Transmigrated as the Movie Star’s Beloved Wife
Transmigrated as the Movie Star’s Beloved Wife Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Once the news came out, the netizens blew up before the official artists retweeted it.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【I can’t just ask with a question mark. I must ask what the show crew is doing. Li Yining, Jiang Yuan and Tong Ran are going to participate in a variety show and will be recording together. [!! ]

[Fvck, fvck, Shura field!! Isn’t this just doing things outright? 】

【As a melon-eating crowd, I don’t know why. I’m so excited now, and I’m suddenly eager for this show to be broadcast. I will definitely watch it. 】

【Li Yining, please let me go. Don’t always think about touching my brother! ! ! 】

【Fvck you, I can’t accept it! ! 】

【Li Yining get out of the show, okay?!! Now that you have a background, you think that you can do anything, right? 】

【Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】

【The program group is too much! ]

Li Yining just got the news that she and Jiang Yuan had been secretly photographed and sent to the Internet in less than a minute, and then saw the official announcement on weibo for a while. She really did not know how to describe her mood at the moment.

She looked at Song Jing, and raised her phone:”…… Sister Song, I was scolded really hard.”

Song Jing wrinkled her eyebrows. She also did not expect that “the inn’s” side would be so rubbish. She frowned and stood up: “I will go and make a phone call. Don’t care about those words first. “

Li Yining made a “hmm” sound: “I’ll brush up on Weibo first to see.”

Song Jing looked at her without any unhappy expression on her face and unexpectedly picked it up. She lowered her brows: “You can look, but don’t be sad.”


She looked down and swiped through Weibo, and when she saw what netizens said about her and Jiang Yuan’s eyes in those pictures, she couldn’t help but get angry.


They don’t know what adoration means, do they?

Li Yining had a cold face. She recognized all those who had “touched porcelain” before. After all, the original owner had indeed done something ridiculous, but today she doesn’t recognize it, and she doesn’t plan to recognize it.

Li Yining doesn’t have the kind of idea that people can just say what they want to say. Go on and slander me. Justice is in the hearts of the people. Over time, people will naturally know what kind of person I am.

Since it is false, why should she be scolded and not go to explain?

After thinking about it, Li Yining switched to her own homepage and just exploded in temper to send out that tweet.

@Li YiningV: If your eyes are useless, please donate them to people in need.

When this tweet came out, the netizens exploded even more.

But again, I don’t know if it is a water force or if they are really just simply passerby fans who can’t stand to look at it, so they have come out of nowhere to speak up for Li Yining.

[The two of them are not even close to each other, so where are the affection and adoration?]

[Wait, Li Yining is really tough! I don’t know why, but I like it!]

[What? You’re such a vicious woman. Aren’t you the one who took the initiative to touch our brother?]

[Hahahahahaha, I don’t know why, but I really like Li Yining like this. She is right, in just these two photos, how can you see her admiration for Jiang Yuan and Jiang Yuan’s dislike for her?]

[I want to say that fans of these little fresh meats are annoying. A little trivial thing is forced here as if your brother likes everyone. If you want to work without work, you need to look no-looking, and don’t know where the sense of superiority comes from., The road turned dark.]

[Doesn’t anyone want to comment on Li Yining’s dress? I really think it’s amazing. That leg is so beautiful!]

All of a sudden, the conversation deviates from the original topic.

Li Yining was satisfied and said what she wanted to say, and she didn’t care about the rest.

But on Jiang Yuan’s side, it was different, as several people were still in the same drama group.

Jiang Yuan and He Shengyuan went into the lounge to eat. As the male lead, there was a separate room for them to rest.

After getting the news, Jiang Yuan and his group’s faces became darker.

His agent’s face was sullen and he called someone directly: “What’s wrong with you guys? Why is Li Yining in this variety show?”

Jiang Yuan’s agent reprimanded, “Don’t you know the relationship between Li Yining and Jiang Yuan?”

They laughed and said, “It’s because they are aware of it, and that will make the show good. Who likes to watch a show if it’s bland? “

He soothed and said: “What’s more, the fee for Jiang Yuan is the highest except for Lin Yu and Qi Tao. You guys are not going to be uncooperative, right? If you really can’t accept it, just avoid the camera a little bit. “

He hung up the phone. Jiang Yuan looked at the angry agent: “What’s the situation?”

“They said they had signed a contract and wouldn’t change it.”

Jiang Yuan’s face was blue: “That’s it?”

The agent, at his wits’ end, sighed and said, “Actually, you and Li Yining seriously have a heat together.”

He paused and whispered, “What are you afraid of? Being on the show with her will only make the fans more heartbroken and concerned about you. It will be pleasing to look at, right? “

On the other hand, He Shengyuan, who was playing with his phone with his head down, heard this and his eyelids twitched slightly.

But soon, he sank back into his world.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yuan left the film set.

Li Yining didn’t even give him a look, sitting quietly on the side reading the script. Although she only had three scenes, she still wanted to do her best.

At this time, Director Lin also let the official blog send a message to inform.

The two of them met by chance. No one knew it in advance. Li Yining was an actress whose name had been decided early, and Jiang Yuan also happened to pass by, to see his good brother, He Shengyuan.

When the explanation came out, people were not very convinced, but at least fewer people called Li Yining a scheming b!tch.

This time, Li Yining was lounging in her chair reading the script when a person suddenly came over to her side.

She turned her head to look at the person. It was the female lead, Meng Le Qiao.

Meng Le Qiao was born to be in a web drama. She was always smiling and looking cute. The net rumor is that her personality was also quite easy to get along with.

The two looked at each other. Meng Leqiao handed Li Yining a cup of milk tea: “Do you want to drink milk tea?”

Li Yining froze. She was a little surprised: “Thank you.”

Meng Leqiao looked at her like this and whispered, “Why do I feel that you are not the same as the rumors?”

At that, Li Yining was happy.

She took a sip of milk tea. Her lips curved: “How is it different?”

Meng Leqiao pondered for a few seconds, then shook her head and said, “I don’t know how to say it, but it just feels different.”

She pointed and said, “I can see that you are not interested in Jiang Yuan.”

Li Yining listened but did not refute it.

The two of them sat quietly for a while, and then Director Lin called out from the side, “Come and shoot the scene.”


The two of them got up together. This is a scene in the drama where Li Yining will bully Meng Le Qiao.

The plot was a bit bloodthirsty. She would bully the female lead and then the male lead would see it and finally use his family’s power to drive her out of school.

When she saw this plot, Li Yining couldn’t help but ridicule it in her mind-how could this young lady be so useless? She had bullied someone once and was kicked out of school. It was too pitiful.

A few people entered the camera. Li Yining was still wearing her school uniform, with a small plaid shirt tied around her waist. She looks like a female school bully. She also leads a few little sisters behind her to block the heroine who is going home from school. At the entrance to the alley.

“Stand still.”

Li Yining’s eyebrows raised, looking at the lovely heroine in front of her.

Meng Leqiao’s footsteps stopped in tracks. She raised her eyes to look at her: “What do you want to do?”

Li Yining clicked her tongue twice and approached her, one hand cupped her chin, and examined her face: “You look quite lovely, but unfortunately-“

She hummed: “It’s a pity you shouldn’t like Jiang Huai.”

Meng Leqiao didn’t say anything.

She looked at Li Yining, who was close at hand, and at a certain moment when she touched it, she subconsciously forgot all the lines she was going to say.

She stared blankly at the beautiful face in front of her, a little lost in thought-Li Yining’s skin is too good, so white without makeup, and her eyes are so beautiful, like glazed pearls, and her eyelashes seem longer than her own.

The two of them stared at each other silently. Li Yining’s eyes were laughing sarcastically. She waited for Meng Leqiao to counterattack.

Five seconds later, the person did not respond.

Ten seconds later, she still did not.

Suddenly, Director Lin said “Cut” to pull the two back to their thoughts.

Director Lin looked at Meng Leqiao in anger: “Xiao Le, what’s wrong with you? You just forgot the words?”

Meng Leqiao was embarrassed and looked at Director Lin apologetically: “Sorry, I’m sorry, Director Lin, I just got lost in thought.”

Director Lin:”…”

He looked at Meng Leqiao’s embarrassed expression, then looked at Li Yining, and suddenly said, “You’re not looking at Li Yining and losing your mind, are you?”

Meng Leqiao:”… “

qwq Yes.

Looking at Meng Leqiao’s expression, Director Lin knew he had guessed it. He cried and laughed, waved his hand and said, “Li Yining, you restrain your charm, don’t take our crew’s cutie away.”

He was not angry and looked to one side of the staff: “Let’s start over.”

Li Yining:”… “


What do you mean by restraining my charm? Is this something she can control herself?

Pretty Li expressed her aggravation.

Soon, after waiting for Meng Leqiao to come back to her senses, the two performed very smoothly.

Director Lin: “Card, this one is over, the next one starts.”

The next scene is the scene where the male lead sees Li Yining bullying the female lead. He rushes over aggressively, clasps Li Yining’s wrist, slams the person out and walks in front of the female lead to protect her.

Director Lin talked to the three people to discuss the scene: “Xiao Le will hide behind Sheng Yuan later. Although Li Yining had to fall a bit, Sheng Yuan should pay attention to his strength and try his best to let Li Yining fall to the side of the mat. Don’t let her fall to the ground. “

The crew have protective measures and will not really purposely let the actors get injured.

He Shengyuan looked at it and nodded: “I know.”

Director Lin looked at Li Yining: “Your scene is good, but pay attention to the changes in your eyes.”


After saying that, they started to shoot the scene.

Director Lin sat in front of the monitor and looked at the person on the camera. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

When he saw the arrogant and capricious woman bullying the girl he liked, He Shengyuan was furious. He forcefully stepped forward, pulled Li Yining’s hand away and roared, “Su Yuan, what the hell do you want to do?”

Su Yuan, also known as Li Yining, froze, instantly reacted, and tried to grab He Shengyuan’s hand to explain, but before she could touch his clothes, He Shengyuan suddenly pushed hard, and under the eyes of everyone, Li Yining fell backwards and slammed to the ground.

Before she could react, she heard Director Lin’s angry roar: “What’s going on? Where are you pushing, He Shengyuan? “

Li Yining took a backward breath, and only then did she feel her tailbone throbbing with pain.

Fvck, she really fell to the ground.

notlucia: I feel like I won’t be able to update chapters frequently because I have other novels that I am currently translating. But it doesn’t mean I will be dropping this novel. I will still update, but not frequently. Maybe I could do one chapter a week. But if other translators would like to take this, it’s fine with me.

But as long as no one picked up this novel yet, I will continue translating this, so don’t worry.

Chapter 14

Once the news came out, the netizens blew up before the official artists retweeted it.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【I can’t just ask with a question mark. I must ask what the show crew is doing. Li Yining, Jiang Yuan and Tong Ran are going to participate in a variety show and will be recording together. [!! ]

[Fvck, fvck, Shura field!! Isn’t this just doing things outright? 】

【As a melon-eating crowd, I don’t know why. I’m so excited now, and I’m suddenly eager for this show to be broadcast. I will definitely watch it. 】

【Li Yining, please let me go. Don’t always think about touching my brother! ! ! 】

【Fvck you, I can’t accept it! ! 】

【Li Yining get out of the show, okay?!! Now that you have a background, you think that you can do anything, right? 】

【Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】

【The program group is too much! ]

Li Yining just got the news that she and Jiang Yuan had been secretly photographed and sent to the Internet in less than a minute, and then saw the official announcement on weibo for a while. She really did not know how to describe her mood at the moment.

She looked at Song Jing, and raised her phone:”…… Sister Song, I was scolded really hard.”

Song Jing wrinkled her eyebrows. She also did not expect that “the inn’s” side would be so rubbish. She frowned and stood up: “I will go and make a phone call. Don’t care about those words first. “

Li Yining made a “hmm” sound: “I’ll brush up on Weibo first to see.”

Song Jing looked at her without any unhappy expression on her face and unexpectedly picked it up. She lowered her brows: “You can look, but don’t be sad.”


She looked down and swiped through Weibo, and when she saw what netizens said about her and Jiang Yuan’s eyes in those pictures, she couldn’t help but get angry.


They don’t know what adoration means, do they?

Li Yining had a cold face. She recognized all those who had “touched porcelain” before. After all, the original owner had indeed done something ridiculous, but today she doesn’t recognize it, and she doesn’t plan to recognize it.

Li Yining doesn’t have the kind of idea that people can just say what they want to say. Go on and slander me. Justice is in the hearts of the people. Over time, people will naturally know what kind of person I am.

Since it is false, why should she be scolded and not go to explain?

After thinking about it, Li Yining switched to her own homepage and just exploded in temper to send out that tweet.

@Li YiningV: If your eyes are useless, please donate them to people in need.

When this tweet came out, the netizens exploded even more.

But again, I don’t know if it is a water force or if they are really just simply passerby fans who can’t stand to look at it, so they have come out of nowhere to speak up for Li Yining.

[The two of them are not even close to each other, so where are the affection and adoration?]

[Wait, Li Yining is really tough! I don’t know why, but I like it!]

[What? You’re such a vicious woman. Aren’t you the one who took the initiative to touch our brother?]

[Hahahahahaha, I don’t know why, but I really like Li Yining like this. She is right, in just these two photos, how can you see her admiration for Jiang Yuan and Jiang Yuan’s dislike for her?]

[I want to say that fans of these little fresh meats are annoying. A little trivial thing is forced here as if your brother likes everyone. If you want to work without work, you need to look no-looking, and don’t know where the sense of superiority comes from., The road turned dark.]

[Doesn’t anyone want to comment on Li Yining’s dress? I really think it’s amazing. That leg is so beautiful!]

All of a sudden, the conversation deviates from the original topic.

Li Yining was satisfied and said what she wanted to say, and she didn’t care about the rest.

But on Jiang Yuan’s side, it was different, as several people were still in the same drama group.

Jiang Yuan and He Shengyuan went into the lounge to eat. As the male lead, there was a separate room for them to rest.

After getting the news, Jiang Yuan and his group’s faces became darker.

His agent’s face was sullen and he called someone directly: “What’s wrong with you guys? Why is Li Yining in this variety show?”

Jiang Yuan’s agent reprimanded, “Don’t you know the relationship between Li Yining and Jiang Yuan?”

They laughed and said, “It’s because they are aware of it, and that will make the show good. Who likes to watch a show if it’s bland? “

He soothed and said: “What’s more, the fee for Jiang Yuan is the highest except for Lin Yu and Qi Tao. You guys are not going to be uncooperative, right? If you really can’t accept it, just avoid the camera a little bit. “

He hung up the phone. Jiang Yuan looked at the angry agent: “What’s the situation?”

“They said they had signed a contract and wouldn’t change it.”

Jiang Yuan’s face was blue: “That’s it?”

The agent, at his wits’ end, sighed and said, “Actually, you and Li Yining seriously have a heat together.”

He paused and whispered, “What are you afraid of? Being on the show with her will only make the fans more heartbroken and concerned about you. It will be pleasing to look at, right? “

On the other hand, He Shengyuan, who was playing with his phone with his head down, heard this and his eyelids twitched slightly.

But soon, he sank back into his world.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yuan left the film set.

Li Yining didn’t even give him a look, sitting quietly on the side reading the script. Although she only had three scenes, she still wanted to do her best.

At this time, Director Lin also let the official blog send a message to inform.

The two of them met by chance. No one knew it in advance. Li Yining was an actress whose name had been decided early, and Jiang Yuan also happened to pass by, to see his good brother, He Shengyuan.

When the explanation came out, people were not very convinced, but at least fewer people called Li Yining a scheming b!tch.

This time, Li Yining was lounging in her chair reading the script when a person suddenly came over to her side.

She turned her head to look at the person. It was the female lead, Meng Le Qiao.

Meng Le Qiao was born to be in a web drama. She was always smiling and looking cute. The net rumor is that her personality was also quite easy to get along with.

The two looked at each other. Meng Leqiao handed Li Yining a cup of milk tea: “Do you want to drink milk tea?”

Li Yining froze. She was a little surprised: “Thank you.”

Meng Leqiao looked at her like this and whispered, “Why do I feel that you are not the same as the rumors?”

At that, Li Yining was happy.

She took a sip of milk tea. Her lips curved: “How is it different?”

Meng Leqiao pondered for a few seconds, then shook her head and said, “I don’t know how to say it, but it just feels different.”

She pointed and said, “I can see that you are not interested in Jiang Yuan.”

Li Yining listened but did not refute it.

The two of them sat quietly for a while, and then Director Lin called out from the side, “Come and shoot the scene.”


The two of them got up together. This is a scene in the drama where Li Yining will bully Meng Le Qiao.

The plot was a bit bloodthirsty. She would bully the female lead and then the male lead would see it and finally use his family’s power to drive her out of school.

When she saw this plot, Li Yining couldn’t help but ridicule it in her mind-how could this young lady be so useless? She had bullied someone once and was kicked out of school. It was too pitiful.

A few people entered the camera. Li Yining was still wearing her school uniform, with a small plaid shirt tied around her waist. She looks like a female school bully. She also leads a few little sisters behind her to block the heroine who is going home from school. At the entrance to the alley.

“Stand still.”

Li Yining’s eyebrows raised, looking at the lovely heroine in front of her.

Meng Leqiao’s footsteps stopped in tracks. She raised her eyes to look at her: “What do you want to do?”

Li Yining clicked her tongue twice and approached her, one hand cupped her chin, and examined her face: “You look quite lovely, but unfortunately-“

She hummed: “It’s a pity you shouldn’t like Jiang Huai.”

Meng Leqiao didn’t say anything.

She looked at Li Yining, who was close at hand, and at a certain moment when she touched it, she subconsciously forgot all the lines she was going to say.

She stared blankly at the beautiful face in front of her, a little lost in thought-Li Yining’s skin is too good, so white without makeup, and her eyes are so beautiful, like glazed pearls, and her eyelashes seem longer than her own.

The two of them stared at each other silently. Li Yining’s eyes were laughing sarcastically. She waited for Meng Leqiao to counterattack.

Five seconds later, the person did not respond.

Ten seconds later, she still did not.

Suddenly, Director Lin said “Cut” to pull the two back to their thoughts.

Director Lin looked at Meng Leqiao in anger: “Xiao Le, what’s wrong with you? You just forgot the words?”

Meng Leqiao was embarrassed and looked at Director Lin apologetically: “Sorry, I’m sorry, Director Lin, I just got lost in thought.”

Director Lin:”…”

He looked at Meng Leqiao’s embarrassed expression, then looked at Li Yining, and suddenly said, “You’re not looking at Li Yining and losing your mind, are you?”

Meng Leqiao:”… “

qwq Yes.

Looking at Meng Leqiao’s expression, Director Lin knew he had guessed it. He cried and laughed, waved his hand and said, “Li Yining, you restrain your charm, don’t take our crew’s cutie away.”

He was not angry and looked to one side of the staff: “Let’s start over.”

Li Yining:”… “


What do you mean by restraining my charm? Is this something she can control herself?

Pretty Li expressed her aggravation.

Soon, after waiting for Meng Leqiao to come back to her senses, the two performed very smoothly.

Director Lin: “Card, this one is over, the next one starts.”

The next scene is the scene where the male lead sees Li Yining bullying the female lead. He rushes over aggressively, clasps Li Yining’s wrist, slams the person out and walks in front of the female lead to protect her.

Director Lin talked to the three people to discuss the scene: “Xiao Le will hide behind Sheng Yuan later. Although Li Yining had to fall a bit, Sheng Yuan should pay attention to his strength and try his best to let Li Yining fall to the side of the mat. Don’t let her fall to the ground. “

The crew have protective measures and will not really purposely let the actors get injured.

He Shengyuan looked at it and nodded: “I know.”

Director Lin looked at Li Yining: “Your scene is good, but pay attention to the changes in your eyes.”


After saying that, they started to shoot the scene.

Director Lin sat in front of the monitor and looked at the person on the camera. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

When he saw the arrogant and capricious woman bullying the girl he liked, He Shengyuan was furious. He forcefully stepped forward, pulled Li Yining’s hand away and roared, “Su Yuan, what the hell do you want to do?”

Su Yuan, also known as Li Yining, froze, instantly reacted, and tried to grab He Shengyuan’s hand to explain, but before she could touch his clothes, He Shengyuan suddenly pushed hard, and under the eyes of everyone, Li Yining fell backwards and slammed to the ground.

Before she could react, she heard Director Lin’s angry roar: “What’s going on? Where are you pushing, He Shengyuan? “

Li Yining took a backward breath, and only then did she feel her tailbone throbbing with pain.

Fvck, she really fell to the ground.


( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Hi~ If you like my translation, please consider buying me a🧋~ Thank youuu (❁´◡`❁) P.S You can also read advance chapters on my Patreon!

  1. Anan has spoken 3 years ago

    Hmmm…. Translator-daren.. there are no chp 13… After chp 12 it jump to chp 14… You’re missing chp 13…

    • notlucia has spoken 3 years ago

      Thank you so much for informing me. I wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t tell me. ಥ_ಥ i posted chapter 13 just now! Again, thank you la~ ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)


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