as Yan Yang turned his back on her and walked away. 

She didn’t know if Yan Yang heard it or not, seeing that he left without looking back.

Bai Xiaochun would not blame him for his rudeness, because she knew that this personality trait might be like this.

She never looked at Yan Yang the same way as an ordinary person, because Yan Yang was not an ordinary person.

Even if Yan Yang has such an arrogant personality, he also has the same gentle and gentle personality, and an even more kind and lovely personality.

Therefore, even if the current Yan Yang is very rude to Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun will not bother with this personality.

If she treats him as a friend, she has to accept all of his personality.

“Comrade Bai Xiaochun.”

At that moment, Lu Xiaoming came over to look for Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun saw him. Her face also showed a smile. “Comrade Lu Xiaoming, aren’t you the type of person who doesn’t like to go to a lively place? How come you still come and join the fun? “

“I do not like the hustle and bustle, but Comrade Bai Xiaochun seems to like it.”

Lu Xiaoming walked a few steps to Bai Xiaochun, hands attached to his back, saying, “The surroundings are so lively, it won’t be in my eyes. Comrade Bai Xiaochun is here to see the bustle tonight, and I am here to see you tonight. “

Lu Xiaoming and Bai Xiaochun’s feelings have now begun to progress.

At this stage in the original book, Lu Xiaoming has begun to pursue Bai Xiaochun, but Bai Xiaochun still has only a little bit of good feeling for Lu Xiaoming.

“Then with Comrade Lu Xiaming, I am not very idle. I do the commune work at night.”

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes glanced at Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue over there again.

She will always have a little more love and care for Yan Yang, because Yan Yang, in her eyes, was disabled and in need of care.

Lu Xiaming also noticed Bai Xiaochun’s eyes on Yan Yang. He moved to Bai Xiaochun’s ear, and couldn’t help but say, “Comrade Bai Xiaochun, do you have any thoughts for Comrade Yan Yang?”

“Comrade Lu Xiaoming!”

Bai Xiaochun plucked out a glance at him, “Can you keep your thoughts clean? Is this the integrity and ideology that the association has been teaching you? “


Lu Xiaming smiled. After the smile was slightly put away, he suddenly said to Bai Xiaochun. “The wife next to Yan Yang, do you know her background?”

Bai Xiaochun then dropped her eyes on Yan Yang’s side. Lin Xiaoyue said, “I’ve heard of it. A little girl from her family came over and said it to me specifically. Lin Xiaoyue… was bought by Yan Yang as a wife. It seems that she was not liked in their home. “

“That Lin Xiaoyue…… and that Yan Yang…… seems to be a couple that is not too simple.”

Lu Xiaoming said with a sigh. He came to Bai Xiaochun’s ear, and whispered in her ears, “When I was investigating Yan Shuicheng’s case last time, I visited Yan Shuicheng as a representative and heard him tell the police officer that he originally planned to develop an underground lover relationship with Lin Xiaoyue. The night before the accident, he went to see Lin Xiaoyue to have a love affair. The result was unsuccessful and Yan Yang found out. Then he had an accident… “

Bai Xiaochun heard this kind of talk for the first time. She turned her head to look at Lu Xiaoming, her face written with shock, “What?”

She was shocked not because of what Yan Yang had done to Yan Shuicheng, but because Lin Xiaoyue had actually developed that kind of relationship with others in private.

Could it be that…… the last time Yan Lianhua specifically approached her to say bad things about Lin Xiaoyue, it was actually true?

Lu Xiaoming clasped his hands to his chest, his eyebrows slightly raised, and said, “This, I heard outside the door of the ward. Comrade Bai Xiaochun should know the seriousness of these words. I believe you will keep your mouth shut. “

This kind of thing really can’t be spread around. The village is so small, after the spread of the word, it will cause great harm to the person concerned.

Therefore, when investigating this case, there was no conclusive evidence, so the police did not spread rumors.

The police went to Lin Xiaoyue’s home. They investigated Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue.

But with Yan Yang’s condition, the investigation could not be done and the reason could not be revealed.

Therefore, the case ended without a lead.

Bai Xiaochun was not concerned about this case, she was only concerned about Lin Xiaoyue’s character.?

She already knew about Yan Yang’s situation, yet she went and did something disgusting behind Yan Yang’s back.

Bai Xiaochun, who couldn’t believe it, asked Liu Xiaming again. “What you said… is true or not? Are you sure Lin Xiaoyue had an affair with Yan Shuicheng? “

In the latter half of the sentence, Bai Xiaochun came close to Lu Xiaoming’s ear to ask.

Her breath sprayed towards Lu Xiaoming’s ears as she spoke, and Lu Xiaoming’s ears tickled as the corners of his lips quietly lifted.

He took the opportunity to come up to Bai Xiaochun’s ear again and said, “As I said, I overheard it outside the door of the ward. Do you think that Yan Shuicheng will lie to the police? “

Bai Xiaochun does not believe that Yan Shuicheng has the guts to lie in front of the police. He even lied about a couple like Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang.

Therefore, it is very clear that Lin Xiaoyue has such thoughts…

At once, Bai Xiaochun’s impression and image of Lin Xiaoyue became worse! And it’s a lot worse!

Bai Xiaochun can now finally understand why Yan Yang trusts her more than Lin Xiaoyue.

After the last injury incident, Yan Yang chose to conceal it from Lin Xiaoyue.

It seems that this is related to Lin Xiaoyue having an affair with a man.

Yan Yang is a poor man. Lin Xiaoyue appeared in his life, should have been to redeem him, to help him.

Yan Yang was originally a poor man. Lin Xiaoyue appeared in his life. It was supposed to redeem him and help him.

Now he treats him so hypocritically and secretly calculates him.

Bai Xiaochun must think about this matter.

As Yan Lianhua said, if she takes Yan Yang as a friend, she must help Yan Yang manage this matter.

Lin Xiaoyue…. this woman….. she has to find a way to tear off her disguised mask!

“Comrade Bai Xiaochun, what are you thinking about?”

Lu Xiaoming’s hand scratched in front of Bai Xiaochun’s face and saw that Bai Xiaochun was lost in thought.

Bai Xiaochun slapped Lu Xiaoming’s hand and turned her head without speaking.

“Comrade Bai Xiaochun?”

Lu Xiaoming went after Bai Xiaochun.

Over there, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang did not know in the slightest that the hero and heroine of the original book were talking about them like this behind their backs and had already started calculating them.

At that time, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang were happily playing with fireworks strips.

The cream-colored strips when lit by fire, a green-colored firework bloomed out of them, and when flung into the dark night, a beautiful glowing green light was drawn.

Lin Xiaoyue had played with these kinds of fireworks in her childhood, and she hadn’t played them in many years.

While holding the forework in her hand, her face also bloomed with a childish smile.

On one hand, Yan Yang put his arms around his chest and looked at her playful expression enthusiastically.

She smiled so happily, the smile on the corner of Yan Yang’s mouth couldn’t be put away.

The garden was very lively. The children were running and jumping, playing and joking around.

Suddenly, a group of children recognized Yan Yang, who was tall and big.

“Hey, the fool is out to play too!”

That group of kids recognized Yan Yang and used to take pleasure in bullying Yan Yang.

This time too.

He mainly saw the large handful of fireworks in Yan Yang’s hand…

I must grab this and play with it!

“Hey, fool!”

Wang Xiaosheng ran to Yan Yang’s side. Shuluo patted Yan Yang’s shoulder intimately. The other hand directly reached out to Yan Yang’s hand that was holding the smoking flower strips…

Fortunately, Yan Yang’s grip was tight, Wang Xiaosheng this jerk, broke them into two.

As Yan Yang turned his head, Yan Yang’s eyebrow wrinkled. A displeased face stared at him. He opened his lips. He only said two words to warn them. “Go Away!”

“Hey, silly, you are still mean to me!”

Wang Xiaosheng was not afraid of Yan Yang. It was probably because he was used to bullying Yan Yang, so no matter how fierce the expression on Yan Yang’s face was, he thought Yan Yang was just a fool, not fierce at all.

“So many fireworks in the hands of a fool!”

At that moment, several other children also came up.

Wang Dasheng pointed to a handful of fireworks in Yan Yang’s hand and waved back to the other children, “Everyone come here! There are so many fireworks here! Come on! “


Yan Yang’s eyes were filled with a sinister aura, staring at this group of young kids who had no sense of propriety and wanted to throw a punch!

“So many fireworks!”

“Come on, let’s play, silly!”

“Let’s share! Two for each of us? “

“Three for each of us!”

“Come on, silly!”

A group of kids was chattering around Yan Yang, with a calm attitude, taking other people’s things as if they were taking their own things…

Yan Yang was very upset.

Lin Xiaoyue also heard the commotion. She turned around and saw this group of brats surrounded Yan Yang, with their mouths saying such disgusting things.

Not to mention Yan Yang is upset, she can not help but to get angry!

Lin Xiaoyue on the spot, rolled up her sleeves, walked aggressively towards his side, grabbed Wang Xiaosheng’s ears, and said, “Get out of here!”

Lin Xiaoyue twisted Wang Xiaosheng’s ear and pushed him out with one hand.

At once, several other children were shocked by Lin Xiaoyue’s rude action.

Wang Xiaosheng touched his sore ear and stared at Lin Xiaoyue with an angry face, “What are you doing? You are crazy, ah! We are not talking to you. Why did you hit me? “

“Go away, all of you, go away!”

Lin Xiaoyue rudely pushed the kids away, and her small body blocked Yan Yang’s front, “Who told you to pester my husband? As soon as you open your mouth, you ask him for something directly! Are you a beggar? Is your family so poor? You can’t even afford to buy a little firework! “

“The fireworks are free! The uncles and aunts over there are giving them to us for free! ” Wang Dasheng argued unconvincingly.

Although free, each child can only receive a fixed amount at a time.

If you go frequently and ask for more, your face will be recognized, and they will not give you any…

So, seeing this big handful of firework strips in Yan Yang’s hand, the children were excited.

In their eyes, what was on Yan Yang’s hand was getting for free, the kind that they could take at any time!

But, what the hell is going on with the sarcastic look written on the face of Yan Yang’s wife?

It’s free over there, you can get it over there! I bought this with my money. It’s worth 5 yuan! “

Lin Xiaoyue crossed her arms and said, “You have to pay if you want to take my family’s things!”

“Fool, your woman is so mean to us, you do not even say a word ah!”

Wang Xiaosheng huffed and puffed and spoke directly to Yan Yang in a commanding tone.

This kid was used to ordering silly Yan Yang before, so to the Yan Yang in front of him, he also used such a tone.

As everyone knows, the current Yan Yang… is not someone he can afford to mess with.

Yan Yang saw that Wang Xiaosheng was already very upset. This kid was not too old, and his words smelled like sh*t! It smells so bad!

Especially after the words, Yan Yang went up to press Wang Xiaosheng’s head!

The force of his hand was strong…

Wang Xiaosheng instantly did not stand still and was immediately held down on the ground.

Yan Yang shot the moment. All the surrounding children were stunned.

Wang Dasheng turned and hurriedly ran away, intending to go to his parents to complain.

The fool hit someone!

At that moment, the bullied Wang Xiaosheng sat on the ground and cried.

He cried so loudly…

Those children hurriedly gathered towards Wang Xiaosheng. Some were timid, and some even looked at Yan Yang like a statue.

Yan Yang looked at the group of children indifferently, his thin lips slightly open, “In the future, if you see me, better go around.”

“Yan Yang!”

At that time, Bai Xiaochun, who had been silently watching this place, couldn’t look at it anymore.

She decisively ran towards Yan Yang, her serious and grave eyes fixed on Yan Yang, “I have something to say to you. Let me talk to you.”

“No time.” Yan Yang sank his voice.

He was being made angry by this group of little kids and was not in the mood to deal with Bai Xiaochun.

“I really have something very important to say to you!” Bai Xiaochun’s face is full of seriousness, afraid that there is some ruinous news that needs to be conveyed to him.

Lin Xiaoyue on the side stared at Bai Xiaochun with resentful eyes, wondering what medicine the original heroine was selling in her gourd.

Now that Yan Yang is not pestering her, she is pestering Yan Yang instead.

“I don’t have time.”

Yan Yang only said 4 words in reply to Bai Xiaochun. He turned towards Lin Xiaoyue. He took Lin Xiaoyue’s hand and said, “Do not play, go home.”

Anyway, he can take the fireworks at home, light up fireworks in front of the home. There’s not much difference.

There are too many people here…

Too many people make their eyes annoyed!

The third Yan Yang did not like the way everyone looked at him as a fool.

Now that Lin Xiaoyue saw Bai Xiaochun, she was also upset. Now, all she wanted to do was to go home!

So, Bai Xiaochun saw Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue both leaving her behind.

This strong personality… Bai Xiaochun used to think that he had a lot of personalities, but now he finds it difficult to deal with it.

She has always considered Yan Yang as her friend, and she has even been very sympathetic to Yan Yang’s unstable mental condition.

She wanted to help Yan Yang out of such a mental condition and relieve him of his predicament.

But now it seems that she has not even had the time to help Yan Yang, and Lin Xiaoyue was about to cause Yan Yang a bigger disaster.

Bai Xiaochun could not say whether Lin Xiaoyue was really good at Yan Yang or not.

But Yan Yang’s current mental condition can not be discovered by the villagers!

Lin Xiaoyue brought this mental condition of Yan Yang to the public. It was undoubtedly harmful to him!

Yan Yang also treats Lin Xiaoyue so well and attaches such importance to her.

As a friend, Bai Xiaochun could not stand to see it.

She had to take some measures.

Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue walked home on the ridge road. Everything that happened on this side of the garden had nothing to do with the two of them, and it was as if it had not happened.

Lin Xiaoyue was walking while holding a lit firework strip and flinging it wildly into the darkness.

Tilting her head, she looked at Yan Yang with a smile on her face, “Why don’t you play a little?”

Yan Yang’s thin lips hooked up diagonally, laughing back, “Children’s play, not fun.”

Lin Xiaoyue’s head tilted and came to his face, “So I’m a kid too?”

Yan Yang’s long-arm hooked her neck. His fingers pinched her slightly baby fat flesh in her face, “You are a child. But…… “

Lin Xiaoyue: “Hmm?”

Lowering his head, Yan Yang leaned close to Lin Xiaoyue’s ear, and said in a low and dull voice, “After tonight, you will be a woman.”

Instantly, Lin Xiaoyue’s face turned red, and she pushed him away. Her body turned to the side, blushing, “Do not say this thing! Let it happen quietly!! “

Not to say anything…

He doesn’t even understand this point!

He doesn’t understand his woman’s shame at all!

A straight man is a man!


Yan Yang’s crisp laughter came from behind. He didn’t answer anything, just a laugh, enough to make Lin Xiaoyue blush and speed up her heartbeat.

Tonight will be a very memorable night.

Lin Xiaoyue thought that she was single to death in her previous life. She never held hands with a man, received a kiss, a lifetime of Shou Gong sand.

(TN: “” translated as “Shou Gong sand”-Shou Gong sand is used in ancient China to test whether a woman has a sign of sexual behavior. To confirm if she was still v*rgin or not.

I needed to censor that because the website is strict about such terms. I don’t even know why.)

It’s very conservative indeed, but it’s also a great pity!

A woman who has never experienced a man’s baptism in her entire life… always felt that something was still missing.

Therefore, as soon as she came to the book in this life, she had a ready-made husband, who was still her favorite villain character when reading books.

Lin Xiaoyue knows Yan Yang well and she has a high degree of acceptance.

Along the way, I didn’t know how she started to have feelings towards him, and she was even more uncertain about the depth of these feelings. In short, she was willing to give him.

Because she has long identified Yan Yang as her husband in her heart.

Lin Xiaoyue was nervous and looking forward to the matter being carried out tonight.

Wait until we arrive home……”No matter how troublesome, we must boil water to take a bath…”

Lin Xiaoyue whispered back to Yan Yang: “I want to take that big wooden basin to soak…… I can’t just wipe, it is important to be clean and hygienic to proceed with that conduct. If you… just take that out… you need to take care of your hygiene. ” Lin Xiaoyue’s face was flushed with such shame, she was as red as an apple!

She was waiting for Yan Yang’s answer behind her…

The result was that he didn’t have an answer for a long time.

Lin Xiaoyueturned around…

Suddenly, a sack was placed over her head!


Lin Xiaoyue screamed in terror and yelled, “Help, Yan Yang! Help, help! “

She was screaming and flopping around, struggling hard in the sack……

However, no one exerted any force on her.

After a while, Lin Xiaoyue broke free of the sack herself.

“Yan Yang!”

Lin Xiaoyue found out that he was missing.

She, on the other hand, was half fine.

Over there, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang did not know in the slightest that the hero and heroine of the original book were talking about them like this behind their backs and had already started calculating them.

At that time, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang were happily playing with fireworks strips.

The cream-colored strips when lit by fire, a green-colored firework bloomed out of them, and when flung into the dark night, a beautiful glowing green light was drawn.

Lin Xiaoyue had played with these kinds of fireworks in her childhood, and she hadn’t played them in many years.

While holding the forework in her hand, her face also bloomed with a childish smile.

On one hand, Yan Yang put his arms around his chest and looked at her playful expression enthusiastically.

She smiled so happily, the smile on the corner of Yan Yang’s mouth couldn’t be put away.

The garden was very lively. The children were running and jumping, playing and joking around.

Suddenly, a group of children recognized Yan Yang, who was tall and big.

“Hey, the fool is out to play too!”

That group of kids recognized Yan Yang and used to take pleasure in bullying Yan Yang.

This time too.

He mainly saw the large handful of fireworks in Yan Yang’s hand…

I must grab this and play with it!

“Hey, fool!”

Wang Xiaosheng ran to Yan Yang’s side. Shuluo patted Yan Yang’s shoulder intimately. The other hand directly reached out to Yan Yang’s hand that was holding the smoking flower strips…

Fortunately, Yan Yang’s grip was tight, Wang Xiaosheng this jerk, broke them into two.

As Yan Yang turned his head, Yan Yang’s eyebrow wrinkled. A displeased face stared at him. He opened his lips. He only said two words to warn them. “Go Away!”

“Hey, silly, you are still mean to me!”

Wang Xiaosheng was not afraid of Yan Yang. It was probably because he was used to bullying Yan Yang, so no matter how fierce the expression on Yan Yang’s face was, he thought Yan Yang was just a fool, not fierce at all.

“So many fireworks in the hands of a fool!”

At that moment, several other children also came up.

Wang Dasheng pointed to a handful of fireworks in Yan Yang’s hand and waved back to the other children, “Everyone come here! There are so many fireworks here! Come on! “


Yan Yang’s eyes were filled with a sinister aura, staring at this group of young kids who had no sense of propriety and wanted to throw a punch!

“So many fireworks!”

“Come on, let’s play, silly!”

“Let’s share! Two for each of us? “

“Three for each of us!”

“Come on, silly!”

A group of kids was chattering around Yan Yang, with a calm attitude, taking other people’s things as if they were taking their own things…

Yan Yang was very upset.

Lin Xiaoyue also heard the commotion. She turned around and saw this group of brats surrounded Yan Yang, with their mouths saying such disgusting things.

Not to mention Yan Yang is upset, she can not help but to get angry!

Lin Xiaoyue on the spot, rolled up her sleeves, walked aggressively towards his side, grabbed Wang Xiaosheng’s ears, and said, “Get out of here!”

Lin Xiaoyue twisted Wang Xiaosheng’s ear and pushed him out with one hand.

At once, several other children were shocked by Lin Xiaoyue’s rude action.

Wang Xiaosheng touched his sore ear and stared at Lin Xiaoyue with an angry face, “What are you doing? You are crazy, ah! We are not talking to you. Why did you hit me? “

“Go away, all of you, go away!”

Lin Xiaoyue rudely pushed the kids away, and her small body blocked Yan Yang’s front, “Who told you to pester my husband? As soon as you open your mouth, you ask him for something directly! Are you a beggar? Is your family so poor? You can’t even afford to buy a little firework! “

“The fireworks are free! The uncles and aunts over there are giving them to us for free! ” Wang Dasheng argued unconvincingly.

Although free, each child can only receive a fixed amount at a time.

If you go frequently and ask for more, your face will be recognized, and they will not give you any…

So, seeing this big handful of firework strips in Yan Yang’s hand, the children were excited.

In their eyes, what was on Yan Yang’s hand was getting for free, the kind that they could take at any time!

But, what the hell is going on with the sarcastic look written on the face of Yan Yang’s wife?

It’s free over there, you can get it over there! I bought this with my money. It’s worth 5 yuan! “

Lin Xiaoyue crossed her arms and said, “You have to pay if you want to take my family’s things!”

“Fool, your woman is so mean to us, you do not even say a word ah!”

Wang Xiaosheng huffed and puffed and spoke directly to Yan Yang in a commanding tone.

This kid was used to ordering silly Yan Yang before, so to the Yan Yang in front of him, he also used such a tone.

As everyone knows, the current Yan Yang… is not someone he can afford to mess with.

Yan Yang saw that Wang Xiaosheng was already very upset. This kid was not too old, and his words smelled like sh*t! It smells so bad!

Especially after the words, Yan Yang went up to press Wang Xiaosheng’s head!

The force of his hand was strong…

Wang Xiaosheng instantly did not stand still and was immediately held down on the ground.

Yan Yang shot the moment. All the surrounding children were stunned.

Wang Dasheng turned and hurriedly ran away, intending to go to his parents to complain.

The fool hit someone!

At that moment, the bullied Wang Xiaosheng sat on the ground and cried.

He cried so loudly…

Those children hurriedly gathered towards Wang Xiaosheng. Some were timid, and some even looked at Yan Yang like a statue.

Yan Yang looked at the group of children indifferently, his thin lips slightly open, “In the future, if you see me, better go around.”

“Yan Yang!”

At that time, Bai Xiaochun, who had been silently watching this place, couldn’t look at it anymore.

She decisively ran towards Yan Yang, her serious and grave eyes fixed on Yan Yang, “I have something to say to you. Let me talk to you.”

“No time.” Yan Yang sank his voice.

He was being made angry by this group of little kids and was not in the mood to deal with Bai Xiaochun.

“I really have something very important to say to you!” Bai Xiaochun’s face is full of seriousness, afraid that there is some ruinous news that needs to be conveyed to him.

Lin Xiaoyue on the side stared at Bai Xiaochun with resentful eyes, wondering what medicine the original heroine was selling in her gourd.

Now that Yan Yang is not pestering her, she is pestering Yan Yang instead.

“I don’t have time.”

Yan Yang only said 4 words in reply to Bai Xiaochun. He turned towards Lin Xiaoyue. He took Lin Xiaoyue’s hand and said, “Do not play, go home.”

Anyway, he can take the fireworks at home, light up fireworks in front of the home. There’s not much difference.

There are too many people here…

Too many people make their eyes annoyed!

The third Yan Yang did not like the way everyone looked at him as a fool.

Now that Lin Xiaoyue saw Bai Xiaochun, she was also upset. Now, all she wanted to do was to go home!

So, Bai Xiaochun saw Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue both leaving her behind.

This strong personality… Bai Xiaochun used to think that he had a lot of personalities, but now he finds it difficult to deal with it.

She has always considered Yan Yang as her friend, and she has even been very sympathetic to Yan Yang’s unstable mental condition.

She wanted to help Yan Yang out of such a mental condition and relieve him of his predicament.

But now it seems that she has not even had the time to help Yan Yang, and Lin Xiaoyue was about to cause Yan Yang a bigger disaster.

Bai Xiaochun could not say whether Lin Xiaoyue was really good at Yan Yang or not.

But Yan Yang’s current mental condition can not be discovered by the villagers!

Lin Xiaoyue brought this mental condition of Yan Yang to the public. It was undoubtedly harmful to him!

Yan Yang also treats Lin Xiaoyue so well and attaches such importance to her.

As a friend, Bai Xiaochun could not stand to see it.

She had to take some measures.

Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue walked home on the ridge road. Everything that happened on this side of the garden had nothing to do with the two of them, and it was as if it had not happened.

Lin Xiaoyue was walking while holding a lit firework strip and flinging it wildly into the darkness.

Tilting her head, she looked at Yan Yang with a smile on her face, “Why don’t you play a little?”

Yan Yang’s thin lips hooked up diagonally, laughing back, “Children’s play, not fun.”

Lin Xiaoyue’s head tilted and came to his face, “So I’m a kid too?”

Yan Yang’s long-arm hooked her neck. His fingers pinched her slightly baby fat flesh in her face, “You are a child. But…… “

Lin Xiaoyue: “Hmm?”

Lowering his head, Yan Yang leaned close to Lin Xiaoyue’s ear, and said in a low and dull voice, “After tonight, you will be a woman.”

Instantly, Lin Xiaoyue’s face turned red, and she pushed him away. Her body turned to the side, blushing, “Do not say this thing! Let it happen quietly!! “

Not to say anything…

He doesn’t even understand this point!

He doesn’t understand his woman’s shame at all!

A straight man is a man!


Yan Yang’s crisp laughter came from behind. He didn’t answer anything, just a laugh, enough to make Lin Xiaoyue blush and speed up her heartbeat.

Tonight will be a very memorable night.

Lin Xiaoyue thought that she was single to death in her previous life. She never held hands with a man, received a kiss, a lifetime of Shou Gong sand.

(TN: “” translated as “Shou Gong sand”-Shou Gong sand is used in ancient China to test whether a woman has a sign of sexual behavior. To confirm if she was still v*rgin or not.

I needed to censor that because the website is strict about such terms. I don’t even know why.)

It’s very conservative indeed, but it’s also a great pity!

A woman who has never experienced a man’s baptism in her entire life… always felt that something was still missing.

Therefore, as soon as she came to the book in this life, she had a ready-made husband, who was still her favorite villain character when reading books.

Lin Xiaoyue knows Yan Yang well and she has a high degree of acceptance.

Along the way, I didn’t know how she started to have feelings towards him, and she was even more uncertain about the depth of these feelings. In short, she was willing to give him.

Because she has long identified Yan Yang as her husband in her heart.

Lin Xiaoyue was nervous and looking forward to the matter being carried out tonight.

Wait until we arrive home……”No matter how troublesome, we must boil water to take a bath…”

Lin Xiaoyue whispered back to Yan Yang: “I want to take that big wooden basin to soak…… I can’t just wipe, it is important to be clean and hygienic to proceed with that conduct. If you… just take that out… you need to take care of your hygiene. ” Lin Xiaoyue’s face was flushed with such shame, she was as red as an apple!

She was waiting for Yan Yang’s answer behind her…

The result was that he didn’t have an answer for a long time.

Lin Xiaoyueturned around…

Suddenly, a sack was placed over her head!


Lin Xiaoyue screamed in terror and yelled, “Help, Yan Yang! Help, help! “

She was screaming and flopping around, struggling hard in the sack……

However, no one exerted any force on her.

After a while, Lin Xiaoyue broke free of the sack herself.

“Yan Yang!”

Lin Xiaoyue found out that he was missing.

She, on the other hand, was half fine.


( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Hi~ If you like my translation, please consider buying me a🧋~ Thank youuu (❁´◡`❁) P.S You can also read advance chapters on my Patreon!

  1. shangshang has spoken 12 months ago

    The OG FL is a full on villain.

  2. MeyMey has spoken 3 years ago

    The original fl is so annoying


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