Transmigration: The Peasant Makeup Artist
Transmigration: The Peasant Makeup Artist Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Li Mo wanted to laugh at Wang Cuihua’s words. How could she say such words so confidently?

She didn’t want to fight with people like the Song family. Li Mo directly looked at the people around her and said: “Everyone, come and be the judge. This person was injured by Song Dalin, but they want our family to be responsible. You can see this request is unreasonable! “

People around the fiasco shook their heads.

“This is too unreasonable. They are pushing the responsibility to Dashan’s family!”

“Yes, He was not pushed by Dashan.”

“This Song family didn’t want to settle the accounts.”

Everyone accused the other Song family. Mother Song didn’t know what to do; she subconsciously looked at Song Dashan with hope in her eyes.

Song Dazhu and Song Dalin lowered their heads and did not speak.

Only Wang Cuihua’s face was not embarrassed. In a heartbeat, she started to retort everyone: “If it weren’t for helping Dashan, my husband and my third brother-in-law would not go to the roof. Otherwise, how could this happen? The Dashan family is responsible for this matter. “

Hearing this, Li Mo snorted, “Sister-in-law, as you said, if something happened in my family next time, you would help. It means if something happens, whether it is our family’s responsibility or not, you have to take responsibility, right?”

Wang Cuihua sighed in her heart. This little trotter, always seeking trouble with her, always making her want to go to her and slap her twice. But she never dared to say that. The next time they ask them for help, she would be responsible, so she had to skip this topic and said. “Don’t go far. My family wasn’t involved in repairing your house. You’re the one who is repairing the house, and this incident happened. This matter should be your family’s responsibility.”

Li Mo looked at the other Song family members who wanted to transfer their responsibility to their family. She calmly asked these people standing behind Wang Cuihua. “So, what do you guys think? You resolutely refuse to bear this responsibility, and must my family bear your responsibility?” The other Song family members stared by Li Mo did not speak, and they assumed that the responsibility belonged to Song Dashan.

It seems that these people don’t care about brothers’ brotherhood at all. Even Mother Song intends to help the family cheat her second son. At this time, Li Mo didn’t want to give them face anymore, now facing to the side. She said, “Little Shitou, can you do Aunt Mo a favor? Can you call the village chief and patriarch?”

Xiao Shitou was so excited that he could help Li Mo, so he immediately nodded and moved away. The child ran to find the village chief and the patriarch, but he was too young to run a few steps before being stopped by Song Dazhu.

Song Dazhu looked at Song Dashan, his eyes filled with disbelief and heartache. “Dashan, you treat your brother and old Mother like this? Are you just letting your wife disturb our brotherhood?”

Song Dashan looked at Song Dazhu with no fluctuations in his eyes. “Big brother thinks this is upsetting our brotherhood? Then why didn’t you mention brotherhood when you said I was responsible?”

Song Dazhu frowned and sighed, “Dashan, brother’s family is in a difficult situation, and there are children who have to study. You don’t have to worry. I will help you in the future. You don’t need to dig in the ground anymore. So long as you are considerate of your eldest brother. Now because of such a small matter. You are going to invite the patriarch and the village chief, Dashan. Do you want to tear down your relationship with us? Brother is willing to do it?”

Song Dashan looked at the elder brother who took care of him when he was a child, and his heart started to get colder.

Seeing Song Dashan not speaking. Song Dazhu thought that Song Dashan hesitated and immediately patted Song Dashan on the shoulder. “Dashan, it’s all brothers and his family’s business. Why should you bother the village chief and the patriarch? Isn’t it troublesome? Brotherhood is the most important thing.”

Song Dalin also leaned forward and nodded, “Second brother, when I was young, I played with you every day. You loved me very much at that time. If you don’t help me, Second Brother, then it would be over for me.”

Song Dashan closed his eyes, then opened them, looking at his own brothers, and asked in a cold voice. “Big brother, third brother, you also saw it, the house last night; It collapsed. I only asked Uncle Zhao to let me borrow some money to repair the house. Tell me, how can I help you? Huh?”

Song Dazhu’s eyes flashed, he sighed after a long while and said earnestly: “Second brother, eldest brother knows that you need a lot of money to build a house. But you must have a lot of subsidies when you retired. You are not like us. We can’t save a lot of money throughout the year. Your elder nephew still has to go to school. It’s tough at home. Second brother, please be considerate of Eldest brother.”

Song Dashan laughed ironically. The last affection he had towards his family is completely gone. He had only a heart of indifference towards them.

Li Mo looked at Song Dashan’s sneer and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She didn’t want him to worry about such relatives.

Li Mo walked up to Song Dazhu and Song Dalin and said, “Big brother, Third brother. Is it true that your own brother should help take this responsibility? This person was pushed by the Third brother. With this, the Third Brother should be responsible for his actions. Can this “brotherhood ” able to transfer the responsibility to your own brother? Suppose you want to transfer the responsibility to your brother. In that case, we can also ask the village chief and the patriarch to judge the right and wrong.”

Song Dazhu became angry when he heard this. He yelled at Li Mo: ” When men speak, women should not interrupt! Second brother, you have to teach your wife!”

Song Dashan looked at Song Dazhu with an indifferent expression. His voice was extremely cold. Danshan said: “I think my wife is not wrong. What she meant is what I meant. Brother, since you think I have to take this responsibility, then let’s call the village chief and the patriarch to decide, and everyone will be convinced.”

“You.. you..” Song Dazhu’s neck was turning red, pointing to Song Dashan and speechless.

Finally, Song Dazhu turned his head and looked at Mother Song, who was still crying. His eyes were red. “Mother, Second Brother is completely disregarding us. We are going to break the relationship between us, brothers. Mother, please take care of the second brother and think about your grandson!”

Mother Song was called like this, thinking of her grandson, who was already a scholar. She immediately whimpered and leaped towards Song Dashan. Clutching Song Dashan’s sleeve tightly, “Dashan Ah, that’s your Eldest brother and Younger brother, you can’t do this, you should help them.”

When his mother was crying and begging, Song Dashan only felt that such a mother was too strange and coldhearted. But he still wanted to ask his mother: “Mother, don’t you know in your heart who should be responsible for this matter? Are you also forcing me to take responsibility for my Eldest Brother and Younger Brother? What about my difficulties? Who will help me?!”

Mother Song was stalled by Song Dashan’s words and couldn’t answer. At last, she could only cry and shook her head, “Dashan, Dashan Ah, mother knows you have a way, you must have a way, can you agree for mother please? please, can you please?”

Seeing Song Dashan standing indifferently and not speaking, Mother Song was cruel. She knelt down with Dashan.

“Dashan, Mother will beg to you. Mother will kneel down for you!”

Song Dashan’s heart jumped abruptly, and the blue veins on his head burst and his voice couldn’t be suppressed. Filled with anger: “Mother, what are you doing! Get up quickly!” He said to his mother.

Mother Song struggled and did not want him to stop her. “I won’t get up if you disagree. I won’t get up!”


Seeing the old lady who was kneeling, Song Dashan’s heart was strangely loose at this moment. It was as if it was taken off from his body completely. In such a way that nothing is restraining him anymore.

After a long while, Song Dashan said in a calm tone: “Get up, mother, I will take this responsibility.”

To bear this responsibility would be the last time; it would be treated as the previous grace for raising him. At this moment, his attachment to his mother is no longer there.

“Really, Dashan? You promised it!” Mother Song was overjoyed. Ignoring her tears, and immediately stood up from the ground to help Song Dashan.

“Dashan, mother knows you are a good boy, and you have been the most filial to Mother since childhood.”

Song Dashan no longer looked at any of them but looked at Li Mo with deep guilt in his eyes.

Wang Cuihua shouted from the side: “You have heard that too. My second brother said that he will bear the responsibility. Don’t trouble our house anymore. Ask Dashan for the money.” The last sentence was addressed to Lin Yong’s family.

Li Mo closed his eyes and sighed severely.

When the matter reached this point, she didn’t want to argue anymore, she could only recognize the loss, but while everyone was still there, she still had to make it clear.

Li Mo said to Mother Song, who was no longer crying: “Mother, you know who is responsible for this matter today. Since you want your second son to bear this responsibility, then we recognize it and treat it as filial piety for you, but our family, we really can’t afford to invite the eldest brother and the third brother to help, so you can go back. We don’t need your help here.”

This is just to tell them not to come again. Mother Song’s eyes widened in astonishment. “Yes, but…”

Mother Song was interrupted by Song Dazhu. He wiped his face and said helplessly. “Mother, since Dashan didn’t like us to help them, then forget it. Let’s go back.”

Seeing the Elder son said so. So, Mother Song glanced at Song Dashan eagerly and saw Song Dashan ignored her, and then went home with the family.

Seeing that the Song family were gone, the other villagers saw that there was no excitement to watch anymore, and they went home to work in succession, and soon they dispersed.

Li Mo didn’t go to see Song Dashan, who was standing there. She walked directly to Lin Yong’s family, “Auntie, sister-in-law, you should take Brother Lin Yong home first. This injury must be taken care of. We will pay the money for the medical treatment.” As she said that, she took out the last one and a half of silver in her arms and handed it to Lin Yong’s mother.

“This is one and a half taels of silver for his medical treatment, and the rest is compensation for the loss of Brother Lin Yong for not being able to work. Thank you, Brother Lin Yong, for coming to help build my house.”

Lin Yong’s Mother took a couple of silver and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn’t say anything. Although she knew in her heart that the money should not be given by Song Dashan’s family, if his family didn’t give it, no one would compensate them. They can’t count on the Song Family, and their family couldn’t pay for it using their own money, so they still have to accept it. She let the men at home carry Lin Yong home.

Watching the Lin family lift the person away, Li Mo looked down at the empty purse and sighed heavily.

Chapter 15

Li Mo wanted to laugh at Wang Cuihua’s words. How could she say such words so confidently?

She didn’t want to fight with people like the Song family. Li Mo directly looked at the people around her and said: “Everyone, come and be the judge. This person was injured by Song Dalin, but they want our family to be responsible. You can see this request is unreasonable! “

People around the fiasco shook their heads.

“This is too unreasonable. They are pushing the responsibility to Dashan’s family!”

“Yes, He was not pushed by Dashan.”

“This Song family didn’t want to settle the accounts.”

Everyone accused the other Song family. Mother Song didn’t know what to do; she subconsciously looked at Song Dashan with hope in her eyes.

Song Dazhu and Song Dalin lowered their heads and did not speak.

Only Wang Cuihua’s face was not embarrassed. In a heartbeat, she started to retort everyone: “If it weren’t for helping Dashan, my husband and my third brother-in-law would not go to the roof. Otherwise, how could this happen? The Dashan family is responsible for this matter. “

Hearing this, Li Mo snorted, “Sister-in-law, as you said, if something happened in my family next time, you would help. It means if something happens, whether it is our family’s responsibility or not, you have to take responsibility, right?”

Wang Cuihua sighed in her heart. This little trotter, always seeking trouble with her, always making her want to go to her and slap her twice. But she never dared to say that. The next time they ask them for help, she would be responsible, so she had to skip this topic and said. “Don’t go far. My family wasn’t involved in repairing your house. You’re the one who is repairing the house, and this incident happened. This matter should be your family’s responsibility.”

Li Mo looked at the other Song family members who wanted to transfer their responsibility to their family. She calmly asked these people standing behind Wang Cuihua. “So, what do you guys think? You resolutely refuse to bear this responsibility, and must my family bear your responsibility?” The other Song family members stared by Li Mo did not speak, and they assumed that the responsibility belonged to Song Dashan.

It seems that these people don’t care about brothers’ brotherhood at all. Even Mother Song intends to help the family cheat her second son. At this time, Li Mo didn’t want to give them face anymore, now facing to the side. She said, “Little Shitou, can you do Aunt Mo a favor? Can you call the village chief and patriarch?”

Xiao Shitou was so excited that he could help Li Mo, so he immediately nodded and moved away. The child ran to find the village chief and the patriarch, but he was too young to run a few steps before being stopped by Song Dazhu.

Song Dazhu looked at Song Dashan, his eyes filled with disbelief and heartache. “Dashan, you treat your brother and old Mother like this? Are you just letting your wife disturb our brotherhood?”

Song Dashan looked at Song Dazhu with no fluctuations in his eyes. “Big brother thinks this is upsetting our brotherhood? Then why didn’t you mention brotherhood when you said I was responsible?”

Song Dazhu frowned and sighed, “Dashan, brother’s family is in a difficult situation, and there are children who have to study. You don’t have to worry. I will help you in the future. You don’t need to dig in the ground anymore. So long as you are considerate of your eldest brother. Now because of such a small matter. You are going to invite the patriarch and the village chief, Dashan. Do you want to tear down your relationship with us? Brother is willing to do it?”

Song Dashan looked at the elder brother who took care of him when he was a child, and his heart started to get colder.

Seeing Song Dashan not speaking. Song Dazhu thought that Song Dashan hesitated and immediately patted Song Dashan on the shoulder. “Dashan, it’s all brothers and his family’s business. Why should you bother the village chief and the patriarch? Isn’t it troublesome? Brotherhood is the most important thing.”

Song Dalin also leaned forward and nodded, “Second brother, when I was young, I played with you every day. You loved me very much at that time. If you don’t help me, Second Brother, then it would be over for me.”

Song Dashan closed his eyes, then opened them, looking at his own brothers, and asked in a cold voice. “Big brother, third brother, you also saw it, the house last night; It collapsed. I only asked Uncle Zhao to let me borrow some money to repair the house. Tell me, how can I help you? Huh?”

Song Dazhu’s eyes flashed, he sighed after a long while and said earnestly: “Second brother, eldest brother knows that you need a lot of money to build a house. But you must have a lot of subsidies when you retired. You are not like us. We can’t save a lot of money throughout the year. Your elder nephew still has to go to school. It’s tough at home. Second brother, please be considerate of Eldest brother.”

Song Dashan laughed ironically. The last affection he had towards his family is completely gone. He had only a heart of indifference towards them.

Li Mo looked at Song Dashan’s sneer and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She didn’t want him to worry about such relatives.

Li Mo walked up to Song Dazhu and Song Dalin and said, “Big brother, Third brother. Is it true that your own brother should help take this responsibility? This person was pushed by the Third brother. With this, the Third Brother should be responsible for his actions. Can this “brotherhood ” able to transfer the responsibility to your own brother? Suppose you want to transfer the responsibility to your brother. In that case, we can also ask the village chief and the patriarch to judge the right and wrong.”

Song Dazhu became angry when he heard this. He yelled at Li Mo: ” When men speak, women should not interrupt! Second brother, you have to teach your wife!”

Song Dashan looked at Song Dazhu with an indifferent expression. His voice was extremely cold. Danshan said: “I think my wife is not wrong. What she meant is what I meant. Brother, since you think I have to take this responsibility, then let’s call the village chief and the patriarch to decide, and everyone will be convinced.”

“You.. you..” Song Dazhu’s neck was turning red, pointing to Song Dashan and speechless.

Finally, Song Dazhu turned his head and looked at Mother Song, who was still crying. His eyes were red. “Mother, Second Brother is completely disregarding us. We are going to break the relationship between us, brothers. Mother, please take care of the second brother and think about your grandson!”

Mother Song was called like this, thinking of her grandson, who was already a scholar. She immediately whimpered and leaped towards Song Dashan. Clutching Song Dashan’s sleeve tightly, “Dashan Ah, that’s your Eldest brother and Younger brother, you can’t do this, you should help them.”

When his mother was crying and begging, Song Dashan only felt that such a mother was too strange and coldhearted. But he still wanted to ask his mother: “Mother, don’t you know in your heart who should be responsible for this matter? Are you also forcing me to take responsibility for my Eldest Brother and Younger Brother? What about my difficulties? Who will help me?!”

Mother Song was stalled by Song Dashan’s words and couldn’t answer. At last, she could only cry and shook her head, “Dashan, Dashan Ah, mother knows you have a way, you must have a way, can you agree for mother please? please, can you please?”

Seeing Song Dashan standing indifferently and not speaking, Mother Song was cruel. She knelt down with Dashan.

“Dashan, Mother will beg to you. Mother will kneel down for you!”

Song Dashan’s heart jumped abruptly, and the blue veins on his head burst and his voice couldn’t be suppressed. Filled with anger: “Mother, what are you doing! Get up quickly!” He said to his mother.

Mother Song struggled and did not want him to stop her. “I won’t get up if you disagree. I won’t get up!”


Seeing the old lady who was kneeling, Song Dashan’s heart was strangely loose at this moment. It was as if it was taken off from his body completely. In such a way that nothing is restraining him anymore.

After a long while, Song Dashan said in a calm tone: “Get up, mother, I will take this responsibility.”

To bear this responsibility would be the last time; it would be treated as the previous grace for raising him. At this moment, his attachment to his mother is no longer there.

“Really, Dashan? You promised it!” Mother Song was overjoyed. Ignoring her tears, and immediately stood up from the ground to help Song Dashan.

“Dashan, mother knows you are a good boy, and you have been the most filial to Mother since childhood.”

Song Dashan no longer looked at any of them but looked at Li Mo with deep guilt in his eyes.

Wang Cuihua shouted from the side: “You have heard that too. My second brother said that he will bear the responsibility. Don’t trouble our house anymore. Ask Dashan for the money.” The last sentence was addressed to Lin Yong’s family.

Li Mo closed his eyes and sighed severely.

When the matter reached this point, she didn’t want to argue anymore, she could only recognize the loss, but while everyone was still there, she still had to make it clear.

Li Mo said to Mother Song, who was no longer crying: “Mother, you know who is responsible for this matter today. Since you want your second son to bear this responsibility, then we recognize it and treat it as filial piety for you, but our family, we really can’t afford to invite the eldest brother and the third brother to help, so you can go back. We don’t need your help here.”

This is just to tell them not to come again. Mother Song’s eyes widened in astonishment. “Yes, but…”

Mother Song was interrupted by Song Dazhu. He wiped his face and said helplessly. “Mother, since Dashan didn’t like us to help them, then forget it. Let’s go back.”

Seeing the Elder son said so. So, Mother Song glanced at Song Dashan eagerly and saw Song Dashan ignored her, and then went home with the family.

Seeing that the Song family were gone, the other villagers saw that there was no excitement to watch anymore, and they went home to work in succession, and soon they dispersed.

Li Mo didn’t go to see Song Dashan, who was standing there. She walked directly to Lin Yong’s family, “Auntie, sister-in-law, you should take Brother Lin Yong home first. This injury must be taken care of. We will pay the money for the medical treatment.” As she said that, she took out the last one and a half of silver in her arms and handed it to Lin Yong’s mother.

“This is one and a half taels of silver for his medical treatment, and the rest is compensation for the loss of Brother Lin Yong for not being able to work. Thank you, Brother Lin Yong, for coming to help build my house.”

Lin Yong’s Mother took a couple of silver and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn’t say anything. Although she knew in her heart that the money should not be given by Song Dashan’s family, if his family didn’t give it, no one would compensate them. They can’t count on the Song Family, and their family couldn’t pay for it using their own money, so they still have to accept it. She let the men at home carry Lin Yong home.

Watching the Lin family lift the person away, Li Mo looked down at the empty purse and sighed heavily.


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  1. Maybes has spoken 3 months ago

    he was trying to pick her up but she kept fighting him from being brought back up. so it was more of a struggle scene with his weak minded mother in front of everyone. it seemed it messed with his head because he did not want to give in but she is doing this. I think the Arthur did this so the fl will look more strong (makes sense she would have to showcase a bit of her no nonsense cuz she was a business lady), drama, and to give him something to grow from for story telling. a character growth. I wonder if the fl will have some kind of character growth too but seems like not. this chapter also frustrated me a lot. what also frustrated me too is that, yes, this guy is giving in, but u can see him struggling not too until he is hit with his mother at every turn. I would be pissed if fl just leaves him, u don’t make a commitment and leave so easily. she needs to encourage him and give him suggestions as a family would of coming up with ways to block them and have a true family separation. just duckin talk. if u don’t see results, then okay, leave. don’t just get mad three times and the decide to leave. .. I’m trying to think in both sides here.

  2. Son has spoken 4 months ago

    Dpmo. What bs. I hate this because it’s actually realistic but how can this be so when NO ONE invited them and NO ONE told that degenerate to attempt murder. Send his ass to JAIL. Does filial piety mean sucking people dry to the point of dessication?? How much more, huh? How much further can they go? This is strike THREE. I’d tell Li Mo to leave his ass if she could. Nice but without spine. And aren’t they living apart already?! What does he owe them?! Ooooh if I could— ooooh 🤛🏾

  3. Aikun has spoken 9 months ago

    I can’t wait until Dashan and Li Mo separate from that shameless family.
    Because first of all, the dynasty has a law. Pushing someone from a height can cause severe injuries and worse is death so it can be considered attempted murder so the yamen must be called. Have that bastard jailed so he could learn a lesson.

  4. Mai Lee has spoken 11 months ago

    You can’t argue with shameless people, you’ll never win because they’ll always be more shameless than you. I hope to god ML shapes up and grows a pair because by god my blood pressure skyrocketed in this chapter alone.

  5. Sword has spoken 1 year ago

    After a stressful day, I came to read this to relax, but now I’m soo mad that I’m crying 😭😭

  6. daedae has spoken 2 years ago

    okay, i dislike mls like this. reminds me of that fields of gold dad. i hope author will have him redeem himself bc damn i am dropping this if this keeps happening.

    • Are you serious? has spoken 7 months ago

      If you’re going to be ignorant about other countries and their cultural customs then yeah, don’t finish reading. Filial piety and saving face is incredibly important. Ofc he couldn’t let his mother grovel before him as they stood in front of so many other people. Don’t be dense.

      • Yingying has spoken 7 months ago

        Hello, I am from a country neighboring the one that this story is taking place in, and we have a very similar culture of filial piety, I’d even go as far to say that our filial piety would have been exactly the same during the era of this setting. I preface with this to say that this level of spinelessness in fear of the potential social prosecution is frustrating and hateful to me as well. The ML’s two brothers and sister-in-law stepped all over his mother in public literally in the same scene, and no one batted an eye even though they are CLEARLY the ones at fault; the ML could have simply hoisted his mother up and still put his foot down. This society calls for respecting the old and loving the young; respecting doesn’t mean giving in even if the demands are unreasonable, and his mother is obviously failing their social morals of ‘loving the young’ by trampling one son and grandchild in favor of others. Get lost with that high-minded ‘oh, you just don’t understand this other country’s culture’ nonsense. China is not some alien planet; suggesting that human beings over there are so just fundamentally different is just another form of racism.

    • Tamtambok has spoken 2 years ago

      Heck, yeah this really remind me of XiaoCaos Dad, I mean why don’t they just stand up, they would rather bend with this facking finial peity than protecting their wife and kids

    • Urdadiii has spoken 2 years ago

      Pisteee ka ywaaaaa🤬 ML omg omg omg I am so frustrated 😠


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