Transmigration: The Peasant Makeup Artist
Transmigration: The Peasant Makeup Artist Chapter 90

Chapter 90 – Extra 4

Xiao Bao ran wildly along the west side of the street, no longer caring about image etiquette. He only knew that she was gone again.

He had a feeling that if he didn’t get her back this time, she would never appear in front of him again, and he would lose her completely.

He was just angry with her for leaving without saying goodbye, but he didn’t want to lose her……

Xiao Bao did not care about the gazes of the passers-by while running and anxiously looking for the figure engraved in his heart. Unfortunately, for half an hour, he did not find that person’s figure. He bent down and vigorously panted out of tiredness.

Which way did she go? Where did she go? Where the hell did she go?

Qixi, Qixi, Qixi!

I’m not going to give up and look around, not letting go of every possible figure, but why was the person I have been looking for in my heart not here?

He was too mean to her yesterday, wasn’t he? She came to him alone from nowhere, and he treated her like that. She should be sad, right? But he didn’t mean it. He was just too angry. He had been searching for her for so long, so long that he thought he would never see her again in his life. So when he saw her, he couldn’t help but be angry at her for not being able to find her before.

He was planning to talk to her today, but she didn’t give him a chance and left again.

Song Yifan, why are you so stupid?

Xiao Bao couldn’t help but beat his head with his fist. He wanted to beat himself to death for being such an idiot.

“Yifan, what are you doing?”

A familiar female voice came into his ears, instantly making Xiao Bao think he was hallucinating, but he couldn’t help but look up immediately, only to see the figure he had been longing for was standing in front of him, looking at him with worry.

Xiao Bao immediately grabbed her shoulders. His voice was a little unsteady, “Where have you been? Are you going to leave me again?! Didn’t you say that you came to find me? Why did you leave again? “

A series of questions made Qixi a little confused, not knowing why he was so excited. When did she leave? She was just out to buy some medicinal herbs.

The grip on her shoulder was becoming more and more painful. She couldn’t help but lightly cry out to remind him, “Yifan, It’s painful……”

Xiao Bao woke up like he was in a dream and immediately let go of his hand, “I’m sorry, did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to. “

Qixi shook her head and looked at Xiao Bao bashfully, “I’m fine, Yifan. Yifan, are you still mad at me? “

Xiao Bao let out a sigh of relief and looked at the girl who he had thought about countless times. He smiled bitterly, “Yes, how can I not be angry with you? Do you know you just left without saying goodbye? When I couldn’t find you, I was so anxious. I’ve been looking for you for two years, but I haven’t heard from you at all. In the beginning, you said it clearly and said…” At this point, he couldn’t say anything.

Qixi’s eyes reddened quickly, “I’m sorry… right… I didn’t mean it… I’m sorry, Yifan…”

Xiao Bao rubbed his face and compromised. He sighed one last time and said: “Don’t go, go back with me.”

Qixi shook her head, “I’m not leaving. I’m here to find you unless you kick me out.”

“Then you… in the morning.” When Xiao Bao said this, he was silent, and he tugged at the corner of his mouth helplessly for a long time, knowing that he had been cheated by his mother.

Forget it, deceive me if you want to deceive me. Looking at the girl with red eyes in front of him, Xiao Bao resisted the urge to wipe away her tears. His fist in his sleeve clenched, “Come on, go back with me.”

Qixi said, “Oh,” and followed behind him and walked.

Looking at the tall and straight man in front of him, Qixi couldn’t help but look at him again and again. He grew taller, and he seemed to be stronger. He looked a lot more imposing than before, but he was the same Song Yifan she knew. He hadn’t changed.

Although he was very fierce yesterday, it was because he was angry. It’s her bad. After disappearing for so long, he must be anxious. Otherwise, he would not be like this. Her husband, Yifan, was a very gentle person.

But at present, he was still so angry. What should she do? Will he not like her anymore? Yesterday he said he didn’t remember what he said before. Did he really not remember? What should she do then?

The more Qixi thought about it, the more frustrated she became. She wanted to ask him, but she didn’t know how to do it, so her steps became slower and slower, and only when Xiao Bao pulled her arm did she come back to her senses.

“Why? You don’t want to leave? “Xiao Bao asked while holding back his emotions.

Qixi looked at her arm that was grasped by his big, clear bone in his hand. She was tangled for a moment and still couldn’t help but ask what was in her heart, “Yifan, don’t you really remember what you said to me?”

At that, Xiao Bao’s eyes sank, and he didn’t speak. The emotion on his face was unreadable, so much so that Qixi’s original expectation gradually turned to disappointment, the luster in her eyes gradually extinguished. She moved her arm, trying to get rid of the big hand that was holding her, but he gripped her even tighter when she moved.

“You still owe me an explanation, Qixi.” Xiao Bao squeezed these words out of his mouth as if suppressing something.

Qixi bit her lower lip and looked at the ground. After a long time, a slightly choked voice rang out, “Yifan, my master is dead.”

Xiao Bao’s pupils shrank slightly.

“Yifan, I have no relatives…I… I came to find you… what you said, said… you said you wanted me to be your wife, but… but you don’t remember those words… if you don’t remember, I can’t stay here anymore…”

Qixi’s intermittent words made Xiao Bao’s heartthrob, and his hand gradually moved down from her arm and held her small hand tightly, “So, you disappeared because of your master’s matter?”

Qixi nodded with tears in her eyes, “Well, my master was seriously ill, and Uncle came to see me. I was so anxious that I forgot to leave a letter for you. Then I wanted to write you a letter, but I didn’t know where your house was, and I couldn’t find you. “

Was it really like that? It was really…… In vain, he thought she was playing with him.

Xiao Bao covered his forehead and tugged at the corner of his mouth. After a while, he sighed, and squeezed the little hand in his hand, and walked back, saying, “Let’s go, come home with me. In the future, that will be your home.”

“Wh…… What?” Qixi opened his eyes suddenly, amazed.

Xiao Bao didn’t say much and straightly pulled the little girl behind him.

Qixi’s eyes were red, but the corners of her mouth slowly rose higher and higher.

Her Yifan, is he not angry with her anymore? Did he forgive her?

When the two returned home, they found that Li Mo, who was supposed to be in the front shop, was sitting in the yard drinking tea.

Xiao Bao pulled Qixi and took her to Li Mo, “Mother, we are back.”

Li Mo glanced at the intertwined hands of the two and then looked at Qixi, whose head was hanging down, and her cheeks were red, and a smile flashed in her eyes as she nodded to the two of them, “You’re back.”

“I’m back.” Xiao Bao looked back at Qixi, smiled, turned his head, and spoke again, “Mother, I want to take Qixi as my wife.”

Qixi quickly raised her head, her cheeks reddened, and she met Li Mo’s eyes, and then she lowered her head in embarrassment, but the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up.

When Li Mo saw this, the corners of her mouth curled up, “We will discuss this matter slowly when your father comes back. You will send Qixi back to her room to settle down. Take care of the things she was lacking. “

Xiao Bao smiled and held Qixi’s hand and led her back to her room.

Li Mo shook her head and smiled but still did not move. She drank her tea quietly.

After a while, Xiao Bao walked back again, moved a stool, sat next to Li Mo, and whispered, “Mother.”

Li Mo touched Xiao Bao’s head and was very emotional, and said: “Back then, you were still a little doll, less than the height of my knee, but now you are about to marry. Time flies. “

Xiao Bao took Li Mo’s hand and said, “Mother, thank you.” Thank you for so many years of nurturing. Thank you for so many years of love. And thank you for supporting all of my decisions. He was really lucky to have such a mother.

Li Mo patted Xiao Bao on the head, “Don’t say thank you, come on, tell Mother, what’s the matter with this little girl?”

Thinking of Qixi, Xiao Bao’s eyes softened, and he talked about his and Qixi’s affairs. “I met her two years ago. At that time, I wanted to bring her back for you to meet. But something happened. I lost contact with her, and so I didn’t tell you and father about her. “

“At that time, I had just finished the court examination and was invited to go on a hunting trip in the submerged mountains. That’s when I met Qixi. At that time, I was accidentally bitten by a snake, and it was Qixi who saved me.”

Li Mo thought about it. Two years ago, Xiao Bao injured his ankle after returning from a trip. He was indeed bitten by a snake. Fortunately, the wound was treated very well, and there was no problem. The doctor said that the snake venom was cleaned up. They were relieved. But at that time, Xiao Bao did not mention that it was Qixi who helped him.

“In order to thank her, and seeing that she was living in a cave alone, I often brought things whenever I come to see her, and then…” Xiao Bao was a little bit shy, and it was the first time Li Mo saw him like this. He looked like a love-sick, hairy boy, which was very different from his calm and capable appearance in officialdom.

The next thing, that can be understood without Xiao Bao talking about it with Li Mo. It must be the two saw each other often and grew affection for each other.

However, Li Mo still has a lot to understand.

“Why does Qixi live in the mountains alone? Does she still live in the cave? What about her family? “

Xiao Bao explained, “Qixi would come to the submerged mountains in search of a very important herb, which was very important to her, and she was refining a medicine to treat tuberculosis.”

Li Mo was surprised, “Qixi is a doctor?”

Xiao Bao nodded, “Mother, there is something very important that I didn’t tell you. Actually, Qixi is a doctor. Qixi is the disciple of the Medicine King, the sole heir that inherited the Medicine King’s knowledge. “

Medicine King! The number one divine doctor in the world, the Medicine King!

Li Mo was a little dazed. She thought Qixi was an ordinary girl, but she did not expect her to be the heir of the Medicine King.

Xiao Bao continued: “Qixi was an orphan. She was picked up by the Medicine King and became his apprentice. Two years ago, I planned to take Qixi home, but she suddenly disappeared because the King of Medicine was sick. The Medicine King, he… passed away. “

Li Mo thought about the matter once and straightened out the cause and effect. Qixi disappeared after the death of the Medicine King, but Xiao Bao didn’t know. That’s why he was angry with Qixi yesterday and treated Qixi like that. Things are now back on track, and the two children have reconciled.

Li Mo patted Xiao Bao’s hand, “Then you should treat her well. Do not be so fierce as yesterday. The little girl came a long way to find you. If you act like that, she might be sad in her heart. “

Xiao Bao nodded, “Mother, what happened yesterday was my fault. I will not do that again.”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bao hesitated and said after a while, “Mother, the Medicine King has passed away.” After the world knows, many people will come to Qixi for treatment, saying maybe some people are not easy to mess with. The family will probably not be so peaceful. Will you and your father tolerate it? “

Li Mo smiled and shook his head, saying, “Stupid boy, Qixi will become our family when she marries you. Qixi will be our other daughter in the future. You don’t have to worry about it. How can we be intolerant of our own daughter? “

At these words, Xiao Bao smiled and showed his teeth, “Thank you. Also, mother, Qixi, grew up studying medicine with the Medicine King. No one taught her about worldly affairs, and she didn’t know much else. She was just like a simple child. In the future, teach her more. She is very good and will listen to you. If she doesn’t do well, don’t get angry with her. “

Li Mo glared at Xiao Bao and nodded her head, “You……”

Xiao Bao chuckled.


Xiao Bao and Qixi’s wedding was scheduled for the end of the year, with half a year left.

Qixi was homeless and lived there. Li Mo set up a separate room as Qixi’s pharmacy, where Qixi’s herbs and pill stoves were put in it, but she also made a place for Qixi’s consultation room for seeing the guests.

Originally, Li Mo thought that the children would be uncomfortable living with their parents and asked Xiao Bao and Qixi to move to Xiao Bao’s house outside, but both Qixi and Xiao Bao did not want to move out alone. They felt good living here and wanted to live together as a family in the future. Li Mo did not force them to do so but just made more efforts to decorate their rooms, wanting to make the young couple feel comfortable.

With Qixi’s arrival, Fu’er was the happiest person. Every day she would pull her sister-in-law to chat. The aunts were closer to each other than the other sisters. They whispered together and shared their thoughts together. To the extent that Li Mo, the mother, had to take the back seat, Xiao Bao even joked that Qixi was Fuer’s sister, and he was her brother-in-law.

The family laughed.

Time soon came to the end of the year. Li Mo simply left the front business to Fu’er to take care of, and she concentrated on Xiao Bao and Qixi’s wedding.

This day was the wedding day of Xiao Bao and Qixi. Qixi had no family. The day before the wedding, Xiao Bao placed Qixi in an outside house. The next day, Qixi was brought home from here.

Li Mo invited the Sima family and some very close guests, while Xiao Bao called some very close colleagues in the officialdom to come, and in the courtyard, a full ten tables for banquets were organized. Although there were not a lot of people, these people who came here all sincerely blessed them, and the yard was very lively.

Xiao Bao, as the official groom, naturally had to accompany the guests. Although everyone was sincere in their blessings, the wine that should be drunk still had to be drunk, and there was no ambiguity at all, so much so that Xiao Bao was unsteady on his feet after accompanying the guests at the ten tables.

Li Mo hurriedly went to the kitchen and ordered to cook a bowl of hangover soup and made him drink it before sending him back to his new house.

Xiao Bao did drink a lot, but his mind was clear. His wife was still waiting for him. How could he be so drunk that he didn’t know what was going on?

Thinking of his wife, Xiao Bao’s eyes roamed the house and saw the quietly covered person on the big red wedding bed.

That is his wife, the baby in his heart.

He walked step by step towards the seated person, stretched out his hand, and slowly removed the cover, revealing a stunningly beautiful little face underneath it.

“Yifan…” The little girl’s red lips spit out these two words and then closed. Only a pair of eyes showed shyness and joy.

Xiao Bao raised the corner of his mouth and couldn’t help reaching out to touch the face of the little girl in front of him.

His voice was dull, “Are you hungry?”

Qixi shook her head, “I’m not hungry. Actually, my mother sent me food before. I ate enough to cushion my stomach. “My mother said I should wait for you to lift it. “

“Hehe…” Xiao Bao laughed, causing Qixi to lower her head in embarrassment.

Looking at the little person’s shy appearance, Xiao Bao did not want to waste any more time and directly picked her up sideways.

“Ah—” Qixi, who was picked up suddenly and called out directly, “Yifan, what are you going to do?”

Xiao Bao held the baby in his arms and walked directly to the separate bathroom in the room. “Aren’t you going to take a bath with your husband?”

Qixi’s face flushed like a cooked prawn, but she nodded shyly. She knew the wife should listen to her husband’s words. She also wants to listen to Yifan’s words.

“Haha…” Xiao Bao’s smile came from his heart. He was extremely happy.

After a while, the sound of splashing water, the rough breathing of a man, and the charming chanting of a woman came from the bathroom and formed a beautiful movement.

That night, the moon hid in shame.


( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Hi~ If you like my translation, please consider buying me a🧋~ Thank youuu (❁´◡`❁) P.S You can also read advance chapters on my Patreon!

  1. Pumpkin has spoken 10 months ago

    So awkward,my baby bao doing r-rated stuff 😳( ꈍᴗꈍ)🤭

  2. Cutie has spoken 2 years ago

    This was so awkward to read, where is our little cute xiao bao 😶‍🌫️

  3. Evie Edevane has spoken 2 years ago

    Well, okay, that little bit was awkward, my little treasure doing those naughty things ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄ but oh well, at least he’s happy


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